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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- November 8

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Interesting things that happened November 8th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1656 Sir Edmond Halley, astronomer, first to calculate a comet's orbit
  In 1848 Gottlob Frege, German mathematician, logician, philosopher
  In 1883 Sir Arnold Bax, composer
  In 1900 Margaret Mitchell, author (Gone With the Wind)
  In 1906 Katherine Hepburn (in Connecticut), actor (African Queen, On Golden
  In 1914 Norman Lloyd, actor
  In 1916 Peter Weiss, German dramatist, novelist (Marat/Sade)
  In 1921 Morley Safer, newscaster (CBS news, 60 Minutes)
  In 1922 Dr. Christiaan Barnard, performed first human heart transplantation
  In 1927 Patti Page (in Claremont, OK), singer
  In 1933 Esther Rolle (in Pompano, Florida), actor (Good Times)
  In 1936 Edward G. Gibson, astronaut (Skylab 4)
  In 1947 Minnie Ripperton (in Chicago, Illinois)
  In 1949 Bonnie Raitt (in Los Angeles, CA), guitarist, singer
  In 1950 Mary Hart (as Mary Johanna Harum, in Madison, SD), television host
  In 1952 Christie Hefner, daughter of Hugh Hefner
  In 1953 Alfre Woodard, actor
  In 1954 Rickie Lee Jones (in Chicago), singer
  In 1961 Leif Garrett, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of Holy 4 Crowned Martyrs
        + Punster's Day
  In 1789 Bourbon Whiskey is first distilled from corn by Reverend Elijah
          Craig in Bourbon County, Kentucky.
  In 1793 The Louvre, in Paris, was opened to the public.
  In 1837 Mount Holyoke Seminary in Mass. is the first US college founded for
  In 1861 U.S. removes Confederate officials from British steamer Trent.
  In 1864 Abraham Lincoln was elected to his second term as President.
  In 1889 Montana admitted as 41st state.
  In 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen discovers x-rays.
  In 1923 Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" failed; writes "Mein Kampf" while in
  In 1932 FDR elected president, Lehman NY governor and O'Brien NY mayor.
  In 1939 "Life with Father," longest running Broadway drama, opens (closes in
  In 1942 Allied forces invade North Africa.
  In 1970 Tom Dempsey of New Orleans kicks NFL-record 63-yard field goal.
  In 1973 Walt Disney's "Robin Hood" is released.
  In 1980 Islander's Mike Bossy's 10th career hat trick.
  In 1982 Smokey fire set by a prisoner in Biloxi, Miss.  28 killed.
  In 1984 Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 is launched.
  In 1985 Judge overturned Rubin "Hurricane" Carter's conviction.
  In 1988 George Bush becomes the first sitting vice-president of the U.S. in
          150 years to win a presidential election.

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month
  Election Day.  Have you voted today?

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM