Healthy energy
Reiki is a natural healing art for personal growth using the hands. This ancient technique is not only beneficial for physical health but also emotional and mental well-being. It may help to relieve the anxiety and tension brought on by an allergic reaction.

+ The syllables rei and ki come from Japan, meaning “universal energy”. Reiki is a healing art using the hands to transmit natural energy to the patient. Practicing reiki may be beneficial in relieving physical discomforts. It's a therapeutic discipline that treats the body holistically, or as one entity, including the physical body, emotions, mind and spirit, in such a way that it doesn't only remove a pathology but tries to harmonize the body's natural balance to bring well-being and happiness.
The Chakras
Reiki is also defined as light-energy that penetrates the body through seven principal chakras, running from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
They are:

This thousand year old technique was rediscovered or researched in the 18th century by Japanese doctor Milkao Usui, who meditated on and synthesized the five principles of reiki, especially for the well-being of all humans:
- • Just for today I will not be angry.
- • Just for today I will not worry.
- • Earn your living honestly.
- • Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
- • Show gratitude to every living thing.
Reiki, the universal curative energy is within everyone's reach. You don't need previous study to practice, you only need to be open to feeling, giving and receiving energy flow. We've provided a fourteen step routine to energize and relax, ideal for allergic patients:
1. To reestablish the harmony in the body's energetic circulation that is easily lost during an allergic reaction, place both hands on the sides of the shoulders.

2. To relieve or overcome problems related to vocal chords or problems of communication, place the palms of the hands on the throat.

3. Most nerve ends are found in the head. Place the hands around the head, covering the ears to achieve total well - being in the body.

4. Place the hands on the temples of the patient to balance the two hemispheres and transmit healing and harmonious energy.

5. Place the hands over the forehead and eyes; this evokes the third eye and treats problems related with the eyes, sight and feelings.

6. Place the hands on the crown of the head to relieve and prevent chronic headaches and migraines.

7. Place the hands on the hollow part of the chest, this emits energy to the thyroids. After, bring the hands over the heart and keep in this position for a few seconds.

8. First, on the sides and then under the shoulders. Directing the energy over these two areas is a way to awaken the body's balance and to relieve specific pains.

9. Place the hands over the chest to help the function of the lungs. Rub the hands inward and outward to release negative energy.

10. With the palms faced upward, place the hands under the neck and work the area at the back of the neck to relax the spine and stimulate the function of the spinal cord.

11. Keep the hands over the abdomen; next, bring the hands to the solar plexus. This step is great for recovering energy and strengthening the body.

- • Helps to release blocked emotions.
- • Has purifying effects on the body (to eliminate toxins) and on the mind (releases recurring and negative thoughts.)
- • Restores harmony through balancing the chakras, or energy centers.
- • Strengthens the immune system, activating natural defenses.
- • Contributes to the awareness and development of the spirit.
12. This is the place called the secret chakra that improves the function of the intestines and liver. This step is important to help the functioning of the ovaries and the prostate gland.

13. Continue along the knees, leaving the hands over the knees for a few minutes. This technique is recommended for relieving pains in the legs and for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

14. Lastly, place the hands around the ankles. This position helps relieve pains in the feet and legs, and swelling or fluid retention in the ankles.

The essence of reiki is the energy of love. This is why giving or receiving reiki opens healing energy. This discipline has been defined as energy as large as radio waves, because it can be applied with direct contact or from afar. It is a harmless energy, without side effects. This is an effective complementary therapy. The skill of healing through reiki can only be received through a teacher; you don't need any previous knowledge, but you need to be open to giving or receiving the energy.
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