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why does my cat allways pee on things around the house like...

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Question by chris
Submitted on 12/27/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.cats: Basic Health Care FAQ
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why does my cat allways pee on things around the house like (mats,clothes or other things)when i have a cats tray for it to use?

Answer by kitty
Submitted on 5/8/2004
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because it wants to mark its teritory


Answer by dellah
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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A cat marking territory usually backs up to vertical surfaces, lifts his (or her) tail, and sprays. It's sort of like people who write on restroom walls and other places. Training is very difficult and punishment is probably a waste of time. Neutering at an early age helps to prevent this behavior.

Some cats also seem to pee on things to let you know something is wrong. Bladder infections, bladder stones, diabetes, and a particularly frustrating disease called "idiopathic cystitis" are the most likely things your cat may try to tell you about.

A urinalysis should be done first. It is simple to collect some urine and the test is not very expensive. White blood cells and bacteria signify a bladder infection, and a bacterial culture should be done to select the best antibiotic. Sugar in the urine means further tests should be done for diabetes. Blood, crystals, or recurring bladder infections raise suspicion of bladder stones, and X-rays should be taken. Cats can also get cancer in the bladder.

If all these things are ruled out the most likely diagnosis is idiopathic cystitis. "Idiopathic" means there is no known cause, and "cystitis" is inflammation of the bladder. The disease may come and go for no apparent reason. Some cats get it once and never again, and some hardly ever get over it.


Answer by Aurora
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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Your cat might be upset with something in it's life. Moving homes or rearranging your home could upset kitty. Also, Some cats, like mine are very picky about a "clean as a whistle" litter pan. To this day, I still have trouble with my cat. There isn't much I can do, She's been fixed, her litter is cleaned twice a day and she still manages to find a blanket or a pile of clothing... Take time to watch your kitty. Maybe just spending time with them will help your problem. Good Luck.


Answer by frustrated
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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maybe hes getting old? I have a cat whom we have had for 12 years now and w have always had other cats but recently he has started peeing on things around the house. not sure why except that maybe he is just old and to dang lazy to go outside where he has gone for the past 12 years.


Answer by vicky
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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my cat just peed in my mom's suit case, and on my bed...how do i make her stop before my mommy gives her away?!?


Answer by Lopa
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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Because you're not using spellcheck


Answer by Liz
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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Hi, My cat does the same thing. But i dont think its marking its teritory. Last time she started this up she has a urinary tract infection. She moved slowly on the ground, and pee'deverywhere. But now shes just peeing.


Answer by The cat slayer
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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Because cats are nasty and will pee where ever they want


Answer by Patty
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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Sometimes if they have a uranary tract infection they will pee-pee outside the box bacause they associate the litter box with the pain of urianation.


Answer by tony
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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it is dumb


Answer by leigh
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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Answer by Tim
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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Because it has a urinary tract infection


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