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                        *  MARRIED  WITH  CHILDREN  *

                          P R O G R A M   G U I D E

                                by Dean Adams 


                              (December, 1997)


                     APPENDIX II - GUEST CAST LISTING


   Mack, Rana                     Margie (620)
   Maculan, Tim                   Bank Nerd #2 (711)
   Madden, Dave                   Manager (816)
   Maher, Bill                    Adam (717)
   Mahon, Michael C.              Larry (1121)
   Maloney, Coleen                Marie Privett (415)
   Maloney, Patty                 Alien (507)
   Mandan, Robert                 Walter Traugott (820)
   Mangum, Jonathan               Hal (1113)
   Maggart, Brandon               Uncle Dudley (1115)
   Maniaci, Jim                   Jim (307)
   Mann, Jodie                    Cashier (519, 520)
   Mansell, Carol                 Edna (317)
   Marcus, Bill                   Harold (202)
   Margolis, Cindy                Beer Girl #1 (707)
   Mariano, John                  Pete (809)
   Marin, Cheech                  Voice of Buck (513, 811, 824)
   Mark, Heidi                    Ashley (1008,1017,1018)
   Marks, Shae                    Colleen (925), Inga (1011)
   Marsico, Miles                 Boy (1111)
   Martin, Jennifer               Butter (V.O.) (1012)
   Martin, Kristen                Freckled Girl (712)
   Martin, Ralph P.               Mustafa (811)
   Masset, Andrew                 Phillip (703)
   Massey, Jennifer               Maria (909)
   Matheisen, Mark                Gunther (815)
   Mathers, Jerry                 himself (520)
   Matlock, Buddy                 Banjo Player (522) 
   Matthews, Patricia             Velour (317) 
   Mauro, Gary                    Mark (321)
   Maxwell, Don                   Dad (812)
   Mayer, Richard                 Old Man (711)
   Mazzola, Aubree                Girl (708)
   McBee, Deron                   Policeman (306)
   McBride, Chi                   Dexter (822)
   McBride, Kevin                 Reporter #3 (920)
   McCleister, Tom                Ike (911-914,921,925,1001,1004-1005,1007,
   McClellan, Kathleen            Girl (706)
   McClure, Edie                  Mrs. Tot (1124)
   McCormack, J. Patrick          Senator Furman (914)
   McCullough, Suli               Dave (518)
   McDaniel, Xavier               himself (801)
   McGinley, Ted *                Norman Jablonsky (413)
   McGrath, Derek                 Buck <in dream> (201)
   McKay, Larry                   News Anchor (617), TV Announcer (1101)
   McKenna, Mike                  Bartender (1006)
   McKenzie, Matt                 Reporter (410)
   McLaren, Todd                  NBC Announcer (715), Stadium Announcer (719)
   McLaughlin, Christian *        Reindeer Dancer (1113)
   McLeister, Tom                 Ike (1026)
   McLeod, Alex                   Coed #1 (711)
   McLeod, Alexandra Ann          Carrie (909)
   McManus, Michael               Puggy (420)
   McMurray, Sam                  Andy (505)
   Medalis, Joseph G.             Bald No Ma'am Guy #1 (1005)
   Melilli, Lisa                  Sandy (1117)
   Mellencamp, Laura              Melinda (318)
   Melson, Sara                   Corky (713)
   Menyuk, Eric                   Gerry (502), Black Bob (718)
   Merrick, Dawn                  Tiffany (212)
   Michalski, Jeff                Harry (603)
   Michelle, Jeanine              Luyah (1004)
   Milantoni, Michelle            Margo (303)
   Milbourne, Vicki E.            Mamie (1010)
   Milder, Andy                   Francis (706)
   Miller, E.D.                   Ira (719)
   Millicano, Pat                 Sticky (911)
   Millikan, Alden                The Trash (1011)
   Mills, Brooke Stacy            Sandy (720)
   Minasyan, Anahtt               Lil (721)
   Minyard, Ken                   Ollie (303)
   Miranda, Christopher           Tommy (922)
   Mitchell, Michelle             Woman #2 (1119)
   Mitz, Michael                  Bank Teller (711)
   Modder, Darren                 Roscoe (209)
   Moll, Richard                  Gino (1014,1015)
   Monahan, Debi                  Hon (216)
   Montano, Fran                  Station Manager (419)
   Montgomerey, Nick              Leon (206)
   Montgomery, Maggi              Leona (612)
   Montgomery, Ritchie            Emcee (1108)
   Moore, Barbara                 Dee Anna (725)
   Moore, G. Jordan               Female Detective (1026)
   Moore, Krystin                 Julie (922)
   Morgan, Ed                     Charity Santa (712)
   Morgan, Joe                    himself (911)
   Morita, Pat                    Mr. Shimokawa (1020)
   Morrell, Carmen                Shaney (1112)
   Morris, Garrett                Russ (110, 310)
   Morris, Sarahann               Jessica (1008)
   Morrison, Kate                 Alice (423)
   Moss, Lisa                     TV News Anchor (410)
   Moye, Michael G. *             Young Zeke (522),
                                    Voice of Nearby Dog (624)
   Muellereile, Marianne          Health Inspector (1104)
   Muirhead, Oliver               Mr. Blithers (902)
   Mullen, Beckie                 Yvonne (501)
   Mullenax, Jody                 Thunder (1006)
   Muramoto, Betty                Sumo Yohiro (317)
   Murphy, Harry S.               Mr. Bennett (922)
   Murphy, Terry                  herself (901)
   Music, Jami                    Rebecca (1001)
   Mustillo, Louis                Mr. Nielsen (622)
   Nagel, Nicole                  Heidi (902)
   Nagorsky, Nicole               Penelope (822, 1105), Daughter (1108)
   Namath, Joe                    himself (810)
   Nardini, James                 Chris (1121)
   Nast, Tommy                    Elmo (417)
   Nayor, Abbey                   Corn Dog Lady (1121)
   Nelson, David                  Fantasy Man (523)
   Nevil, Alex                    Mike (823)
   New, Tina                      Debbie (1008)
   New, Tina                      Woman #1 (1016)
   Nicholas, Michelle             Libby (803)
   Nichols, Wendy                 Girl (506)
   Nickell, Brad                  Life Guard #1 (1018)
   Nittoli, Andrea                Linda (1023)
   Noon, Frank                    Guy #2 (809)
   Noone, Peter                   himself (709)
   Norris, Dean                   Rodent (910)
   Novello, Don                   Father Guido Sarducci (1003)
   O'Brien, Patrick T.            Wally (215), Bob Thompson (1102)
   O'Bryan, Sean                  Neuter (806)
   O'Connell, John                TV Announcer (901)
   O'Doherty, Jim                 Pagent Master (422)
   O'Donnell, Annie               Eartha (905)
   O'Guinne, Michael              Bowler #1 (420)
   O'Hara, Megan                  Lola (608), Girl #1 (610)
   O'Neal, Cleveland              Stage Manager (610)
   Ochman, Joe                    Guy (808)
   Oddie, Bill                    Winston (624-626)
   Offer, Tonya                   Salmoe (605)
   Oleson, Nick                   Lon (721)
   Olkewicz, Walter               Violinist (103)
   Ollstein, Laurel               Woman (704)
   Olsen, Katherine               Beth (915)
   Olson, Richard Taylor          Bobby Beaver (1115)
   Omundson, Timothy              Bartender (809)
   Oppenheimer, Alan              Mr. Foodie (520)
   Ornelas, Richard               Thug (1102)
   Orser, Leland                  Mark (912), Director (1011,1023)
   Overton, Rick                  Dr Fisher (1107, 1109)
   Owens, Edwin                   Judge (720)
   Paige, Kimberly                Jackie (802)
   Paine, Bruce Michael           Biker (1006)
   Palmer, Gretchen               Lucille (905)
   Palmieri, William              Guy #1 (809)
   Paradise, James                Slick Stick Jackson (604)
   Parente, Teresa                Miranda Cardinal (905-906,913,920,1004,
   Parker, Andrea                 Go-Go Dancer (317)
   Parker, Brad                   Bob (608), Refreshment Guy (922)
   Parker, F. William             Vandergelder (309)
   Parker, S. Kyle                Ahmed (706), Habib #1 (723),
                                    Achmed (1017-1018)
   Parker, Todd                   Officer Stan (1020)
   Parkhurst, Heather Elizabeth   Flopsie (517), Almond (523), Hilgar (623)
   Parks, Nelson                  B.B.R. Fan #1 (822)
   Pass, Cyndi                    Girl Dancer (602)
   Paul, Jasmin                   Star Disher (1011)
   Paul, Meilani                  Melissa (1001)
   Paul, Richard                  Sheriff (202)
   Pavia, Ria                     Kitty (304)
   Pearcey, Kristen               Karen (316)
   Peretz, Susan                  Ms. Blaub (723)
   Perkins, Ron                   Doctor (812)
   Perna, Tom                     Tony (604)
   Perry, Barbara                 Old Lady (618)
   Petkoff, Robert                Delivery Boy (213)
   Phelps, Becky                  Gloria (202)
   Philip, Michael                Chopper (914)
   Phillips, Bobbie               Jill (603), Kara (614)
   Phun, Dennis                   Chinese Actor (903)
   Piazza, Mike                   himself (911)
   Picotte, Lisa                  Mindy (1008,1017-1018) 
   Pierce, Jill                   Mary (414)
   Pierson, Geoff                 Roland Squab (220)
   Pillsbury, Drew                Thad (910)
   Pires, David                   Doctor #1 (1019)
   Pitts, Ron                     TV Announcer (826)
   Pitzer, Marilyn                Betsy (321)
   Plaksin, Laurie                Charlene (316)
   Poindexter, David J.           Poindexter (905, 906)
   Polizos, Vic                   Killer (202)
   Poole, Tonya                   Beer Girl #3 (707)
   Pressman, David                Mike (1106)
   Prestia, Shirley               Marsha (322)
   Priddy, Nancy *                Mrs. Writeman (409)
   Prine, Andrew                  Psycho Dad (913)
   Pusheck, Jennifer              Toni (711)
   Puzo, Gina                     Roxanne (616)
   Quarter, James                 Delbert (620)
   Rackham, Marty                 Dave (918)
   Radenbaugh, Dawn               Darlene (925)
   Raggio, Lisa                   Connie (317, 318)
   Raider-Wexler, Victor          Floyd (1016)
   Ralston, Teri                  Judge Spivak (312)
   Randolph, John                 Colonel Van Pelt (611)
   Rapport, Louise                Mrs. Gillis (519)
   Rasmussen, Bryan               Burglar (1106)
   Raymond, Gonzo                 Santo (1114)
   Reddy, Brian                   Checker #2 (824)
   Redmond, Marge                 Miss Beyer (421)
   Reed, Dawn                     Mrs. Taylor (910)
   Reid, Dan                      Elmo (1108)
   Reid, Doug                     Buford (1108)
   Reilly, Corinne                Young Woman (1119)
   Reilly, Tom                    Caterer (615)
   Reinhardt, Ray                 Peamon (408)
   Reitman, Joseph D.             Genghis (904,1006),Tom (914),Stoner (926)
   Reynolds, John S.              himself (910)
   Rhoads, Cheryl                 Rachel (1121)
   Ribisi, Vonni                  Teddy (111, 320)
   Richards, Denise Lee           Girl #2 (610)
   Ridel, Stefanie                Lisa (817)
   Rieffel, Lisa                  girl (702)
   Riffel, Rena                   Stripper #1 (1124)
   Rifkind, Joshua                Scott (620)
   Riley, Jack                    Wendell (905)
   Rio, Eddie                     Motorist #3 (502)
   Roberts, Burke                 Reporter #1 (1025)
   Roberts, Ted                   Brian (703)
   Robertson, Kimmy               Molly (405)
   Robinson, Robin Francis        Man (721)
   Roccuzzo, Mario                Vendor (719)
   Rogers, William                Waiter No.1 (311)
   Romero, Kate                   Midge (412) 
   Rooney, Sherry                 Gwen (703)
   Rose, Roger                    V.J. (619), Tweety and Bailiff (1003)
   Rose, Sherrie                  Mandi (509)
   Roseen, Irene                  Woman #3 (1117)
   Ross, Charlotte                Darlene (621)
   Rossitto, Susie                Alien (507)
   Roth, Jeffrey                  Jim jr. (623)
   Rothhaar, Michael              Milt (924)
   Ruby, Dave                     Hummer (1017-1018)
   Ruprecht, David                Mr. Mallman (213)
   Rusoff, Catherine              Mona Squab (220), Betsy (603)
   Russell, Keri                  April (926)
   Ryan, Leslie                   Julie (711)
   Ryder, Kevin                   The D.J. (519)
   Sabella, Ernie                 Mr. Pond (108)
   Saberhagen, Bret               himself (911)
   Sabitjian, Vick                Abdula (921)
   Saccente, Michael              Man (416)
   Sacha, Kenny                   Mr. Adonis (310)
   Sagal, Joe                     Randolph (1011)
   Sagal, Joey                    Man with nose (602)
   Salie, Faith                   Lana (1017)
   Saman                          Beach Boy (321)
   Sammeth, Barbara               Woman #1 (901)
   Sanchez, Marco                 Ramon (1001)
   Sanders, Brandy                Brandi (912)
   Sanders, Cynthena              Activist #2 (707)
   Sanders, Fred                  Ishowitz (712)
   Sanders, Henry                 Murray (307)
   Sanders, Richard               Mr.Conner (103)
   Sanderson, William             Cousin Eb (606)
   Sauer, Dorit                   Trixie (505), Trixie (516)
   Saunders, J.Jay                Bronson (104)
   Saxton, Lisa                   Girl Vendor (602), Bathsheba (605)
   Scarry, Rick                   Melvin (603)
   Schillaci, Barbara             Mitzi (218)
   Schon, Kevin                   Phil (726), Stage Manager (912),
                                    Felix D. Katt/Mouse Lawyer (1003)
   Schreiber, R.Leo               Farmer (408)
   Schuch, Robert                 Jimbo (318)
   Schwab, Lana                   Fern (212), Fern (403)
   Schwimmer, Rusty               Babs (921)
   Scott, Geoffrey                Gary (111)
   Scott, Jessie                  Lovely Zelda (220)
   Scott, Karen Lynn              Aunt Heather (613), Dina (1023)
   Scott, Lisa Marie              Halla (1004)
   Scott, Lorna                   Rita (818)
   Scriba, Mik                    Mr. Blum (418)
   Sebastian, John                himself (709)
   Sederholm, David               Bruce Van Pelt (611), Phillip (1013)
   Seeger, Mindy                  Jeannie (807)
   Segan, Noah                    Robby (922)
   Sellers, Derek                 Hardy (504),  Fantasy Man (523)
   Sellers, Mark                  Male Detective (1026)
   Sellon-Wright, Keith           Reporter #2 (920)
   Semon, Cheri                   July Hubbard (521), Polly (712)
   Semon, Kristen                 December Hubbard (521),  Lolly (712)
   Shabba-Doo                     Cecil (414)
   Shear, Pearl                   Volenteer #1 (707)
   Shear, Rhonda                  Brenda (509)
   Shearer, Sara                  Assistant (712)
   Shelton, Fred                  Roy (504)
   Sheridan, Dancia               Matilda (1001),Belinda (1012),Matilda (1105)
   Sherman, Amanda                Donna (111)
   Shields, Trea                  Bridgett (524)
   Shilling, Georgia              Cheerleader (719)
   Shimmerman, Armin              Mr. Lovejoy (524)
   Shishino, Fumi                 Mai Lin (912)
   Shobe, Christopher             Guy in Bar (1117)
   Shore, Pauly                   Captain (314)
   Shydner, Ritch                 Luke Ventura (101, 107)
   Sickner, Sean N.               Policeman #2 (804)
   Siff, Helen                    Leona (822, 1105)
   Silardi, Tom                   Dabbs (814)
   Silla, Felix                   Alien (507)
   Silver, Hartley                Storekeeper Jim (707)
   Simmrin, Joey                  March Hubbard (521)
   Simms, George                  Casting Executive (615)
   Simpson, Gary                  Paramedic (824)
   Skelton, Nancy                 Dottie (303)
   Skyler, Robb                   Mail Carrier (1004)
   Sloan, Tiffany                 Carol (717)
   Slome, Susan                   Becca (1023)
   Smith, Bubba                   Spare Tire Dixon (516), himself (910)
   Smith, Jessica                 Jenny (922)
   Smith, Kevin Lamont            Biff (1113)
   Smith, Michele                 Bunny (402)
   Solis, Christina               Esmerelda (1013)
   Solomon, George                Host/Announcer (206)
   Songe, Cynthia                 Ms. Mount (304)
   Sophia, Jennifer               Didi (209)
   Sorich, Michael                Fidel Castro (1109)
   Spangler, Angela               Bambi (1020)
   Sparks, Don                    Horowitz (412)
   Speir, Dona                    Photo Girl (311)
   Spellos, Peter                 Elmo (921)
   Sperber, Wendie Jo             Sandy (613)
   Spinak, Larry                  Frank (209)
   Spirtas, Kevin                 Instructor (1119)
   Springer, Jerry                himself (809)
   Spruill, Stefani               Gloria (1119)
   Sprung, Sandy *                Dottie (202)
   Stabler, Ken                   himself (910)
   Stahl, Lisa                    Gretchen (919)
   Stahl, Richard                 Shoemaker (901)
   Stanley, La Rue                Fanny (206, 212, 322)
   Stanton, Michael               Customer #1 (518)
   Statheros, Elena               Liz (721)
   Steedman, Tony                 Mayor Fivshaw (624-626)
   Steele, Cynthia                Rebecca (905, 906)
   Steichen, Gene                 Bank Customer (902)
   Stein, Ben                     Thomas (1003)
   Stein, Mary                    Judge #2 (1113)
   Stein, Ron                     Elvis? (303)
   Steinfeld, Andrew              Tom (423)
   Steinfeld, Pete                Lifeguard (321), Rock Turboman (610),
                                    Pete (822)
   Stevens, Howard                TV Announcer (316)
   Stewart, Brian                 Lance (1023)
   Stole, Mink                    Edna (1110)
   Stoneback, Ric                 Speedy (318)
   Storch, Larry                  himself (916)
   Stoyanov, Michael              Pizza Boy (416)
   Strader, Angela                Turquoise (1022)
   Street, Dusty                  D.J. (702)
   Stuart, Jeb                    Interviewer (1006)
   Sullivan, Cynthia              Mildred (423)
   Summers, Bunny                 Mrs. Wicker (313)
   Susa, Amber                    Jill (321)
   Susi, Carol Ann                Frannie (912,1007,1015)
   Susskind, Steve                Barney (110, 212, 310, 504, 809, 821)
   Sussman, Todd                  Bill Ellis (817)
   Sutherland, Matthew            Grad (1121)
   Swanson, Hannah                Young Kelly (1107)
   Swanson, Rochelle              Woman #1 (909)
   Sweeney, James R.              Priest (710)
   Sweet, Shane                   Seven (701-706,708-709,711-712,714,718)
   Sylvester, Harold              Griff (904-906,911,913-914,916-917,921,
   Szigeti, Cynthia               Bertha (716)
   Tablak, Juliet                 Amber (904,908,915,923)
   Taffel, Jodi                   Woman #2 (901)
   Talamantez, John               Delivery Guy #2 (1110)
   Taravella, Rosie               Woman #3 (901)
   Tartabull, Danny               himself (911)
   Tarver, Milt                   IRS Agent (517)
   Taylor, B.T.                   Adam (604)
   Taylor, Lawrence               himself (910)
   Taylor, Mark                   Mr. Lincoln (503)
   Taylor, Sarah                  Lounge Singer (417)
   Templin, Ray                   Announcer (504)
   Tenison, Renee                 Macadamia (523),Topsy (605),Marla (1018,1025)
   Tenison, Rosie                 Mopsy (605), Carla (1025)
   Theba, Iqbal                   Iqbal (912,1019-1020,1112)
   Theodore, Marisa               Betty jr. (623)
   Thicke, Alan                   Henry (1024), Bruce (1117-1118)
   Thiessen, Tiffani-Amber        Heather McCoy (418)
   Thill, Jerrie                  Cheerleader (719)
   Thomas, Frank                  himself (911)
   Thompson, Kevin                Elf (712)
   Thomsen, Gregg                 Hank (406)
   Thorley, Ken                   Jury Foreman (308)
   Tilton, Charlene               Herself (723)
   Tino, Mike                     Vince (409)
   Torees, Bill                   Cop (1123)
   Totah, Isa                     Ahmed (902)
   Toth, Nick                     Computer Voice (319)
   Tour, Shaun                    Akbar Johnson (911)
   Trautman, Allan                Barbiephile (908)
   Tremblay, Lisa-Gay             Cathy (1121)
   Trentini, Peggy                Ulla (623)
   Trevor, Steven                 Zelmo (618)
   Tulin, Michael                 Paul (311)
   Tull, Eric                     Milton (318)
   Tullis, Dan Jr.                Sherrif (408), Sonny (410), Officer (414),
                                    Policeman (517), FBI Man (617),
                                    Policeman (720, 724, 804)
                                    Officer Dan (809-810,817,821,906,911,
   Tully, Tom                     Harold (311)
   Tweed, Shannon                 herself (1011)
   Twitchell, Tifni               Mrs. Webstock (303)
   Tyler, Corey                   Guy #2 (418)
   Udy, Larry                     Psychic #1 (618)
   Utay, Will                     Dean (1021)
   Utay, William                  Bum (110)
   Vaccaro, Michael Anthony       Patrick (814)
   Vacco, Algelo                  Gang Guy (1010)
   Valentine, Steve               Guy in line (1006)
   Valentino, Venessia            Cindy (1012)
   Valverde, Rawley               Alajandro (303)
   Varon, Edith                   Agatha (521)
   Varon, Susan                   Brenda (924)
   Vasques, Erick                 Immigrant Child #1 (1102)
   Vassey, Liz                    Lorraine (702)
   Vaughn, Terri J.               Connie (905)
   Venable, Travis                Big Bob (618)
   Verkaik, Petra                 Model #1 (1025)
   Viatiare'                      Sonya (806)
   Viera, Joey                    Ernest (206)
   Village People, The            themselves (807)
   Vinovich, Steve                Director (615)
   Voland, Mark                   Alderman (925)
   Wade, Jennifer                 Cheerleader (1009)
   Wall, Shana                    Chantal (1001)
   Waln, Rick                     Bart (111)
   Walters, Alex                  Statue (423), Fantasy Man (523)
   Warner, T.C.                   Pam (914)
   Watts, Tonya                   Scarlett (1017)
   Waugh, Rick                    Jake (510)
   Wayne, April                   Muffy (306)
   Weapons, Letha                 Rocki Mountains (912)
   Weigel, Teri                   Jade (218, 221, 312, 509)
   Weiskpof, Kate                 Girl Witch (1007)
   Weiss, Chuck                   Bum (414, 421)
   Weldon, Ann                    Aunt Maddie (1111)
   Wells, Caryn                   Paula (216)
   Wells, David                   Sandy (611)
   Wells, Marian M.               Cheerleader (719)
   Welsh, John                    Tony (409), Clerk (1120)
   Wesley, John                   Dennis (212)
   Whalley, Christopher           Cowboy (206)
   White, Greg                    Coach (304)
   White, John Patrick            Little Floyd (1016)
   White, Vanna                   Coco (726)
   Whitman, Kari                  Muffy (408)
   Whitten, Sandi                 Senior #2 (421)
   Wiggins, Barry                 Geronimo (914)
   Wild, Sandra                   Fluffy (309)
   Wilgren, Terri                 Mindy (714)
   Willard, Fred                  Stan (619)
   Williams, Dijon                Bobby (1012)
   Williams, Ian Patrick          Beany (202), Inspector Fitzpatrick (1022)
   Williams, Meadow               Angela (1018)
   Wills, Lou                     Judge #1 (422)
   Wilmore, Leilani Jones         Reporter #1 (920)
   Windust, Penelope              Sales Lady (705)
   Winfield, Dave                 himself (911)
   Winfree, Rachel                Sadie (905)
   Winner, Jeffrey                Test Examiner (902)
   Winston, Matt                  Eugene (717)
   Winter, Terence                Lee (812)
   Wolande, Gene                  Scientist (1005)
   Wolf, Kay                      Amber (307)
   Woods, Barbara Alyn            Vicky (309)
   Wople, Lenny                   Father (811)
   Wuhrer, Kari                   Joanie (609, 610)
   Wyner, George                  Ronald N. Michaels (909)
   Wynette, Tammy                 herself (1108)
   Yates, Jack                    Jack (317, 318)
   Yeager, Biff                   Man (824)
   Yothers, Tina                  herself (1106)
   Young, Chris                   Jackson (1024)
   Young, Richard Kelly           Mel (909)
   Zane, Lora                     Ms. Weigel (308)
   Zapata, Carmen                 Madame Olga (309)
   Zarou, Elias                   Marcel (103)
   Ziering, Ian                   Kid (504)
   Zonn, Alex                     Bum (802)
   Zully, Stewart                 Sam (510)
   Zumwalt, Rick                  Gambler (417)
   Zusser, Matt                   Donald (922)


                      APPENDIX III - WRITING CREDITS

   Staff Writers:

    Michael G. Moye                    112, 714, 802, 812, 912, 1003
    Ron Leavitt/Michael G. Moye        110, 216, 302, 310, 409, 502, 601
    Michael G. Moye/Ron Leavitt        101, 102, 201, 202, 203, 215t, 305,
                                         401, 412, 413, 508, 623

    Ron Leavitt/Arthur Silver          525
    Ron Leavitt/Ellen L. Fogle         702
    Katherine Green/Richard Gurman     103, 113, 213
    Richard Gurman/Katherine Green     105, 205
    Sandy Sprung/Marcy Vosburgh        106,204,209,214,219,301,311,408
    Marcy Vosburgh/Sandy Sprung        107, 111, 222, 306, 403, 423
    Kim Weiskopf/David Castro          925
    Richard Gurman/Stacie Lipp         926, 1001
    Stacie Lipp/Richard Gurman         1008
    Valerie Ahern/Christian McLaughlin 1101, 1110, 1115, 1123
    Matthew Berry/Eric Abrams          1102, 1112, 1121
    Eric Abrams/Matthew Berry          1116
    Steve Faber/Bob Fisher             1104, 1107, 1113
    Vince Cheung/Ben Montanio          1108, 1111, 1124s
    Ben Montanio/Vince Cheung          1120
    Russell Marcus/Pamela Eells        1124t

    Richard Gurman/Stacie Lipp/Russell Marcus    1024

    Kevin Curran             411, 417, 419, 503, 509, 517, 602, 
                               603, 614, 626, 723

    Pamela Eells             1122

    Ralph R. Farquhar        109t, 211, 217, 304, 319, 321, 510, 
                               514, 523, 806

    Ellen L. Fogle           108, 210, 212, 218, 220, 315, 317, 318, 
                               414, 418, 421, 507, 512, 521, 606, 608,
                               617, 624, 705, 712, 721

    Katherine Green          402, 410, 420, 504, 513, 522, 613, 621,
                               808, 816, 821, 908, 920

    Richard Gurman           309, 314, 703, 718, 804, 810, 905, 1103

    Larry Jacobson           609, 610, 611, 619, 706, 720, 724, 
                               809, 813, 903, 917

    Stacie Lipp              501t, 515, 520, 605, 612, 622, 625, 707,
                               710, 715, 719, 722, 803, 805, 906, 1021

    Russell Marcus           923, 1002, 1010, 1105, 1109, 1117-1118

    Nancy Neufeld            822, 825

    Arthur Silver            505, 701, 713, 725, 726

    Gabrielle Topping        313s, 501s, 607, 708 

    Kim Weiskopf             801, 811, 910, 911, 1004, 1009

   Other Writers:

    Tracy Gamble/Richard Vaczy         206, 207
    Pamela Wick/Susan Cridland         303t
    Jules Dennis/Richard Mueller       307
    Jeanne Baruch/Jeanne Romano        308, 322t
    Lesa Kite/Cindy Begel              312
    Steve Granat/Mel Sherer            316
    Sara V. Finney/Vida Spears         320
    Sheldon Krasner/David Saling       404t
    Arthur Silver/Steve Bing           407
    Diane Burroughs/Joey Gutierrez     422, 711t
    Glenn Eichler/Peter Gaffney        516
    J.D. Brangato/Michael Ferris       519
    Chip Johannessen/John Rinker       524
    Joel Valentincic/Scott Zimbler     717
    Peter Gaulke/Eddie Feldmann        807t
    Garry Bowren/Laurie Lee-Goss       826, 1022
    Laurie Lee-Goss/Garry Bowren       921, 1106
    "Bootsie"                          924
    Scott Zimbler/Joel Valentincic     1012
    Paul Corrigan/Brad Walsh           1013
    Jimmy Alack/Jim Kelly              1019
    Terry Maloney/Mindy Morgenstern    1114t, 1119
    Todd Newman/David Faustino *       1114s

    Adell, Ilunga                 616, 820
    Aidekman, Al                  406, 506, 709, 819, 823, 915, 1011
    Beck, Donald                  902, 918
    Begel, Cindy                  818
    Brown, Calvin Jr.             618, 1007, 1026
    Buck, Donelle Q.              1025
    Burla, Ron                    104 
    Castro, David                 824, 904, 914
    Chernin, Lisa                 615
    Crider, Steve                 620
    Davis, Allan                  604s 
    Diamond, Paul                 415 
    Doanham, Sioux                416 
    Driscoll, Mark                817
    Everett, Art                  511 
    Geller, Matt                  109s 
    Gold, Barry                   913
    Houston, John Glenn           909
    Inwood,  Dvora                1006, 1014, 1023t
    Kaufer, Fran E.               922, 1020
    Kline, Wayne                  814, 907
    McIntyre, Doug                815
    Newman, Todd                  1023s
    O'Keefe, Daniel               1005, 1015
    O'Neill, Len                  322s 
    Parker, J. Stanford           215s 
    Perzigian, Jerry              221 
    Prady, Bill                   518 
    Rogers, Will                  404s 
    Rosenbloom, Jan               312s 
    Rosenthal, Lisa               405 
    Scully, Brian                 604t 
    Sharon, P.                    711s
    Smith, Andrew                 704
    Steen, Nancy                  901t
    Studebaker, Carl              303s, 901s 
    Taylor, Alison                916
    Tricker, George               716
    Ulin, Robert                  313t 
    Vorhaus, John                 208 
    Wolff, Michel                 919
    Yuen, Brad                    807s

  [ s = Story credit only, t = Teleplay credit only ]


                      APPENDIX IV - DIRECTING CREDITS

    Primary Director:

      First/Second season    Linda Day
      Third-Seventh seasons  Gerry Cohen
      Eighth Season          Tony Singletary, Gerry Cohen
      Ninth-Eleventh Season  Gerry Cohen

    Linda Day                101-105, 108, 109, 111-113, 202-216, 
                              414, 519-521

    Gerry Cohen              217, 301-306, 309-322, 401-413, 415-419,
                              421-423, 501-518, 522-524, 601-606, 
                              608-617, 619-708, 709-713, 715-716, 
                              718, 816, 818-822, 901-906, 909-910,
                              913-914, 917, 919-921, 925-926,
                              1001-1004, 1007-1010, 1014-1015, 
                              1017-1018, 1024, 1103, 1107-1108, 1115,
                              1117-1119, 1122-1124

    Tony Singletary          420, 801-807, 809, 810, 815

    Amanda Bearse *          607, 618, 708, 717, 720, 811, 813, 815,
                              823, 826, 907, 911, 915-916, 922, 924
                              1005-1006, 1011, 1013, 1016, 1101-1102,
                              1105-1106, 1109, 1111-1114

    Sam W. Orender           714, 808, 812, 814, 817, 824, 825, 
                               912, 918, 923, 1012, 1019-1023, 1104,

    Mark K. Samuels          1116, 1121

    Zane Buzby               106
    Richard Correll          1120
    Katherine Green          908
    James E. Hornbeck        310
    Brian Levant             110
    John Sgueglia            307
    Arlando Smith            107


                        APPENDIX V - THE LOST SHOW

 Here is a more detailed account of the events around the "missing" third 
 season episode: "I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT" (#308). [excerpted from Playboy]

 This episode is now called "The Lost Show" by the producers, since they
 feel they lost control of it, and subsequently it never aired as scheduled.
 The reason was the Fox network censors.  Producer Moye says they had 15 
 censor notes on the script, meaning 15 words or lines the censor considered
 "too graphic" or "over the edge" or "offensive to certain groups."  These 
 were the things they'd been hearing from the censor all along--at the rate
 of two or three a script--but 15 notes was a whole new game.

 "We were gonna play ball," says Moye. They made some changes and sent the 
 script back.  The censor was on the phone.  They made some more changes, 
 caught some more flak. "It got to the point where we had given them all 
 but four notes, which to us was bending double. We were really doing a 
 contortionist job."  Still, the censor wasn't happy.  By the end of the 
 week, they'd made 13 changes and "the integrity of the show was shot to 
 hell," says Moye. 

 The Lost Show is about sex.  It begins with Peg and neighbor Marcy 
 discussing ways to spice the Bundy's sex life.  How about a change of 
 venue?  Cut to the Hop-On-Inn motel.  See Al and Peg lean back in bed.
 Know they've done the wild--and as always with the Bundys, brief--thing.
 Later, we learn that Al and Peg were video-taped at the motel, as were 
 Steve and Marcy before them.  Cut to the courtroom, where Steve plays 
 prosecutor in the couples' lawsuit against the Hop-On-Inn.

 Unfortunately for the Bundys, Steve screens the video tapes in court. 
 Steve and Marcy win $10,000 for their multihour performance; Al and Peg's
 one-minute boogie is judged inconclusive.  Or, as the jury foreman says, 
 "No sex, no money."  The motel's lawyer doubts Peg's claim that in their 
 one filmed minute, she and Al had sex.  

 Says Peg: "All right, it may not be sex to you, but it is to me.  Just 
  because you have husbands who can last long enough to time an egg doesn't
  mean that what Al does doesn't count...  Is a crumb not a banquet for a 
  starving person?...  Is a fig leaf not clothing for the naked?"  

 Now Peg's off the witness stand.  She's being dragged back to her seat, and
 she's begging with every step: "You can't do this to Al!  He'll lose what 
 little confidence he has!  You were great, baby!  Please, oh, please, don't
 listen!  Don't give up!"  The courtroom clears.  Al and Peg are alone.  He 
 leads her behind the judge's bench...  The hands of the clock spin.  Then 
 we hear voices from behind the bench.

   Al:  "Now, was that sex, or was that sex?"  
   Peg: "That was SEX, Al", and she lights a cigarette and exhales 
         a cloud of smoke...

 As this episode ends, the camera slowly pans to show a closed-circuit 
 TV camera pointed directly behind the judge's bench...

  [You can find an illustrated transcript of the Lost Show at
   the Bundyology website -]


                       APPENDIX VI - BUNDYISMS

    The Bundy credo:
      "When one Bundy is embarrassed, the rest of us feel better 
       about ourselves."   [From CAN'T DANCE, DON'T ASK ME (313)]

    Al Bundy's xmas story:  
      Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house,
       no food was a stirring, not even a mouse.  
      Stockings were hung 'round dad's neck like a tie, 
       along with a note that said "presents or die".  
      Children were plotting all night in their beds, 
       while the wife's constant whining was splitting his head.
      But daddy had money this year in the bank, 
       then they closed up early, now dad's in the tank. 
       ...and all of a sudden Santa appeared, 
       a sneer on his face, booze in his beard. 
      Santa I said as he laughed merrily, 
       you do so much for others do something for me.  
      Bundy he said, you only sell shoes, 
       your son is a sneak-thief, your daughters' a flooze.  
      Ho Ho Santa said, should I mention your wife, 
       her hairs like an a-bomb, her nails like a knife.
      As he climbs up the chimney, that fat piece of dung, 
       he mooned me two times, he stuck out his tongue.  
      And I heard him exclaim, as he broke wind with glee: 
       you're married with children, you'll never be free.
        [From IT'S A BUNDYFUL LIFE (part 1) (412)]

    Al pays the bills:
      Oh man we're broke, cha cha cha
      Everybody flat broke, cha cha cha
      Living in the gutter, cha cha cha
      Early grave, cha cha cha
      Alright now, everybody - shoot me!
        [From RAINGIRL (419)] 

    Al's Gardening Song:
      Ol' McBundy had a farm, B-U-N-D-Y.
      And on this farm there was no wife, B-U-N-D-Y.
      With a no wife here, and no kids there,
      And a hooker coming over on Friday night,
      Big hooters with a pizza and a beer there,
      Old McBundy had a farm, B-U-N-D-Y!
        [From "WABBIT SEASON" (508)]

    "I Care" by Al Bundy:
      When hooters jiggle around, 
       and I find nickels on the ground, I care.
      When a mustang engine purrs, 
       and the bathroom is not hers, I care.
      When the pitcher's on the mound, 
       and the wife is underground, I care.
      But when I've been playing this for days, 
       I will kill anyone who stays, I swear!

    To which Peggy adds:
      ...and if you really want a scare,
       check out his underwear, if you dare.
        [From MYSTERY OF SKULL ISLAND (614)] 

    "A man is a man all of his life, but a woman is only sexy 'til 
      she becomes your wife"  [Al Bundy, from RITES OF PASSAGE (616)]

    "At the Nudie Bar":
      Where the music stinks, and they water the drinks, the nudie bar.
      Where the girlies dance in their underpants, the nudie bar.
      Where you see their butt, and their trap stays shut, 
       at the nudie bar.

      Where you can't touch a breast, but you can cave in a chest,
       at the nudie bar.
      Where you look at a thigh, and blacken an eye, at the nudie bar.
      Where the beer gives you gas, but the Bundys kick ass, the nudie bar.  [From RITES OF PASSAGE (616)]

    "Psycho Dad" theme song:
      Who's that riding into the sun.
      Who's the man with the itchy gun.  
      Who's the man who kills for fun!  
      Psycho Dad.  Psycho Dad.  Psycho Dad!   
      He sleeps with a gun, but he loves his son.  
      Killed his wife 'cause she weighed a ton... Psycho Dad!
        [From AL... WITH KELLY (501)]

    "Psycho Dad" new theme song:
      A little touched or so we're told.
      Killed his wife 'cause she had a cold.
      Might as well, she was gettin' old.
      Psy-cho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad.
      He's quick with a gun, and his job ain't done.
      Killed his wife by twenty-one, he's Psy-cho Dad!

    "Psycho Mom" theme song:
      Who's the gal who needs no man?
      Killed him dead with the frying pan.
      Did it 'cause he missed the can.
      Psycho Mom, Psycho Mom, she's Psy-cho Mom!
        [From TEACHER PETS (621)] 

    "Old Aid" song:
      We are the old, we've got arthritis
      Our gums are weak (so weak), from gingivitis

      We are the old, we've got arthritis
      We are the ones who wear bifocals, and have bursitis

      There are people younger, but we heed another call
      We really need the money, our accountants took it all
      We sing to you, those who have money
      Once we was cool, but now we just dress funny
      We need your help, so please please dig deep
      Don't call after ten, 'cause we'll be asleep
      We have medicare, and anti-gas pills
      But without your help, we can't pay our alimony bills

      We are the old,   [they are the old]
      We have arthritis   [they have arthritis]
      Once we were gods, now golf excites us   [golf excites 'em]
      So write a check (a really big one), for our december
      There's one more verse, but we can't remember...
        [From ROCK OF AGES (709)]

    Christmas jobs for Al:
      With twelve days till christmas, 
      your family got for you: 
        12 days fruit picking, 
        11 offramp selling, 
        10 toilets cleaning,
         9 digging graves, 
         8 snaking sewers, 
         7 spearing rats, 
         6 training guard dogs, 
         5 giving blood!  
         4 crash-test dummying, 
         3 jobs roach-killing, 
         2 jobs dog catching, 
       and one job santa-ing at the mall.
        [From CHRISTMAS (712)]

    Marcy's song for Santa-Al:
      Bundy the no-man, 
       he's as bald as he can be.  
      With the hair in his nose and rot on his toes, 
       he's as bald as he can be.
      Bundy the no-man, 
       he's as bald as he can be.  
      He's into old age, 
       making minimum wage, 
       he's as bald as he can be...
        [From CHRISTMAS (712)] 

    The Bundy credo:
      Lie when your wife is waking
      Lie when your belly's aching
      Lie when you know she's faking
      Lie, sell shoes, and lie.

      Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum
      Hooters, hooters, on a girl that's dumb.

    More Nudie Bar sayings:
      Where a buck's enough to see their stuff, at the nudie bar.
      Where the breasts are fake but man do they shake, at the nudie bar.
      Where you swear like a sailor, and wish you could nail her, 
        at the nudie bar.
      Where the cops are at the door, and there's a Kennedy on the floor, 
        at the nudie bar.
        [From NO MA'AM (809)]

    "Psycho Dad" christmas episode:
      Who's that riding in the sleigh.
      Who's that firing along the way.
      Who's got the most popped on christmas day?
      Psy-cho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad.
        [From THE WORST NOEL (813)]

    Al's "wife" chant:
      I've seen her from the front, i've seen her from the back.
      I've seen her in a chair, i've seen her in a sack.
      I've seen her stand, i've seen her crouch.
      I've seen her on her stupid couch.
      I do not like her in the mall, I do not like her in the hall.
      I do not like her in my life, I do not like my big red wife!
        [From HONEY, I BLEW UP MYSELF (814)]

    Al's High School Valentine poem for Peggy:
      I love your hooters,
      I love your ass,
      Let's say we meet after class.
        [From HOW GREEN WAS MY APPLE (816)]

    The New Adventures of Psycho Dad:
      Who is the tall, dark stranger there.
      The one with the gun and the icy stare.
      The one with the scalp of his ex-wife's hair.
      Psy-cho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad!
      He's a durn good pa, but he hates the law.
      He's <something> to eat it raw, Psycho Dad!

      Who's that ridin' across the plain.
      Who's lost count of the wives he's slain.
      Who is the man who's plum insane!
      Psy-cho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad!
        [From KELLY KNOWS SOMETHING (823)]

      Al's Top-Ten list for Marcy:
        10. Wear traditional Islamic garb covering all but the eyes.
         9. Feather removing electrolysis.
         8. Ski mask.
         7. Sew up holes in ski mask.
         6. Hire attractive woman to stand in front of you at all times.
         5. Beak job.
         4. Put paper bag over ski mask.
         3. Shave head, tatoo Cindy Crawford's face on back of head,
            and learn to walk backwards.
         2. Poke out eyes of every man on Earth.
         1. Get President to make every day Halloween.
           [From "KISS OF THE COFFEE WOMAN" (1023)]


                       APPENDIX VII - PROGRAM NOTES

  Kelly "The Verminator" worked for Pest Boys Extermination Co.
  (Est. 1993,  1-312-555-SCAM)

  Christina Applegate's birthday is November 25, 1971.  
  Kelly's birthday was given in episode #704 as November 27th.

  David Faustino's birthday is March 3, 1974.
  Bud's birthday was given as January 22nd.
  Bud's middle name is Franklin.

  Amanda Bearse was born on August 9, 1958.

  Ed O'Neill was born on April 12, 1946.
  Al's birthday was given as July 11, 1948.

  Al works at "Gary's Shoes & Accessories", in the New Market Mall.

  The Bundy's home address is given as "9764 Jeopardy Lane", but at
  certain times the house number was also shown as "9674".

  Al, Peg, and the kids played on the "New Market Maulers" softball team,
  which is part of the twenty-store and under mall league.

  Peggy's maiden name is Wanker, and her family comes from the rural
  Wanker County, WI... "where everyone is relative."

  Al buys clothes at "Bob's Pre-Owned Socks 'n Stuff".

  Steve's middle name is "Bartholomew".

  Al's fathers father was named Jebediah Bundy.

  The voice of Buck the Dog was originally provided 
  by staff writer/producer Kevin Curran.  

  Al frequently talks about the football trophy he won in high school
  for scoring four touchdowns in a single game.

  Christina Applegate's mother (Nancy Priddy), appeared in episode #409.

  Peggy's bithday was given in episode #1116 as April 12th.

  The D'Arcy's Mercedes SL license plate is Illinois KDG 12 (#1101).

  The Bundy's license plate code is Illinois 61 CMS 2 (#1118).


  Here is a list of Bud's "alternate personas", from episode #803:

    1993:  Billy-Ray Bundy
    1992:  Joey Bud-afuoco 
    1991:  Grandmaster B 
    1990:  Indiana Bundy 
    1989:  Tito Bundy 
    1988:  Buderace 

  Starting in episode #603, Bud decided to start calling himself
  "Grandmaster B" in an attempt to do better with the babes.
  Here are some of the names people called him instead:

     Abdomenizer B  (723)           Grand Marshall B
     Bass Master B                  Grandfather B
     Bed Wetter B                   Grandmaster Virgin
     Bellringer B                   Grandpappy B 
     Butt-wagger B                  Grasshopper B
     Crossdresser B                 Grave Digger B
     Dishwasher B                   Grinchmaster B
     Dustbuster B                   Mixmaster B
     Gas-passer B                   Stairmaster B 
     Grand Bastard B                Thumb Sucker B
     Grand Flasher B                Toastmaster B 


  MWC producers/creators Leavitt and Moye have each made appearances in
  episodes, and several members of Leavitt's family have also appeared.
  Writers Larry Jacobson and Sandy Sprung were each in an episode as well.

  Christina Applegate seems to have had some of the most visible success 
  of the MWC cast, outside of the series.  She has had the leading role 
  in two motion pictures: "Streets", made in 1990, and "Don't Tell Mom 
  the Babysitter's Dead", in 1991.  Immediately prior to working on MWC,
  Christina was a regular on the ABC police drama "Heart of the City".
  Her character was 14-year old Robin Kennedy, daughter of the series'
  star, a police detective played by Robert Desiderio.  This show debuted
  in September 1986, and lasted less than a season.

  MWC staff members Kevin Curran and Larry Jacobson were both previously 
  employed as writers for Late Night with David Letterman.  Jacobson
  appeared in many comedy bits on Dave's show, and he has followed this
  up by appearing several times on MWC.

  MAD and Cracked magazines both have done parodies of Married With
  Children, in the 01/90 (#292) and 10/89 (#248) issues, respectively.

  MWC COOKBOOK: Pig Out With Peg, Secrets From the Bundy Family Kitchen 
  by Peg Bundy (as told by Linda Merinoff).  Avon Books, Nov 1990.


  Married With Children was produced by ELP Communications and Columbia 
  Pictures Television (a division of Sony Pictures), and the show was
  taped on Friday nights at the following location:

    Sony Studios
    Stage 23
    3970 Overland Ave.
    Culver City, CA  


  Comic book:

  NOW Comics released a series of comic books based on Married 
  With Children starting in 1990.  Here is a partial listing of
  the issues:

    06/90  First series (7 issues)
    12/91  Second series (7 issues)
    07/92  Kelly Bundy Special #1
    09/92  Kelly Bundy Special #2
    11/92  Kelly Bundy Special #3
    01/93  Flashback Special #1: "First Date"
    02/93  Flashback Special #2: "For Whom the Wedding Bells Toll"
    03/93  Flashback Special #3: "Father Knows Best"
    04/93  Buck's Tale Special 
    06/93  Married With Children in 3-D
    06/93  WC 2099 #1-3
    09/93  MWC Off Broadway
    10/93  MWC Quantum Quartet #1-4


  Syndication notes:

  Four episodes that originally aired on the Fox network were omitted
  from the 1991 syndication package.  All of these were excellent and 
  very funny shows, and all of them dealt with SEX...

     39. 12/11/88   A PERIOD PIECE  (301)
     41. 01/15/89   HER CUPS RUNNETH OVER  (306)
     48. 03/12/89   CAN'T DANCE, DON'T ASK ME  (313)
     75. 02/25/90   WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND  (418)

  [Update: after several months of playing the same reruns, episodes 
   #301 and 313 were finally released for syndication in May 1992,
   and #306 in October 1992.] 



  The following guest stars have posed in a less-than-clothed condition.

  Anderson, Pamela     Playmate 02/90          Yvette (501), Cashew (523)
  Austin, Lynne        Playmate 07/86          Sable (318)
  Brandt, Brandi       Playmate 10/87          Herself (407)
  Carlton, Hope Marie  Playmate 07/85          Heather (218)
  Fabian, Ava          Playmate 08/86          Yummy (417), Honey (523)
  Hahn, Jessica        Playboy 11/87,9/88,12/92  Ricki (612)
  Korn, Sandra         Penthouse (?)           Naomi (825)
  Lee, Luann           Playmate 01/87          Fifi (322)
  Lords, Traci         Penthouse Pet 09/84     T.C. (404), Vanessa (611)
  Mark, Heidi          Playboy  07/95          (1008)
  Moore, Barbara       Playmate 12/92          Dee Anna (725)
  Sloan, Tiffany       Playmate 10/92          Carol (717)
  Speir, Dona          Playmate 03/84          Photo Girl (311)
  Tenison, Renee       Playmate 11/89/PoY-1990 Macadamia (523), Topsy (605)
  Weigel, Teri         Playmate 04/86          Jade (218,221,312,509)
  Wild, Sandra         Playboy  08/91          Fluffy (309) 



 In the spring of 1991, Fox started a new series called "Top of the Heap", 
 based on two characters they introduced first in the Married With Children
 episode: "OLDIES BUT YOUNG'UNS" (518).  The series was about Vinnie 
 Verducci (Matt Le Blanc) and his father, Charlie (Joseph Bologna).  Other 
 cast members included Joey Adams as jail-bait neighbor Mona who is always 
 chasing Vinnie, and Rita Moreno, as Vinnie's boss.  It should be noted that
 Vinnie is a reasonable approximation of what a male Kelly Bundy would be: 
 handsome and incredibly stupid.  Charlie is similar to Al, in that life 
 has not treated him well, but where Al struggles to get by, Charlie is a 
 constant schemer.

 The pilot episode of "Top of the Heap" was shown as the second half of a
 special one-hour Married With Children episode.  The first part was the 
 show "KIDS! WADAYA GONNA DO" (519), in which neither Vinnie nor Charlie 
 makes an appearance.  The second half-hour is the "Heap" pilot, and had 
 no connection at all to the "KIDS!" story.  Al Bundy makes an appearance
 in a scene where Vinnie and Charlie stop by Gary's Shoes to talk to him.
 Al, it turns out, had bet on Vinnie's boxing match the night before and 
 lost his T.V. as a result.  At the end of the episode, while Vinnie and 
 Charlie sleep, a masked figure enters the Verducci apartment through the
 window.  The mask is lifted to reveal Al, who steals the Verducci's TV.
 Subsequent episodes would feature cameo appearances by MWC characters 
 Kelly and Bud Bundy.  The series was canceled after only a few months.

 The Vinnie Verducci character was later reprised for a short appearance
 in the MWC episode "KELLY DOES HOLLYWOOD (part 1)" (609).

 In June 1992, Fox once again tried to reprise the Vinnie character in 
 the short-lived series "Vinnie and Bobby".  MWC co-creator Ron Leavitt
 was partially responsible.  

 The second attempt at a spinoff was the episode "RADIO FREE TRUMAINE"
 which aired on 04/07/95.  This series would have focused on the activity
 around the student radio station at Bud Bundy's college, but it never 
 even made it past the pilot stage.  

 The third pilot-as-an-MWC-episode was "ENEMIES".  It aired on 04/14/96.
 This show was about two people who share a small apartment with a group
 of dysfunctional "friends".

 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Internet resources:

 Usenet newsgroups:

 MWC Program Guide home page

 Sony Pictures MWC home page

 Fox MWC home page
    The Official Fox Network MWC site closed in September 1997.
    an archived version can be found at:

 MWC FAQ site
 MWC Quotes site
 Lower Uncton
 New Market Mall
 MWC Fan Club
 The Jiggly Room
 Windows 95 Theme
 Amanda Bearse
 German MWC site

 Christina Applegate links:

  Note: you may freely distribute this guide in electronic form for
  personal use, provided it is distributed in it's entirety, and with
  all original author and copyright information intact.  Any sales of
  this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent
  of the author.

  [ Season 11 Listings Complied by: Andreas Carl, Grail, Ralph Morse ]

        [ Copyright (c) 1997, Dean Adams. All rights reserved. ]
                     { }

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM