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I was told that you where able to run around as zack in ff7...

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Question by Nanaki
Submitted on 7/17/2003
Related FAQ: alt.games.final-fantasy FAQ (Part 1 of 3)
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I was told that you where able to run around as zack in ff7 and that you where able to catch aries gost is all this true if so how do you become zack and how do you catch the ghost of aries

Answer by Marble
Submitted on 7/29/2003
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Neither rumor is true...sort of.  First, the ghost: you can sometimes, for a split second, see Aeris'sghost in the church in the slums in Midgar.  She's still taking care of her flowers, it seems.  There's no way to catch her, though, unless what you meant by "catch" is just to see her, as in "I'm going to catch that T.V. show later."

As for running around as Zack, this is a bit of a spoiler, so if you aren't this far in the game yet you might not want to read beyond this sentence.  There is no way to play as the character Zack -- that is, he isn't some sort of secret character.  However, in a way you have been running around as him for the whole game; Cloud has been emulating Zack for a while now.  You'll find out more about this as the game progresses.  So, in a Cloud-thinks-he-is-the-guy-Zack-actually-is sort of way, you have been playing as Zack already.  Confused yet?  Keep playing -- that's about the least confusing part of Cloud's story.


Answer by vincent
Submitted on 9/22/2003
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my name is vincent and through my long and endless sleep i have been thinking of a man named zack. While in this dark sleep i have been dreaming of how to obtain zack on ff7. Wonce awoke i went straight to my ps1 and started trying to get zack. After about two weeks my faith in zack being a secret character was nearly gon but then i discovered this..... Beat ruby and emerald weapon and make sure you have not traded the items with the the old git in kalm. this does not include the guide book. Now go to the reactor in gongoga and use the earth harp. Now a quick cinimatic will show and the reactor will be fully restored. now just go to zacks parents house and zack will be there. ps tiffa must be in your party. He is level 92 and has the same limit level as cloud. His sword is called the buster sword. ring a bell. This has the same caharacteristics as the ultima weapon.


Answer by kick
Submitted on 9/23/2003
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Answer by ben
Submitted on 11/1/2003
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help me vincent anotherway to get Zack.


Answer by Storm Strife
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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how do u "use" the earth harp?


Answer by Gewra
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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How come there's not a single screenshot at the entire web if what u say is true?


Submitted on 1/20/2004
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Answer by FF7 MastA
Submitted on 1/22/2004
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yo dis b FF7 MastA and im her to tell yall dat u cant get mutha fukin ZACK so stop lying people cuz u guyz are dumb! the only secret character that ive got is RYU from breath of fire series and he is mutha fukin way better that anyone in the whole final fantasy series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BIACTHES


Answer by Jëñôvå þ®Øjèç† ºº²
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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Zack, cannot be obtained as a secret character. FACT. now, run along and make up some more fake 'facts'.

There is however, a way to see Zack, go to the Shin-Ra Mansion basement at any time during Disc 3


Answer by Young Samauri
Submitted on 1/29/2004
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I am glad to see the obsession with Aries or Arrtith is over. Zack is probably a myth too.


Answer by WISEONE
Submitted on 1/30/2004
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I Really dont know why you guys think you can get zack. There is a way to see him but it is just that. I have herd so many thing on how to get zack and if there is more than one way to get him you cant. If you lieing dirt bags keep it up were gona here way to get barrets freind back or get sepheroth to be nice and kick his own ass at the end.


Answer by Zero
Submitted on 2/3/2004
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Why do people bother making up such crap?! It wastes every1's time. Does it make you feel smart or something you losers? Go get some serious advice, and prove you don't have 2 lie to get attention.


Answer by Zack Of Gongaga
Submitted on 2/5/2004
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As far as I know the only 'secret' players you can obtain are Yuffie and Vincent. But there is a character who appears in the game for about 3 minutes who is fairly unknown. Before you accuse me of lying the reason its not on the web much already is because nobody will believe me.

Varnok is Zack. When Zack and Cloud escape from Nibleheim and Zack gets killed Cloud goes and starts the game, you already know that. But Zack isn't dead. The Shinra carry him back off to Nibleheim and put him in a capsule in the reactor. He turns into a monster much like the one seen in the FMV on disc 1 on Cloud's flashback, when the monster gets out of the capsule at the Nibleheim reactor.
This is how you see the secret stuff:
Go all the way to the Nibelheim reactor. Go in and nothing will happen. You can examine the capsules all you want, but it wont work. But when you go back to the Shinra Mansion you go into Vincent's 'chamber' or 'room' and there's a book in the middle of the floor. SPOILER
The book has some stuff about how Zack was put into the capsule for an experiment. Then, when you go back to the reactor, Zack will come out and...
Do it yourself to find out


Answer by da man of coolness
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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Secret Characters:
Well when Aries(Arith) dies there is always an empty slot. So I guess that out there, there is a secret character.


Hojo is Gast
Cloud is Zack
Evil Sephiroth is Good Sephiroth
Now, here is were it gets weird. Vincent kinda, yaknow, did it with Luciria, So Vincent is Sephiroths Dad!!!
This all becomes clear in disc 3


Answer by gamegodess
Submitted on 2/13/2004
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yo Zack of Gongaga, wut happens when zak comes out of the capsule? i'm only askin cause i seen every cheat to find Zack and none of them work.. so prove yours does.. wut happens when he comes out?


Answer by jon pier
Submitted on 2/16/2004
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hey i heard u can play as the almighty sephiroth im not sure if ya can i heard it has sumut 2 do wit the toy soliders u can get is this true some1 help plzzzzz


Answer by Mr Satan
Submitted on 2/21/2004
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If this capsule thing is tru then who is the sick man in the pipe near Aeris home?
When you try to talk to him first time Aeris notices that he have an "2" tatto on his arm.
My guess about this zack thing is that you have to cure him and when you have he will recognize Cloud and then maybe join you!

this is just my thoughts and not proven to be true.

i guess if you can cure him it should be one of the medicin you can get in sector "7" (i think it was 7..) near Don's house. you know were Tifa is kidnapped to be Don's whife.
try this and tell me if it works =)


Answer by miss ladypeopls
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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hey MR satan  u might be right i herd that if  u cure the man in the pipe then do sum other stuff u can get Zack (not tested) though it would make more senec if curing the man in th pipe was part of a side quest that got taken out  because its ovious that THERE IS NO WAY TO GET ZACK!!!


Answer by sepharath (stef-a-rath)
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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are you all mad Zack is dead Aeris is dead get over it. your all mad.

you can try and try but it will not work.         I REPEAT IT WELL NOT WORK!!!!!!


Answer by ?????????????
Submitted on 3/27/2004
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ill try all of this stuff cuz u know i aint got a life xcept healing the guy by arises house im to damn far in the game for that.... well ill go and see


Answer by ?????????????
Submitted on 3/27/2004
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hmmmm iv tried i wasn't able to see any thing on mt.NIBELHIM but idk sounds kinda convincing however.... also I'm having a bit of trouble wit that GOD DAMN RUBY WPN. KOTR mastered 3 MASTERED mimes and the knowledge of everything that has to do wit ff games and i still cant win god damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by bren the bringer of truth
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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u cannot get zack it is a lie he is dead u cannot play as him all the cheats are lies dont listen to them


Answer by Lestat
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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Answer by ZackwannabecalledZac
Submitted on 4/4/2004
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If you have the curse ring in FF7 you probably know that it dramaticly increases its wearers status points,However it also casts doom with a 60 sec timer on the wearer. To escape the effects of the ring and still get the bonus status points simply equip added effect linked with destruct materia in the wearers armor.this will make  the wearer imune to instant death attacks including the curse ring effect. this is proven but i am not sure at this time if it always works. I also do not know if destruct materia must be leveled at all or not. but it well worth it,well at least for me it is. Good luck everyone.


Answer by RPG Donkey
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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Wait, if you really want to see if Zack is in the game as a playable character, somehow open the game sprites or battle sprites to see if Zack is there. If he isn't, then you know he's not really a playable character.

And Aeris(th) was going to be revived originally, but the game designers decided not to for dramatic effect, and NO VERSION was released with the possibility of her being revived. The only proof I have of my theory is that if you use gameshark to put her back into your party, she says unique things that no other character says at those times. My guess, is that the programmers forgot or got lazy and left them in.


Answer by RPG Donkey
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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This explains my Aeris point:



Answer by RPG Donkey
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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Umm, sorry about the TrIpPlE PoSt, but I have one more thing to say.

The underwater materia was originally for Aeris(th)'s revival. In the Japenese game, the materia was diasbled, but in the American game, they were able to find a use for it. One of the Weapons in the american game is underwater, and you have a time limit, so instead or disabling it, they made it look like it was for something else.


Answer by Verchiesoft
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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RPG Donkey - ur a genius!!! Open the game sprites - thats what i did with the Aisia Pasific PC version. I had a long good hard look in there and yes - there is the Zack sprite when you see him in the basement, but, I could not find him as a playable character. Also, to those of you who think there are multiple endings, there arnt. There is only ONE ending FMV. I hope this post has cleared up a few issuses here. :)


Answer by mrbigleegchu
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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ok, ive found a way to get zack... but it is very complex... first you must visit cosmo canyon in the first disc and talk to the old man... then do the sequence with the blacksmith and pick the big box... after that you visit the nibelheim mountain reactor... there you will see a brief flash of zacks body that you had seen in the flash back... now continue to progress in the game until the golden saucer closes... when it reopens, go to the battle arena... instead of the last fight, you fight zack... If you beat him, he runs off to juneau where you have a chase sequence (much like yuffi'sin wutai)  when you catch him he disapears and a save point appears...SAVE IN A NEW SLOT. turn off your game... now is the hard part...

you must take a dump in your hand and then eat it... when u turn the game back on, it will ask u to name zack and u can play as him!!!!!!!!



Answer by RPG Donkey
Submitted on 4/23/2004
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Verchiesoft, what did you use to view the sprites?


Answer by Wimpreaper
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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I know that these posts must be ancient by now but I am also an ancient FF7 player. I have heard a load of crap about getting Zack on the net but a friend of mine sent me an email with something he found.
I cant remember all of it but the beginning is when you have aeris and Tifa keep them in your party at all times. When in Gongaga for the first time go to Zack's parents house. Both Tifa and Aeris start talking to the parents about Zack. They will then both leave. Follow them and talk to Aeris ONLY. After that leave Gongaga and go to the reactor. You will hear a noise and it will cave in (except in my version Scarlet comes and interupts it to inspect the reactor???). When you have done this you need to level Aeris up to using her final limit (to level up her limits kill enemies with her). You also need to go to the golden Saucer and go on the speed square to get the masamune blade, as many 1/35 soldiers as you can (there should be 12) and theres one other item I can't remember the name of.
That's about all I can remember so sorry folks!!! There's probably something on the net about it though and if you do check out the whole Zack's parents thing you will see that it does work.


Answer by Borysko
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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I am ticked I want to make chocobos but I try to put them in my stable but they never GO in even if I press O what am I doing wrong? I rented the stables and everything!


Answer by Lord Sephiroth
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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1. Have you changed the controller settings.
2. Is your game a copy.
3. Is the game damaged.


Answer by Lil Cloud pimpman
Submitted on 8/10/2004
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can some one help me find out how to divide and make 3 mime materias easier?... and i heard a lot of S**T about gettin zack and what happens when u go to the reactor???.... thought so.


Answer by shadow_of_deth
Submitted on 8/12/2004
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ohk ohk ohk now here are some rumors and cheats that i want to clear up u canot i repeat you canot get zack no way in hell, heaven or earth i no it seems stupid because he cant last a few bullets after being injected wit jenova cells but thats life sephiroth there is only one way to get him i sware on my life it works but tha catch is you need a game shark i recomend www.blade.cc if u live in australia ur in luk they have a shop here ne ways back to tha cheat wen i saw it i was like yeh bull its soo small but wow it worked 365D1DFE5964 i sware it works and aries shed ded ded ded ded ded get ova her unless u have a game shark 365D1DFE595B and like that dude sed there is 1 ending and 1 only i have a game shark that plugs into the ps2 and i can c everything on tha cd so yeh i hope every ones happy and yeh l8er


Answer by Ultima_Sephiroth
Submitted on 8/25/2004
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I'm not too sure on this, but I was playing FF7 on my PC this one day, and my sister's boyfriend came by and we started talking about the game. I knew he beat the game and everything, so I asked him, was there a way to get Zack? He answered he heard something about it, but you need the Masamune. (Seph'ssword, could be won at the <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=Gold&v=56">Gold</a> Saucer). And behind a door somewhere, Zack was there, and you needed the Masamune to knock the door down.


Answer by sephcloud
Submitted on 10/16/2004
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collect all toy soldiers to play as sephiroth but u can't do the final fight wiv him


Answer by Harris Valdez
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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In the end of the game it says something about 500 years with Red XII running with two cubs, how is this posible when there is no species in the game like him? Also when the movie takes place in 2 years could this mean that the 500 years thingy was the end of the movie sequence? Also when Zack was injected with the cells of Jenova he did probley come back, but was not the man in Areis town that was probley the man name Gast or someone else not really sure but it my opion.

Do you get what I mean?


Answer by I am Zach...not Zack, but Zach, only not as good!
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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Yeah, the thing about collecting the toy soldiers to get Sephiroth is a lie, anything that you've heard on how to get Zack is a lie, but hey, if you don't believe me, then do what these people told you to do.


Answer by ellis
Submitted on 11/23/2004
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ohhh c'monu cant deafeat ruby....stupid asss


Answer by Rich = zack
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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Checking this now, Zack of Gongaga. If you're wrong I will bring hell to your doorstep.



Answer by Abigor Baltizo
Submitted on 12/3/2004
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before you guys try to be all "OMFG YOU JUST GOT THE GAME STFU N00B!"....I'll have you all know, YES there is a way to get Sephiroth, NO it's nothing you can do in the game....you use Gameshark, and yes there's a bunch of pictures where Sephiroth and Cloud switch roles, it's a gameshark code, I don't know the game shark code cause I don't got gameshark.  but if there's a code to play as Sephiroth, then there's probably a code to play as Zach.  but then again, for some odd reason there are Kid Sephiroth sprites when you use the Gameshark code, maybe Square predicted this would happen?


Answer by guesswho...
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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ANY1 know an easy way to beat the ruby weapon? what was your strategy? this is what i did. after i crushed emerald in 16 minutes (i didn't want to get the underwater materia 'cause i'mlazy), i crushed ruby, too, in even less time.  what i did was, with a L83 cloud, L81 barret, and L79 tifa, after killing tifa and barret (my main party members), i attacked ruby.  i did a W-summon Hades and then a Phoenix, paralyzing ruby, and reviving my party.  then, i w-summoned KotR (linked with an HP restore materia), and mimed it with everyone. eventually, ruby moved again, and cast ultima, so i w-summoned hades and KotR.  i beat him after 9 KotR summons, in about 15 minutes.  any1 know an easier way? my file got deleted, and i wanted to know if i could do it quicker with weaker party members (don't want to spend time mugging elixirs from Master Tonberries and killing Magic Pots).


Answer by dedftr
Submitted on 1/2/2005
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What r game sprites?


Answer by screwer
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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there is a way to get zack you all are wrong you no when u get the sub and go under water u no that hole in the ground well zack is down there u have to mate chocobo's and it takes forever to do.  Takes months you have to get the silver chocobo and go down the hole.  


Answer by TJWHS
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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1st, in Midgar, you must answer Every question Correctly!! It must be done in a certain way. Now , before starting the Kalm flashback , if you answered correclty, you will say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated . After the flahback , Cloud Tifa and Aeris stay in the inn , and Tifa mentions something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar . Now continue the game as usual . At the Temple of the Ancients , you'll find Zack killed by Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd Cd. Go to the Gongaga reactor, and bring a super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade(both Gold Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes) and use the sweeper on the reactor . It will explode, and then use the Blade. You colapse and find yourself hearing Aeris's voice, then you wake up , and find yourself next to Zack . You talk for a while and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater . Then he is able to join your party , and startes at level 77 . THIS IS FROM SOMEONE ELSE PAGE I FOUND THIS GUY FOUND HIM I HAVE BEEN TRYING FOR A WHILE ALMOST HAD IT


Answer by rufus_shinra
Submitted on 1/15/2005
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There are multi endings for the game, my bro has done it and i'veseen them. And Vincent is correct....i think. But there are multi endings for the game FF7


Answer by rufus_shinra
Submitted on 1/15/2005
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There are multi endings for the game, my bro has done it and i'veseen them. And Vincent is correct....i think. But there are multi endings for the game FF7


Answer by rufus_shinra
Submitted on 1/15/2005
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I have been told yu can play as zack, is it tru?


Answer by rufus_shinra
Submitted on 1/15/2005
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I have been told yu can play as zack, is it tru?


Answer by Lunar
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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hrmm you people who say you can get Zack as a playable character are sad and need a life.  The same with all you Aeris revival people.  To revive Aeris would ruin the story line and to have Zack as a playable character would just be stupid.  Why make a character that oviously died a playable character.  finally the Sephiroth people.  Why would you want to have sephiroth in your party?  Cloud eventualy defeats in the one and only ending FMV!


Answer by Cross666
Submitted on 1/29/2005
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I feel bad for the poor shmucks who fall for tehs petty lies  the real secrets are

the vincent secret's

the aries death (non changable)

and teh grand pappy of them all the foretelling of final fantasy ac

aries has multiple outcomes with cloud but only 1 ending her death such is a story but it doesn't change

oh yea advent children theres like a gagillion hints to it in ff7 like the kids who giggle at the very end  and the aries hand ending sequence and even denzel is in ff7 find him hes ont important but he looks like the one in ac


Answer by Dude
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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Ur all stupid dumbasses!!!!

I repeat stupid Dumbasses!!!!


Answer by could strife of nimblmin
Submitted on 2/7/2005
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i need zack all of your your crap is confusing me which one is true aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Anthony
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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Answer by FF7 Smart Guy
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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Well, it is possible to see Zack again FOR FACT!  I dont know bout as a playable char but if you type in "FF7 Zack" or "FFVII Zack" without the quotes on google image search, there will be a scene in the gameroom of the gold saucer of Zack and Cloud but the link was messed up so all I could see was a little but, but it WAS Cloud and Zack at the fighting mini-game.  I checked again to make sure.


Answer by Turbo
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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Hey i got a question for ya..I rpicked up 7 a moth ago after not playing for 5 years when i got to Shepheroths (i know i probably spelled it wrong but i dont care) 2nd stage (after jenova) i had to battle it 2 different ways, the first time i battled it with my group of Cloud, Berret and Tiffa the sacond it made me choose 2 groups and placed them on each side (i barly won because one of my groups didt have anything equiped) why was this?? the only thing i did different from the first time through was that i went up insted of down at the 2nd fork, is this why??


Answer by Zack2
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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Ok, Ive read this and I'm gonna clear everything up.

Zack is dead. He gets shot w/ two machine guns in the head by Shenra soldiers. To see this, go 2 the Shenra Basement after Cloud "finds himself" (anytime during disk 3). So there's no was to get him!

What Da Man of coolness says about Hojo and the others is wrong. Hojo is Sephiroth'sdad, and Hojo isnt Gast, Gast was his superior.

The man with the "2" on his arm was a man infected with Jenova cells. That's why when you go back to Midgar in disk 3 after the "reunion", the guy outside his house says he was saying stuff about a reunion.

The only game w/ Zack as a playable character     is Ehrgeiz, which is a fighting game for PS1.  

It would be cool to play as him in FF7 though.

If anyone else has questions, post them.


Answer by eambo
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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there is a way to get zack AND aeris(th) with the gameshark, but it is really awkward. i'vegot aeris(th) before with it but never tested the Zack one...


Answer by soldier boy 1
Submitted on 4/10/2005
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please listen to me please just play the game its fun most of you are taking this game way too serious it was made to be fun not something to quarrel over if you can get zach then yay ill have him soon if u cant oh well if u can trade seperoth for vincent yay hes the man but for the love of the game just play it and be happy you all take this game way too serious just have fun and play....    name of the game   just play                                            >^^> play <^^<


Answer by Mako-boy-julian
Submitted on 4/12/2005
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I have Read Over about 350 opinions about Zack, Aeries, and sepiroth just today. I have came to this conclusion:

In the Game Final Fantasy VII-PS1 or PC, Zack, Aries, and sephiroth are unable to used as playable characters, UNLESS YOU RESORT TO USING A GAMESHARK..

1.Sephiroth is able to be used Via Gameshark.

2.Aries Is able to used Via Gameshark without fail.

3.Zack is a part of the story, and is an unplayable character
( Unless You have a Mod to change clouds apearence to look like Zack )

Just so you know...I have been there/Done that in pretty much ever corner of FINAL FANTASY VII before...But now ive Started again to gain a different View on the plot.

This concludes my Say/Opinion/Post...Whatever it is to you.




Answer by jd the gamer
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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i have no life and i am willing to check and prove or disprove if you can get zack. List any and all ways that you heard and i will take the time and check.


Answer by these rumors suck
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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W T F. All these godamn rumors are crap in the toilet!! I swear none of them are true. NONE. USE THE PROGRAM COSMO AND THERE IS NO GODAMN PLAYABLE CHARACTER FOR ZACK. YOU CANT GET HIM. PERIOD.


Answer by Mukou
Submitted on 5/7/2005
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Aeries Answer:
She is dead. D-E-A-D. There may well have been ways to revive her. I also, (using a walk-thru-walls gameshark cheat), 'cheated' my way past Mr Fish. When I got to the place where Aeries was killed, it played her calm, church like theme (other than that disturbing city of ancients music). There is also a cave that was blocked off, and could never be entered. So once upon a time she MAY have been playable, but it was cut out. Face it.

Zack Answer:
The guy in the pipe in the slums we can make an logical guess that he is Zack. However, I tried using medicine, and nothing happened. This man, who may be Zack, disapears later in the game.

Boxer (Another Stupid Rumour):
I thought I would add this, since people think you can play as a 'goblin'. Rumour sais that if you fight for ages on Goblin Island, you will encounter Boxer, similar to how you came accross Yuffie. I fought ages there, trying to get Chocobo Nuts, and I never once found Boxer. This is not to say he doesn't exist, but I have not yet seen proof, so as far as I am concerned, Boxer is a load of bull!

Now, here is a question to ask. Is there a way to open the chest in Kalm that is locked and that requires a key?


Answer by slurpeesaregood
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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Me is so confuzzled. One guy says Zack can go on team and another dude says he can't. Who should I believe? Some sound convincing so ya...


Answer by Nocturne190
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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Ok look. By posting all of this you have fulfilled what the producer of the game wanted. While making this game his mother passed away and was saddened by this. thus he killed Aerith off in the game so we would have to feel a little of what he did. Or thus is what i heard


Answer by know it ALL
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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There is only ONE way to get Zack... Unless you know the real one, stop lying and shut the hell up.!.


Answer by know it ALL
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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If you look in the FF7 booklet you can get the characters it has listed in it.

where it has the characters info (who they are, background, etc.)

You'll figure it out.


Answer by ?????
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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Answer by walk
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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da man of coolness

   what does happen when you go up there.
i just arrived at nibleheim and i cant beat lost number becuase im so weak


Answer by walk
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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final fantasy wiz
  how do you get off the train on the other side or what train are you talking about


Answer by Sephiroth
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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I have herd that Tifa can die instead of Aeris.  I think that is a load of $#!%. If anyone as info about this....let me know!


Answer by ff7 freak
Submitted on 6/28/2005
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listion i've heard from a friend that got a letter from sqauresoft, that zack is alive, but you cannot play as him, i don't know
if you can ever actually meet him but
just face the fact that you can't get him.
oh yea the sick guy is zack, the sub-quest
that has been taken out of the game about getting aeris, that's true, and you can probually meet zack, but that's not in the game so you can't get him. the ghoust in the church where it shows a glintch of aeris. that has somethin to do with the sub-quest. so does zack in the tube by aeris house. you can't heal zack, he will just say
awwwww...uuuh i know, ive tried it for several hours. :sobb: squaresoft was to lazy to add it, "bastards" yea you can get sephiroth in your party, but you half to use the USO code and whenever there's a part where your party talks or about to fight a boss, it glincthes so use the USO code and switch sephy with somewon else before your party does any story lines or about to fight a big boss. you can't control him, the USO code is
if it dosn't work reply and tell me.
i'm possitive it should. there isn't any zack codes out there, only way to get zack is to have a copy of the squaresoft ff7 where it has the actual sub-quest part in the game. i don't think there is one, there might be, well later...
oh about the USO code in order to get sephy
press triangle when playing the game go to the top of the screen and highlight ITEM then press and hold R2 and press O if it takes you to the item screen press X and do it again. might wanna do it twice then the USO code appears, there's numbers,
9:young cloud
10: sephiroth
255: empty space
choice anywon of the characters and
with the controller press left or right to choice another character, when pressing left-right to choice another character to replace the one your replacing. it shows vencent
but the names sephiroth, it's not, keep going until there's numbers like above
if you want sephiroth he's number 10: young clouds number 9:
now leave it at whatever number you want and
then press X and yull have sephiroth or whoever. later.


Answer by I Am Sephirvash
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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Ok There is a way to Get a working Sephiroth. Gameshark or Codebreaker(DUH) Find the Code that replaces vencient with sephiroth. You will have 3 Sephiroths. Save your game, turn it off so the codes are off. Then when you turn it back on you will notice your cloud cant come out of the PHS. SO, find a code thats called USO code maybe on codebreaker.com and with this code you can get all chacters even Areis, Sephiroth, and Young cloud(but young cloud will mess up you game somw-what. Well to activate it go to your menu and hold in R1 for about 20 seconds and then press O or whatever you may have set your button to. Then you will come to a screen that says USO. You can scroll through it using the left and right on the Dpad. It should have every you can select the peolpe you want(and no Zack isnt one of them). It shows the chacters pics too. Also after the last person there is three numbers instead of people. I think 10 is sephiroth, 11 is young Cloud(from the flash-back with Sephiroth) and 12 is a blank spot. OK now I can continue. OK so use the Uso and replace the Sephiroth in your first spot with cloud to get him back. You can use your PHS to put some one in your second spot. Oh and never put Sephiroth in your PHS or he will disappeare. So Id suggest using a file you dont plan on usiing or use a beaten file. Ok and before i forget, there is a code on that site also that enables you to controle Sephiroth. You can't premanitly controle him so you have to use that code every time you play. Also NEVER try to take him into the NORTH CRATER. Your game will mess up so don't do it. Also you can get Sephiroth in the DeBug room but he dosent really work. Will thats it. And for those who don't have a cheating devise such as a Codebreake, GameShark, or ActionReplayer, you can contact me at Humanoidvash87@aol.com if you want me to take screen shots for you.


Answer by nighthawk
Submitted on 7/11/2005
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any 1 now how to get the 3 mimics


Answer by dragon21
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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how do you get 3 mimes i only found 1


Answer by elo
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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elo elo


Answer by Kurara Sakmoto
Submitted on 8/15/2005
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Hmmm I WISh there was a way to play as Zack, there isint though, I'm thinking Maybe you can in the New game there making with Vincent but you really never know, You can also seen a nice glance at him in the FF7 AC movie, Also Arith will never ever come back to life (yes i was sad too) but like every death we have to let it go at sometime, -sigh- So Nope no Zack -sniff- and he is such a hottie


Answer by Some FF7 Fan
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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i havent beaten the game yet but from what i have read from above i am 90% sure that u cannot use Zack or Sephiroth or Aeris(Arith)in this game


Answer by The Great Sephiroth
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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Everyone I got GREAT news for all who want to play as Sephiroth! There is a cheat (NO LIE) that you can press in your controller (dunno about PC) where you exchange Cloud for Sephiroth! I dunno what the cheat is but here is proof that it is true! And it has many gags...


So there's your proof! If you find or know the code plz tell everyone here!


Answer by God
Submitted on 8/28/2005
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this 1 is no joke and is for people who still want to find zack. I have played him and he is a gr8 character, but he takes a while to get.

Secret Character:
i have information on how to get a secret character. Zack. Remember the
man Cloud mixed his identity with? Zack. Who's Cloud's best friend? Zack. Who
saved Cloud from Nibelheim and brought him to Midgar? Zack. Well, here's how to
get him. 1st, in Midgar, you must answer EVERY question CORREXTLY! It must be
done in a certain way. Now, before starting the Kalm flashback, if you answered
correctly, you will hear Aeris say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated.
After the flashback, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris stay in the Inn, and Tifa mentions
something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar. Now continue the
game as usual. At the Temple of the Ancients, you'll find Zack killed by
Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd CD. Go to the
Gongaga reactor, and bring a Super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade ( both Gold
Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes ) and use the Sweeper on the reactor. It will
explode, and then use the Blade. You colapse and find yourself hearing Aeris's
voice, then you wake up, and find yourself next to Zack. You talk for a while,
and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater. Then he is able to
join your party, and starts at level77.


Answer by Cloud Stife
Submitted on 9/10/2005
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you know what?
if you check in the internet for ff7citadel you should see a way of reviving aeris

heres what you should do you check it in  
the part rumors and you check it in equinox,and tadaa there it is you have a way to revive aeris  


Answer by skeff
Submitted on 9/23/2005
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You stupid idiots your all gullable fools!

you can play as sephiroth and aeris using a gameshark, vincent and yuffie are the secret characters accept it.


Answer by .zack.isnt.playable.
Submitted on 9/24/2005
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I still don't believe that zack is a "PLAYABLE" character..


Answer by Master Janova
Submitted on 10/2/2005
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he is probly still on disk 1


Answer by ff master
Submitted on 10/5/2005
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you cant get Zack and thats a fact


Answer by lol
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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you want the truth you cant handle the truth


Answer by ???
Submitted on 10/24/2005
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Answer by m3rlin6984
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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well from what my friend has told me you CAN get zack...i have repeatedly told him it is not possible BUT he insists that that you can he said he has gotten him and it was something to do with the 1/35 soldiers and the masamune blade and something else i dont remember...but...i still dont believe him and im too busy to actually go and find out.  although i could somehow hack into the ps version (but i have no clue how) and find out the truth, cuz it might be different from the pc version...i know its possible to get sepheroth and young cloud with the use of the game shark and the debug room...but thats as much as i know...perhaps i will look further into the debug room to find out if there is a hidden character.


Answer by Big Daddy PPV
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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I got bored and decided to dust of my FF7 i read about every post i could ever find about Zack and i tried everyone of them i know its been a while since anyone has posted here but to anyone who decides to try and get Zack don't bother it wont work I've tried all the was possible and logical ways I've tried the reactor way and the collecting the soldiers i even did research on curing the guy in the slums and talking to the parents with Tifa and Aeris.All the ways people have said they got Zack are bull so please don't waste your time.I will say that during the research i had done to find a way to get him i have gained a great form of respect toward the creators of the game for starting this rumor to get people to stay consumed with this game even after many new Final Fantasy's have been made. Many thank to all you gamers for falling for the corporations trick.


Answer by Serenity
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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Okay, these posts are probably all ancient by now, and no one will probably respond to me. I have a few things to say, and one question to ask.

1) I have tried all of your so called "theories". None of them work. Zack is NOT A PLAYABLE CHARACTER unless you want to get into the whole "Cloud is Zack" thing.

2) What RPG Donkey said earlier was true - Aeris(th) was going to be revived, but they didn't. That's final. You can't being her back, and you can't "catch her ghost". But you can see her faintly in the church in Midgar, as someone else mentioned.

3) I have heard rumors that you can play as Sepiroth, and I haven't tested it, but I seriously doubt it folks. I mean, come on... Sepiroth?! Don't think so.

and for my question...

Is it possible to get Vincent on disk 3?

Yes I realize this is a stupid question, but it has never happened to me before. Usually I always get Vincent but I kind of rushed through that part this time through. (4th time playing the game through)

Thank you for your time.


Answer by dima
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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Answer by FF master
Submitted on 11/17/2005
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4. what disc are you at?


Answer by ]{LiK`Ev][L`
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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Hehe heres a pretty mean way to kick ruby weapon's ass, get 3 mystiles and w-summon, kill 2 party members n go fight ruby.  let him stick his claws in the sand and then use phoenix also have final attack and phoenix paired if possible w/ every1 O:-).  Use hades on Ruby weapon he can be put to sleep lol i know it sounds stupid but i found it out on accident w-summon and mime are ur friends.  Hope it helps oh and e-mail me or im me @ cannabisshrooms


Answer by FF-O.G
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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Things you will need to complete this activity:

Four Tissues (lose battles at the arena)

One mastered Revive materia

The Apocalypse (Clouds 3x growth weapon)

Four hours of playing time (on average)

Every player of the game is familiar with the revive materia, the one that contains the spells life and life2. What most do not know is the fact that this materia can gain AP even after it has been mastered, with an interesting result. Revive can be leveled up to level four, even though it only has three visible levels.

To obtain the extra level, you must first accumulate 800,000 AP after revive has been mastered (Depending on how you played the game, you may have to get up to 1,500,000 AP. The most efficient way to go about doing this is to obtain Cloud's triple growth weapon, the Apocalypse (as far as is known, no other weapon works), and fasten the mastered revive materia to it. You should then go to a place where you can get lots of AP, such as the North Cave. Fight the Magic Pots (the ones that ask for elixirs) until you have accumulated the required AP. You should then have received another spell for revive, Resurrect.

It's obvious what you must use the new spell for. The next place that you must go is to Aeris' house in Midgar. If you have not already obtained the Sector 5 key, you must go to the Bone Village and have the diggers dig next to the airplane. Once you have the key, proceed to Midgar, and visit Aeris' house. Go to her room.

Nothing will happen at first, but you can spur on an important series of events if you use four tissues (lose or win fights in the battle arena) next to Aeris' bed. After you do this, Cloud will be overcome with grief, and will yell, "Why did you have to die?." Once he composes himself, the other people in your party will come out, and Cloud will discuss with them his desire to bring Aeris back to life. They will question you at first, but will soon be brought to agreement.

Your group will suggest that you visit the church in Midgar, where you may find some insight on how to get Aeris back.

On the way to the church, use the savepoint to access your PHS. Make sure that your party includes Cait Sith. Then enter the church (if this is your first time in it after disk one, you will see a ghost of Aeris). The two children who appear next to the flower bed will ask where the flower girl is, but will then notice the cat (Cait Sith) in your group. They will ask to play with the cat, and Cait will agree to it and leave the church with the children. The ghost of Aeris will then appear before you. She will mention the resurrect spell (which you should already have), and will tell you to go to the Ancient City, which is your next destination. Retrieve Cait Sith from the children and proceed.

At the city, go to the spot where Bugenhagen inserted the key (the waterfall with the crystal in the middle of it) and enter the waterfall. Here, Cloud will remember what Aeris told him, and will take the Revive materia out of his pocket (or wherever it was at the time). He will mutter, "I never got to tell you...," and begin to cry. Composing himself, Cloud will place the materia on the pedestal in the center of the waterfall and kneel before it in prayer. The materia glows brightly and begins to shimmer with a green light. It then turns into a ball of light and shatters. In front of Cloud, the crystal glows so brightly that he must hide his eyes from it. When the light goes down again, Cloud looks up and sees a ghostly image of Aeris, which tells him to go back to Midgar and enter the Church.

At the church, the image of Aeris will appear again, but this time it will not vanish. Your group inspects the flower bed, and Aeris gets up and walks towards you. It is then that you notice that she is not a ghost. As if to answer your unspoken question, Aeris looks at Cloud and says, "Don't worry, Cloud, it really is me... Maybe now we can do all those things that we never finished the first time around..."


Answer by sharpy
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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id like vincent to put a screen shot of him getting zack.... that is the only way ill belive


Answer by JOKER
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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if anyone ever comesto this sight anymore post a screen shot of zack being a playable character even though its been a year since you people were aruening whether he is playable or not PLz


Answer by Yggdrasil
Submitted on 12/30/2005
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I'm sorry, I think you all missed the point of the game ENTIRELY. (spoilers)

Basically, Cloud's personality is Zack's, and that's why Aeris likes him. Zack died at the start, that can be seen on Disk 3 in the Shinra Mansion. Come on, just use your heads. Or were you all dropped on them. Also, Aeris or Aerith or Aries, depending on what you want to call her, is not revivable. No-one is. Apart from Sephiroth, but that's not until Advent Children.


Answer by Zangetsu
Submitted on 1/1/2006
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I don't know about Zack, but you can definitely get sephitoth and revive Aeris.
I've got a xplorerFX code breaker and there were codes on it to do these things, so it's possible.

This is not a lie.


Answer by -.- fags -.-
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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----sphiroth...find twelve 1/35 soldiers and go to shinra mansion ( i tink) and sephy will appear and join ur freakin team until cloud iz lvl 99 ^.^


Answer by fgjfj
Submitted on 1/19/2006
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none of these cheats work, period


Answer by bulldogg13
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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hey i don't think it is true that you can get any playable characters but i know one that works and that is getting the white materia(holy) i don't know how to get it but my friend has it and it is cool


Answer by MaryJewWannaSmokeHer
Submitted on 1/26/2006
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To get zack is a fairly easy task, that may be considered a little lengthy to some. First go to shinra manshian and read all the books in the basement, it will tell you some stuff about how zack was captured by shinra after cloud assumed his death, and recently escaped. after you read all of them, go to gogonga and speak to his parents, he will not be there, but there will be a short scene where cloud explains what he read, and zacks parents will tell you that a person in a black robe and a number 2 tattooed on him tryed to get into their house a few months ago, but the villagers helped kick the intruder out of town. go to the forgotten city, and in the area where aeris died, there will be a materia and an item called "special potion", take this potion and the materia and head to midgar. remember the man in the tube near aerises hous, go there and talk to him. if you don't have the key from bone village, you may have trouble. the potion will heal him, but he will not recognize cloud, although he thanks you for helping him, and leaves. head back to gogonga, this time zack will be there, and there will be a scene where cloud tells him who he is to bring back zacks memory, and after a short conversation about their past, zack will decide to join your party. as for chocobos, use w-item to double sessle or whatever their called greens you get from the chocobo mage or whatever he's called, as for the circle button thing, besides the control settings being changed, the only other explaination is that you are high on my little mary jew wanna.


Answer by Squard Enix
Submitted on 3/24/2006
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He you all waistying youre time there's no way to get Zack but there's a secret about Zack but we cannot tell that but you already no that ..

Greeting Squard Enix

good luck  for all of you..


Answer by danny
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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the guy in the pipe leaves and doesnt come back he goes to the crater


Answer by Im just a dude
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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See, using all logic i have for this game...i just gave it to one of my friends (who is a programmer) and he said there is no battle sprite of zack, hence no zack played in battle. The only thing that you could possibly do to even make yourself happy, just rip the zack walking sprite and exchange it with cloud and thats all you could possibly do....or buy the PC version and download a mod for it where people have spent their time developing a way to use people in your party EX:Zack,Sephiroth,Proto-cloud and much more  so if you have any problem with this post....you need to go outside


Answer by Jewel Mistic
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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that thing about getting zack is all a big fat lie! you can only get zack in ergeiz! it's a fighting game with final fantasy 7 characters in it. I know this cause a friend of my has it and she has Zack. so getting Zack in final fantasy is all just a big fat lie I tell ya A LIE!!!!!


Answer by Ultimate FF7 Player
Submitted on 4/4/2006
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All you guys think that zack is only clouds imagination well this is only half true... Zack becaome clouds good friend while in soldier and was ranked number 1 and as for cloud he was only a lower class soldier. All the stories that cloud talks about when taling about his past is all what zack did as Cloud even after soldier is ashamed of being in lower class.


Answer by venix
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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after you wake up in gongaga what do you have to do and were do i find tifa i hear that u have to get to bones vilige but i can get around the mountins ????


Answer by xjen0vax
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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the only way to get zack, sephiroth, or aeris(after she dies) is to use a hack tool such as gameshark. otherwise it is not possible PERIOD.


Answer by Boz
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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Hey guys, just wondering, i recently bought Advent Children (special addition) and on the main menu of the DVD there is a "FF7 Reunion" or something, anyway, when I watched it there was a clip of Zack and Cloud in the back of a pic up (not going to Nibelheim with Seph)and then abit later, zack getting shot by some shinra blokes, basically i've never seen this in my version of FF7, im wondering if it was missed out in the platinum version of the game or wether I've just missed something in order to watch it, cheers.


Answer by Kai Ryu (Fire of Dragon)
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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Hey all you losers, I have something to say to all of you. I HAVE ZACK AND RYU ON MY FINAL FANTASY VII FILE. The hint about getting the Earth Harp item is true to get Zack. As for the whole Ryu hidden character, go back to the Sector 5 slum area and talk to the guy in the pipe. After that, you go to the item store and buy 10 of each item in the store. The store clerk will tell you of a boy who can transform into a dragon. Go back to the church where you met Aeris(th) and you will see a little red dragon. Talk to it and choose "Hungry". The dragon will turn into Ryu and offer to join your cause.  And for you people who think this Ryu hint can't be real because Breath of Fire is made by capcom... THERE IS A FIGHTING GAME THAT FEATURES FINAL FANTASY VII CHARACTERS AND CAPCOM'SRESIDENT EVIL CHARACTERS SO SCREW YOU!


Answer by Unknown  gamer
Submitted on 5/20/2006
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Hi all ff7 fans u still think u can get Zack? well sorry 2 say but u cant get him u can only heve Sephiroth in the game but not in the normal storry but i will help u 2 get Sephiroth u all first need a Xplorer FX
whit thet u can bring back Aries in the game and heve Sephiroth in your party + 9999 hp 9999mp all summens and all magics + 999999999 gil but not Zack i try 2 make it on my Xplorder FX and u all r the first 2 know k ow yea ps:u can only use the Xplorder FX on play station 1 hopt i helpt u all out  later and keep playing Final fantasy 7 k bye


Answer by Unknown  gamer
Submitted on 5/20/2006
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Hi all ff7 fans u still think u can get zack? well sorry 2 say but u cant get him u can only heve Sephiroth in the game but not in the normal storry but i will help u 2 get Sephiroth u all first need a Xplorer FX
whit thet u can bring back Aries in the game and heve Sephiroth in your party + 9999 hp 9999mp all summens and all magics + 999999999 gil but not Zack i try 2 make it on my Xplorder FX and u all r the first 2 know k ow yea ps:u can only use the Xplorder FX on play station 1 hopt i helpt u all out  later and keep playing Final Fantasy 7 k bye ow and all limit breaks


Answer by Rose
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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u jackbutts (yes i am 10 hense the language)
got me all excited about finding Zack and then i find out it's all fake
i played the stupid ( i say stupid cuz i'm frustrated. i will be kickin myself later for that remark) game 4 times just to find Zack.

ps: if u weren't lying and i'm just too stupid to find out how to do it my sincerest apologies


Answer by dioho
Submitted on 6/13/2006
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about the zack thing with all those people that lie i think they should go bone a cow or something


Answer by masterffplaya
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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to get young cloud while you are in cid'srocket in outer space you have to not get teh right combination for the safe, instead, use the combination X X X X. If you do then all of the lights in the rocket will start blinking and cid will say something about the rocket going off course. Then he will run down the ladder to the escape pod where you see Shera trapped under some debres. help her out and head for the escape pod. When you get there it will not be working and she will say that maybe they can change the rockets course. Go into the cock pit and cid will find a way to unlock the auto pilot and he lands the rocket on the moon. Then you have to fight Cheese weapon who will be skipping by but you only get 20 seconds to run into him before you run out of air. During the fight he uses very strong cheese based attacks and i advice you to equip Cloud's maximum steak knife weapon, and any cheese absorbing armor such as the Chedder blocker. Note: you must steal the cheese armlet from him before the battle is over, afterwards you should get around 6000 ap and exp. and an item called the "time modifier". head back to the rocket and go back to earth. You will crash land on and island that is not on the map. (i still have not found out exactly where it is probably somewhere east of the great glacier) On the island there will be little monsters running around called ismonders. if one of them attacks you steal their boxing glove accesory. there should be a town on the west side of the island. go to it and talk to the old woman on the top floor of the inn. she then tells you that her young grandson is missing and she last saw him down at the pantmonster'scave. head southwest of the town and you will run across some chocobo tracks, equip the chocobo lure and catch a purple chocobo (they allow you to fly) once you do fly to the cave and enter it. there will be a giant monster called a narkodon who you have to fight. use throw materia to throw the cheese armlet and the boxing glove at it, then morph it and it will turn into a rusty key. at the south side of the cave is a locked cell. use the key on the cell and a boy will come out. when you get back to the town with the boy give him back to the woman. and she will thank you by giving you the yomaharin blade. equip cloud with it and hop on your purple chocobo. fly west to the turtle island and right when you get there Wooden Weapon will appear. attack him with the yomaharin blade and it should do fire damage to the weapon. it will catch on fire and burn to ashes. after the battle you will win a golden monkey trophy. continue on the island until you reach the shrine. once there use the time modifier and the golden monkey trophy. the trophy should activate the modifier and bring young cloud to the present. he will be on level 24 and he will have maginify materia equiped on his buster sword.


Answer by the g meistah
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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how to unlock zach this works im not kidding like that fag who says the eat doodoo:

1.  start a new file on slot two
2.  in the beginning name cloud 'zach'
3.  do NOT rescue jesse
4.  give the flower to marlene
5.  in the part where cloud, barret, and tifa must simultaneously press the buttons, you must get it on your 13th try. this is crucial
6.  go along with that play that you and aeris do.  go along with the play the right way.  only when given the option, ask for her measurements to the wizard
7.  play the rest of the game normally, just no nicknames at all!
8.during the scene of aeris dying, if you have yuffie, she sneaks up on sephiroth, however immediately gets slashed and sephiroth continues to kill aeris(so you pretty much get nowhere)  if you dont, she sneaks up on aeris (dumb materia thief) and the blade not only goes through aeris, but yuffie too, killing both
9.  if yuffie is wounded, she confesses to cloud about her being a thief and with her dying breath presents something she swiped from a pawn shop, zach's materia!  this is materia that triples all stats, so even your health only gets better, not worse i strongly suggest giving this to cloud, or 'zach'
10.  beat the game
11.  start a new file in slot three notice how cloud looks a lot different...  you will also be able to find zachs materia lying around in your first stop inside the subway.  give this to aeris and she gets her level five limit break:  last hurrah, which drains half her hp down to 1, and heals virtually your entire party, even the ones who arent fighting.  she also makes them invincible for a while, doubles there stats for the match, makes them immune to all status effects for the match, and fills there time and limit break

oh and you cant give zach a nickname, its stuck as zach


Answer by THORN
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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STFU you are all a Bunch Nerds


Answer by Rob
Submitted on 6/25/2006
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I tried the ting with the zack .. There's no book in vincents room .. Is it the room wit the coffin .. And I'm in the third disc should have I tried this earlier


Answer by Zack
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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Yo you guys are stoopid I am Zack if you want to find me go to my parents house and talk to them until they start talkin about if he was killed then go to the crater and lose to sepheroth the game will end with everyone dying then when you start a new game cloud can get clothes at wall market to look like zack this is me Zack over and outty shoutty poutty


Answer by Zack
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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Yo you guys are stupid I am Zack if you want to find me go to my parents house and talk to them until they start talking about if he was killed then go to the crater and lose to sepheroth the game will end with everyone dying then when you start a new game cloud can get clothes at wall market to look like Zack this is me Zack over and outer shouter pouter


Answer by The Emo Ninja
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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Their is NO way to get Zack or Aeris in the game. If their was one then they wouldn't be ghosts in the movie. BUT, if you use the GameShark and enable all items you get Aeris's4th Limit Break, Great Gosable.(sp?)But she can't be revived. And i heard about that Gameshark trick to put Aeris back in your party but I have yet to see a code for it. Now, as for the thing was Zack's parents on disc one. If Tifa and Aeris are in your party and you go to his parent's house the girls will start to talk about Zack. Aeris remembers him as her first love and Tifa from what happened with the reactor at her home town. Now, the deal with Aeris was she was never supposed to be in the game. I do forget where I heard the rumor but I remember it word for word. The guy who created FF7 lost his mother while the game was being made. So, in honor of his mother he made Aeris. He also killed her off for that reason too.  


Answer by ffnerd
Submitted on 8/23/2006
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there has to be a way to get aeries imeen look in the strategy guid you see her using her final limit break you cant get it UNTIL SHES DEAD so there has to be a way to get her HMMMM


Answer by Limit_Break
Submitted on 9/3/2006
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Im So Awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Found A Way To Get Zack.IN The Church You Can See Aerith For A Short Amount Of Time...When You Try To GO To Her She Disapeers. Stand Where She Was For 10 Seconds And Go Save Your Game. Take The Disc Out And Spit ON IT Then Put It Back In And You BEcome Zack Instead Of Cloud!


Answer by tyler
Submitted on 9/20/2006
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what which 1 of u is right???????????? plz help me


Answer by Shadows flame
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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Ok guy and gals lets end this. For the people like me who have not seen the whole Final fantasy 7 advent children movie there is a certain clip that gives  you a Big clue the Zack is not a playable chacter in the orginal version or any relese after the frist one. When Cloud looks up though the doorway in the church
he sees Aeris and Zack standing in the door way with a white light behind them. That means Zack is dead like Aeris. So what does this mean kiddies?

Kiddies: It means that Zack died.

And since there is no differnt cut sceans or ending then that means-

Kiddies: that Zack dies when the soldiers got him.


Answer by misc.... I M GOD
Submitted on 10/10/2006
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RPG Donkey - ur a genius!!! Open the game sprites - thats what i did with the Aisia Pasific PC version. I had a long good hard look in there and yes - there is the Zack sprite when you see him in the basement, but, I could not find him as a playable character. Also, to those of you who think there are multiple endings, there arnt. There is only ONE ending FMV. I hope this post has cleared up a few issuses here. :)

well if you can do that consider this... EDIT CLOUD!!!! ok, zach (zax) is a god... its a well known fact, but if you really want to revive him just edit your cloud sprite so that he  has black hair, also, if you want to get technical you could also give him an extera shoulder plate.

ive never used this program your using to look at sprites, so im just scruing around here, tell me if this works


Answer by ShadowLotus9
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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This might be 2 years late, but a friend told me how to get Aeris and this is how: u can do the battle arena in gold saucer.  Win or lose u get a tissue.  Keep doing it until u got 3 tissues.  When your able to get back to Midgar, go to Aeris' room and use three tissues, then go to the church where the flower bed is and a black figure should apear.  Then u got Aeris...


Answer by Kenny/Crack
Submitted on 10/18/2006
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There's some simple things that i found out pretty simple, first u can get the bolt ring as soon as u get the buggy, and u don't have too defeat ultimate weapon to get the Ragnarok, just get a black chocobo


Submitted on 10/20/2006
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Zack can only be obtained if the right conditions are met. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but i think it has something to do with the Super Sweeper and the Mutsurame from the gold saucer from the shooter coaster mini-game.


Answer by u people lie!!!
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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guys i know your sad zack is DEAD there is NO way to "unlock him as a character"!!!! it is upsetting but you have to get over it. i don't know who tells you all this you can unlock him crap but its fake, a lie, not true.


Answer by some1
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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BoF is 1998 FF7 is 1997


Answer by Kal
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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There are no secret endings because there are no extra FMV'son the disk, i used a program called psmplay to check this. Also, in every square rpg or final fantasy game dead characters are never brought back to life for cheat reasons, this is because cheats ruin the point of complex rpg games. Also, you cannot cure zack because he is dead. A recent FF7 based anime called 'last order' shows this happening. you can find the anime with subs on torrentspy cuz it was never released in the west. a good site thats shows all the REAL glitches and guides to the game is at http://www.cavesofnarshe.com there we go, now everyone STOP MAKING UP CRAP THATS NOT TRUE!!! Thank you :)


Answer by The Hellshred
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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Hello everyone. Stop saying it's impossible to get aeris or zack, we don't care to hear it. Besides, I know from a reliable source you can atleast have aeris' soul follow you around or something after she's killed by sephiroth. Which makes great sense seeing as you keep finding staves and stuff for aeris throughout the game. Maybe it wasn't laziness? just maybe. I don't know exactly how they people did it though. I guess I'll try to find out more on that too.

I don't have any answers, yet. But I started a new FF7 file basically dedicated to getting Zack. I don't care if it's not true. I'm gonna find out for myself. {so far what it seems is you either need to get Aeris to not like you much {by doing things such as saying you don't remember her and she's the drunk... and possibly not buying the flower from her.} so she'll tell you Zack's name, or you need some sort of meds, but that's just a start, I'll try some of the ways in the thread as well.} I have the game for pc too, I'll do a refined search on everything sometime and then post it later. I won't post anything that's not 100% true... because that would be lame.

People please stop flaming this thread. Eat yourselves. Leg meat = great comfort food. NO REALLY, I TRIED IT AND IT WORKED!!

Other things that might have a purpose.

>After failing the ID check system and jumping off the train running the wrong way far enough and running into a little passage that is guarded by shinra people. I've sat there fighting for about 45-50 minutes. Is it merely for experience, or does it eventually change after a long time...

>What exactly would the toy soldiers do.

>There is room for hella lots of key items... lot of possibilities there.

Sorry about a long post that doesn't help much at all. I really hope i can find a surefire way, so i can tell you all too. Later.


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 1/10/2007
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To play as zack you have to watch all hidden cutscenes about zack in the game in chronilogical order(from when cloud met zack to when he got killed) and always have the buster sword equiped all through the game. Then in disk three use the earth harp on the reactor (like vincent said) and go to zacks parents house his shadow will enter clouds body and cloud will tur into zack.


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 1/12/2007
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To play as zack you have go through the game only useing the buster sword and you also have to watch ALL ZACKS HIDDEN CUTSCENES IN CRONOLOGICAL ORDER!! i only know 2 but i thnik theres about 5 or 6 hidden ones you cant get in normal play.
when i say chronological order imean from when zack met aeris to when zack got shot.
the two cutscenes i know are...
1. in disk 1 when you leave midgar DONT leave yet instead go to the church and you will see a cutscene of how zack met aeris...i think.
the second one is that when you are near the end of disk two go to junon and (having collected all 1/35 soldiers from the gold sauser) talk to every soldier in junon and go to the lockers to see it.


Answer by ExperiencedGamer
Submitted on 1/20/2007
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Facts: Zack isn't dead, he's the guy in the pipe, if you have come far in the game, he will already be gone.

Spoiler if you haven't seen the AC movie:
Aries will be resurrected, and she did find Zack


Answer by strife masscre
Submitted on 1/22/2007
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get over it in ff7 u cant play as zack hes dead if u guys r so desperate 2 play as him just wait and get ff7 crises core on psp its all about zack u play as him till he dies


Answer by Carl
Submitted on 2/3/2007
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Wow you all suck, and need to get outdoors, and get a job and some friends rather than sitting infront of the television for 23 hours a day smacked up on caffeine trying to find Zack, you crazy fools (except anyone that has said it is impossible to get Zack)


Answer by some guy
Submitted on 2/10/2007
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someone with a lot of time on their hands could try this...



Answer by Zack
Submitted on 3/11/2007
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i am not in the game


Answer by ed
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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Answer by ed
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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Answer by dicetor
Submitted on 4/23/2007
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all this stuff about getting Zack is pure crap someone said about there being a short movie showing the gonga reactor fully restored and thats pure crap as well ive hack into the godam thing an theres no movie! It may (only may) be possible to get Zack but Ive been playn for 7 or 8 years now an I have got every dam person exsept Zack....... an if theres any thing you have to ask me ask!  


Answer by Ozone
Submitted on 5/5/2007
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Answer by lil jak
Submitted on 5/8/2007
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help me get zack


Answer by Cloud Clone
Submitted on 5/18/2007
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Hello..by the way their is TOTALLY no way possible of playing as zack..or sephiroth..if you play the game properlly..but i have found a way..as a cheat..buy a c.d called plod.right and look on the Internet for the cheat to be able to select sephiroth and zack..type it in on the c.d use the c.d and when you play the game you start off level 7 with cloud Zack and sethiroth..IT does work..but you cant control their action..


Answer by po-Tait0
Submitted on 6/9/2007
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okaly dokily.... first of all Vincent and lucrecia did not have sex...  sephiroths father is unkown but lucrecia is his mum.. hojo decides to 'experiment' and lucrecia says yes but vincent reufuses and tries to stop her. (but ends up getting experimentd on himself) thats why he turns into beasts blahdy blah..   this all makes sense once you have played 'dirge of cerberus' (which i'vefinished 4 times cause my memory card was 'bung')       ok, the guy with the tattoo of "#2" you can suposidly get him i cant remember but ive been trying for along time.. aparently you need a gold ring ahh.. you steal somethin from rufus the 2nd-3rd time, but i am not 100% sure that that is just aother myth, as for zack, i dont know what to believe- if there are so0 many ways of getting him then why are soo many people having a hard time getting him... on other thing please can someone tell me about breeding this suposid "white chocobo"  aparently you keep breeding 'gold chocobos'  but i have easily breeded roughly 50-60ish        and some kool 'hidden weapons' i got a while ago.. go to the excavation site and try to get normal treasure eventually you will get a "mop" which you get for 'cid'   it is really funny and kewl  and aparently you can get an umbrella, and i got a 'oritsu' or something lijke dat which is a oragami something that yuffie uses.. oh and cloud can get a nail bat...... i think thats it        anyway hope i helped some people


Answer by fred
Submitted on 6/29/2007
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i heard that if you climb up a hill and yell *zack zacketey zack zack zack!*
he will appear on your game within 2.4 hours and will save marlene from a dog


Answer by ?????????
Submitted on 7/8/2007
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Well, here's how to get him. 1st, in Midgar, you must answer EVERY question CORREXTLY! It must be done in a certain way. Now, before starting the Kalm flashback, if you answered correctly, you will hear Aeris say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated. After the flashback, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris stay in the Inn, and Tifa mentions something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar. Now continue the game as usual. At the Temple of the Ancients, you'll find Zack killed by Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd CD. Go to the Gongaga reactor, and bring a Super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade ( both Gold Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes ) and use the Sweeper on the reactor. It will explode, and then use the Blade. You colapses and find yourself hearing Aeris's voice, then you wake up, and find yourself next to Zack. You talk for a while, and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater. Then he is able to join your party, and starts at level77. Can't say much more about it, except, he's a great character to have!!!


Answer by ?????????
Submitted on 7/8/2007
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Well, here's how to get him. 1st, in Midgar, you must answer EVERY question CORREXTLY! It must be done in a certain way. Now, before starting the Kalm flashback, if you answered correctly, you will hear Aeris say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated. After the flashback, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris stay in the Inn, and Tifa mentions something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar. Now continue the game as usual. At the Temple of the Ancients, you'll find Zack killed by Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd CD. Go to the Gongaga reactor, and bring a Super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade ( both Gold Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes ) and use the Sweeper on the reactor. It will explode, and then use the Blade. You collapses and find yourself hearing Aeris'svoice, then you wake up, and find yourself next to Zack. You talk for a while, and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater. Then he is able to join your party, and starts at level77. Can't say much more about it, except, he's a great character to have!!!


Answer by Oblivion blades
Submitted on 7/20/2007
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sorry about this but, about the Zack thing on second thought here is a copy of what i was told.

Secret Character:
You may have heard this 1000 times, but i have an uncle working for Squaresoft USA And i have information on how to get a secret character. Zack. Remember the man Cloud mixed his identity with? Zack. Who's Cloud's best friend? Zack. Who
saved Cloud from Nibelheim and brought him to Midgar? Zack. Well, here's how to get him. 1st, in Midgar, you must answer EVERY question CORRECTLY! It must be done in a certain way. Now, before starting the Kalm flashback, if you answered correctly, you will hear Aeris say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated. After the flashback, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris stay in the Inn, and Tifa mentions something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar. Now continue the game as usual. At the Temple of the Ancients, you'll find Zack killed by Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd CD. Go to the Gongaga reactor, and bring a Super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade ( both Gold Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes ) and use the Sweeper on the reactor. It will explode, and then use the Blade. You collapse and find yourself hearing Aeris'svoice, then you wake up, and find yourself next to Zack. You talk for a while,
and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater. Then he is able to join your party, and starts at level77. Can't say much more about it, except, he's a great character to have!!!
Submission: Matt (Master9360AOLcom)


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