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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 3/9
Section - [DC Comics] Star Trek Annuals (second series)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 3/9
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01	1990	So near the touch
The Enterprise is assigned to assist a Federation medical team
led by Sulu's former lover. The team's job is to try and prevent
the extinction of a race whose planet is ecologically
devastated. A mere embrace between two individuals causes
spontaneous combustion. Religious fundamentalists oppose
Federation assistance and take the medical team hostage. Sulu
and Chekov defy orders and lead an assault to rescue the medical
team. Sulu's lover is contaminated by the planet's environment
and they can never touch one another again.
(George Takei, Peter David; Gray Morrow; Jerome Moore)

02	1991	Starfleet Academy
Kirk's first few months at Starfleet Academy. Among the people
he meets are Captain Decker ("The Doomsday Machine"), strategy
professor; Ben Finney ("Court-Martial"), dean of students; Gary
Mitchell ("Where No Man Has Gone Before"), roommate and slob;
Finnegan ("Shore Leave"), third year student advisor and
pain-in-the-ass; Carol Marcus (ST II: TWOK), science student and
sexy blonde; Uhura, second year student and friend of Carol; and
a few others as well.
(Peter David; James W. Fry, Curt Swan, Arne Starr; Jerome Moore)

03	1992	Homeworld
The Enterprise escorts Sarek ("Journey to Babel") to New Ketira
for the ceremony celebrating admission to the Federation. The
ancient spiritual leaders of the Ketirans choose this time to
claim their place as the traditional and rightful leaders of the
people. Sarek and the Enterprise try to negotiate a peaceful
settlement, but it takes a surprising discovery from Ketira's
past to resolve the situation.
(Howard Weinstein; Norm Dwyer, Arne Starr; Laura and Frank
Kelley Freas)

04	1993	To walk the night
Capt. Christopher Pike is puzzled by Lt. Spock's nocturnal
wanderings along the corridors of the Enterprise. Spock is
having second thoughts about choosing Starfleet. The Enterprise
responds to a distress call from a mining colony whose
inhabitants are experiencing nightmares about alien beings and
madness. Spock discovers a life form capable of duplicating and
replacing other life forms, and learns something about himself
as well.
(Michael Jan Friedman; Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos; Jerome
Moore, Jason Palmer)

05	1994	The dream walkers
Crewmembers of the Enterprise begin experiencing vivid daydreams
of past missions, even dreaming of events that they didn't
participate in. Neither Spock nor McCoy have any answers, but
after some discussion, it becomes apparent that Janice Rand is
the common denominator in every dream. Kirk inquires about Rand
and learns that she is missing-in-action following a covert
mission to investigate the Chuniikites, a hostile race engaged in
a civil war. Kirk begins searching for Rand when Spock theorizes
that she may be transmitting clues to her whereabouts via the
dreams. Using coordinates take from dream clues, the Enterprise
arrives at an unexplored system with a single inhabitable
planet. In a city of ruins, Kirk finds Rand asleep and wired
into tiers of sleeping aliens. He unplugs her and begins
experiencing another daydream just as the Chuniikites arrive in
force. With Rand's help, he awakens in time to escape the dreaming
aliens and elude the aggressive Chuniikites.
(Michael Jan Friedman; Carlos Garzon; Chris Wozniac ?)

06	1995	Convergence, Part One: Split Infinities
Gary Seven ("Assignment: Earth") arrives on the Enterprise
warning of a grave danger to Spock. A Devidian ("Time's Arrow,
Parts I and II" [TNG]) arrives immediately thereafter, kills
Seven and abducts Spock. Spock finds himself captive with
General Tellius, a pivotal figure in Romulan history. A
colleague of Seven's arrives on the Enterprise. Exana and her
cat Nova, explain to Kirk that another race of time travelers,
the Devidians, having been prevented from interfering in Earth
history by a Starfleet crew from the future, are attempting to
alter history in order to eliminate the Federation. Captain John
Harriman (ST: Generations) of the Enterprise, joins Spock and
Tellius in captivity. In the future, the Enterprise-D arrives at
the Neutral Zone to greet Anbassador Sybok. Guinan senses that
something is wrong. A Devidian appears and abducts Data, who
joins the other captives. In the past, Exana and the crew of the
Enterprise make for the Devidian system. In the future, Picard
and his crew do the same. Painted cover. Continued in ST:TNG
Annual #6. The covers for this annual and ST:TNG Annual #6 form
a diptych.
(Howard Weinstein, Michael Jan Friedman; Ken Save, Sam de la Rosa;
Jason Palmer)

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Previous Document: [DC Comics] Star Trek (second series)
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