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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 4/9
Section - [DC Comics] Star Trek: The Next Generation Specials

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 4/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek: The Next Generation Annuals
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01	Sep 93
"Good listener" Guinan agrees to establish a saloon on a mining
colony for an old friend. Unfortunately, many of the miners are
suffering from some sort of emotional epidemic which the
medtechs can't explain. A Federation environmental watchdog
is also concerned that a native species may be sentient and that
mining operations may be hazardous to the local ecology. Riker
and Dr. Crusher bring an away team to research the mysterious
ailment. Several Enterprise crewmembers suffer from intense
emotional episodes, until one of Worf's security officers, a
low-level telepath, discovers that the native creatures are
probing his mind and amplifying his inner fears. The Tordohh,
as they call themselves, are telepaths. Once a technological
society, they returned to a simpler life and now insist that the
Federation leave. As she leaves, Guinan leaves the Tordohh
with a little gotcha for invading everyone's thoughts rather
than trying to communicate with the Federation.
(Tony Isabella, Bob Ingersol; Deryl Skelton, Steve Carr, Jim
Amash; Jason Palmer, Segarra)
"A true son of Kahless" Worf and Alexander leave the Enterprise
for three days of shore leave on Tallera III. Alone in the
wilderness, Worf begins teaching Alexander Klingon ways.
When an electromagnetic disturbance hits the planet, Worf is
injured. Alexander makes a sledge out of vines and drags his
father to safety, then sets up a locator beacon. After being
found by an away team, Picard thanks Alexander for rescuing his
security chief.
(Anne Wokanovicz; Kenneth Penders, Romeo Tanghal)
"Spot's day" Worf interrupts Data while he is feeding Spot
("Data's Day"), who slips out of Data's quarters. Spot catches
a ride on the turbolift with Picard and Riker, making his way to a
holodeck. Geordi has modified one of Worf's training programs
and left it running. Spot enters the holodeck and acquits
himself with honor.
(Diane Duane; Rod Whigham, Mike Sellers)

02	Summer 94
"The choice" An away team investigates an unmanned observatory
which has been destroyed by unknown beings. One possibility is
that the assailants are Seraphami, the same race that Ro Laren
met on Garon Two, where she disobeyed orders, resulting in the
death of her commanding officer, her court-martial, and
imprisonment. As present circumstances unfold, it looks as if
history is going to repeat itself. Ro, who has been given a
second chance by Picard, must give herself a second chance and
risk Riker's life to prevent a tragedy. The painted cover
features Ro Laren.
(Michael Jan Friedman; Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot; Sonia R.
"Cry vengeance" A human female is engaged in single bat'telh
combat with a Klingon male. Flashback to the arrival of Colleen
McMurphy on the Enterprise with an unlimited travel warrant
allowing passage on any Starfleet vessel. In her quarters, she
sends a coded transmission to Qo'Nos. Riker meets and romances
McMurphy who also puts herself through rigorous holodeck
work-outs. Dr. Crusher is concerned about McMurphy's health.
Worf's brother Kurn arrives to escort the Enterprise to Qo'Nos,
where McMurphy is to stand in judgement before the Klingon High
Council. Worf discovers that McMurphy has the honor blade of a
Klingon Great House. She claims it is hers by blood and right.
Data discovers that the name Colleen McMurphy doesn't exist in
Starfleet records. Fleet Captain T'Kir arrives, greets Picard as
an old friend and identifies McMurphy as Captain Jamie Finney.
T'Kir has come to support Finney. Finney's role in combatting a
formidable alien threat ("Debt of Honor" [TOS, DC Comics]) is
reprised as is her subsequent service to Commander Kor, who was
betrayed and murdered by Gowron. She has challenged Gowron in
order to restore honor to Kor's name. On the field of combat,
Finney doesn't survive, but Gowron, barely surviving, restores
honor to the names of Kor and Jamie Finney.
(Chris Claremont; Chris Wozniac, Jerome Moore;)
"Out of time" Captain Morgan Bateman, commanding officer of the
Bozeman ("Cause and effect") is having difficulty
adjusting to the 24th century. Counselor Troi arranges a visit
from a specialist in time-displacement, Captain Montgomery Scott.
(Michael Jan Friedman; Steve Erwin, Charles Barnett;)

nn	Jun 94	The Series Finale Special: All Good Things ...
Adaptation of the two-hour series finale, written by Ronald Moore and
Brannon Braga. This is the first adaptation of a TNG television
episode. Painted cover.
(Michael Jan Friedman; Jay Scott Pike, Jose Marzan Jr.; Sonia Hillios)

03	Winter 95
"Pandora's Prodigy" The Enterprise arrives at a Federation
transporter research station near a star system where Picard
will help negotiate a trade agreement between two cultures.
LaForge meets an old friend, David Dirvy, who has developed a
method for recording transporter signatures. When Dirvy is
killed by an assassination attempt meant for one of the
negotiators, LaForge makes a copy of his friend. In disgust,
Dirvy gives all of his research data to Picard and tells him to
do what he will with it. Picard destroys the data and his actions
significantly affect the trade negotiations. Based on an unused
outline for the television series. DeMeritt is Second Unit
Director for Star Trek: Voyager. Painted cover.
(Michael DeMeritt; Ricardo Villagran; Sonia Hillios)
"Old Debts" Scotty pays a visit to Starbase 122, home of the
Starfleet Museum, to give a lecture. Upon arrival he tours the
newly restored Enterprise NCC-1701A with Lt. Robin Lefler as his
guide. The tour is interrupted by an old enemy, Koleth ("The
trouble with tribbles" [TOS]), who is determined to pay back
Scotty for the tribble incident. Following a battle of wits, the
two old warriors fight to a stalemate, but Koleth is satisfied
that honor has been restored and he bids Scotty goodbye. Now he
has only one old debt left to settle ("Blood Oath" [DS9]).
(Kevin Ryan; Ken Save, Shephard Hendrix;)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 4/9
Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek: The Next Generation Annuals
Next Document: [DC Comics] The Modala Imperative (25th anniversary mini-series)

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