Most common skin problems
Here are the most common and frequent problems that we face at some point in our lives, with the symptoms to help you recognize them:

∎ Eczema. Is an inflammatory skin condition that probably results from exposure to allergens, nervous tension and chemical or metallic irritants, in susceptible individuals. Symptoms include dry patches of skin with cracking, crusting, redness and swelling, often with weeping sores or watery blisters.
∎ Acne. Acne is a common disorder of overactive sebaceous glands, when they secrete too much oil (sebum) in the skin. This is characterized by the recurring formation of blackheads, white heads, and pimples. The incidence of acne is greatest during puberty, adolescence, and when hormones influencing the secretion of the oil glands are at their peak level of activity.
∎ Warts. Common warts are local growths on the skin that are caused by a virus infection. They are generally visible.
∎ Psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type and is characterized by red skin covered with silvery scales and inflammation. Patches of circular to oval shaped red plaques that itch or burn are typical of plaque psoriasis. The patches are usually found on the elbows, knees, trunk, or scalp but may be found on any part of the skin. Research indicates that the disease may result from a disorder in the immune system. Factors such as stress and overall health can aggravate the condition.
∎ Mycosis (fungus infection). Fungus can cause tinea, athlete's foot and other skin infections, the most frequent being on the toes and at the base of the skull. Symptoms and signs include red, irritating spots and scaling skin.
∎ Different forms of dermatitis. These are typical bad skin conditions caused by a number of factors with different effects. Symptoms and signs can vary –sores, inflammations or red spots which are sometimes painful or itchy.
Even though they are generally harmless, moles can be one of the clearest danger signs in the detection of a potential skin cancer. What types of moles are dangerous, or at least merit a visit to the doctor?

- • Asymmetric moles, that's to say if you divide them in two with an imaginary line, the two sides are not equal.
- • Those which have undefined edges.
- • Those which are raised higher than the surrounding skin and have a rough texture.
- • Those which measure more than 1/4 in/0.63 cm.
One should also consult the doctor inmediately if any change in the shape of a mole is observed, for example: change or loss of color; darkening; rapid growth; itching or bleeding.

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