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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- September 14

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Interesting things that happened September 14th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1849 Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist, pioneer in psychology
  In 1864 Lord Cecil of Chelwood, helped form League of Nations (Nobel 1937)
  In 1867 Charles Dana Gibson, illustrator, drew the "Gibson Girl"
  In 1879 Margaret Sanger, feminist, nurse, birth control proponent
  In 1899 Hal Wallis, movie producer
  In 1913 Jacobo Arbenz, president of Guatemala (1951-54); overthrown by CIA
  In 1914 Clayton Moore, actor (the REAL Lone Ranger)
  In 1920 Kay Medford (in New York)
  In 1928 Albert Shanker, American labor leader
  In 1933 Zoe Caldwell
  In 1934 Kate Millett, writer, feminist (Sexual Politics)
  In 1936 Walter Marvin Koenig, actor (Star Trek, Babylon 5)
  In 1938 Nicol Williamson
  In 1940 Merlin Olsen, NFL defensive tackle (Rams), sportscaster, actor
  In 1944 Joey Heatherton (in Rockville Center, NY), actor, singer
  In 1964 Faith Ford (in Alexandria, LA as Alexis Ford), actor (Murphy Brown)

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.
        + National Boss/Employee Exchange Day
  In 1628 Salem, Mass. is founded.
  In 1716 First lighthouse in U.S. is lit (in Boston Harbor).
  In 1752 England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear.
  In 1812 Napoleon occupies Moscow.
  In 1814 Francis Scott Key inspired to write "The Star-Spangled Banner."
  In 1847 U.S. troops capture Mexico City.
  In 1848 Alexander Stewart opens the first department store in the U.S.
  In 1886 The typewriter ribbon is patented.
  In 1892 A.P. Giannini marries Clorinda Cuneo.
  In 1899 While in New York, Henry Bliss becomes first automobile fatality.
  In 1936 First prefrontal lobotomy performed, Washington DC.
  In 1940 Congress passes first peace time draft law.
  In 1942 Yanks clinch pennant #13.
  In 1948 Milton Berle starts his TV career on "Texaco Star Theater".
  In 1951 Giant's Bob Niemans first 2 at bats are homers.
  In 1964 Walt Disney awarded the Medal of Freedom at the White House.
  In 1965 "F-Troop" premieres.
  In 1968 Denny McLain 30th victory of the season.
        + USSR's Zond 5 is launched on first circumlunar flight.
  In 1974 Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter.
  In 1981 "Entertainment Tonight" premieres.
  In 1985 Israel transfers second shipment of missiles to Iran as intermediary
          in arms-for-hostages deal.
  In 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issues a religious ruling calling for
          the killing of British author Salmon Rushdie for his novel, The
          Satanic Verses.

And remember ...
  National School Success Month
  National Sewing Month
  National Pain Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM