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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- May 11

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Interesting things that happened May 11th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1720 Karl Friedrich Hieronymus (in Bodenwerder, Germany), Baron von
          Munchhausen, German soldier, storyteller
  In 1854 Ottmar Merganthaler (in Hachtel, Germany), inventor (Linotype)
  In 1888 Irving Berlin, composer extraordinaire
  In 1904 Salvador Dali, surrealist artist
  In 1912 Phil Silvers, comedian, actor (Sgt. Bilko)
  In 1916 Camilo Jose Cela (in Spain), author
  In 1918 Richard Phillips Feynman, physicist
  In 1927 Mort Sahl, humorist
  In 1933 Louis Farrakhan, social reform advocate

Events worth noting:
        + Eat What You Want Day
  In 1752 First US fire insurance policy is issued, in Philadelphia.
  In 1812 The Waltz is introduced into English ballrooms.  Most observers
          consider it disgusting and immoral.  No wonder it caught on!
  In 1850 Work starts on first brick building in San Francisco.
  In 1858 Minnesota becomes the 32nd state.
  In 1862 Confederates scuttle the CSS Virginia off Norfolk, VA.
  In 1864 Gen. J.E.B. Stuart is mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern.
  In 1897 Washington Senator Charlie Farrell throws out 8 attempted stealers.
  In 1907 Bank of San Francisco incorporated.
  In 1919 Yanks Jack Quinn and Senator Walter Johnson, 12 inning 0-0 tie.
  In 1929 First regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week).
  In 1947 B.F. Goodrich manufactures the first tubeless tire, Akron, Oh.
  In 1949 By a vote of 37-12 Israel became the 59th member of the UN.
        + First Polaroid camera sold $89.95 (New York City).
  In 1951 Jay Forrester patents computer core memory.
  In 1960 Israelli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  In 1975 Israel signs an agreement with The European Economic Market.
  In 1981 Rastafarian reggae singer Bob Marley dies of cancer.
  In 1989 The first flight test of the Midgetman missile is called a
          'qualified' success when it blows up 70 seconds after launch.

And remember ...
  National Egg Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM