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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- October 29

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Interesting things that happened October 29th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1656 Edmund Halley (in London), natural philosopher, studied gravity with
          Newton, first to identify tradewinds, gazed at heavenly bodies
  In 1740 James Boswell (in Scotland), Samuel Johnson's biographer
  In 1873 Guillermo Valencia, Colombian poet, translator, statesman
  In 1875 Marie, queen consort of Ferdinand I of Rumania
  In 1884 Bela Lugosi, horror actor (Dracula, Body Snatcher)
  In 1891 Fanny Brice, singing comedienne (Ziegeld Follies, Baby Snooks)
  In 1897 Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist
  In 1910 Alfred J. Ayer, English Neopositivist philosopher, logician
  In 1921 Bill Mauldin, WWII Army cartoonist, later political cartoonist
  In 1926 Jon Vickers, Canadian tenor
  In 1945 Melba Moore (in New York City)
  In 1947 Richard Dreyfuss, actor (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
  In 1948 Kate Jackson (in Alabama), actor (Charlie's Angels, Making Love)
  In 1971 Winona Ryder, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Theuderius, or Chef, Abbot (c. A.D. 575)
        + Republic Day, celebrated in Turkey
  In    0 539 BC  Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia.
  In 1618 Sir Walter Raleigh is executed in London.
  In 1682 Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by King Charles II.
  In 1727 Severe earthquake in New England.
  In 1811 First Ohio River steamboat leaves Pittsburgh for New Orleans.
  In 1833 First College Fraternity founded.
  In 1863 International Committee of the Red Cross is founded (Nobel 1917,
          1944, 1963).
  In 1894 First election of the Hawaiian Republic.
  In 1901 Leon Czolcosz, assassin of President McKinley, is executed.
  In 1904 The first intercity trucking service goes into business with a route
          between Colorado City and Snyder, Texas.
  In 1920 Edward Barrow named Yankee general manager.
  In 1923 Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government.
  In 1929 "Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash.
  In 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition closes (first closure).
  In 1956 "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for first time.
          (Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, NBC News, team up).
        + Israeli paratroopers, under the command of Moshe Dayan, drop into
          the Sinai to open Straits of Tiran.
  In 1964 Star of India and other jewels are stolen in NY.
  In 1979 Billy Martin fired as Yankee Manager (second time).
  In 1982 John DeLorean indicted for drug trafficking (later acquitted).

And remember ...
  Down's Syndrome Awareness Month
  National Apple Jack Month
  National Liver Awareness Month
  National Roller Skating Month
  Set your clock back 1 hour tonight (Daylight Savings Time ends)

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM