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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- November 4

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Interesting things that happened November 4th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1650 King William III of Orange
  In 1862 Eden Phillpotts, English novelist, poet, playwright
  In 1879 Will Rogers, humorist
  In 1906 Bob Considine, sports columnist
  In 1909 Ciro Alegria, Peruvian novelist (Golden Serpent)
  In 1916 Walter Cronkite, newsman ("and that's the way it is")
  In 1918 Art Carney, actor (Honeymooners, Harry and Tonto)
  In 1919 Martin Balsam, actor
  In 1930 Doris Roberts (in St Louis, MO)
        + Kate Reid (in London, England)
  In 1937 Loretta Swit (in Passaic, NJ), actor (M*A*S*H)
  In 1950 Markie Post, actor
  In 1961 Ralph Macchio, actor
  In 1974 Louise Elizabeth Nurding, singer (Eternal)

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St Charles Borromeo, archbishop of Milan, confessor
  In 1854 Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island.
  In 1866 Kingdom of Italy annexes Venetia.
  In 1867 90 kegs of powder used to get rock from Telegraph Hill for seawall.
  In 1879 James & John Ritty patent 1st first cash register (invented to
          combat stealing by bartenders in James' Dayton, Ohio saloon).
  In 1899 Freud's _Die_Traumdeutung_ (The Interpretation of Dreams) published.
  In 1922 Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen.
  In 1924 Miriam "Ma" Ferguson (Texas) and Nellie Tayloe Ross (Wyoming) become
          first elected female governors in U.S.
  In 1939 First air conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, IL.
  In 1945 First World Community Day.
  In 1946 UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization formed.
  In 1956 Israeli troops reach the Suez Canal for the first time.
  In 1972 Kings score 3 goals within 45 seconds against Islanders.
  In 1978 Islanders started a 15 game undefeated streak (12-0-3).
  In 1979 An Iranian mob of around 500, protesting U.S. support for the
          deposed shah, seizes the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 90 hostages
          and beginning a 444-day-long hostage crisis.
  In 1980 Islanders started a 15 game undefeated streak (13-0-2).
  In 1984 Nicaragua holds first "basically free" elections in 56 years;
          Sandinistas win 63%.
  In 1995 A Jewish religious extremist assassinates Israeli Prime Minister
          Yitzhak Rabin at a peace rally in Tel Aviv.

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM