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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- September 16

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Interesting things that happened September 16th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1387 Henry V, king of England (1413-22)
  In 1822 Charles S. Crocker, of Southern Pacific fame
  In 1823 Francis Parkman, American historian, author (Oregon Trail)
  In 1838 James J. Hill, railroad entrepreneur
  In 1858 A. Bonar Law (C), British prime minister (1922-23)
  In 1877 James J. Jeans, cosmologist and astrophysicist
  In 1887 Nadia Boulanger (in Paris), music teacher
  In 1888 Frans Sillanpää, Finnish writer (Meek Heritage) (Nobel 1939)
  In 1893 Albert Szent-Györgyi, Hungarian biochemist (Nobel 1937)
  In 1911 Wilfred Burchett, Australian Communist, journalist, writer
  In 1914 Allen Funt, voyeur, 'Candid Camera' creator
  In 1922 Janis Paige (in Tacoma, WA)
  In 1924 Bess Myerson (in New York), Miss America (1945)
        + Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage,
          Key Largo, Always)
  In 1925 B. B. King, singer, musician
        + Charlie Byrd, guitarist
  In 1926 Robert Schuller, televangelist
  In 1927 Peter Falk, actor (Colombo, Princess Bride, In-Laws)
  In 1932 Anne Francis (in Ossining, NY), actor
  In 1934 Elgin Baylor, NBA star
  In 1948 Rosemary Casals, tennis player
  In 1949 Ed Begley, Jr., actor (St. Elsewhere, Real Genius, Spinal Tap)
  In 1972 Shalane McCall

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of SS Cornelius, pope (251-53), and Cyprian, bishop, martyrs
        + Independence Day, celebrated in Mexico
  In 1498 Death of Tomas de Torquemada, inquisitor who burned 10,000 people.
  In 1782 Great Seal of the United States is used for first time.
  In 1795 British capture Capetown.
  In 1810 Mexico first declares independence from Spain (National Day).
  In 1812 Fire of Moscow.
  In 1857 Patent is issued for the typesetting machine.
  In 1858 First overland mail for California.
  In 1862 Gen. Bragg's army surrounds 4000 federals at Munfordville, KY.
  In 1893 Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma opened to white settlement homesteaders.
  In 1908 William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors.
  In 1915 U.S. takes control of customs and finances of Haiti for 10 years.
  In 1919 American Legion incorporated by an act of Congress.
  In 1924 Cardinal Jim Bottomley bats in 12 RBIs in 1 game.
  In 1939 Yanks clinch pennant #11.
  In 1940 First peace-time draft in U.S. enacted.
        + Samuel T. Rayburn of Texas elected Speaker of the House.
  In 1945 Barometric pressure at 856 mb (25.55") off Okinawa (record low).
  In 1946 James J. Jeans, astrophysicist, dies on his 69th birthday.
  In 1947 First automobile to exceed 400 mph, John Cobb, Bonneville Salt
  In 1955 Bauer and Berra homer in the 9th beating Red Sox 5-4 taking over
  In 1964 "Shindig" premiers.
  In 1966 Metropolitan Opera opens at NY's Lincoln Center.
  In 1968 Richard Nixon appears on "Laugh-in".
  In 1972 First TV series about mixed marriage - "Bridgit Loves Bernie".
  In 1974 President Ford announces conditional amnesty for Vietnam deserters.
        + San Francisco's BART begins regular transbay service.
  In 1975 Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia (National Day).
  In 1976 Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priests and bishop.
  In 1977 Maria Callas American-born prima donna dies in Paris at 53.
  In 1978 Yanks beat Red Sox for 6th time in 2 weeks, 3-2.
  In 1979 Catfish Hunter Day at Yankee Stadium.
  In 1984 "Miami Vice" premieres.

And remember ...
  National School Success Month
  National Sewing Month
  National Pain Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM