276. Money
See also 131. DUES and PAYMENT ; 137. ECONOMICS ; 160. FINANCE ; 325. POVERTY ; 398. TRADE .
- agiotage
- the business of buying and selling the curreneies of various countries by taking advantage of differences in rates of exchange. —agio , n.
- anatocism
- the act of lending with interest.
- aphnology
- Rare. the science of wealth.
- arbitrage
- the business of buying and selling securities, curreneies, and commodities on an international scale so as to take advantage of differences in rates of exchange and prices. —arbitrager, arbitrageur , n.
- bimetallism
- the use of two metals jointly as a monetary Standard with fixed values in relation to one another. —bimetallist , n. —bimetallistic , adj.
- bullionism
- the doctrine that paper money should at all times be convertible into bullion. —bullionist , n.
- cambism, cambistry
- the theory and practice of money exchange as an item of commerce, especially in its international features. —cambist , n.
- chrematist
- a person whose chief goal in life is the gaining of wealth. —chrematistic , adj.
- chrematistics
- 1. the study of wealth.
- 2. any theory of wealth as measured in money. —chrematistic , adj.
- chrematomania
- a mania for money.
- chrematophobia
- an abnormal fear or dislike of money.
- cresomania
- a mania for great wealth.
- gombeenism
- Irish. the lending of money at usurious interest. —gombeen, gombeenman , n.
- mammonism
- the greedy pursuit of riches.
- metallism
- a doctrine advocating the use of metal money instead of paper. —metallist, metalist , n.
- monetarism
- an economie theory maintaining that stability and growth in the economy are dependent on a steady growth rate in the supply of money. —monetarist , n., adj.
- moneyocracy
- government or domination of society by the rich.
- monometallism
- 1. the use of only one metal, usually gold or silver, as a monetary Standard.
- 2. the use of only one metal for coinage. —monometallist , n.
- nabobism
- the lifestyle of a nabob, i.e., of one possessing considerable wealth.
- plutolatry
- an excessive devotion to wealth.
- plutology
- Economics. the scientific study or theory of wealth.
- plutomania
- 1. an abnormal craving for wealth.
- 2. a mania characterized by delusions of wealth.
- polymetallism
- the use of a number of different metals in coinage.
- squandermania
- a mania for spending money.
- symmetalism
- a system of coinage based on a unit of two or more metals in combination, each of a specified weight. — symmetallic , adj.
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