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SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Section - -30- I just installed a new version of IRIX and file X is missing. What should I do?

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Top Document: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -29- Why doesn't 'inst' work remotely?
Next Document: -31- I reinstalled an IRIX subsystem to restore a missing file or get rid of a corrupted file, but it didn't help.
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Date: 14 Oct 1995 00:00:01 EST

  'inst' doesn't deal well with some cases where a file moves from one
  subsystem to another between IRIX versions. Upgrading may cause such a
  file to disappear entirely. To bring it back, reinstall the subsystem
  to which the file belongs in the newer IRIX with "set neweroverride
  on" in 'inst' (or, equivalently, remove and reinstall the subsystem).
  You might want to install only the missing file; see the entry on
  installing a single file above.
  Popular examples of this include several headers in /usr/include/sys
  in IRIX 4.0.5/IDO 4.1.1, which are in eoe1.sw.unix, the mount(1M)
  manpage in IRIX 5.3, which is in, and
  /usr/lib/X11/dyDDX/, also in 5.3, which is in x_eoe.sw.Server.

  One way to detect files which have disappeared in this manner in IRIX
  5.3 is 'showfiles -B'.

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Top Document: SGI admin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: -29- Why doesn't 'inst' work remotely?
Next Document: -31- I reinstalled an IRIX subsystem to restore a missing file or get rid of a corrupted file, but it didn't help.

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