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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- October 12

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Interesting things that happened October 12th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1537 Edward VI, king of England (1547-53)
  In 1798 Pedro I, first emperor of Brazil (1822-31), king of Portugal
  In 1860 Elmer Sperry, inventor of the gyrocompass
  In 1866 Ramsay MacDonald (Labour), British prime minister (1924, 1929-35)
  In 1872 Ralph Vaughan Williams (in England), composer
  In 1896 Eugenio Montale, Italian poet, translator (Xenia) (Nobel 1975)
  In 1923 Jean Nidetch (in Brooklyn), founder of Weight Watchers
  In 1932 Dick Gregory, comedian, activist
        + Jake Garn (R-Sen-Ut), astronaut (STS-51T)
  In 1935 Luciano Pavarotti, operatic tenor
        + Sam Moore, singer
  In 1936 Tony Kubek, Yankee shortstop
  In 1947 Chris Wallace, reporter
  In 1950 Susan Anton, actor, singer
  In 1962 Sid Fernandez (in Hawaii), baseball player
  In 1970 Kirk Cameron, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Wilfrid, Bishop of York (A.D. 709)
        + Spanish National Day.
        + The REAL Columbus Day
  In 1492 Christopher Columbus and crew sighted land in present-day Bahamas.
  In 1823 Charles Macintosh of Scotland begins selling the raincoats.
  In 1860 British and French troops capture Peking.
  In 1862 J.E.B. Stuart completes his "Second ride around McClellan".
        + Maj. Gen Earl Van Dorn assumes command of Conf. troops in
  In 1870 General Robert E. Lee dies in Lexington, VA at age 63.
  In 1891 Astronomical Society of France is inaugurated.
  In 1920 Man O'War's last race.
  In 1923 NY Giant's Casey Stengel Hr beats Yanks 1-0 in the World Series.
  In 1929 Cubs blow 8-0 world series lead A's score 10 in 1 inning.
  In 1933 Alcatraz becomes a federal prison (unofficially).
        + John Dillinger escapes from the Allen County, OH, jail.
  In 1948 Casey Stengel takes over as Yankee manager.
  In 1949 Eugenie Anderson becomes first woman ambassador nominated in US.
  In 1957 First commercial flight between California and Antartica.
  In 1960 Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe at UN General Assembly session.
  In 1962 US/USSR sign joint space effort in telecommunications and
  In 1963 Archaeological digs begin at Masada, Israel.
        + At 4 AM, traffic on Bay Bridge is 1-way on each deck.
  In 1964 USSR launches first 3-man crew into space.
        + Voskhod 1 first multi-man spaceflight.
  In 1967 Lou Brock steals a record 7 bases in 1 world series.
  In 1968 Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain.
  In 1969 Soyuz 7 is launched.
  In 1972 Billy Harris failed in first Islander penalty shot.
        + Mariner 9 took pictures of Martian north pole.
  In 1973 Gerald Ford named as Spiro Agnew's successor to vice presidency.
  In 1977 'Throwaway Game' Catfish Hunter loses WS 6-1 resting Yank pitchers.
        + Fourth test of the Space Shuttle Enterprise.
  In 1985 Int'l Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War named Nobel Prize

And remember ...
  Country Music Month
  Lupus Awareness Month
  National Crime Prevention Month
  National Popcorn Poppin' Month
  The Month of the Dinosaur

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM