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Star Trek Ships: Television & Film [Posted: 12 Oct 2007]

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Archive-name: star-trek/ships/basic
Last-modified: 13 Sep 2007

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
                           Star Trek Ships: Basic

by D. Joseph Creighton <Joe_Creighton@UManitoba.CA>
Copyright (c) 1994-2007 - see the end of this FAQ for more information.
All rights reserved. Not in the public domain.

Part of The STArchive <>.

Updates will be posted monthly (on or around the 13th) and are
available via anonymous ftp from:
  * in /pub/usenet/news.answers/star-trek/ships/basic
  * in /startrek/ships.basic

This list is primarily for my personal use and reference.  Therefore,
any interpretation of canon material is left up to the reader.

Please feel free to notify me of any corrections and/or suggestions.

This list is current up to and including:
  * ENT "These Are the Voyages..."

* Bajoran * Borg * Cardassian Union * Dominion * UFP: Starfleet and
Prehistory * Ferengi Alliance * Kazon * Klingon Empire * Romulan Star
Empire * Xindi * Others * Copyright Notice

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Bajoran

Antares Class:
        <Unnamed>               Cruiser         TNG "Ensign Ro"
                                Destroyed by Cardassian war ship

Interceptor Type:
    2 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Sanctuary"
        <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
    2 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Far Beyond the Stars"
    2 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Wrongs Darker..."
        <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "The Reckoning"
    3 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
        <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Image in the Sand"
        <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
				(part of the twelve Bajoran Militia impulse
				ship blockade)
    2 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Afterimage"

Other Class/Type:
        <Unnamed>               Scout           DS9 "Past Prologue"
                                Captain Tanna Los
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Battle Lines"
        <Unnamed>               Assault vessel  DS9 "The Circle"
        <Unnamed>               Assault vessel  DS9 "The Circle"
                                Destroyed by Bajoran sub-impulse raider
                                                DS9 "The Siege"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Siege"
                                Sub-impulse raider
                                Crash landed on Bajor
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Shadowplay"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "The Collaborator"
    6 - <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Defiant"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Life Support"
        <Unnamed>               Solar sail      DS9 "Explorers"
                                Crash landed on Cardassia Prime
        <Unnamed>               Solar sail      DS9 "Explorers"
                                Captain Benjamin Sisko
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "Crossfire"
	<Unnamed>		Cap Akorem Laan	DS9 "Accession"
				Light sail; caught in ion storm
				Left Bajor in 9174 (over 200 years ago)
	<Unnamed>		Shuttle 4709	DS9 "The Begotten"
	<Unnamed>		Freighter	DS9 "For the Uniform"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "For the Uniform"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "Ties of Blood and Water"
				Legate Tekeni Ghemor
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "In the Cards"
	<Unnamed>		Shuttle		DS9 "The Reckoning"
 many -	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "The Reckoning"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Profit and Lace"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Covenant"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Prodigal Daughter"
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Inter Arma Enim..."
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
				Acquired by Cardassian Resistance; abandoned
				in Cardassian Repair Facility
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"

Unknown Class/Type:
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "...Hands of the Prophets"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Parallels"
                                Parallel warring universe
	<Unnamed>		Captain Razka	DS9 "Indiscretion"
   11 - <Unnamed>               Interceptor     DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
				(part of the twelve Bajoran Militia impulse
				ship blockade)

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Borg

Large Cube Type:
        Cube			?		TNG "Q Who"
        Cube			?		TNG "The Best of Both Worlds"
				Power overload caused self-destrution in
				Earth orbit
	Cube			?		ST:First Contact
				Destroyed by Starfleet armada
	Cube			?		VOY "Unity"
				Deactivated five years ago by electro-kinetic
				storm; Reactivated and self-destructed
   17 -	Cube			?		VOY "Scorpion"
				Destroyed by Species 8472
    2 -	Cube			?		VOY "Scorpion"
	Cube			?		VOY "Scorpion, Part II"
				Destroyed in collision with Species 8472
   6+ -	Cube			?		VOY "Scorpion, Part II"
				Destroyed by Species 8472
    4 -	Cube			?		VOY "Hope and Fear"
				Assimilated "USS Dauntless"
	Cube			?		VOY "Infinite Regress"
				Self-destruction due to introduction of viral
				agent by Species 6339 "three days ago"
    3 -	Cube			?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
	Cube			?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
				(first Federation encounter of the Borg by
				USS Raven three months prior to Stardate
				32629.4; 28 cubic kilometers in volume,
				129,000 lifeforms)
  15+ -	Cube			?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
	Cube			?		VOY "Collective"
				Heavily damaged; crew killed by pathogen
				Pathogen introduced by the assimilation of
				a genetically engineered Brunali child
						VOY "Child's Play"
   6+ -	Cube			?		VOY "Unimatrix Zero"
	Cube			?		VOY "Unimatrix Zero"
				Designation 461
	Cube			?		VOY "Unimatrix Zero"
				Designation 1184
	Cube			?		VOY "Unimatrix Zero"
				Class 4 Tactical Vessel
				Ordered to self-destruct by Borg Queen
						VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Cube			Ordered to self-destruct in Spatial Grid 94
				by Borg Queen
						VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Cube			Liberated	VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Cube			?		VOY "Imperfection"
				Reduced to debris field outside Ontasa Expanse
    3 -	Cube			?		VOY "Q2"
    2 -	Cube			?		VOY "Endgame
				One of at least 47; destroyed by SC-4
				(alternate future shuttlecraft, 26 years hence)
  45+ -	Cube			?		VOY "Endgame

Other Type:
        Scout Cube		Crew of 5	TNG "I Borg"
				Crash landed on moon within Argolis Cluster
        Scout Cube		?		TNG "I Borg"
        Warship			?		TNG "Descent"
	Escape Pod		Sphere		ST:First Contact
				Destroyed by USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
	Sphere			?		VOY "Drone"
				Destroyed within proto-nebula core
	Probe			?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
				Destroyed by USS Voyager
	Sphere			?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
				Severely damaged by ion storm
	"Queen's Yacht"		?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
				Destroyed by collapsing transwarp conduit
	Sphere			?		VOY "Survival Instinct"
				Crash landed eight years ago
	Sphere			Holographic	VOY "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor..."
				Destroyed by holographic USS Voyager
	Sphere			?		VOY "Child's Play"
				Heavily damaged by USS Voyager
	Sphere			Designation 878; 11,000 drones; ordered to
				self-destruct in Spatial Grid 94 by Borg Queen
						VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Scout			?		VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Sphere			Liberated by Assimilated Klingon General Karok
						VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
	Sphere			Designation 624	VOY "Endgame"
				Destroyed by USS Voyager in the Alpha Quadrant
	Sphere			?		ENT "Regeneration"
				~600m diameter; presumed warp core explosion;
				Crashed on Earth ~100 years before 1 Mar 2153

Unknown Class/Type:
  312 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Scorpion, Part II"
				Disabled by Species 8472
   29 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Omega Directive"
				Destroyed in Omega molecule experiment
	<Unnamed>		Wreckage found in Beta Quadrant (alternate
				timeline, revealed 15 years hence)
						VOY "Timeless"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Cardassian Union

Galor Class Type 3:
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Ensign Ro"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Homecoming"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Parallels"
    9 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Defiant"
        <Unnamed>               Destroyer       DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Dominion Fleet at Chin'Toka III
  12+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy"
				Captured and then returned by the Caretaker;
				destroyed in the Badlands by the Maquis
				(originally occurred in VOY "Caretaker")

Hideki Class:
        <Unnamed>               Patrol ship     DS9 "Tribunal"
                                Gul Evek
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant

Kalen Class:
        <Unnamed>               Cloak capable   DS9 "The Die is Cast"

Keldon Class:
    6 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Defiant"

Other Class/Type:
        Aldara                  War ship        DS9 "Past Prologue"
                                Gul Dunar
        Bok'Nor                 Freighter       DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
                                Merchantship design from ST III:The Search for Spock
                                Destroyed by impulse overload/sabotage.
	Dreadnought		Missile		VOY "Dreadnought"
				Modified; destroyed by containment breach
	Gromal			Gul Dukat	DS9 "Return to Grace"
				Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey under Gul
				Dukat in orbit over Loval
        Koranak                 Cruiser         DS9 "The Die is Cast"
                                Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar
	R'Bal			Transport	DS9 "Indiscretion"
	Ravenock		Transport	DS9 "Indiscretion"
				Crash landed on Dozaria over six years ago
        <Unnamed>               War ship        TNG "The Wounded"
                                Destroyed by USS Phoenix
        <Unnamed>               Supply ship     TNG "The Wounded"
                                Destroyed by USS Phoenix
        <Unnamed>               Shuttle         DS9 "Necessary Evil"
	<Unnamed>		Shuttle		DS9 "Profit and Loss"
				Professor Natima Lang; damaged by Cardassian
				weapons fire
        <Unnamed>               Patrol ship     TNG "Lower Decks"
    2 - <Unnamed>               Attack vessels  DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
                                Destroyed by Federation support courier
   26 - <Unnamed>               War ship        DS9 "Defiant"
	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
    4 -	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		Fighter		DS9 "Call to Arms"
    5 -	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		Fighter		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
    5 -	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
    4 -	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force
   8+ - <Unnamed>               Fighter	       DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force; at least two destroyed
    	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force; at least one destroyed
	<Unnamed>		Battle Cruiser	DS9 "Valiant"
				Destroyed by USS Valiant
    3 -	<Unnamed>		Cruiser		DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
	<Unnamed>		Patrol ship	DS9 "Strange Bedfellows"
				Obtained by Worf and Ezri
	<Unnamed>		*Prehistory	ENT "Damage"
				Red giant survey vessel; warp coil stolen
				by Enterprise; stranded "3 years" from home

Unknown Class/Type:
	Kornaire		?		DS9 "Waltz"
				Glin Dukat's first posting
        Kraxon                  Gul Renor       DS9 "Defiant"
        Reklar                  Gul Lemec       TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
        Trager                  Gul Macet	TNG "The Wounded"
        Vetar			Gul Evek        TNG "Journey's End"
        <Unnamed>               Gul Dukat       DS9 "Emissary"
        <Unnamed>               Gul Jasad	DS9 "Emissary"
                                Cardassian Guard; 7th Order
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
                                Cardassian Guard; 7th Order
        <Unnamed>               Gul Ocett       TNG "The Chase"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Chase"
        <Unnamed>               Gul Toran       DS9 "Defiant"
                                Cardassian Guard; 6th Order
        <Unnamed>               Gul Evek        VOY "Caretaker"
                                Cardassian Guard; 4th Order
	<Unnamed>		Gul Dukat	DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				Destroyed in Klingon attack
    5 -	<Unnamed>				DS9 "Rocks and Shoals"
	<Unnamed>		Holographic	DS9 "Inquisition"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Dominion

Battleship Prototype:
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Valiant"
				(twice the size and thrice the strength of
				a Galaxy Class starship)
   5+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				(orders of magnitude larger than existing

Battleship Type:
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
    	<Unnamed>		Gul Dukat	DS9 "Ties of Blood and Water"
        <Unnamed>       	Ambass. Weyoun	DS9 "In the Cards"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
   3+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force
   5+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force; at least one destroyed
   3+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 2000+ ship
				reinforcement fleet; all disappeared
				within the wormhole
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Dominion Fleet at Chin'Toka III
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by Galaxy Class starship

Figher Warship Type:
    2 - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
        <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
				Destroyed by ramming USS Odyssey
    7 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "The Search, Part I"
        <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "The Search, Part I"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
  150 - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Die is Cast"
				Six destroyed by USS Defiant
    2 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "Starship Down"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
	<Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "To the Death"
				First Omet'iklan
				Destroyed by renegade Jem'Hadar attack
    2 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "The Quickening"
    8 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "Broken Link"
	<Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "The Ship"
				Crashed on Torga IV
				Captain Sisko	DS9 "A Time to Stand"
				(referred to as an attack ship)
				Crash landed on planet in dark matter nebula
						DS9 "Rocks and Shoals"
  50+ - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
	<Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire"
				Destroyed by the Rotarran
    2 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "Blaze of Glory"
   15 -	<Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
    7 - <Unnamed>		Warship		DS9 "Rocks and Shoals"
    7 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
				Destroyed by the IKS Rotarren
    7 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Destroyed by the IKS Rotarren
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Destroyed by the USS Defiant
   5+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force
   5+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 1254 ship Terok Nor
				defensive force; at least four destroyed
   4+ - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Dominion's 2000+ ship
				reinforcement fleet; all disappeared
				within the wormhole
	<Unnamed>		Vorta Gelnon	DS9 "One Little Ship"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Valiant"
				Destroyed by USS Valiant
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Valiant"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by ramming Klingon Bird of Prey
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by ramming Klingon Vor'Cha Cruiser
    2 -	<Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by ramming Klingon Vor'Cha Cruiser
  12+ -	<Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
    3 -	<Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
				Destroyed by solar flare
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Treachery, Faith, ..."
				Destroyed by USS Rio Grande
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Treachery, Faith, ..."
				One damaged by USS Rio Grande
  10+ -	<Unnamed>				DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Siege of AR-558"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Penumbra"
	<Unnamed>		Capt Weyoun-7	DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
				Capt Weyoun-8	DS9 "Strange Bedfellows"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
				Inter-cooler matrix sabotaged by Cardassian
				Resistance; destroyed
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
	<Unnamed>		Captain Luaran	DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
				Modified with Breen energy dampening weapon;
				captured by Cardassian Resistance
						DS9 "The Dogs of War"
				Destroyed by Dominion fighters
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Dogs of War"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Dogs of War"
   8+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey

Other Class/Type:
	<Unnamed>		Patrol ship	DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire"

Unknown Class/Type:
        <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Hippocratic Oath"
				Crashed on Bopac III, Gamma Quadrant three
				years ago
        <Unnamed>		Vorta Keevan	DS9 "Rocks and Shoals"
				Crash landed on moon in dark matter nebula

Star Trek Ships: Basic - UFP: Starfleet and Prehistory

Ambassador Class (not seen):
        USS Horatio             ?               TNG "Conspiracy"
                                Captain Walker Keel
                                Destroyed by possible saboteurs
                                Debris found in Sector 63

Constellation Class:
        USS Hathaway            NCC-2593        TNG "Peak Performance"
                                80 years old; Abandoned and later recovered
        USS Stargazer           NCC-2893        TNG "The Battle"
                                Captain Jean-Luc Picard
                                Recovered after its abandonment
        USS Victory             NCC-9754        TNG "Elementary, Dear Data"
                                Captain Zambata

Constitution Class:
        ISS Enterpise           Captain James T. Kirk   TOS "Mirror, Mirror"
                                Federation Empire ship from mirror universe
        USS Constellation       NCC-1017        TOS "The Doomsday Machine"
                                Commodore Matthew Decker
                                Destroyed by doomsday machine
        USS Defiant             NCC-1764        TOS "The Tholian Web"
                                Lost in dimensional rift
				Registry confirmed
						ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly"
				Mirror universe: 13 Jan 2155
				Lured and captured by Tholians some 100 years
				in the past
				Captured by ISS Enterprise crew
				Mirror universe: 18 Jan 2155
				Captain Jonathan Archer
				Captain/Empress Hoshi Sato
					ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
        USS Enterprise          NCC-1701        TOS - All
                                Captain Christoper Pike
                                Captain James T. Kirk
                                * Refit *       ST:The Motion Picture
                                Captain Willard Decker
                                Admiral James T. Kirk
                                Captain Spock
                                Stolen and destroyed over Genesis
                                                ST III:The Search for Spock
        USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-A      ST IV:The Voyage Home
                                (identified this class in ST VI:The Undiscovered Country)
                                Captain James T. Kirk
        USS Excalibur           ?               TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
                                Captain Harris
        USS Exeter              ?               TOS "The Omega Glory"
                                Captain Ronald Tracy
                                Abandoned in orbit around Omega IV
        USS Farragut            ?               TOS "Obsession"
                                Captain Garrovik (11 yrs ago)
        USS Hood                ?               TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
        USS Lexington           ?               TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
                                Commodore Bob Wesley
        USS Potemkin            ?               TOS "The Ultimate Computer"

Daedalus Class (not seen):
[All Daedalus Class ships were retired by 2197]	TNG "Power Play"
        USS Essex               NCC-173         TNG "Power Play"
                                Captain Bryce Shumar
                                Presumed lost over 200 yrs ago
                                Later found crashed on moon of Mab-Bu VI

Defiant Type:
        USS Defiant             NX-74205        DS9 "The Search, Part I"
                                Escort vessel/Warship prototype
				Crash landed after encounter with Gaian
				barrier and thrown some 200 years into
				the past (alternate future)
						DS9 "Children of Time"
				Captured by Jem'Hadar
				First Kudak'Etan
				Recaptured by USS Defiant crew
						DS9 "One Little Ship"
				Heavily damaged and abandoned in Chin'Toka
				System; destroyed by the Breen
						DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
	USS Sao Paulo		NCC-75633	DS9 "The Dogs of War"
				Captain Benjamin L. Sisko
				Renamed to USS Defiant
				NX-74205	DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
	USS Valiant		NCC-74210	DS9 "Valiant"
				Captain Ramirez
				"Captain" Tim Watters
				Destroyed by Dominion Battleship prototype
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Message in a Bottle"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet

DY-100 Class:
        SS Botany Bay           Sleeper ship	TOS "Space Seed"
                                Stripped and placed on Ceti Alpha V

DY-500 Class:
[All Y-500 Class freighters were "retired decades ago"]
						ENT "Strange New World"
        SS Mariposa             NAR-7678	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
                                Captain Walker Granger

Enterprise-C Type:
        USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-C      TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
                                Captain Rachael Garrett
                                Lieutenant Richard Castillo
                                Destroyed in battle over Norendra III
        USS Excalibur           ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
				Borg ecnounter; possibly destroyed
						VOY "Survival Instinct"
        USS Zhukov              ?               TNG "Data's Day"
                                Captain Gleason TNG "Hollow Pursuits"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"

Erewhon Class:
        SS Santa Maria   	BDR-529		DS9 "Paradise"
                                Personnel transport
				Crash landed on planet in Orelious Minor system
Excelsior Class:
        USS Cairo               ?               TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
                                Captain Edward Jellico
				Captain Leslie Wong
				Disappeared on patrol of the Romulan Neutral
				Zone (two weeks earlier)
						DS9 "In The Pale Moonlight"
        USS Crazy Horse         ?               TNG "Descent"
                                (identified this type in TNG "The Pegasus")
        USS Excelsior           NX-2000         ST III:The Search for Spock
                                Captain Styles
                                NCC-2000        ST VI:The Undiscovered Country
                                Captain Hikaru Sulu
        USS Fearless            ?               TNG "Where No One..."
        USS Gorkon              ?               TNG "Descent"
        USS Hood                ?               TNG "Encounter at Farpoint"
                                Captain Robert DeSoto
                                                TNG "Tin Man"
        USS Intrepid            ?               TNG "Family"
	USS Malinche		Captain Sanders	DS9 "For the Uniform"
        USS Melbourne           ?		TNG "11001001"
				NCC-3184x/NCC-3194x (?)
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
                                (visually identified this class and registry)
						DS9 "Emissary"
        USS Potemkin            ?               TNG "Legacy"
                                (identified this type in TNG "Ethics")
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
				Nine		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
        USS Repulse             NCC-2544        TNG "The Child"
                                Captain Tagert  TNG "Unnatural Selection"
	USS Valley Forge	NCC-43305	DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Offspring"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Drumhead"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
    2 - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "By Inferno's Light"
    2 - <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Dr. Bashir, I Presume"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Ties of Blood and Water"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Blaze of Glory"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
	<Unnamed>		NCC-42111	DS9 "A Time to Stand"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
   8+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Resurrection"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Waltz"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Wrongs Darker..."
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Inquisition"
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Chrysalis"
				Delivered "Admiral Patrick" and his group
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "It's Only a Paper Moon"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Field of Fire"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Badda-bing, Badda-bang"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III; destroyed
   	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Relativity"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123
   2+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Author, Author"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet

Excelsior Class [ Refit ]:
        USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-B      ST:Generations
                                Captain John Harriman
	USS Lakota		NCC-42788/68?	DS9 "Homefront"
				Captain Benteen	DS9 "Paradise Lost"

Galaxy Class:
	USS Challenger		NCC-71099	VOY "Timeless"
				Captain Geordi La Forge
				(alternate timeline, 15 years hence)
        USS Enterprise          NCC-1701-D      TNG - All
                                Captain Jean-Luc Picard
                                Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
                                independent timeline
                                                TNG "All Good Things..."
                                Destroyed in alternate timeline
                                                TNG "Time Squared"
                                Captain William T. Riker (field promotion)
                                                TNG "The Best of Both Worlds"
				Captain William T. Riker (illusionary ship)
						TNG "Future Imperfect"
                                Destroyed in collision with USS Bozeman in
                                alternate timeline/loop
                                                TNG "Cause and Effect"
                                Captain Edward Jellico
                                                TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
                                Captain Jean-Luc Picard
                                                TNG "Chain of Command, Part II"
                                Captain Thomas Holloway (alternate timeline)
                                                TNG "Tapestry"
                                Destroyed by energy feedback (alt. timeline)
                                                TNG "Timescape"
                                Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
                                independent timeline
                                                TNG "All Good Things..."
                                * Future Refit *
                                Admiral William T. Riker
                                25 yrs after Stardate 47988
                                Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in
                                independent timeline
                                                TNG "All Good Things..."
                                Destroyed: primary hull by warp core breach;
                                saucer section crash landed on Veridian III
                                Saucer section destroyed by shock wave from
                                collapse of Veridian III star (alt. timeline)

285K+ - USS Enterprise          Captain William T. Riker (various)
                                Parallel universe vessels; one destroyed by
                                                TNG "Parallels"
	USS Magellan		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; presumed this class
        USS Odyssey             NCC-71832       DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
                                Captain Keogh
                                Rammed and destroyed by Jem'Hadar vessel
	USS Venture		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				(presumed this class)
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine	DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
        USS Yamato              NCC-1305-E      TNG "Where Silence Has Lease"
                                NCC-71807       TNG "Contagion"
                                (second NCC number visible on saucer section)
                                Captain Donald Varley
                                Destroyed by computer virus from alien probe
        <Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Dr. Bashir, I Presume"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
   5+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; one presumed to be the USS Magellan
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Reckoning"
   5+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Image in the Sand"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III; destroyed
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Relativity"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
    2 - <Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet

Grissom Type:
        USS Biko                Supply ship     TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
        USS Grissom             NCC-636         ST III:The Search for Spock
                                Captain J.T. Esteban
                                Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey over Genesis
	USS Olympia		?		DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice"
				Captain Lisa Cusak
				Crash landed on planet in Rutharian Sector
				(triggered by an active sensor scan of planet
				some three years and two months ago)
        USS Pegasus             NCC-53847       TNG "The Pegasus"
                                Captain Erik Pressman
                                Prototype phased-cloaking vessel
                                Presumed destroyed by warp core breach 12 yrs
                                ago; later located inside Asteroid Gamma 6-0-1
                                in the Devolin System
        USS Tsiolkovsky         ?               TNG "The Naked Now"
                                Destroyed by exploding star fragment
        SS Viko                 Research vessel TNG "Hero Worship"
                                Destroyed in Black Cluster
        USS Yosemite            ?               TNG "Realm of Fear"
                                Trapped in solar plasma stream.
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Drumhead"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Game"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
        <Unnamed>               ?               ST:Generations

Hope Class (25 yrs after Stardate 47988):
        USS Pasteur             NCC-58928       TNG "All Good Things..."
                                                TNG "Journey's End" (preview)
                                Captain Beverly Picard
                                Destroyed by warp core breach

Intrepid Class:
        USS Bellerophon		NCC-74705	DS9 "Inter Arma Enim..."
				Admiral Ross
        USS Voyager             NCC-74656       VOY - All
                                Captain Kathryn Janeway
				"Missing and presumed lost"
				First Maje Culluh, Kazon-Nistrim
						VOY "Basics, Part I"
				Captain Chakotay (The Year of Hell; some
				six years ahead in a possible future)
						VOY "Before and After"
				Captain Chakotay (Holonovel)
						VOY "Worst Case Scenario"
				Destroyed by ramming Temporal Incursion
				Ship;  "Restored" by the space-time
				shockwave of a new timeline
						VOY "Year of Hell, Part I"
				No longer officially declared lost
						VOY "Message in a Bottle"
				Captured by Hirogen
						VOY "The Killing Game"
				Surrendered by Hirogen
						VOY "The Killing Game, Part II"
				Upgraded to Quantum-Slipstream drive
						VOY "Timeless"
				Knocked out of slipstream and crash landed
				(alternate timeline); found embedded in a
				planetary glacier, Tekara Sector; no survivors
				(alternate timeline, 15 years hence)
						VOY "Timeless"
				Quantum-Slipstream drive dismantled
						VOY "Timeless"
				Destroyed by a Force Three Temporal Disruptor
				in an alternate timeline; Stardate 52861
						VOY "Relativity"
				Commandeered by Maquis, Stardate 54101
				Cpt. Chakotay	VOY "Repression"
				Surrendered by Maquis
						VOY "Repression"
				Emergency Command Hologram (temporary)
				Crew abandoned ship
						VOY "Workforce"
				Commander Chakotay
						VOY "Workforce"
				Converted to a museum and on display on the
				groupds on the Presidio, San Fransisco, Earth
				(alternate future, 26 years hence)
						VOY "Endgame"
        "USS Voyager"		NCC-74656	VOY "Course: Oblivion"
				Captain Kathryn Janeway
				Biomemetic ship and crew; molecular breakdown
				due to warp field exposure; dissipated into
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Relativity"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123

Intrepid Type (class variant with Maquis raider primary hull)
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Dr. Bashir, I Presmue?"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Simple Investigation"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Blaze of Glory"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "In the Cards"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Honor Among Thieves"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Change of Heart"
   2+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Reckoning"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Profit and Lace"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Chrysalis"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "It's Only a Paper Moon"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Prodigal Daughter"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Field of Fire"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Chimera"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Badda-bing, Badda-bang"

J Class (smaller but same design as Y Class):
	ECS Constellation	Freighter	ENT "Horizon"
				(class/prefix assumed)
	ECS Horizon		Freighter	ENT "Fortunate Son"
				Capt Mayweather
						ENT "Broken Bow"
				Acting-Captain Paul Mayweather
						ENT "Horizon"
			        Out for 32 yrs	ENT "Fight or Flight"

NX Class:
	ISS Avenger		NX-09	ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
				Mirror universe; Terran Empire ship
				Admira Black
				"Captain" Soval
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
	Columbia		NX-02		ENT "The Expanse"
				Refit; launch date: ~14mo from Apr 2153
				(name revealed)	ENT "E Squared"
				Captain Erika Hernandez
						ENT "Home"
				Refit		ENT "Affliction"
				Launch date: ~1 week after 27 Nov 2154
	Enterprise		NX-01		ENT All
				Captain Jonathan Archer
				Launch date: Apr 2151
				Sub-Commander T'Pol (temporary)
						ENT "Broken Bow"
				ID'd this class	ENT "Fortunate Son"
				Sub-Commander T'Pol
						ENT "Shockwave"
				Captured by Suliban; abandoned and retaken
				by Enterprise crew
						ENT "Shockwave, Part II"
				Refit		ENT "The Expanse"
				Captain T'Pol	ENT "Twilight"
				(field commission); "weeks later" after new
				Captain Charles Tucker III; three years later
				after new timeline
				Destroyed by subspace implosion of reactor;
				twelve years after new timeline
				Capt D.Jamat	ENT "Chosen Realm"
				Taken by force; surrendered to Archer
				?		ENT "Stratagem"
				Taken by Insectoid-Xindi and destroyed by
				spatial charges (simulation backstory)
				Captain T'Pol	ENT "Hatchery"
				Captain T'Pol	ENT "Azati Prime"
				Disabled by Xindi
				Captain T'Pol	ENT "Zero Hour"
				14 Feb 2152
				Lost in alternate timeline (circa 1944)
						ENT "Storm Front"
				Disabled by hijacked Klingon Bird of Prey
				shortly after 17 May 2154
						ENT "Borderland"
				Disabled by Orion privateer
				Shortly after 27 Dec 2154
						ENT "Bound"
				Decommissioned after ten years of service
						ENT "These Are the Voyages..."
	Enterprise		NX-01		ENT "E Squared"
				Captain Jonathan Archer
				Thrown 11.6 ly and 117 years into the past
				via subspace corridor; Generational ship;
				Commander Lorian Tripp
				Presumed destroyed by Kovaalans or lost in
				temporal paradox
	ISS Enterprise		NX-01		ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly"
				Mirror universe: 13 Jan 2155
				Terran Empire ship
				Captain Maxwell Forrest
				First Officer Jonathan Archer (temporary)
				Ship abandoned
				Destroyed by Tholian web

Nebula Class:
        USS Farragut            (assumed)       ST:Generations
				Destroyed by Klingons near Lambada Cluster
						DS9 "Nor the Battle..."
	USS Honshu		?		DS9 "Waltz"
				Destroyed by Attack Wing of Cardassian
				destroyers 12 hours from Deep Space Nine
        USS Lexington           ?               TNG "Thine Own Self"
        			Class identified in DS9 "Explorers"
        USS Phoenix             NCC-65420       TNG "The Wounded"
                                Captain Benjamin Maxwell
        USS Prometheus          NCC-71201       DS9 "Second Sight"
                                Host to Prof. Gideon Seyetik
        USS Sutherland          ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
                                Commander Data (temporary)
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
				Nine		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
	USS T'Kumbra		Cpt. Solok	DS9 "Take Me Out...Holosuite"
				Vulcan crew
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Emissary"
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Non Sequitur"
				Alternate reality ship
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Message in a Bottle"
				Damaged, presumed destroyed by USS Prometheus
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III

Neptune Class:
	None referenced		Survey ship	ENT "Singularity"

Nova Class:
	USS Equinox		Science Vessel	VOY "Equinox"
				Captain Rudy Ransom
				Severely damaged by USS Voyager; destroyed
						VOY "Equinox, Part II"
	USS Rhode Island	Cpt. Harry Kim	VOY "Endgame"
				(alternate future, 26 years hence)

Peregrine Class Courier:
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
        <Unnamed>               Modified        DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Maquis, Part II"
    9 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Preemptive Strike"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Preemptive Strike"
                                Ro Laren, pilot
                                Abandoned; recovered by USS Enterprise
        <Unnamed>               Modified        DS9 "Heart of Stone"
	<Unnamed>		Maquis raider	DS9 "For the Cause"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "For the Uniform"
				Captain Michael Eddington
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "For the Uniform"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
    6 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
  16+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
  15+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"

Prometheus Class:
	USS Prometheus		NX-59650	VOY "Message in a Bottle"
				Multi-vector assault prototype
				Captured by Romulans
				Commander Rekar
				Recaptured by Federation forces
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet
	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Azati Prime"
				Over 400 years in the future; part of battle
				at Procyon V

Reliant Type:
        USS Brittain            NCC-21166	TNG "Night Terrors"
                                Found adrift in a Tychon's Rift
        USS Lantree             Class 6 Supply  TNG "Unnatural Selection"
                                Captain L. Iso Tolaka
                                Destroyed to prevent spread of DNA virus
	USS Majestic		NCC-31860	DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; Severely damaged; presumed
        USS Reliant             NCC-1864        ST II:The Wrath of Khan
                                Captain Clark Terrell
                                Destroyed in detonation of Genesis device
        USS Saratoga            ?               ST IV:The Voyage Home
        USS Saratoga            NCC-31911       DS9 "Emissary"
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	USS Sitak		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; Severely damaged; presumed
        <Unnamed>               ?               ST:Generations
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
	<Unnamed>		?		ST:First Contact
   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
    6 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Reckoning"
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Afterimage"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Treachery, Faith,..."
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Strange Bedfellows"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet

Soyuz Class:
        USS Bozeman             NCC-1941        TNG "Cause and Effect"
                                Captain Morgan Bateson
                                Appeared from space-time distortion (yr 2278)

Sydney Class:
        USS Jenolan             NCC-2010        TNG "Relics"
                                Transport ship
                                Reported missing 75 yrs ago (this yr 2364)
                                Destroyed by Enterprise in Dyson sphere escape
        <Unnamed>               Transport       DS9 "Playing God"
        <Unnamed>               Shuttle		DS9 "Accession"
        <Unnamed>               Transport	DS9 "Chrysalis"

Y Class (larger than J Class):
	ECS Fortunate		ECS 2801	ENT "Fortunate Son"
				Captain Keene
				First Officer Matthew Ryan (temporary)

Yellowstone Class Runabout:
	USS Yellowstone		?		VOY "Non Sequitur"
				Alternate reality prototype
				Tetryon-plasma warp nacelles
				Destroyed in warp core breach

Runabout Type:
	USS Gander		?		DS9 "Penumbra"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar over Goralis
        USS Ganges              ?               DS9 "Emissary"
                                Destroyed by T'Lani Cruiser
                                                DS9 "Armageddon Game"
        USS Mekong              ?               DS9 "Whispers"
                                Abandoned and presumed destroyed in Gamma Quad
						DS9 "The Die is Cast"
        USS Orinoco             ?               DS9 "The Siege"
				Destroyed by warp core breach; sabotage by
				Cardassian separatist group "The True Way"
						DS9 "Our Man Bashir"
        USS Rio Grande          NCC-72452       DS9 "Emissary"
                                (verified this registry in DS9 "Paradise")
				Crash landed on class L planet, 191 hours
				from Inferma Prime, by hidden bomb; salvaged
						DS9 "The Ascent"
	USS Rubicon             ?               DS9 "Family Business"
	USS Shenandoah		NCC-73024	DS9 "Change of Heart"
				Abandoned, presumed destroyed by Jem'Hadar
				fighter		DS9 "Valiant"
	USS Volga		?		DS9 "Body Parts"
        USS Yangtzee Kiang      ?               DS9 "Emissary"
                                Crash landed on unnamed moon, Gamma Quadrant
                                                DS9 "Battle Lines"
	USS Yukon		?		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
				Destroyed by trilithium-tekasite-protomatter
				explosive device
						DS9 "By Inferno's Light"
        <Unnamed>               ?		TNG "Timescape"
				Destroyed by USS Enterprise power transfer beam
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Ship"
                                Destroyed by Jem'Hadar in orbit of Torga IV,
				Gamma Quadrant
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Nor the Battle..."
                                Destroyed by Klingon shelling on Agalon Prime
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Let He...Without Sin..."
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Things Past"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Rapture"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Darkness..."
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
				Captured by Jem'Hadar
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Blaze of Glory"
        <Unnamed>               Rollbar-type	DS9 "Empok Nor"
				Destroyed by Cardassian 3rd Battalian 1st Order
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "In the Cards"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Resurrection"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Reckoning"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Profit and Lace"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Time's Orphan"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Prodigal Daughter"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Chimera"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "When it Rains..."
	<Unnamed>		NCC-73918	DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"

	Pod 1			?		ENT "Broken Bow"
				Part of Enterprise complement
				Crashed on moon	ENT "Dawn"
				Presumed recovered by Arkonian patrol ship
				Stolen by Silik	ENT "Storm Front"
				Damaged by Enterprise; crash landed on Earth
				in Eastern USA (circa 1944); destroyed by
				Enterprise crew
	Pod 2			?		ENT "Broken Bow"
				Part of Enterprise complement
	<Unnamed>		Adm. Forrest	ENT "Regeneration"

	Orbital 6		?		ENT "Broken Bow"
				Part of spacedock complement
    6 -	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Broken Bow"
				Part of spacedock complement
	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Shuttlepod One"
				Possible Work Bee attached to Enterprise
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Shockwave"
				Design circa Apr 2151
    5 -	<Unnamed>				ENT "The Expanse"
				Part of spacedock complement

Shuttles (TOS):
        Columbus                NCC-1701'2      TOS "The Galileo Seven"
        Copernicus              ?               TOS "The Galileo Seven"
        Galileo                 NCC-1701'7      TOS "The Galileo Seven"
                                Destroyed over Taurus II
        Galileo II              NCC-1701'7      TOS "The Way to Eden"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Let That Be Your Last..."
                                Stolen from Starbase 4
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Metamorphosis"
                                Owner: Zephram Cochrane
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Menagerie"
    4 - <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Omega Glory"
                                Abandoned in the USS Exeter's shuttlebay

Shuttles (feature films):
        Copernicus              #3              ST V:The Final Frontier
                                Damaged and abandoned on "Sha-Ka-Ree"
        Galileo                 #5              ST V:The Final Frontier

Shuttles (single passenger; tapered box):
        Cousteau                ?               TNG "Identity Crisis"
                                Shuttle from USS Aries
        El-Baz                  #5              TNG "Time Squared"
        Onizuka                 #5              TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
        Onizuka                 #7              TNG "Mind's Eye"
        Pike                    #12             TNG "The Most Toys"
        Verne			RS-47           TNG "Aquiel"
                                Shuttle from Communication Relay Station 47
        <Unnamed>               #9              TNG "The Price"

Shuttles (rounded ends; underslung warp pylons):
        Hawking                 ?               TNG "The Host"
        <Unnamed>               #5              TNG "The Nth Degree"
        <Unnamed>               #6              TNG "Coming of Age"
        <Unnamed>               #10             TNG "The Child"
                                Shuttle from USS Repulse
        <Unnamed>               #13             TNG "Skin of Evil"
                                Crashed on Vegra II
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Q Who"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Identity Crisis"
                                Destroyed in Tiarchanon atmosphere
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Best of..., Part II"

Shuttles (teardrop shape; ducted side cowls; boxed end):
        Curie                   Type 6          TNG "Parallels"
                                "Stolen" by Cardassian agent
						TNG "Lower Decks"
        Fermi                   ?               TNG "True Q"
        Feynman                 ?               TNG "Chain of Command, Part I"
        Goddard                 ?               TNG "Relics"
                                Given to Captain Montgommery Scott
        Justman                 #3              TNG "Suspicions"
        Magellan                #15             TNG "The Outcast"
                                Destroyed in Null Space pocket
	Sacajawea		Crash landed	VOY "Coda"
				Destroyed by warp core breach (false memory)
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Genesis"
        <Unnamed>               Extended body   ST:Generations
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Host"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Macrocosm"
	<Unnamed>		? 		VOY "Fair Trade"
	<Unnamed>		Crash landed	VOY "Rise"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Raven"
				Stolen from USS Voyager by Seven of Nine
				Presumed abandoned on moon in Delta Quadrant
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Mortal Coil"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Waltz"
				Shuttle from USS Honshu
				Stolen by Gul Dukat
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Demon"
				Presumed abandoned
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Hope and Fear"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Gravity"
				Crash landed on Class D world; destroyed by
				solar system collapse
   2+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Inside Man"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Author, Author"

Shuttles (new design: teardrop shape; ducted side cowls; underslung pylons):
	Drake			?		VOY "Non Sequitur"
				Destroyed in hull breach in time stream
        Sakharov                #1              TNG "Unnatural Selection"
        <Unnamed>               71325           VOY "Caretaker"
        <Unnamed>               ?               VOY "Parallax"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Initiations"
				Destroyed by Kazon warship under Jal Razik
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Parturition"
				Crash landed on planet "Hell"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Maneuvers"
				Captured by Kazon Raider
        <Unnamed>               ?               VOY "Innocence"

Shuttles, Class 2
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Night"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Drone"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Dark Frontier"
				Holographic; assimilated by the Borg in
				holographic training; presumed actually lost
				during mission execution
				(visually identified as identical to the
				experimental transwarp design shuttle)

Shuttles, Delta Flyer
	Delta Flyer		?		VOY "Extreme Risk"
				Crash landed and buried; recovered "through
				fifty kilotonnes of benamite"
						VOY "Once Upon a Time"
				Stolen by Chakotay, Kim, and Omand; destroyed
				by warp core breach (alternate timeline, 15
				years hence)	VOY "Timeless"
				Recovered after disabled by deep-ocean
				"electric eel"; salvaged after disabled by
				USS Voyager torpedo explosion
						VOY "Thirty Days"
				Captured and presumed recovered from Borg Cube
						VOY "Collective"
				Stolen by "Janeway", aka Dala and later
						VOY "Live Fast and Prosper"
				Hit by spatial eddies and crash landed;
				presumed recovered
						VOY "Muse"
				Destroyed by Borg Class 4 Tactical Vessel
				(name visually identified on hull this episode)
						VOY "Unimatrix Zero"
				Rebuilt		VOY "Drive"
				Captured by the Lokiram; presumed recovered
						VOY "Body and Soul"

Shuttles (visual identification required):
        <Unnamed>               #2              TNG "Samaritan Snare"
        <Unnamed>               #4              TNG "The Next Phase"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Next Phase"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Power Play"
                                Crash landed/abandoned on moon of Mab-Bu VI
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "True Q"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Think Tank"
				Shuttle "stolen" by Seven of Nine from
				USS Voyager

Shuttles (various):
	Cochrane		Lt. Tom Paris	VOY "Threshold"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Caatati antimatter pulse caused hull breach;
				destroyed	VOY "Day of Honor"
	Dawkins			Lt. Barklay	VOY "Life Line"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
        Surak                   Warp shuttle    ST:The Motion Picture
        <Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST:The Motion Picture
        <Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST II:The Wrath of Khan
        <Unnamed>               #6              ST III:The Search for Spock
        <Unnamed>               #5 (Travel Pod) ST IV:The Voyage Home
        <Unnamed>               Transport ship  ST VI:The Undiscovered Country
                                Call sign: SD103
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Search, Part I"
                                Shuttle from USS Defiant
    2 - <Unnamed>               Dock shuttles   ST:Generations
    2 - <Unnamed>               Warp sled type  ST:Generations
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Destiny"
                                Shuttle from USS Defiant; new class design
	<Unnamed>		Type 9		VOY "Resolutions"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Swarm"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Unity"
				Experimental Transwarp Design; canabalized
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Unity"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Before and After"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		Lt. Tom Paris	VOY "Worst Case Scenario"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Holonovel vessel; Destroyed by USS Voyager
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Gift"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Presumed destroyed by the evolution of Kes
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Nemesis"
				Destroyed by Vori attack
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Revulsion"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "The Raven"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Hunters"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Vis A Vis"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Coaxial warp drive prototype
				Stolen by "Steth" and later recovered
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice"
				Shuttle from USS Defiant
				New design; Defiant-like high-mount warp cowls
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Night"
				Shuttle from USS Billings
				Damaged from magma eruption
	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Insurrection
				Runabout-like design from USS Enterprise
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Counterpoint"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Modified with Devore refractive shielding;
				given to Brenari refugees; taken through
				transient wormhole
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Latent Image"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Events occured 18 months ago, Stardate 50979
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Disease"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				"Stolen" by Ensign Harry Kim
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Relativity"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123
	<Unnamed>		S-Class shuttle	VOY "Alice"
				Tom Paris (first flight)
	<Unnamed>		Jupiter Station	VOY "Life Line"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Natural Law"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
				Crash landed on Ventu homeworld; largest
				remnant destroyed by the Delta Flyer
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Renaissance Man"
				Experimental Transwarp Design
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				(alternate future, 26 years hence)
				SC-4; shuttlecraft; possibly an experimental
				transwarp design variant with heavy mods;
				captured by the Borg in "present" timeline
    ? -	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Nemesis
				Long body spacedock shuttle
    ? -	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Nemesis
				Sled spacedock shuttle

Other Class/Type:
	USS Archer		NCC-44276	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
	Argo			?		ST:Nemesis
				Variable wing shuttle from USS Enterprise
        USS Arkos               Freighter       TNG "Legacy"
                                Destroyed by warp core breach
        USS Artemis             Colony ship     TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
        USS Carolina            Freighter       TOS "Friday's Child"
        SS Columbia             Survey Vessel   TOS "The Cage"
                                Crashed on Talos IV
        USS Columbia            NCC-621         ST:The Motion Picture
        USS Constantinople      Transport ship  TNG "The Schizoid Man"
	USS Cortez		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1; one of 11 ships
				which fell back for repairs
				Captain Quenten Swafers; destroyed by the
				Jem'Hadar	DS9 "Far Beyond the Stars"
        USS Denver              Transport ship  TNG "Ethics"
                                Struck gravitic mine; presumed abandoned
        USS Drake               Light Cruiser   TNG "The Arsenal of Freedom"
                                Captain Paul Rice
                                Destroyed by automated defence system on Minos
        USS Discovery           ?               TOS "The Squire of Gothos"
        USS Entente             NCC-2120	ST:The Motion Picture
	USS Exeter		?		VOY "Non Sequitur"
				Alternate reality ship
        USS Fleming             Med. transport  TNG "Force of Nature"
                                Abandoned in Hekarus Corr.; presumed destroyed
        Kobayashi Maru          Simulation      ST II:The Wrath of Khan
                                Class III Neutronic Fuel Carrier
                                Registration: Amber, Tau Ceti IV
                                Captain Kojiro Vance
        USS Lalo                Freight ship    TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
                                Missing after Borg encounter; presumed lost
	NX Alpha		Wrp3 prototype	ENT "First Flight"
				Cmdr A.G. Robinson
				Destroyed near Jupiter due to warp field
	NX Beta			Wrp3 prototype	ENT "First Flight"
				Stolen by Cmdrs Archer, Robinson
				Sustained Warp 2.5
	NX Delta		Wrp3 prototype	ENT "First Flight"
				Cmdr Duval
				Broke Warp 3
        SS Odin                 Freighter       TNG "Angel One"
                                Disabled and abandoned by crew
        USS Portland            ?               DS9 "The Die is Cast"
        USS Raman               NCC-25487 (?)   TNG "Interface"
                                Science vessel
	SS Raven		NAR-32450	VOY "The Raven"
				Research vessel; partially assimilated by the
				Borg; crash landed on moon in Delta Quadrant;
				destroyed by Bomar orbital bombardment
				Captain Magnus Hansen
				Damaged by subspace particle storm
				(named USS Raven in Federation records aboard
				USS Voyager)
						VOY "Dark Frontier"
	USS Relativity		NCR-?-G		VOY "Relativity"
				Federation Time Ship
				Captain Braxton
				Command taken by Lieutenant Ducane
				Events occur almost 500 years in the "future"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123
        USS Renegade            Frigate         TNG "Conspiracy"
                                Captain Tryla Scott
        USS Revere              NCC-595         ST:The Motion Picture
	USS Sarek		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
        USS Thomas Paine        Frigate         TNG "Conspiracy"
                                Captain Rixx
	Ticonderoga		Cargo ship	ENT "The Aenar"
				Destroyed by Romulan Drone(s)
	USS Titan		Captain Riker	ST:Nemesis
        SS Valiant              Survey Vessel   TOS "Where No Man..."
	USS Valiant		NCC-75416	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
        SS Woden                Freighter       TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
        <Unnamed>               Class J Cargo   TOS "Mudd's Women"
                                Destroyed in asteroid field
    3 - <Unnamed>               SR Fighter      TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
                                Destroyed outside Mars Defence Perimeter
    5 - <Unnamed>               Nova Squadron   TNG "The First Duty"
                                Precision Flying Craft
                                Destroyed in attempt of Kolvoord Starburst
	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Insurrection
				"Mission scoutship"; stolen by Data; recaptured
	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Insurrection
				Cloakable Holodeck Ship
	<Unnamed>		?		ST:Insurrection
				Captain's Yacht from USS Enterprise; disabled
				by Son'a Command ship; presumed recovered
	<Unnamed>		Captain Drake	ENT "Regeneration"
				Arctic sled transport; A-6 Excavation Team;
				heavily modified by Borg; destroyed by
NOTE: SR = Short Range

Unknown Class/Type:
        USS Adelphi             ?               TNG "Tin Man"
        USS Agamemnon           ?               TNG "Descent"
        USS Ajax                ?               TNG "Where No One..."
                                Captain Narth (yr '27, possibly 2327)
                                                TNG "Tapestry"
        USS Akagi               ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
				(presumed "Agaki" was mispronounced)
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
				Nine		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
        USS Al-Batani           ?               VOY "Caretaker"
        USS Antares             ?               TOS "Charlie X"
                                Captain Thomas Ramart
                                Destroyed by Charlie Evans
        USS Archon              ?               TOS "Return of the Archons"
                                Destroyed by Landru
        USS Aries               NCC-45167       TNG "The Icarus Factor"
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
	USS Armstrong		?		DS9 "Apocalypse Rising"
				Ambushed by Klingon battle group
        USS Aurora              ?               TOS "The Way to Eden"
                                Destroyed by dissenters
        SS Beagle               ?               TOS "Bread and Circuses"
                                Captain R.M. Merik
                                Intentionally destroyed on planet 892 IV
        USS Berlin              ?               TNG "Angel One"
	USS Billings		Cmdr. Janeway	VOY "Night"
        USS Bozeman             ?               ST:Generations
        USS Bozeman             ?               ST:First Contact
        USS Bradbury            ?               TNG "Me'nage a` Troi"
	SS Buckaroo Bansai	BBI-993 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. John Whorfin
				(identified by on-screen displays)
	USS Carolina		Cpt. Peterson	VOY "Inside Man"
	USS Centaur		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
				Captain Charlie Reynolds
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine	DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
        USS Charleston          ?               TNG "The Neutral Zone"
        USS Clement             ?               TNG "Lower Decks"
        USS Concorde            ?               TNG "All Good Things..."
        USS Constellation       ?               DS9 "The Abandoned"
        USS Constellation       ?               DS9 "Waltz"
        USS Crocket             ?               DS9 "Paradise"
        SS Diedre               ?               TOS "Friday's Child"
	USS Destiny		?		DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
				Cpt. Reymour	DS9 "Afterimage"
	USS Drake		?		DS9 "Apocalypse Rising"
				Ambushed by Klingon battle group
	DEV Eagle Valley	DY-950 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Dan King
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        USS Endeavour           ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
        USS Endeavour           ?               ST:First Contact
        USS Endeavour           Captain Amisov	VOY "Scorpion"
	USS Enterprise		NCC-1701-E	ST:First Contact
				Captain Jean-Luc Picard
				(presumed same class)
						VOY "Pathfinder"
	"Enterprise-J"		?		ENT "Azati Prime"
				Over 400 years in the future; part of battle
				at Procyon V
	USS Exeter		?		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
				Part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space
	USS Galaxy		NCC-70637	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
        USS Gandhi              ?               TNG "Second Chances"
        USS Gettysburg          ?               TNG "Too Short a Season"
        USS Grissom             ?               TNG "The Most Toys"
	USS Grissom		?		DS9 "Field of Fire"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar in the Battle of
				Rikter Prime; six survivors out of 1250
	SS Hatteras		DY-245 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Gary Loes
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        USS Hera                ?               TNG "Interface"
                                Captain Silva LaForge
                                Missing; presumed lost
        USS Hermes              ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
                                Possible Constellation Class
	USS Hood		NCC-42296	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
        USS Horizon             ?               TOS "A Piece of the Action"
        USS Hornet              ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
        USS Intrepid            ?               TOS "Court Martial"
                                Vulcan crew; destroyed by 'amoeba' creature
                                                TOS "The Immunity Syndrome"
        USS Intrepid            NCC-38917 (?)   TNG "Sins of the Father"
	USS Intrepid		?		VOY "In the Flesh"
	USS Intrepid		NCC-74600	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
	USS Intrepid		Cpt. Ramirez	ENT "The Expanse"
				Cpt. Reed	ENT "Twilight"
				Twelve years after new timeline
        USS Kearsarge           ?               TNG "Firstborn"
        USS Kyushu              ?               TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
        USS LaSalle             ?               TNG "Reunion"
        USS Lexington           ?               ST:First Contact
        USS Livingston          ?               DS9 "Invasive Procedures"
	USS Maryland		?		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
				Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
        USS Merrimac            ?               TNG "Sarek"
        USS Monitor             ?               TNG "The Defector"
	USS Musashi		?		DS9 "Treachery, Faith, ..."
	HMS New Zealand		DY-732(n) class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Captain Bob Lederman
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        USS Nobel               ?               TNG "Interface"
	North Star		Freighter	ENT "Fortunate Son"
				Presumed destroyed sometime in the past
	USS Nova		NCC-73516	ST:Nemesis
				(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega;
				identified by on-screen visual)
	USS Okinawa		?		DS9 "Paradise Lost"
				Captain Leyton (years ago)
        USS Prokofiev           ?               DS9 "Tribunal"
	USS Proxima		?		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
				Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
	Republic		Capt. Jennings	ENT "Affliction"
        USS Republic            NCC-1371        TOS "Court Martial"
        USS Republic            ?		DS9 "Valiant"
				(50 year old cadet training ship)
	USS Rosevelt		?		VOY "Unity"
				Crew assimilated at Wolf 359
				Possibly destroyed
        USS Rutledge            ?               TNG "The Wounded"
                                Captain Benjamin Maxwell (previous commander)
	USS Sarajevo		?		DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow"
				Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
	Sarajevo		?		ENT "Daedalus"
	SS Seattle		NAR-18834	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Wendy Neuss
				(identified by on-screen displays)
	USS Sentinel		?		DS9 "Treachery, Faith, ..."
	Shanendoah		?		ENT "Silent Enemy"
				Captain Duval (newly assigned)
	USS Strata		Cp. Jason Stone	DS9 "Field of Fire"
				Geo-Terraforming vessel (identified by
				computer screen display; information is
				several decades out of date)
        USS Shika Maru          ?               TNG "Darmok"
                                Captain Sylvester
	USS Tecumsa		Captain Raymond	DS9 "Nor the Battle..."
        USS Tian An Men         ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
                                Possible Constellation Class
				Reported missing near Cardassian border
						DS9 "In the Cards"
        USS Tolstoy             ?               TNG "The Best of..., Part II"
                                Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
	USS Tombaugh		Capt Blackwood	VOY "Infinite Regress"
				Assimilated by the Borg 13 years ago
	SS Tomobiki		RT-2203 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Peter Lauritson
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        USS Trieste             ?               TNG "11001001"
        USS Tripoli             ?               TNG "Datalore"
	USS Truman		?		DS9 "Field of Fire"
				(Has not been near Deep Space Nine in months)
	USS Ulysses		Captain Intebi	DS9 "The Adversary"
	SS Urutsei Yatsura	DY-430 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. David Glink
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        USS Valdemar            ?               DS9 "Tribunal"
        USS Valiant             ?               TOS "A Taste of Armageddon"
                                Missing in space some 50 yrs ago after
                                first contact with Eminiar VII
	VK Velikan		DY-1200 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Gene Roddenberry
				(identified by on-screen displays)
	USS Veracruz		?		DS9 "The Siege of AR-558"
        USS Wellington          ?               TNG "11001001"
	USS Wyoming		?		VOY "Flashback"
        USS Yorktown            ?               TOS "Obsession"
	USS Yorktown		?		ST IV:The Voyage Home
        USS Yorktown            ?               TNG "All Good Things..."
                                25 yrs after Stardate 47988
	USS Yorktown		?		VOY "Flashback"
	VK Yuri Gagarin		DY-732 class	TNG "Up the Long Ladder"
				Cpt. Winrich Kolbe
				(identified by on-screen displays)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1631        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1664        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1665        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1667        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1672        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1700        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1703        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1705        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
        <Unnamed>               NCC-1710        TOS "Court Martial"
                                (identified by wall status display)
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "11001001"
        <Unnamed>               Class IX Probe  TNG "The Emissary"
                                Modified with life support systems
				Passenger: Ambassador K'Ehyler
        <Unnamed>               Cmdr Chakotay   VOY "Caretaker"
                                Destroyed by ramming Kazon warship

   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		ST:First Contact
	<Unnamed>		NCC-63646 (?)	DS9 "Call to Arms"
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"

   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		ST:First Contact

   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		ST:First Contact
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"

   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
	<Unnamed>		Tug		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
  112 -	<Unnamed>		Seventh Fleet	DS9 "A Time to Stand"
				98 ships destroyed
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
				Possibly USS Centaur class
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Behind the Lines"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1
   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
   	<Unnamed>		Captain Diego	DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Message in a Bottle"
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				At least three destroyed by Cardassian
				orbital weapons platform
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Afterimage"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "It's Only a Paper Moon"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Field of Fire"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
   2+ -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Relativity"
				Approx. two years prior to Stardate 49123
   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet
   18 -	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Part of a 27 ship fleet
	<Unnamed>				ENT "The Expanse"
	<Unnamed>				ENT "Storm Front, Part II"
				Dozens; Earth reception fleet
				At least two Intrepid types
				At least two Pre-NX types
	<Unnamed>				ENT "Home"
				Luxury Yacht or Transport
	<Unnamed>		Intrepid type	ENT "In a Mirror Darkly, Part II"
				Presumed: nacelle observed as part of wreckage

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Ferengi Alliance

Bird of Prey Type:
        <Unnamed>               Daimon Lorin    TNG "Rascals"
                                Renegade Ferengi ship
                                Captured by the USS Enterprise
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Rascals"
                                Renegade Ferengi ship
                                Captured by the USS Enterprise

D'Kora Class Marauder: (class identified VOY "Inside Man")
        <Unnamed>               Transport ship  TNG "Force of Nature"
	<Unnamed>		DaiMon Nunk	VOY "Inside Man"

Ferengi Shuttle Pod Type:
	Quark's Treasure	"Captain" Quark	DS9 "Little Green Men"
				Shuttle; crash landed near Roswell,
				New Mexico (crica July 1947)
				Sold for salvage
        <Unnamed>               Shuttle         TNG "The Price"
				Arridor and Koll
                                Lost in Delta Quadrant via wormhole
				Crash landed on T'Kar, Delta Quadrant
						VOY "False Profits"
        <Unnamed>               Shuttle         TNG "The Perfect Mate"
                                Self-sabotaged containment failure
        <Unnamed>               Grand Nagus Zek	DS9 "Rules of Acquisition"
	<Unnamed>		"Captain" Ishka	DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
				Captured by Jem'Hadar enroute to Vulcan
	<Unnamed>		"Captain" Brunt	DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi"
        <Unnamed>               Grand Nagus Zek	DS9 "Profit and Lace"
        <Unnamed>               Chairman Nilva	DS9 "Profit and Lace"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Profit and Lace"
				Acting Grand Nagus Brunt

Other Class/Type:
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Descent"
                                Trading ship

Unknown Class/Type:
        Krayton                 DaiMon Tog      TNG "Me'nage a` Troi"
        Kreechta                DaiMon Bractor  TNG "Peak Performance"
        <Unnamed>               DaiMon Tarr     TNG "The Last Outpost"
        <Unnamed>               DaiMon Bok      TNG "The Battle"
        <Unnamed>               DaiMon Goss     TNG "The Price"
	<Unnamed>		Ulis		ENT "Acquisition"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Kazon
(Borg identified as Species 329; considered inferior and not assimilated)

Predator Class:
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Warship			VOY "Projections"

Mothership Type:
        Kazon           Warship                 VOY "Caretaker"
                        Rammed and destroyed by Maquis ship
    2 -	<Unnamed>       Warship                 VOY "State of Flux"
	<Unnamed>	Warship			VOY "State of Flux"
			First Maje of the Kazon-Nistrim
	<Unnamed>	Warship			VOY "Initiations"
			Jal Razik, First Maje of the Kazon-Ogla
	<Unnamed>	Frigate			VOY "Initiations"
	<Unnamed>	Kazon-Nistrim		VOY "Investigations"
    7 -	<Unnamed>	Large Carrier vessels	VOY "Basics, Part I"
	<Unnamed>	Large Carrier vessel	VOY "Basics, Part I"
			Destroyed by USS Voyager

Raider Type:
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Fighter			VOY "Caretaker"
	<Unnamed>	Fighter			VOY "Initiations"
			Captain Kar of the Kazon-Ogla
			Destroyed by core breach in Voyager shuttle attack
	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Maneuvers"
			Culluh, First Maje of the Kazon-Nistrim
	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Alliances"
			Destroyed by USS Voyager
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Alliances"
    3 -	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Basics, Part I"
    	<Unnamed>	Patrol vessel		VOY "Basics, Part II"
			Destroyed by Voyager shuttle (Cochrane?)
	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Relativity"
			Disabled by USS Voyager; Stardate 49123
	<Unnamed>	Raider			VOY "Relativity"
			Stardate 49123

Other Class/Type:
	<Unnamed>	Shuttle			VOY "Maneuvers"
	<Unnamed>	Shuttle			VOY "Investigations"
	<Unnamed>	Shuttle			VOY "Basics, Part I"
			Pilot Tierna
	<Unnamed>	Shuttle			VOY "Basics, Part II"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Klingon Empire

Bird of Prey Class (ENT "Borderland")
	<Unnamed>		Hijacked	ENT "Borderland"
				Hijacked in The Borderland by Augments
				Captain Raakin
				Captain Malik
				Captain Arik Soon
				Captain Malik	ENT "Cold Station 12"
				Disabled by Enterprise; self-destruction
				on or shortly before 27 May 2154
						ENT "The Augments"
				(classification confirmed by dialogue)
						ENT "Divergence"
	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Divergence"
				Escort for Fleet Admiral Krell's Flagship
				Identified as a battle cruiser
				Disabled by Columbia
	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Divergence"
				Escort for Fleet Admiral Krell's Flagship
				Identified as a battle cruiser

Bird of Prey Type:
        Bortas                  Warship         TNG "The Defector"
        Buruk                   Captain Gowron  TNG "Reunion"
	Ch'Tang			General Martok	DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
	Etam			Cpt. K'Temang	DS9 "Return to Grace"
				Boarded and taken by Gul Dukat
				(identified by name)
						DS9 "By Inferno's Light"
        Hegh'ta                 Captain Kurn    TNG "Redemption"
        Ki'Tang			?		DS9 "When it Rains..."
				One ship of 311 unaffected by Breen energy
				dampening weapon
	IKS Korinar		?		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
	M'Char			Cmdr Kaybok	DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				(executed by General Martok)
	Ma'Para					DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
				Destroyed by Cardassian cruiser above Trelka V
	Nign'Tau				DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
				Captain killed; commandeered by Kor; presumed
				lost after engaging at least ten Jem'Hadar
	Orintho					DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
        Pagh                    Cruiser         TNG "A Matter of Honor"
                                Captain Kargan
                                Commander William Riker (temporary)
	Qevin					DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
	IKS Rotarran		General Martok	DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire"
				(prefix identified in DS9 "Sons and Daughters")
        Vorn                    Captain Duras   TNG "Reunion"
        <Unnamed>/HMS Bounty    Scout Class     ST III:The Search for Spock
                                Captain Kruge
                                Admiral James T. Kirk
                                Crash-landed in San Fransisco Bay, Earth
        <Unnamed>               Captain Klaa    ST V:The Final Frontier
    2 - <Unnamed>               Warship         TNG "The Defector"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption"
                                Destroyed by Klingon vessel Bortis
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Redemption, Part II"
                                Destroyed in battle with the Hektar
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Unification"
                                Captain Kathada
        <Unnamed>               Prototype       ST VI:The Undiscovered Country
                                General Chang
                                Destroyed by Enterprise and Excelsior
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Past Prologue"
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Blood Oath"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				Destroyed by USS Defiant
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				Destroyed by DS9
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
				Escorts for IKS Drovana
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Rules of Engagement"
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Apocalypse Rising"
				Destroyed by Gul Dukat in Bird of Prey
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Apocalypse Rising"
   3+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
   7+ - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				At least two destroyed by Cardassian
				orbital weapons platform
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Image in the Sand"
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Strange Bedfellows"
    6 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
        <Unnamed>		Chanc. Gowron	DS9 "When it Rains..."
   8+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter

D5 Cruiser Class:
	Klothos			Captain Kor	DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach"
	Bortas			Captain Duras	ENT "Judgment"
				Battle Cruiser; disabled by Enterprise
				Destroyed by Enterprise in Delphic Expanse
				(ship name assumed)
						ENT "The Expanse"
    2 -	<Unnamed>				ENT "The Expanse"
	<Unnamed>		Battle Cruiser	ENT "The Augments"
				Warp engines disabled by Enterprise

D7 Class:
        Amar                    ?               ST:The Motion Picture
                                Destroyed by V'ger
        I.K.S. Groth            Captain Koloth  TOS "The Trouble With Tribbles"
				(name and classification identified)
        Kronos One              Battle Cruiser  ST VI:The Undiscovered Country
                                Chancellor Gorkon
        T'Ong                   Captain K'Temoc TNG "The Emissary"
                                Found after extended dormancy
						DS9 "Trials and Tribble-ations"
        <Unnamed>               Captain Kang    TOS "The Day of the Dove"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Elaan of Troyius"
        <Unnamed>               Captain Kor     TOS "Errand of Mercy"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               ST:The Motion Picture
                                Destroyed by V'ger
    3 - <Unnamed>               ?               ST II:The Wrath of Khan
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				Destroyed by DS9
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Rules of Engagement"
    	<Unnamed>       	Battle Cruiser	VOY "Flashback"
				Captain Kang
				Disabled by USS Excelsior
				Stardate 9521
    3 - <Unnamed>       	Battle Cruiser	VOY "Flashback"
				Stardate 9521
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "A Time to Stand"
    6 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
   2+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
	<Unnamed>		Captain Kolar	VOY "Prophesy"

D12 Class:
        <Unnamed>               ?               ST:Generations
                                Commanded by Lursa and B'Etor
                                Destroyed by USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, over
                                Veridian III

K'Vort Class:
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
                                Destroyed in battle with the Enterprise-D
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"

Raptor Class Scout
	SamraH			?		ENT "Sleeping Dogs"
				Found sinking in gas giant atmosphere

Toron Class shuttlecraft:
        <Unnamed>               Captain Koral   TNG "Gambit, Part II"

Vor'Cha Class:
        Bortas                  Captain Gowron  TNG "Redemption"
	IKS Drovana		?		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
				Massive hull breach from cloaked mine
        Maht-H'a                ?               TNG "The Chase"
        Toh'Kaht                Captain Tel-Pah DS9 "Dramatis Personae"
                                Destroyed (bomb placed near reactor core)
	Vornak			?		DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
	Yavang			?		DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited"
				Presumed ship of Sirella, Mistress of the
				House of Martok
        <Unnamed>               Captain K'mpec  TNG "Reunion"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
        <Unnamed>               Commander Morag TNG "Aquiel"
        <Unnamed>               Governer Torak  TNG "Aquiel"
        <Unnamed>               Mirror universe DS9 "Through the Looking Glass"
    	<Unnamed>		Emperor Gowron	DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				Destroyed by DS9
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Call to Arms"
   4+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"
				Part of the Federation force to retake Deep
				Space Nine
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				Destroyed by two Jem'Hadar fighters
   4+ - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				At least one destroyed by Cardassian
				orbital weapons platform
    2 -	<Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Image in the Sand"
	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Strange Bedfellows"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
  11+ - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
        <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
   15 - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
   5+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter
   	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
				Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter

Other Class/Type:
	B'Moth			Battle cruiser	DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire"
				Disabled by Jem'Hadar near Cardassian border
	Negh'Var		Flagship	DS9 "The Way of the Warrior"
				General Martok (angular nose section)
	Partok			Cargo vessel	DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
        Prang                   Crusier         TNG "The Emissary"
        T'Acog                  Cruiser         TNG ? "Heart of Glory"
        <Unnamed>               Cruiser         TNG "The Royale"
        <Unnamed>               Advance Scout   TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise"
        <Unnamed>               Freighter       DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
    2 - <Unnamed>               ?		 TNG "All Good Things..."
				Modified Negh'Var design (rounded nose section)
                                25 yrs after Stardate 47988
                                One destroyed by USS Enterprise
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Rules of Engagement"
				Civilian transport; crashed on Galora Prime
    5 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Rules of Engagement"
				Civilian transport
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Rules of Engagement"
				Civilian transport; destroyed by USS Defiant
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Apocalypse Rising"
				Modified Negh'Var design
    3 -	<Unnamed>		Cargo ship	DS9 "Sons and Daughters"
    3 -	<Unnamed>		Attack Cruiser	DS9 "The Reckoning"
    	<Unnamed>		Cpt. Korath	VOY "Endgame"
				Modified Negh'Var design (rounded nose section)
				(alternate timeline, 26 years hence)
    	<Unnamed>		?		VOY "Endgame"
				Modified Negh'Var design (rounded nose section)
				(alternate timeline, 26 years hence)
	<Unnamed>		Battle cruiser	ENT "Unexpected"
	<Unnamed>		Captain Korok	ENT "Marauders"
				Apparent freighter
	<Unnamed>		Battle cruiser	ENT "The Augments"
	<Unnamed>		Shuttlecraft	ENT "Observer Effect"
				Destroyed by parent ship due to contagion
	<Unnamed>		Scout shipt	ENT "Affliction"
				Modified Bird of Prey/D7
	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Divergence"
				Fleet Admiral Krell's flagship
				Identified as a battle cruiser

Unknown Class/Type:
        <Unnamed>               ?		TOS "Friday's Child"
    ? -	<Unnamed>		"Fleet"		DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part"
				Sent to attack Breen homeworld during the
				Klingon Second Empire; all lost (historical
    7 - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
    5 - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tacking Into the Wind"
				Severely damaged
	<Unnamed>		Captain Klaang	ENT "Broken Bow"
				Crash landed near Broken Bow, Earth
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Sleeping Dogs"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		Transport	ENT "Judgment"
	<Unnamed>		Transport	ENT "Judgment"
				Presumed abandoned in orbit of ringed planet
	<Unnamed>		Cruiser(?)	ENT "Bounty"
				Captain Goroth
	<Unnamed>				ENT "The Expanse"
				(from 20yrs ago)
	<Unnamed>		"Parent ship"	ENT "Observer Effect"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Romulan Star Empire

Bird of Prey:
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "Balance of Terror"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Deadly Years"

D7 Cruiser Type(Klingon):
    3 - <Unnamed>               ?               TOS "The Enterprise Incident"

Warbird Class (B-Type):
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Enemy"
        <Unnamed>               Cmdr Tomalak    TNG "The Enemy"
                                (identified this class in TNG "The Defector")

Warbird Type:
        Belak                   ?               DS9 "The Die is Cast"
                                Presumed destroyed by the Jem'Hadar
        Decius                  Admiral Picard  TNG "Future Imperfect"
        Devoras                 Admiral Mendak  TNG "Data's Day"
	Dividices		?		DS9 "Inter Arma Enim..."
	Generex			?		DS9 "Inter Arma Enim..."
        Haakona                 Sub Cmdr Taris  TNG "Contagion"
        IRW Kazara              Cmdr Toreth     TNG "Face of the Enemy"
        Makar                   ?               DS9 "The Die is Cast"
                                Presumed destroyed by the Jem'Hadar
	Temet			Sub Cmdr Alnak	VOY "Message in a Bottle"
        Terix                   Cmdr Sirol      TNG "The Pegasus"
                                Cmdr Tomalak    TNG "All Good Things..."
                                25 yrs after Stardate 47988
        <Unnamed>               Illusionary     TNG "Peak Performance"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Neutral Zone"
        <Unnamed>               Illusionary     TNG "Where Silence Has Lease"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "The Enemy"
    4 - <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Data's Day"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Mind's Eye"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Timescape"
				Disappeared from this dimension
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Visionary"
        <Unnamed>               Colonel Lovok   DS9 "Improbable Cause"
                                Destryoed by the Jem'Hadar
   6+ -	<Unnamed>		Warbird		DS9 "By Inferno's Light"
    4 - <Unnamed>               ?               VOY "Message in a Bottle"
				One destroyed by USS Prometheus
   7+ - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Tears of the Prophets"
				At least one destroyed by Cardassian
				orbital weapons platform
        <Unnamed>               ?               DS9 "Image in the Sand"
   14 - <Unnamed>               ?		DS9 "Shadows and Symbols"
   8+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "Inter Arma Enim..."
    4 -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III
    	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
				Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on
				Chin'Toka III; heavily damaged; presumed
   7+ -	<Unnamed>		?		DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
    2 -	<Unnamed>		?		ENT "Minefield"

D'Deridex Cruiser:
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Tin Man"
                                Destroyed by Gomtuu
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Tin Man"

Other Class/Type:
	Valdore			Warbird		ST:Nemesis
				Commander Donatra
				Disabled by Scimitar in The Rift
        <Unnamed>               Scout ship      TNG "The Defector"
                                Admiral Jarok
                                Destroyed in self-detonation
        <Unnamed>               Scout type      TNG "The Next Phase"
	<Unnamed>		Shuttle		DS9 "In the Pale Moonlight"
				Senator Vreenak
				Destroyed by bomb explosion/sabotage
        <Unnamed>               ?               VOY "Eye of the Needle"
                                "Cargo vessel Talvath"
                                Captain Telek R'Mor
                                From the year 2351; present year 2371
	<Unnamed>		Warbird		ST:Nemesis
				Crippled by Scimitar in The Rift
	<Unnamed>		Drone		ENT "Babel One"
				Remote-controlled, self-repairing,
				holographic skinned prototype
				Properly referred to as a "Drone"
						ENT "United"
				Operated by telepresence; destroyed by
				second Drone	ENT "The Aenar"
	<Unnamed>		Drone		ENT "The Aenar"
				Destroyed by Enterprise

Unknown Class/Type:
        Gasko                   ?               DS9 "Paradise"
	Hor'cha			?		VOY "In the Flesh"
        <Unnamed>               ?               TNG "Sins of the Father"

NOTE: IRW = Imperial Romulan Warbird

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Xindi

	Shuttle					ENT "Extinction"
			Abandoned on Loque'eque homeworld two weeks ago
    2 -	Ship					ENT "The Council"
			Part of Enterprise escort
    5 -	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of 18 ship attach force
	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of 18 ship attack force; destroyed by anomaly

   5+ -	Patrol					ENT "Azati Prime"
    4 -	Ship		Trident			ENT "Azati Prime"
	Ship					ENT "Damage"
	Pod					ENT "Damage"
			Delivered to Enterprise
	Cruiser					ENT "E2"
	Cruiser					ENT "Countdown"
			Presumed destroyed by anomaly
   5+ -	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of 18 ship attack force
	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of 18 ship attack force; destroyed
	Cruiser					ENT "Azati Prime"
	Cruiser					ENT "Zero Hour"

	Ship					ENT "Twilight"
			Part of six-ship attack force; disabled; twelve years
			after new timeline formation
    2 -	Ship		(simulation)		ENT "Stratagem"
 100s -	Ship		(simulation backstory)	ENT "Stratagem"
	Hatchery Ship				ENT "Hatchery"
			Forced to land on unnamed planet due to fractured
	Shuttle					ENT "Hatchery"
			Assault vehicle aboard Hatchery ship; taken by
			Enterprise; air and water capable
			Captain Archer		ENT "Azati Prime"
			Retaken by Xindi
	Ship					ENT "Hatchery"
			Destroyed by Enterprise
    2 -	Ship		Triaxle			ENT "Azati Prime"
    5 -	Ship					ENT "The Council"
			Part of Xindi weapon escort
    5 -	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of Xindi weapon escort; destroyed

	Ship		Captain Degra		ENT "Proving Ground"
			Taken by Enterprise	ENT "Stratagem"
	Shuttle		From Degra's ship	ENT "The Council"
    2 -	Ship					ENT "The Council"
			Part of Enterprise escort

    2 -	Ship					ENT "Rajiin"
			(one smaller than the other)
	Shuttle					ENT "The Shipment"
    2 -	Ship					ENT "Twilight"
			Disabled by Enterprise collision; "several months"
			after new timeline formation
    2 -	Ship		Probe escorts		ENT "Twilight"
			"Several months" after new timeline formation
	Ship					ENT "Twilight"
			Part of six-ship attack force; twelve years after
			new timeline formation
	Ship					ENT "Twilight"
			Part of six-ship attack force; disabled; twelve
			years after new timeline formation
	Ship					ENT "The Forgotten"
			Destroyed by Degra
   10 -	Ship					ENT "Countdown"
			Part of Xindi weapon escort
	Ship		"Captain" Dolim		ENT "Countdown"
			Destroyed by Kumari	ENT "Zero Hour"

Sphere Weapon:
	One-man Probe	Weapon testbed		ENT "The Expanse"
			Crash landed in central Asia, Earth

Other Class/Type:
	Garbage scow				ENT "Twilight"
			"Weeks later" after new timeline formation
   12 -	Ship		Federation Empire	ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly"
			Mirror universe
			Lost in battle at Tau Ceti

Unknown Class/Type:
	Ship					ENT "Anomaly"
			Raided by Osaarian pirates; adrift for less than
			two days
    2 -	Ship					ENT "Proving Ground"
			Disabled by Enterprise
	Ship					ENT "Proving Ground"
	Ship					ENT "Stratagem"
    2 -	Ship					ENT "Azati Prime"

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Others

Ships By Name:
	"Alice"		?			VOY "Alice"
			Haakonian captain
			Captain Abbadon
			Captain Tom Paris
			Destroyed in particle fountain
	Arala		Vulcan Memora Class	ENT "Breaking the Ice"
			Captain Tok (historical reference)
	Ares IV		Mars Command Module	VOY "One Small Step"
			Lieutenant John Kelly; lost while in orbit of Mars,
			19 Oct 2032; discovered within a roving graviton
			ellipse, Stardate 53292
	Barzai		Denobulan medical ship	ENT "Cold Station 12"
			Captured by Soong; abandoned in thermal layer of
			gas giant
			Presumd recovered by Enterprise
						ENT "The Augments"
        Batris          Talarian Freighter      TNG "Heart of Glory"
                        Destroyed after sustaining severe damage
	Baxial		Captain Neelix		VOY "Caretaker"
			Scoutship		VOY "The Chute"
			(ship name revealed; still held in shuttlebay)
						VOY "Alice"
	HMS Clement	British Royal Navy sub	ENT "Minefield"
			hit by mine, presumed sunk (two generations prior)
	Conastoga	Captain Mitchell	ENT "Terra Nova"
			Colony transport ship; disassembled to construct
			Terra Nova colony
	Corsair		Cargo ship		ENT "Cold Station 12"
			Named in distress signal; presumed fictional
	D'Kyr		Vulcan ship		ENT "Shockwave, Part II"
	D'Vahl		Captain Tellus		ENT "Carbon Creek"
			Vulcan survey vessel (circa 1957)
	"USS Dauntless"	"NX-01A"		VOY "Hope and Fear"
			"Launch date 51472 (three months ago)"
			Particle syntesized alien (Borg designated as
			Species 116) ship; quantum slipstream drive
			Captain Arturis
			Assimilated by the Borg
	Defiant		Captain Sisko		DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Rebel ship
			Captain O'Brien		DS9 "The Emperor's New Cloak"
        Dorian          Captain Talmit          TNG "Man of the People"
                        Transport ship
        Ekina           "Cargo ship"            DS9 "Invasive Procedures"
                        Rogue terrorist ship
        Erstwhile       Cargo Carrier Class 9   TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
                        Captain Okona
        Fesarius        ?                       TOS "The Corbomite Maneuver"
                        First Federation Flagship
        Gomtuu          Living space vessel     TNG "Tin Man"
        Jovis           Zabaylian Tradeship     TNG "The Most Toys"
                        Captain Kivas Fajo
        Kalondin        Kressari ship           DS9 "The Circle"
        Kalisco         Cargo ship              TNG "Silicon Avatar"
                        Destroyed by Crystaline Entity
        Kamair          Talarian warship        TNG "Suddenly Human"
                        Captain Endar
	Karama		Karaman ship		DS9 "Starship Down"
			Abandoned in gas giant atmosphere
	Kumari		Commander Shran		ENT "The Andorian Incident"
			Imperial Warship of the Andorian Imperial Guard
			(ship named this ep.)	ENT "Proving Ground"
			Destroyed by warp core breach after "Tellarite"
			(Romulan Drone) attack	ENT "Babel One"
        Lakul           El-Aurian refugee ship  ST:Generations
                        Destroyed by enery ribbon
        Lalo            Freighter               TNG "We'll Always Have Paris"
        Malad           Transport ship          TNG "New Ground"
        Mondor          Pakled ship             TNG "Samaritan Snare"
	Nakaro		Crew of nearly 3000	VOY "Bliss"
			Captured and destroyed by bioplasmic organism 39 years,
			2 weeks, and 4 days ago
        Nanut           Tygarian freighter      DS9 "The Homecoming"
	Narada		Captain Olbin		VOY "Favorite Son"
			N'sari warship (modified Romulan scout design)
	Ni'Var		Vulcan Suurok Class	ENT "Shadows of P'Jem"
			Captain Sopek
        Nenobec         Mining shuttle          TNG "Final Mission"
                        Captain ?
                        Crash landed on Lambda Paz
        Norcova         Freighter ship          DS9 "The Passenger"
                        12 member crew
	Nyran		Vulcan ship		ENT "The Seventh"
			Captain Tavek
	Orpheus		Mining facility		ENT "Demons"
			Launch and warp capability
			"Captain" John Frederick Paxton
	Phoenix		Dr. Zefram Cochrane	ST:First Contact
			First warp-capable ship
			Launched Apr 2063
        Rakmeunis       Kobheerian freighter    DS9 "Duet"
        Rayat           Kobliad Transport ship  DS9 "The Passenger"
	Salvoxia	Talaxian Freighter	VOY "The Haunting of Deck 12"
			Drifted through space for over 80 years due to a
			cascade failure		[as told by Neelix]
        Sanction        Onaran Freighter        TNG "Symbiosis"
	Scimitar	Reman Warbird		ST:Nemesis
			Captain Shinzon
			"Predator" ship; Theylon radiation generator;
			destroyed by detonation of biogenic pulse
	Seleya		Capt Voris (historical)	ENT "Impulse"
			Presumed lost after entering Delphic Expanse 9 months
			ago; found by Enterprise 2000km inside asteroid/spatial
			anomaly field; destroyed
			Reported as an accidental reactor breach triggered
			by Enterprise		ENT "Home"
	Sh'Ran		Vulcan Suurok Class	ENT "Fallen Hero"
			Combat Cruiser
        Sher Val Das    Valerian Transport      DS9 "Dramatis Personae"
	Sherip		Sargosian ship		VOY "Repulsion"
	Seleya		Capt Voris (historical)	ENT "Impulse"
			Presumed lost after entering Delphic Expanse 9mo ago
			Found by Enterprise 2000km inside asteroid/spatial
			anomaly field; destroyed
	T'Mur		Vulcan Suurok Class	ENT "Breaking the Ice"
			Captain Vanik
        T'Pau           Vulcan ship             TNG "Unification"
	T'plana		Vulcan starship		ENT "The Catwalk"
			(a century earlier)
			Lost with all hands in a Class 5 neutronic storm
	Tal'kir		Vulcan Combat Cruiser	ENT "Future Tense"
			(Delta-Variable-ring design)
			Disabled by Tholians
        Teris Mern      J'naii shuttle          TNG "The Outcast"
                        Abandoned in Null Space pocket
	Tezra		Tellarite Cargo Ship	ENT "Bounty"
			Class ship; Captain Skalaar; impounded and
			canabalized by Klingons
        Tr'Vann         Vulcan ship             DS9 "Vortex"
        V'ger           Voyager VI Probe        ST:The Motion Picture
                        Presumed destroyed in evolution of higher life form
	Vankara		Vulcan ship		ENT "The Expanse"
			Destroyed; presumed self-destruction
	Voklis		Vulcan transport	ENT "Fusion"
			Captain Tavin
			Older civilian ship
	Xhosa		Freighter		DS9 "Family Business"
			(ship name identified in DS9 "The Way of the Warrior")
			Captain Kasidy Danielle Yates (middle name identified
			in DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part")

        Yonada          Asteroid ship           TOS "For the World..."

Ships By Race:
    2 -	Akritirian	Patrol ship		VOY "The Chute"
	Akritirian	Cargo vessel		VOY "The Chute"
        Alean           Transport               TNG "The Chase"
        Andorian        Transport               DS9 "Rules of Acquisition"
    3 -	Andorian	Andorian Imperial Guard	ENT "Cease Fire"
	Andorian	Shuttle from Kumari	ENT "Proving Ground"
	Andorian	Warship			ENT "Kir'Shara"
			Kumari design
	Andorian	Ambassador's ship	ENT "Babel One"
			Destroyed by "Tellarites" (Romulan Drone)
    6 -	Andorian	Freighter		ENT "Babel One"
			Lost, presumably from "Tellarite" (Romulan Drone)
	Andorian	Warship(?)		ENT "Babel One"
			Missing, presumably stolen by Tellarite forces
   6+ -	Andorian	Ships			ENT "United"
			Part of sensor net fleet of 128
	Andorian	"Battle Cruiser"	ENT "The Aenar"
			(Romulan Drone); Kumari design
	Andorian	Kumari design		ENT "In a Mirror Darkly, Part II"
			Mirror universe; destroyed by USS Defiant
	Andorian	Kumari design		ENT "In a Mirror Darkly, Part II"
			Mirror universe; disabled by USS Defiant
	Andorian	Shuttle			ENT "These Are the Voyages..."
			Captain Shran
        Angosian        Transport vessel        TNG "The Hunted"
                        Destroyed in escape attempts by prison inmate
        Angosian        Security Transport      TNG "The Hunted"
	Ankara		Ship			VOY "Equinox, Part II"
	Annari		Warship			VOY "Nightingale"
			Captain Brell
  15+ -	Annari		Warship			VOY "Nightingale"
	Antidian	Transport		DS9 "Dr. Bashir, I Presume"
	Ardannan	Shuttle			ENG "Precious Cargo"
	Arkonian	Shuttle			ENT "Dawn"
			Pilot Zho'Kaan; crashed on moon
	Arkonian	Military vessel		ENT "Dawn"
			Captain Khata'n Zshaar
	Arkonian	Patrol ship		ENT "Dawn"
			Components used in Rytellian stasus chamber
        Atlec           Class 7 Interplanetary  TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
	Axanar		Cargo vessel		ENT "Fight or Flight"
			Damaged, crew killed, found adrift; presume recovered
	Axanar		Vessel			ENT "Fight or Flight"
    8 -	B'Neth		Ship			VOY "Riddles"
        Bartesian       Merchantship            DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Benkaran	?			VOY "Repentance"
	Benthan		Warship, Benthan Guard	VOY "Vis A Vis"
			Commander Avek
	Benthan		Warship, Benthan Guard	VOY "Vis A Vis"
        Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "Whispers"
        Bolian          Transport               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
        Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "Tribunal"
        Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "The Jem'Hadar"
    3 -	Bolian		Transport		DS9 "The Muse"
    2 - Bolian          Freighter               DS9 "For the Uniform"
			Hijacked by Maquis raiders
        Bolian          Transport               DS9 "Who Mourns for Morn?"
    5 -	Bomar		?			VOY "The Raven"
			Heavily damaged by shuttle from USS Voyager
   68 -	Bomar		Attack force		VOY "The Raven"
        Boslik          Freighter               DS9 "The Homecoming"
	Boslik		Freighter		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
			Talarian warship design
    3 -	Botha		Telepathic ship		VOY "Persistance of Vision"
	Breen		Presumed battleship	DS9 "Penumbra"
			Captain Thot Gor; Part of the Dominion Fleet at
			Chin'Toka III; two destroyed by USS Defiant
   12 -	Breen		Presumed battleship	DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil"
    3 -	Breen		Presumed battleship	DS9 "The Dogs of War"
    	Breen		Presumed battleship	DS9 "The Dogs of War"
  15+ -	Breen		Presumed battleship	DS9 "What You Leave Behind"
			One destroyed by Cardassian Cruiser
    2 -	Brenari		Transport		VOY "Counterpoint"
			Siezed by Devore Imperium
    	Brenari		Freighter		VOY "Counterpoint"
			Rescued by USS Voyager "three weeks ago"
	Briori		Destroyed; slave revolt	VOY "The 37's"
	Brunali		Class One Transport	VOY "Child's Play"
			Assimilated by the Borg
	Brunali		Class One Transport	VOY "Child's Play"
			Destroyed by USS Voyager after captured by the Borg
	Caatati		Starship		VOY "Day of Honor"
			Captain Rhamin
   26 -	Caatati		Starship		VOY "Day of Honor"
    2 -	Chesoo		Racer			VOY "Drive"
	"Chokuza"	?			VOY "Q2"
			Fictional construct by Q [Sr.]
	Coridan		Fixed wing aircraft	ENT "Shadows of P'Jem"
        Corvallen       Antares Class Freighter TNG "Face of the Enemy"
                        Destroyed by IRW Kazara in Kaleb Sector
        Costalane       Diplomatic              TNG "Cost of Living"
	Cravic		Homeship		VOY "Prototype"
			Automated Unit 122
	D'nal/D'nali	Hospital Ship 42	VOY "Critical Care"
	Deltan		?			ENT "Bound"
			Historical: circa 2154
	Denobulan	Shuttle; Feezal Phlox	ENT "Stigma"
	Denobulan	Shuttle; Feezal Phlox	ENT "Twilight"
			Twelve years after new timeline
	Devore		Imperium Warship	VOY "Counterpoint"
			Inspector Kashyk
	Devore		Imperium Warship	VOY "Counterpoint"
	Devore		Shuttle			VOY "Counterpoint"
			Inspector Kashyk
	Draylian	Captain Gar		VOY "Critical Care"
        El-Aurian       Refugee ship            ST:Generations
                        Destroyed by enery ribbon
    3 -	Enolian		Patrol ship		ENT "Canamar"
	Enolian		Prison Transport	ENT "Canamar"
			Hijacked by Kuroda; destroyed in decaying orbit
	Eska		Unknown ship type	ENT "Rogue Planet"
    3 - Fernalian       Science vessel          DS9 "Emissary"
                        Talarian design
        Flaxian         Captain Retiya          DS9 "Improbable Cause"
                        Destroyed; Romulan sabotage
        Galador         Freighter               DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
	Galorian	Trading vessel		VOY "Renaissance Man"
        Galipiton       Freighter               DS9 "The Wire"
        Gorn                                    TOS "Arena"
	Hakonian	Shuttle			VOY "Jetrel"
			Dr. Mabor Jetrel
  24+ -	Hazari		Attack ship		VOY "Think Tank"
			Borg designated Species 4228
        Hekaran                                 TNG "Force of Nature"
    4 -	Hirogen		Warship			VOY "Hunters"
			Destroyed by quantum singularity
	Hirogen		Warship			VOY "Prey"
			Damaged beyond repair
    6 -	Hirogen		Warship			VOY "Prey"
	Hirogen		Warship			VOY "Flesh and Blood"
			Destroyed by Holographic renegades
    2 -	Hirogen		Warship			VOY "Flesh and Blood"
        Husnakk         Warship; Illusionary    TNG "The Survivors"
	Ikaaran		Ship			ENT "E Squared"
			Rescued from anomaly fiend (~100 years ago)
	Imhotep		Racer			VOY "Drive"
	Jilinian	Freighter		VOY "The Void"
    2 - Kaelon          Starship                TNG "Half a Life"
	Kalavian	Freighter		DS9 "Things Past"
			Captain Levara (memory fragment of Odo's)
	Kartellan	Freighter		VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy"
        Katarian                                TNG "The Game"
	Kinjar		Frigate			VOY "The Void"
			Possibly destroyed by Bosaal
        Klaestronian                            DS9 "Dax"
	Kobali		Shuttle			VOY "Ashes to Ashes"
			Captain Jedlya (Ensign Lindsay Ballard)
	Kobali		Cruiser			VOY "Ashes to Ashes"
			Disabled by Kobali shuttle
	Kobali		Cruiser			VOY "Ashes to Ashes"
			Captain Q'ret
    2 -	Kobali		Cruiser			VOY "Ashes to Ashes"
  25+ -	Komar		Ships			VOY "Virtuoso"
	Koralin		Freighter		DS9 "Chimera"
        Kotakian                                DS9 "The Maquis, Part I"
   6+ -	Kovaalan	Ship			ENT "E Squared"
	Kovaalan	Ship			ENT "E Squared"
			Disabled by Enterprise
    3 - Kovarian        Freighter               DS9 "The House of Quark"
	Kraylor		Medical Transport 136	VOY "Nightingale"
			a.k.a. "Nightingale"
	Kraylor		"Bosaal Alliance"	VOY "The Void"
	Kreetassan	?			ENT "Vox Sola"
	Krenim		?			VOY "Before and After"
			(some six years ahead in a possible future)
	Krios		Royal transport		ENT "Precious Cargo"
			(spade-shaped wing with two-stage leading edge and
			horizontal teardrop "tail")
	Krios		Battle cruiser		ENT "Precious Cargo"
   11 -	Kyrian		Fighter			VOY "Living Withness"
			(700 years earlier; uncorrected history)
   12 -	Kyrian		Fighter			VOY "Living Withness"
			(700 years earlier)
   	Kyrian		?			VOY "Living Withness"
			(700 years earlier; captained by The Doctor)
    4 -	Ledosian	Ship			VOY "Natural Law"
    2 -	Ledosian	Shuttle			VOY "Natural Law"
        Lyaaran         Shuttle; crash landed   TNG "Liaisons"
        Lysian          Destroyer               TNG "Conundrum"
                        Destroyed by USS Enterprise
    7 - Lysian          Sentry Pod              TNG "Conundrum"
                        Destroyed by USS Enterprise
                        (47 in total, all presumed destroyed)
        Lysepian        Supply ship             DS9 "Heart of Stone"
	Malon		Export Vessel 11th Grd	VOY "Night"
			Controller Emck
			Destroyed by USS Voyager
	Malon		Freighter		VOY "Extreme Risk"
			Imploded by gas giant atmosphere
	Malon		Freighter		VOY "Extreme Risk"
			Controller Vrelk
	Malon		Shuttle			VOY "Extreme Risk"
			Stranded in gas giant atmosphere
	Malon		Freighter		VOY "Juggernaut"
			Controller Fesek; abandoned by crew; forced into
			an O-type star by USS Voyager and destroyed
	Malon		Transport ship		VOY "Juggernaut"
	Malosian	Cargo shuttle		ENT "Stratagem"
			Flight simulator aboard Enterprise
	Malurian	Shuttle			ENT "Civilization"
	Malurian	Starship		ENT "Civilization"
    3 -	Mazarite	?			ENT "Fallen Hero"
	Mazarite	Shuttle			ENT "Fallen Hero"
        Miradorn        Theta Class             DS9 "Vortex"
                        Captain Arkel
                        Destroyed by igniting Toh-mair field in Chamra Vortex
        Mulzirak        Transport               DS9 "Q-Less"
	N'Cree		Battlefleet		VOY "Course: Oblivion"
    3 -	N'sari		?			VOY "Favorite Son"
    3 -	Nausicaan	?			ENT "Fortunate Son"
	Nigean		Detention Force		VOY "Repentance"
			Presumed abandoned after plasma leak
	Nubari		?			VOY "Flesh and Blood"
			Destroyed by Holographic renegades
    2 - Numiri          Standard patrol vessel  VOY "Ex Post Facto"
                        Jovis design
                        Disabled by USS Voyager
	Nyrian		Biosphere vessel	VOY "Displaced"
        Orion           Scout; self-destructed  TOS "Journey to Babel"
    3 -	Orion		Interceptor		ENT "Borderland"
	Orion		Interceptor		ENT "Borderland"
			Disabled, possibly destroyed, by Klingon Bird of Prey
	Orion		Privateer		ENT "Bound"
			Captain Harrad-Sar
			Disabled by positron burst from Enterprise
	Osaarian	Merchant turned pirate	ENT "Anomaly"
			Disabled by Enterprise
	Osaarian	Merchantship		ENT "Anomaly"
			Destroyed in thermobaric clouds at the perimeter of
			Delphic Expanse
	Oxani		Racer			VOY "Drive"
	Pralor		Asteroid mining pod	VOY "Prototype"
			Automated Unit 3947
	Pralor		Homeship		VOY "Prototype"
			Automated Unit 6263 (Designated Command Unit)
        Promellian      Battle cruiser          TNG "Booby Trap"
                        Destroyed by USS Enterprise
	Quarra		?			VOY "Workforce"
			Breen design; disabled by USS Voyager
   10 -	Quarra		?			VOY "Workforce"
    7 -	Quarra		?			VOY "Workforce, Part II"
			Two disabled by USS Voyager
    3 -	Quarra		?			VOY "Workforce, Part II"
			Breen design; disabled by USS Voyager
   10 -	Rakosan		Fighters		VOY "Dreadnought"
    5 -	Rakosan		Fighters		VOY "Dreadnought"
			Destroyed by plasma wave from Dreadnought missile
    2 - Rekok           Battle cruiser          TNG "Man of the People"
	Rigelian	Scout ship		ENT "United"
			Destroyed by "Enterprise" (Romulan Drone)
	Rigelian	Freighter		ENT "Affliction"
			Destroyed by Klingon scout ship
	Rytellian	Cargo vessel		ENT "Precious Cargo"
        Sheliak                                 TNG "The Ensigns of Command"
	Sikarian	Captain Gath Ralaven	VOY "Prime Factors"
	Skagaran	Transport		ENT "North Star"
			Landed 300 years ago; disassembled
        Skrreean        Emigrant ship           DS9 "Sanctuary"
                        Stolen; destroyed by Bajoran Interceptors
 100s - Skrreean        Emigrant ship           DS9 "Sanctuary"
	Son'a		Command ship		ST:Insurrection
			Captain Ru'afo
    3 -	Son'a		Shuttle			ST:Insurrection
	Son'a		Science vessel		ST:Insurrection
			Metaphasic Radiation Collector
	Son'a		Battleship		ST:Insurrection
	Son'a		Battleship		ST:Insurrection
			Destroyed by USS Enterprise
	Species 5174	Borg identification of unknown race
			Derelict ship		VOY "Hunters"
			Attacked by Hirogen
	Species 6339	Borg identification of humanoid race, origin:
			"Spatial Grid 124 Octant 22 Theta"
			Shuttlecraft		VOY "Infinite Regress"
			Assimilated by the Borg "three days ago"
			Ship			VOY "Infinite Regress"
			Captain Ven

 144+ - Species 8472	Borg identification of unknown race
			Bioship			VOY "Scorpion"
			Bioship			VOY "Scoprion, Part II"
			Destroyed in collision with Borg Cube
   39 -	Species 10026	Borg identification of humanoid race originating
			from a planet is Spatial Grid 532; 38 ships destroyed;
			one ship captured and released
						VOY "Dark Frontier"

   17 -			Bioship			VOY "Scoprion, Part II"
			Destroyed by USS Voyager
			Bioship			VOY "Prey"
			Presumed abandoned in asteroid field
	Sphere Builders	?			ENT "Azati Prime"
			Over 400 years in the future; part of battle at
			Procyon V
	Sphere Builders	?			ENT "Azati Prime"
			Over 400 years in the future; destroyed at Procyon V
        Straleb         Security ship           TNG "The Outrageous Okona"
                        Class 7 Interplanetary
        Suffite         Freighter               DS9 "The Homecoming"
    ? -	Suliban		Long ship		ENT "Broken Bow"
    ? -	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Broken Bow"
    	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Broken Bow"
			Captured by Enterprise
			(confirmed on-board and in-use)
						ENT "The Communicator"
    5 -	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Broken Bow"
			Destroyed in Aggregate Station break down
    	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Cold Front"
    4 -	Suliban		?			ENT "Detained"
	Suliban		Stealth Cruiser		ENT "Shockwave"
			Disabled by Enterprise
  30+ -	Suliban		"Cell-ships"		ENT "Shockwave"
	Suliban		Helix/aggregate station	ENT "Shockwave, Part II"
   35 -	Suliban		"Cell-ships"		ENT "Shockwave, Part II"
	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Future Tense"
			Destroyed by Enterprise
    6 -	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "Future Tense"
    2 -	Suliban		Long "cell-ship"	ENT "Future Tense"
	Suliban		Freighter		ENT "Future Tense"
			Destroyed by Tholians
   15 -	Suliban		Small "cell-ship"	ENT "The Expanse"
    4 -	Suliban		Long "cell-ship"	ENT "The Expanse"
        Sutteran        Pilot: "Kieran MacDuff" TNG "Conundrum"
                        Destroyed; possible self-destruction
    ? -	Swarm					VOY "The Swarm"
			At least five destroyed by USS Voyager
        T'Lani          Cruiser                 DS9 "Armageddon Game"
                        Tamarian design
	Tak Tak		Warship			VOY "Macrocosm"
	Takret		Captain Rellus Tagrim	ENT "The Catwalk"
	Takret		Takret Militia		ENT "The Catwalk"
        Talarian        Observation Craft       TNG "Suddenly Human"
    2 - Talarian        Warship                 TNG "Suddenly Human"
	Talavian	Freighter		DS9 "The Darkness..."
	Talaxian	Attack ship		VOY "Basics, Part II"
			Commander Paxim
	Talaxian	Attack ship		VOY "Basics, Part II"
	Talaxian	Freighter; crew of 39	VOY "The Raven"
			Assimilated by the Borg in Dolmine Sector
			Borg designated Species 218
	Talaxian	Garbage scow		VOY "Juggernaut"
    5 -	Talaxian	Ship			VOY "Homestead"
	Talaxian	Ship			VOY "Homestead"
        Tamarian        Captain Dathon          TNG "Darmok"
    2 -	Tandaran	Patrol Ship		ENT "Detained"
	Tandaran	Transport		ENT "Detained"
        Tarellian       ?                       TNG "Haven"
        Tarellian       Cargo freighter         TNG "Liaisons"
                        Crash landed
    2 -	Taresian	?			VOY "Favorite Son"
          		(Mercenary ship design from TNG "Gambit, Part I")
	Tarkalian	Ship			ENT "Dead Stop"
	Tarkalian	Freighter		ENT "Regeneration"
			Disabled by Borg-modified Arctic sled transport
        Teldarian       Cruiser                 TNG "Mind's Eye"
        Tellarite       Freighter               DS9 "Shadowplay"
	Tellarite	Freighter (circa 1957)	ENT "Carbon Creek"
        Tellarite       Freighter               ENT "Dead Stop"
	Tellarite	Shuttle			ENT "Bounty"
			Captain Skalaar
	Tellarite	Cruiser			ENT "Babel One"
			(historical reference)
   3+ -	Tellarite	Ships			ENT "United"
			Part of sensor net fleet of 128
	Tellarite	Ship			ENT "United"
			Part of sensor net fleet of 128
			"Hit" by Romulan Drone and presumed destroyed
	Tellarite	Transport		ENT "The Aenar"
	Tellarite	"Freighter"		ENT "The Aenar"
			(Romulan Drone)
	Tellarite	Ship			ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
			Mirror universe; destroyed by USS Defiant
    1+	Tellarite	Freighter		ENT "Demons
	Telsian		Ship			VOY "Live Fast and Prosper"
	Terellium	Racer			VOY "Drive"
    ? -	Terran		Mutara Convoy		ENT "Twilight"
			Mix of civilian and military ships; destroyed by
			the Xindi, presumably in Mutara Sector; "several
			months" after new timeline and post-Earth destruction
    ? -	Terran		Ceti Alpha Convoy(?)	ENT "Twilight"
			Mix of civilian and military ships; civilian ships
			disassembled "several months" after new timeline and
			"after a year" past Earth's destruction;
	Tesnian		?			ENT "Shuttlepod One"
			Crashed on asteroid after collision with Enterprise
			due to impact with micro-singularity
    2 - Tholian                                 TOS "The Tholian Web"
	Tholian		Freighter		DS9 "For the Cause"
    4 -	Tholian		(Tri-axil delta)	ENT "Future Tense"
	Tholian					ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly"
			Self-destruction by reactor overload
   12+	Tholian					ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly"
     6	Tholian				ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
     3	Tholian				ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
			Destroyed by USS Defiant
        Tosk            Hunted ship             DS9 "Captive Pursuit"
        Tosk            Hunter ship             DS9 "Captive Pursuit"
  16+ -	Trabe		Warship			VOY "Alliances"
	Tracer		Captain Kellin		VOY "Unforgettable"
	Tracer		Destroyed by Kellin	VOY "Unforgettable"
    2 -	Tracer		Warship			VOY "Unforgettable"
	Tracer		Captain Curneth		VOY "Unforgettable"
	Trabalean	Freighter		VOY "Threshold"
	Triannon	Pri'Nam D'Jamat		ENT "Chosen Realm"
			Destroyed by Enterprise under D'Jamat
    2 -	Triannon	Ship			ENT "Chosen Realm"
	Triannon	Ship			ENT "Chosen Realm"
			Destroyed by Enterprise under D'Jamat
	Triannon	Ship			ENT "Chosen Realm"
			Disabled by Enterprise under D'Jamat
	Trill		Transport		DS9 "Rejoined"
  21+ -	Turay		Ship			VOY "Dragon's Teeth"
 200+ - Vadwar		(various)		VOY "Dragon's Teeth"
  73+ - Vadwar		Assault vessel		VOY "Dragon's Teeth"
			7 destroyed by USS Voyager
			9 destroyed by Turay
	Vadwar		mostly cannibalised	VOY "The Void"
			Vodwar weapons signature
	Valakian	Shuttle			ENT "Dear Doctor"
			Pre-warp design; found adrify ~1 ly from Valakis
			by Enterprise
        Valtese         Chancellor Alrik        TNG "The Perfect Mate"
	Varro		Generational ship	VOY "Disease"
			Composed of numerous habitat pods; infected by
			synthetic silicon-based parasites; decoupled due
			to hull microfracturing
	Varro		Habitat pod		VOY "Disease"
			Dissident group ship
        Venoban         Transport               DS9 "Vortex"
        Vergillian      Freighter               DS9 "Vortex"
	Vidiian		Vidiian Sodality        VOY "Phage"
  20+ -	Vidiian		?			VOY "Deadlock"
  	Vidiian		?			VOY "Deadlock"
			Destroyed by USS Voyager's self-destruction
    2 -	Vidiian		?			VOY "Fury"
	Vidiian		?			VOY "Fury"
			Damaged by USS Voyager in alternate timeline
			(some 56 days after USS Voyager arrival in Delta Quad.)
    3 -	Vidiian		Warships		VOY "Resolutions"
	Vissian		Science ship		ENT "Cogenitor"
			Captain Drennik
	Vissian		Stratopod		ENT "Cogenitor"
	Vogian		?			VOY "Q2"
	Voth		Research vessel		VOY "Distant Origin"
			Professor Gagen
	Voth		City ship		VOY "Distant Origin"
    4 - Vulcan          Destroyed by Warbird    TNG "Unification II"
        Vulcan                                  TNG "The Chase"
	Vulcan		Freighter		DS9 "For the Cause"
			Appropriated by Commander Eddington
	Vulcan		Scout ship		ST:First Contact
	Vulcan		Ambass. Soval's ship	ENT "Broken Bow"
			(30 years ago)
	Vulcan		Transport		ENT "Broken Bow"
	Vulcan		Survey ship		ENT "Breaking the Ice"
			(historical reference)
	Vulcan		Shuttle from Sh'Ran	ENT "Fallen Hero"
	Vulcan		Ship			ENT "Shockwave"
	Vulcan		Survey ship		ENT "Carbon Creek"
			Crash laned on Earth (circa 1957)
	Vulcan		Transport		ENT "Stigma"
    2 -	Vulcan		Suurok Class		ENT "Cease Fire"
	Vulcan		Cruiser			ENT "Future Tense"
			(Needle-Tri-ring design)
			(found in 31st century database)
	Vulcan		Transport		ENT "The Expanse"
	Vulcan		Ship			ENT "Twilight"
			Ambassador Soval; "months later" after new timeline
    4 -	Vulcan		Patrol ship		ENT "The Forge"
    2 -	Vulcan		Patrol ship		ENT "Awakening"
			(tri-fold engine placement)
    2 -	Vulcan		Cruisers		ENT "Awakening"
	Vulcan		Suurok Class		ENT "Awakening"
   12 -	Vulcan		Cruisers		ENT "Kir'Shara"
			Presumably Vulcan Suurok Class
    4 -	Vulcan		Patrol ship		ENT "Kir'Shara"
			(tri-fold engine placement)
    3 -	Vulcan		Scout ship		ENT "Kir'Shara"
			(design similar to Vader's TIE Fighter)
   23 -	Vulcan		Ships			ENT "United"
			Part of sensor net fleet of 128; at least 5 were
			Suurok Class; at least 3 were D'Kyr type
	Vulcan		"D'Kyr type"		ENT "United"
			Romulan Drone
	Vulcan		Science vessel		ENT "Bound"
			Historical: 50 years ago
	Vulcan		D'Kyr type		ENT "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
			Mirror universe; destroyed by USS Defiant
        Wadi                                    DS9 "Move Along Home"
	Wingari		?			VOY "Q2"
	Xantorus	Patrol Ship		ENT "The Breach"
        Xepolite        Freighter               DS9 "The Maquis, Part II"
                        Headman Droofu Awa
	Xyrillian	Captain Trena'L		ENT "Unexpected"
        Yridian         Warp-capable tradeship  TNG "Birthright, Part I"
        Yridian         Destroyer               TNG "The Chase"
                        Destroyed by USS Enterprise
        Yridian         Freighter               TNG "Firstborn"
   12 - Yridian         Freighter               TNG "Preemptive Strike"
                        Decoy convoy used in trap for Maquis
	Yridian		Borg designated Species 6291
						VOY "Equinox"
	Yridian		Shuttle			ENT "Twilight"
			Captured by Enterprise; twelve years after new
        Zalkonian       Commander Sunad         TNG "Transfigurations"
	Zarantine	?			ENT "Sleeping Dogs"
			Destroyed by Klingon ship
   4+ -	<Pirate race>	Attack ship		VOY "Concerning Flight"
			One destroyed by USS Voyager
   13 -	<Pirate race>	Attack ship		VOY "Concerning Flight"
  20+ - <Night Aliens>	?			VOY "Night"
			One destroyed by Malon Export Vessel
    3 -	<The Hierarchy>	Assault Class vessel	VOY "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor..."
	<The Hierarchy>	Survey vessel		VOY "The Void"
	<The Hierarchy>	?			VOY "Renaissance Man"
			Stolen by Nar and Zet

        Farpoint "ship" Elasamorph being        TNG "Encounter at Farpoint"
        Gatherer's ship Pakled design           TNG "The Vengeance Factor"
        Lazarus' ship                           TOS "The Alternative Factor"
        Merchantship                            ST III:The Search for Spock
                        Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey
        Doomsday Machine                        TOS "The Doomsday Machine"
                        Deactivated by destruction of USS Constellation
        Ion Drive ship                          TOS "Spock's Brain"
        <Unnamed>       Scout type              TOS "The Corbomite Maneuver"
                        First Federation vessel
        <Unnamed>       Sublight Freighter      TNG "Final Mission"
                        Radioactive Waste Product ship
        <Unnamed>       Jovis escape pod        TNG "The Most Toys"
	<Unnamed>	Alien ship		TNG "Night Terrors"
        <Unnamed>       Time pod (26th Century) TNG "A Matter of Time"
			Berlingoff Rasmussen (22nd century; from New Jersey)
        <Unnamed>       Captain Jaheel          DS9 "Babel"
                        Destroyed by containment field breach
        <Unnamed>       Mercenary ship          TNG "Gambit, Part I"
        <Unnamed>       Black combat vessel     TNG "Unification"
                        Jovis design
                        Destroyed by USS Enterprise
    2 - <Unnamed>	Vor'Cha Class		DS9 "Crossover"
			Mirror universe Association ships
    2 - <Unnamed>	Cloak Capable		DS9 "Through the Looking Glass"
			Mirror universe Cardassian ship
        <Unnamed>	Captain O'Brien		DS9 "Through the Looking Glass"
			Mirror universe Terran Rebel fighter
        <Unnamed>	Captain Sisko		DS9 "Through the Looking Glass"
                        Mirror universe Terran Rebel fighter; destroyed by
	<Unnamed>	Cruiser			DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Klingon ship; modified Negh'Var design
			(rounded nose section)
			Captain Worf
			Regent Worf		DS9 "The Emperor's New Cloak"
			Captured by Alliance USS Defiant
	<Unnamed>	Captain Bashir		DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Terran Rebel Raider ship
    2 -	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Cardassian ship
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Bird of Prey type	DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Klingon ship; destroyed by Alliance
    	<Unnamed>	Bird of Prey type	DS9 "Shattered Mirror"
			Mirror universe Klingon ship; destroyed by Rebel
	<Unnamed>	1936 Ford pickup	VOY "The 37's"
			License No. 6-T-583
    2 -	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "The Visitor"
    	<Unnamed>	Alien vessel		VOY "Parturition"
	<Unnamed>	Jovis design		DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "Sons of Mogh"
	<Unnamed>	Civilian transport	DS9 "To the Death"
	<Unnamed>	Freigher		VOY "The Swarm"
			Damaged by swarm; home planet Islen
	<Unnamed>	Transport		DS9 "Rapture"
	<Unnamed>	Maquis freighter	DS9 "For the Uniform"
	<Unnamed>	Freighter		DS9 "In the Cards"
			Found derelict some 1 LY from Deep Space Nine
    2 -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Scientific Method"
			One destroyed by gravitational forces
	<Unnamed>	Freighter		DS9 "Favor the Bold"
	<Unnamed>	Transport		DS9 "Resurrection"
	<Unnamed>	Cargo ship		DS9 "Who Mourns for Morn?"
			Captain Morn; Reportedly destroyed in an ion storm
	<Unnamed>	Derelict ship		VOY "Hunters"
			Attacked by Hirogen
	<Unnamed>	"Captain" Kovin		VOY "Retrospect"
			Destroyed by weapons overload
	<Unnamed>	Captain "Steth"		VOY "Vis A Vis"
			Coaxial warp drive vessel
	<Unnamed>	Captain Steth		VOY "Vis A Vis"
	<Unnamed>	Mithryn Class fighter	VOY "Vis A Vis"
	<Unnamed>	Transport		VOY "His Way"
	<Unnamed>	Fighter			VOY "The Omega Directive"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Trajis Lo-Tarik	VOY "One"
    ? -	<Unnamed>	Freighter		DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice"
			Convoy P-Q-1
    2 -	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "Afterimage"
	<Unnamed>	Transport		DS9 "Afterimage"
	<Unnamed>	Pseudo-parasitic life	VOY "Nothing Human"
			Self-destructed due to overwhelming damage
	<Unnamed>	Pseudo-parasitic life	VOY "Nothing Human"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Thirty Days"
			Deputy Councilman Burkus
			Monaen Maritime Sovereignty
    5 -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Thirty Days"
			Monaen Maritime Sovereignty
    ? -	<Unnamed>	?			DS9 "Prodigal Daughter"
			Shipment destroyed by Jem'Hadar enroute to Rigel IV
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Latent Image"
			Alient vessel which attacked USS Voyager
			Events occured 18 months ago, Stardate 50979
	<Unnamed>	Holographic rocketship	VOY "Bride of Chaotica!"
			Captain Proton (a.k.a. Tom Paris); crash landed on
			Planet X; repaired and recovered
	<Unnamed>	Captain Brunt		DS9 "The Emperor's New Cloak"
			Mirror universe Frenegi ship; shuttlepod
	<Unnamed>	Captain Noss		VOY "Gravity"
			Crash landed on Class D world "14 years ago"
	<Unnamed>	Supervisor Yost		VOY "Gravity"
			Renovation Team Nova
  11+ -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Gravity"
			Crash landed on Class D world
	<Unnamed>	Captain Qatai		VOY "Bliss"
			Captured by bioplasmic organism; rescued by USS Voyager
	<Unnamed>	Ord-Marine mining ship	VOY "Course: Oblivion"
	<Unnamed>	Found in chaotic space	VOY "The Fight"
			Adrift, outer hull damaged
	<Unnamed>	Captain Kurros		VOY "Think Tank"
	<Unnamed>	Alien shuttle		VOY "Think Tank"
    3 -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Juggernaut"
			Unknow ships in sector of possible contamination
	<Unnamed>	Captain Onquanii	VOY "Warhead"
			Destroyed by anti-matter surge delivered through
			transporter beam
   7+ -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Survival Instinct"
			Unknown ships around Markonian Outpost
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "One Small Step"
			Unknown ships within graviton ellipse
	<Unnamed>	Captain Tash		VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy"
	<Unnamed>	Space capsule		VOY "Blink of an Eye"
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Differential Ship	VOY "Blink of an Eye"
	<Unnamed>	Cpt. Bathar of Hodos?	VOY "Memorial"
	<Unnamed>	Recruitment Ship	VOY "Tsunkatse"
    2 -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Collective"
			Alien ships captured within Borg Cube
	<Unnamed>	"Delta Flyer"		VOY "Live Fast and Propser"
			Captain "Janeway", aka Dala
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Live Fast and Propser"
	<Unnamed>	Alien transport		VOY "Muse"
	<Unnamed>	Kes' shuttle		VOY "Fury"
			Rammed USS Voyager but undamaged
	<Unnamed>	"Adoption" ship		VOY "Imperfection"
	<Unnamed>	Scavenger ship		VOY "Imperfection"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Irena		VOY "Drive"
	<Unnamed>	Antarian(?) ship	VOY "Drive"
			Ambassador Ozaal
    7 -	<Unnamed>	Alien fleet ship	VOY "Drive"
    5 -	<Unnamed>	Unknown alien racer	VOY "Drive"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Assan		VOY "Drive"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Nightingale"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Ranik		VOY "Body and Soul"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Body and Soul"
	<Unnamed>	Hirogen ship		VOY "Flesh and Blood"
			Stolen by Holographic renegade, Iden
	<Unnamed>	General Balaan		VOY "The Void"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "The Void"
			Pillaged and abandoned by Balaan
 150+ -	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "The Void"
			Detectable ships within the Void
	<Unnamed>	Red Guard Capt Garin	VOY "The Void"
	<Unnamed>	Cmdr Bosaal		VOY "The Void"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Q2"
	<Unnamed>	Mining/Ore transport	VOY "Author, Author"
	<Unnamed>	?			VOY "Natural Law"
	<Unnamed>	Cmdr Nakona		VOY "Homestead"
			Mining ship
	<Unnamed>	Cargo ship		ENT "Fight or Flight"
			Damaged by explosion (historical ref.)
	<Unnamed>	Destroyed by Axanar	ENT "Fight or Flight"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Fraddock	ENT "Cold Front"
	<Unnamed>	?			ENT "Silent Enemy"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Kuulan		ENT "Oasis"
			Crashed 22 years ago due to ion storm
    5 -	<Unnamed>	Small shuttles		ENT "The Seventh"
	<Unnamed>	Captain Menos		ENT "The Seventh"
			Smuggling freighter
	<Unnamed>	Scorpion Class		ST:Nemesis
			Reman attack fighter; attached to Scimitar;
			captured by USS Enterprise
  40+ - <Unnamed>	Scorpion Class		ST:Nemesis
			Reman attack fighter; attached to Scimitar;
			presumed destroyed by USS Enterprise ramming of
	<Unnamed>	?			ENT "Future Tense"
			31st century stealth ship; found over 30ly from
			nearest trade routes, 100ly from Earth; interior
			geometry far larger than exterior suggests;
			commissioned almost 900 years from "now"; uses
			Temporal Displacement drive; recovered by its
			31st century "owners"
	<Unnamed>	Future design		ENT "Future Tense"
			found in 31st century database
	<Unnamed>	?			ENT "Canamar"
			Captured by Enterprise crew
	<Unnamed>	?			ENT "The Crossing"
			Aging vessel of noncorporeal life forms; encountered
			"150ly from Earth"; destroyed by Enterprise
    2 -	<Unnamed>	Pirate attack ship	ENT "Horizon"
	<Unnamed>	Pirate cruiser		ENT "Horizon"
			Kriosian transport design; disabled by ECS Horizon
    3 -	<Unnamed>	Transport		ENT "The Breach"
	<Unnamed>	Transport		ENT "The Breach"
			Kriosian transport design; disabled by rupture of
			reactor casing; repaired by Enterprise
	<Unnamed>	Transport		ENT "Bounty"
			Captain Kago-Darr
    6 -	<Unnamed>	?			ENT "Bounty"
	<Unnamed>	Freighter		ENT "The Xindi"
    3 -	<Unnamed>	Warship			ENT "The Xindi"
	<Unnamed>	Alien experimental pod	ENT "Harbinger"
			Same allows as Sphere surface; transmitter and
			"miner's canary cage"
	<Unnamed>	Transport		ENT "Home"
			Possibly Vulcan
	<Unnamed>	Transport shuttle	ENT "Borderland"
    3 -	<Unnamed>	Transport		ENT "Borderland"
	<Unnamed>	Work Bee cargo style	ENT "Borderland"
	<Unnamed>	Research ship		ENT "Daedalus"
			Emory Erickson; reference to five years ago
   4+ -	<Unnamed>	Lunar cargo shuttle	ENT "Demons"
	<Unnamed>	Freighter		ENT "Demons"
			Historical: circa Nathan Samuels at 18 years old
			(today: 19 Jan 2155)
	<Unnamed>	Small vessel		ENT "These Are the Voyages..."
			Kidnappers' vessel

Star Trek Ships: Basic - Copyright Notice

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D. Joseph Creighton <Joe_Creighton@UManitoba.CA>

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM