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Win95 FAQ Part 11 of 14: Disk Compression

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Subject: 11. Disk compression and you 

     * 11.1. Why should I bother? (Actually it's not as dumb as you
       might think)
     * 11.2. I heard that using disk compression is helpful on drives
       > 1 GB. Is this true? (yes.)
          + 11.2.1. Does disk compression on > 1 GB drives work with
            FAT32 as well?
     * 11.3. How do I compress my whole hard drive? (Avoid if
     * 11.4. How do I compress a part of my hard drive?
     * 11.5. How do I compress floppy disks?
          + 11.5.1. Enabling "Auto-mount" for removable compressed
     * 11.6. The DriveSpace driver takes 60 KB and I can't load it
       high! How do I do it?
     * 11.7. The DriveSpace 3 driver takes 100 KB and I can't load it
       high! How do I do it?
     * 11.8. How do I start my computer WITHOUT loading the
       DriveSpace driver?
          + 11.8.1. Why you should run DOS programs in DOS sessions
            in Win95
          + 11.8.2. How do I load the Win95 DriveSpace driver, but
            NOT load the DOS DriveSpace driver? 
     * 11.9. My computer is very, very, slow since I installed disk
       compression. How can I speed it up?
          + 11.9.1. Basic DriveSpace 3 theory; regular, HiPack,
            UltraPack, Compression Agent
          + 11.9.2. Why on slow computers, you should use "No
            compression" and still use DriveSpace 3 
     * 11.10. Top ten mistakes using disk compression
     * 11.11. Top ten mis-conceptions regarding DriveSpace 3 

User Contributions:


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Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
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Thank you
Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
My all protocol working save normally
And rfcs link workings locks and blocking

Thank you
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM