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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- November 11

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Interesting things that happened November 11th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1050 Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor (1036-1106)
  In 1636 Yen Jo-chu, Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty
  In 1744 Abigail Smith Adams, second First lady
  In 1748 Charles IV, king of Spain (1788-1808)
  In 1836 Thomas Bailey Aldrich, American author, editor (Story of a Bad Boy)
  In 1864 Alfred Hermann Fried, German pacifist (Nobel 1911)
  In 1885 George S. Patton, U.S. military leader
  In 1899 Pat O'Brien, actor (Knute Rockne, Angels with Dirty Faces)
  In 1901 Sam Spiegel, film producer
  In 1904 Alger Hiss, U.S. Gov't official, almost certainly a Soviet spy
        + Sam Spiegel, Film Producer
  In 1914 Howard Fast, novelist, screenwriter
  In 1915 William Proxmire, Wisconsin Senator, cost-cutter, award maker
          (Golden Fleece Awards)
  In 1918 Stubby Kaye, actor
  In 1920 Gene Tierney (in Brooklyn, NY)
  In 1922 Kim Hunter, actor
        + Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., author (Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan)
  In 1925 Jonathan Winters, comedian, actor
  In 1934 Bibi Andersson (in Sweden)
  In 1936 Susan Kohner
  In 1945 Daniel Ortega Saavedra, president of Nicaragua (1984-1990)
        + Denise Alexander (in New York City)
  In 1951 Fuzzy Zoeller, golfer
  In 1955 Jigme Singye Wangchuk, king of Bhutan (1972-  )
  In 1958 Tracy Scoggins
  In 1963 Demi Moore, actor (Ghost)
  In 1964 Philip McKeon, actor
        + Calista Flockheart, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Martinmas, term day in Scotland (Feast of St. Martin of Tours)
        + Remembrance Day - Canada
        + The REAL Veteran's Day.  They fought for your freedom; remember
  In 1620 41 Pilgrims signed a compact aboard Mayflower.
  In 1648 Dutch and French agree to divide St. Maarten, Leeward Islands.
  In 1778 Iroquois Indians in NY killed 40 people in Cherry Valley, NY.
  In 1790 Chrysanthemums are introduced into England from China.
  In 1831 Former slave Nat Turner, who led a violent insurrection, executed.
  In 1889 Washington admitted as the 42nd state.
  In 1918 Armistice Day -- WW I ends (at 11 a.m. on Western Front) with a
          ceasefire between Allied forces and Germany.
  In 1921 President Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier.
  In 1924 San Francisco's Palace of the Legion of Honor is dedicated.
  In 1931 Cornerstones laid for Opera House and Veteran's Building.
  In 1939 Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's "God Bless America."
  In 1942 During WWII Germany completed their occupation of France.
  In 1946 NY Knicks first game at Madison Sq Garden Lose 78-68 to Chic Stags.
  In 1957 Demolition begins on cable car barn at California and Hyde.
  In 1959 Seals Stadium demolished.
  In 1963 Gordie Howe ties Rocket Richard's lifetime 544 goal record.
  In 1965 Rhodesia proclaimed independence from Britain by PM Ian D. Smith.
  In 1966 Gemini XII launched on four-day flight (the final Gemini flight).
  In 1968 John Lennon and Yoko Ono appear nude on cover of "Two Virgins"
  In 1972 US Army turned over Long Binh base to South Vietnamese army.
  In 1975 Portugal grants Angola independence (Natl Day).
  In 1980 The crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37.
  In 1982 5th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 5 is launched (first commercial
  In 1984 Rev Martin Luther King Sr, dies in Atlanta at 84.
  In 1987 Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.9 million at auction.
  In 1989 WordPerfect 5.1 is shipped.

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM