79. Christ
See also 80. CHRISTIANITY ; 205. HERESY ; 349. RELIGION ; 392. THEOLOGY .
- adoptionism
- the 8th-century heretical doctrine that Christ in His human nature was the son of God only by adoption; that in His spiritual nature, however, He was truly God’s son. Also adoptianism . — adoptionist , n., adj .
- Arianism
- a 4th-century doctrine, considered heretical by orthodox Christian-ity, that Christ was merely the noblest of men and, being of a different sub-stance, was not the son of God. Cf. heteroousianism , psilanthropism . — Arian , n., adj . — Arianistic, Arianistical , adj .
- Athanasianism
- the teachings of Athanasiusth-century bishop of Alexandria, asserting that Christ is of the same substance as God; adopted by the Council of Nicea as orthodox doctrine. Also called homoousianism, homoiousianism . — Athanasian , n., adj .
- autotheism
- the Calvinist doctrine of the separate existence of God the Son, derived from Calvin’s assertion that Christ took His person from God, but not His substance. — autotheist , n . — autotheistic , adj .
- chiliasm
- the doctrine that Christ will return to the world in a visible form and set up a kingdom to last 1000 years, after which the world will come to an end. — chiliast , n. — chiliastic , adj .
- Christology
- the branch of theology that studies the personality, attitudes, and life of Christ. — Christological , adj .
- Christophany
- one or all of Christ’s appearances to men after the resurrection, as recorded in the Gospels.
- Docetism
- the teaching of an early heretical sect asserting that Christ’s body was not human or material, but celestial in substance. — Docetic , adj .
- Dyophysitism
- a 5th-century doctrine that Christ had a dual nature, the divine and the human, united perfectly in Him, but not inextricably blended. Cf. Monophysitism . — Dyophysite , n. — Dyophysitic , adj .
- Dyothelitism, Dyotheletism
- the doctrine that Christ had two wills, the human and the divine. Cf. Monothelitism . Also Dyothetism . — Dyothelite, Dyothelete , n.
- Eutychianism
- Monophysitism. — Eutychian , n.
- heteroousianism
- a position in the 4th-century controversy over Christ’s nature, asserting that He and God were of different natures; Arianism. Also spelled heterousianism . — heteroousian , n., adj .
- homoiousianism
- a position in the 4th-century controversy over Christ’s nature, asserting that He and God were of similar, but not the same, natures; semi-Arianism. Also homoeanism . — homoiousian , n., adj .
- homoousianism
- a position in the 4th-century controversy over Christ’s nature, asserting that He and God are of the same nature; Athanasianism. — homoousian , n., adj .
- impanation
- the theological doctrine that the body and blood of Christ are present in the bread and wine after they are consecrated.
- Julianism
- the heretical theory of Julianth-century bishop of Halicarnassus, who took the extreme Monophysite position that Christ’s human nature had been subsumed in and altered by the divine. — Julianist , n .
- kenoticism
- the theological concept that, through His incarnation, Christ humbled or emptied Himself and became a servant for man’s sake. — kenosis, kenoticist , n. — kenotic , adj .
- logia
- sayings or maxims attributed to Christ but of which there is no written record or mention in the Gospels. See also 422. WISDOM .
- millenarianism
- 1. the doctrine of Christ’s 1000-year kingdom.
- 2. a belief in the millennium; chiliasm. — millenarian , n., adj . — millenarist , n .
- millennialism
- a doctrine that Christ will make a second Advent and that the prophecy in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled with an earthly millennium of peace and righteousness. Also called millenarianism, chiliasm . — millennialist , n.
- Monophysitism
- a 5th-century heresy concerning the nature of Christ, asserting that He had only a divine nature or that the human and divine made one composite nature. Cf. Dyophysitism . — Monophysite , n., adj . — Monophysitic, Monophysitical , adj .
- Monothelitism, Monotheletism
- a heretical position of the 7th century that Christ’s human will had been superseded by the divine. Also Monothelism . — Monothelite, Monothelete , n . — Monothelitic, Monotheletic , adj .
- Nestorianism
- a 5th-century heresy concerning Christ’s nature, asserting that the human and divine were in harmony but separate and that Mary should be considered the Mother of Christ, not of God. — Nestorian , n., adj .
- Patripassianism
- a heretical, monophysitic concept of the 2nd and 3rd centuries that held that, in the Crucifixion, the Father suffered equally with the Son. — Patripassian, Patripassianist , n.
- Paulianism
- a 3rd-century heresy concerning the nature of Christ, denying the divine by asserting that Christ was inspired by God and was not a person in the Trinity. — Paulian, Paulianist , n .
- Phantasiast
- a member of an early Christian sect that denied the reality of Christ’s body.
- psilanthropism
- the doctrine that Christ was merely a human being. Cf. Arianism . — psilanthropist , n. — psilanthropic , adj .
- sindonology
- the study of fabric artifacts, especially the supposed burial shroud of Christ. — sindonologist , n.
- soteriology
- the doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ. — soteriologic, soteriological , adj .
- theanthropism
- the condition of being, simultaneously, both god and man. Also theanthropology . — theanthropist , n. — theanthropic , adj .
- trinitarianism
- the orthodox Christian belief that God exists as the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Cf. unitarianism . — trinitarian , n., adj .
- unitarianism
- the doctrines of those, including the Unitarian denomination, who hold that God exists only in one person. Cf. trinitarianism . — unitarian , n.,adj .
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