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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- Nov 15

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Interesting things that happened November 15th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1738 Sir William Herschel, astronomer discovered Uranus
  In 1862 Gerhart Hauptmann, German writer (Before Dawn) (Nobel 1912)
  In 1887 Georgia O'Keeffe (in Sun Prairie, Wis), painter
        + Marianne Moore (in St. Louis, MO), poet
  In 1891 Erwin Rommel, German field marshall, brilliant tactician
        + W. Averell Harriman, governor, cabinet member
  In 1919 Carol Bruce (in Great Neck)
        + Joseph Albert Wapner, judge, television justice (People's Court)
  In 1925 Howard Baker, senator from Tennessee, presidential chief of staff
  In 1928 Bill Fries (in Audubon, Iowa), singer/songwriter (C.W. McCall)
  In 1929 Ed Asner, actor (Lou Grant)
  In 1934 Petula Clark (in England), singer
        + Joanna Barnes, actor
  In 1940 Sam Waterston, actor (Hopscotch)
  In 1945 Anni-Frid (in Lyngsdtad, Sweden), singer (ABBA)
  In 1946 Janet Lennon, singer (Lennon Sisters)

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St Albert the Great, bishop, confessor, doctor
        + Leonid meteor shower, radiant in Leo
  In 1630 Johannes Kepler, planetary law-maker, dies.
  In 1763 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon begin surveying the Mason-Dixon
          Line -- the southern boundary of Pennsylvania.
  In 1777 Continental Congress approves Articles of Confederation.
  In 1806 Explorer Zebulon Pike sights Pikes Peak.
  In 1869 Free Postal Delivery formally inaugurated.
  In 1881 American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded in Pittsburgh, PA.
  In 1889 Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, deposed; republic proclaimed.
  In 1920 League of Nations holds first meeting, in Geneva.
  In 1926 National Broadcasting Company goes on-the-air, with 24 stations.
  In 1932 Walt Disney Art School created.
  In 1937 First congressional session in air-conditioned chambers.
  In 1939 Social Security Administration approves 1st unemployment check.
  In 1940 First 75,000 men were called to armed forces duty during peacetime.
  In 1941 Cow Palace opens in San Francisco, CA.
  In 1948 William Lyon Mackenzie King retired as prime minister of Canada.
  In 1949 KRON (Channel 4, San Francisco) signs on, from 7 to 10 PM.
  In 1950 First black player in organized hockey, Arthur Dorrington, signed.
  In 1954 Flight over North Pole on regularly scheduled commercial route
  In 1958 Actor Tyrone Power dies of a heart attack at 44.
  In 1964 Mickey Wright shoots a 62, lowest golf score for a woman pro.
  In 1966 Gemini XII returns to Earth.
  In 1967 Michael Adams in X-15 reaches 80 km.
  In 1969 250,000 protesters peacefully demonstrate against Vietnam War.
  In 1977 President Jimmy Carter welcomes Shah of Iran.
  In 1980 Pope John Paul II began 5 day visit to West Germany.
  In 1982 Funeral services held in Moscow's Red Square for Leonid I. Brezhnev.
  In 1984 Baby Fae, who received a baboon's, heart died at a California
          medical center.
  In 1988 Soviet unmanned Space Shuttle completes 2 day test, lands just 8
          miles from launch site in central Asia.

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month
                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM