197. Health

See also 122. DISEASE and ILLNESS .

analgesia, analgesy
the absence of pain. — analgesic, analgetic, adj.
Medicine. diagnosis of a condition on the basis of its resemblance to other conditions.
the use of friction, especially rubbing, in therapy or as a remedy.
anesthesia, anaesthesia, anesthesis, anaesthesis
the absence of physical sensation. — anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist, anaesthetist, n. anesthetic, anaesthetic, n., adj.
the destruction of microorganisms that cause infection. — antiseptic, adj.
the process of preventing the growth or spread of bacteria. — bacteriostat, n. bacteriostatic, adj.
cachexia, cachexy
general physical or mental poor health; weakness or malnutrition.
Medicine. an unhealthy condition, especially an imbalance of physiologic or constitutional elements, often of the blood. Cf. eucrasia. dyscrasic, dyscratic, adj.
the formation of scar tissue as part of the healing process. — epulotic, adj.
1. Medicine . a normal state of health; good health.
2. physical well-being. Cf. dyscrasia. eucrasic, eucratic, adj.
eupepsia, eupepsy
a condition of good digestion. — eupeptic, adj.
evectics, euectics
the theory of the achievement and maintenance of good health. — evectic, euectic, adj.
any substance for killing germs, especially bacteria. — germicidal, adj.
hygeist, hygieist
a hygienist.
Rare. hygienics. Also called hygiantics.
1. the branch of medical science that studies health and its preservation; hygiene.
2. a system of principles for promoting health. — hygienist, n. hygienic, adj.
hygieology, hygiology
Rare. the science of hygiene; hygienics.
hypochondriacism, hypochondriasis
1. Psychiatry. an abnormal state characterized by emotional depression and imagined ill health, often accompanied by symptoms untraceable to any organic disease.
2. excessive concern and conversation about one’s health. Also called hypochondria, nosomania . — hypochondriac, n. hypochondriacal, adj.
Obsolete, a state of good health; strength.
the gradual process of a disease, ending in the recovery of the patient. See also 72. CELLS . — lyterian, lytic, adj.
protection from or prevention of disease. — prophylactic, adj.
Rare. the state or condition of being curable; susceptibility to remedy. — sanable, adj.
Rare. 1. a treatise on health.
2. the science of attaining and maintaining good health. — soteriological, adj.
preventive or preservative treatment or measures; prophylaxis. See also 145. ETHICS .
the state or quality of having good muscular tone or tension. — tonic, adj.
an abnormal fear of vaccines and vaccination. Also called vaccinophobia.
1. a condition of poor health.
2. a state of being concerned with health, often excessively.
3. invalidism. — valetudinarian, n., adj.

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