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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- September 17

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Interesting things that happened September 17th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In  879 Charles III (The Simple), king of France (893-923)
  In 1271 Wenceslas II, king of Bohemia and Poland (1278-1305)
  In 1730 Baron Frederick von Steuben, made the Continental Army winners
  In 1743 Marquis de Condorcet, French Enlightenment philosopher
  In 1819 Thomas A. Hendricks (D), 21st U.S. vice-president, died in office
  In 1857 Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, pioneer in rocket and space research
  In 1869 Christian Lange, Norwegian pacifist, internationalist (Nobel 1921)
  In 1907 Warren E. Burger, former Supreme Court chief justice
  In 1921 Virgilio Barco Vargas, president of Colombia (1986-90)
  In 1923 Hank Williams, country singer (Cold, Cold Heart, Hey Good Lookin')
  In 1927 George Blanda, NFL quarterback, place kicker (Oakland Raiders)
  In 1928 Roddy McDowall, actor (Planet of the Apes)
  In 1930 Edgar Dean Mitchell, astronaut (Apollo 14)
        + Thomas P. Stafford, astronaut (Gemini 6, 9, Apollo 10)
  In 1931 Anne Bancroft (in Bronx, NY), actor (Graduate, High Anxiety), wife
          of Mel Brooks
  In 1933 Dorothy Louden, actor
        + Pat Crowley, actor
  In 1939 David Souter, Supreme Court justice
  In 1948 John Ritter, actor (3's Company), son of Tex Ritter

Events worth noting:
        + Constitution Day
        + Citizenship Day
        + Impression of the Stigmata of St Francis
        + St. Lambert's Day (Anglican)
  In 1776 The Presidio of San Francisco was founded as Spanish fort.
  In 1787 US Constitution is adopted and formally signed.
  In 1789 William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn.
  In 1819 First whaling ship arrives in Hawaii.
  In 1862 Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) in Maryland -- Bloodiest day of the
          war.  Confederate forces retreat.
  In 1908 Thomas Selfridge becomes first fatality of powered flight.
  In 1911 C.P. Rogers begins the first transcontinental airplane flight. He
          travels from New York City to Pasadena in 82 hours, 4 min.
  In 1920 National Football League formed in Canton, Ohio.
  In 1927 Charles Lindbergh in San Francisco.
  In 1953 First successful separation of Siamese twins.
  In 1956 Yanks clinch pennant #22 on Mantle's 50th homer of the year.
  In 1963 "The Fugitive" premiers.
  In 1964 "Bewitched" premiers.
        + Mickey Mantle gets hits #1999, 2000, and 2001.
  In 1966 "Mission Impossible" premieres.
  In 1968 Zond 5 completes the first circumnavigation of the Moon.
  In 1972 BART begins passenger service.
  In 1977 Dave Kingman hits his first Yankee homer, Reggie hits 2 more.
  In 1978 Begin, Sadat and Carter sign the Camp David accord.
        + Red Sox finally beat Yanks in Sept, 1978 7-3.
  In 1985 Soyuz T-14 carries 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station.

And remember ...
  National School Success Month
  National Sewing Month
  National Pain Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM