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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- May 6

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Interesting things that happened May 6th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1843 Grove Karl Gilbert
  In 1856 Sigmund Freud, cigar smoker, psychiatrist
        + Robert Peary, artic explorer
  In 1870 A. P. Giannini, founder of Bank of America
  In 1895 Rudolph Valentino, silent film star, sheik
  In 1898 Daniel Gerber, beloved by babies at mealtime
  In 1902 Max Ophulus, film director
        + Harry Golden, writer
  In 1903 Aram Khachaturian, composer (Sabre Dance)
  In 1915 T. H. White, writer
        + Orson Welles, actor (Citizen Kane), director, genius
  In 1924 Mimi Benzell (in Bridgeport)
  In 1931 Willie Mays, baseball player, the 'Say Hey Kid'
  In 1941 Ghena Dimitrova
  In 1945 Bob Seger, musician
  In 1962 Lori Singer (in Corpus Christi, Texas)

Events worth noting:
        + National Nurse's Day (US)
        + No Diet Day
  In 1527 Sack of Rome - End of the Renaissance.
  In 1837 John Deere makes first steel plow.
  In 1851 Patent granted to Dr. John Farrie for a "refrigeration machine".
        + Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco starts.
  In 1860 the Olympic Club, first athletic club in US, founded.
  In 1861 Tennessee and Arkansas become ninth and tenth states to secede.
  In 1864 Battle of the Wilderness - Gen. Longstreet seriously injured.
  In 1906 "Temporary" permit to erect overhead wires on Market Street allows
          United Railroads to run electric streetcars.
  In 1915 Red Sox Babe Ruth's pitching debut and first home run.  Ruth loses
          to the Yanks 4-3 in 15 innings.
  In 1937 The dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ.
  In 1953 Bobo Holloman's first major league start, a no-hitter.
  In 1954 Roger Bannister breaks the 4 min mile in 3:59:4
  In 1962 First nuclear warhead is fired from Polaris submarine (Ethan Allen).
  In 1985 Seventeenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 7 returns to Earth.

And remember ...
  National Barbecue Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM