Massaging the pain away

Some relaxing and tension relieving massages may be very effective in relieving headaches.

+ To help reduce and relieve headaches there are specific massages on the neck, shoulders, shoulder blades, back, temples, forehead, jaw and behind the ears. These massages are relaxing and help to get rid of pain caused by tension in certain parts of the body. You can do these massages yourself, although they are most efficient when done by someone else, especially by a trained massage therapist.

1. In a seated, comfortable position, massage the back of the neck, shoulders and temples.

In a seated, comfortable position

2. First press firmly on the shoulders and then press with your fingertips on the back of the neck and temples (the hands should be lubricated with a neutral oil mixed with three drops of an essential oil —try lavender, camomile or mint).

First press firmly on the shoulders

3. With both thumbs, massage the ear lobes. This technique is very important because most nervous tension passes through this part of the body.

With both thumbs, massage

4. With your index and middle fingers, lightly press on the temples. Next, gently massage, using circular movements to relieve pain.

With your index and middle fingers

5. Gently press with your fingertips on the middle of the forehead, the area where the ajna or third eye chakra is found. This massage is very efficient for relaxing the mind and getting rid of anxiety.

Gently press with your fingertips on the middle of the forehead

6. Place your fingertips in the area below and above the eyebrows and apply pressure for a few seconds. This pressure helps to relax the mind and to soothe pain, it is ideal for days when you are extremely tired.

Place your fingertips in the area below and above the eyebrows and apply pressure for a few seconds

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