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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- May 5

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Interesting things that happened May 5th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1818 Karl Marx (in Trier, Germany), social philospher
  In 1832 H. H. Bancroft
  In 1867 Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman), first female investigative
  In 1890 Christopher Morley, author
  In 1925 Monica Lewis
  In 1926 Ann B. Davis (in Schnectady, NY), actor (Brady Bunch)
  In 1927 Pat Carrol (in Shrevport, LA)
  In 1942 Tammy Wynette (at Redbay, Alabama), singer
  In 1943 Michael Palin, actor, world traveller
  In 1976 Sage Stallone, son of Sly

Events worth noting:
        + Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)
        + Tango-no-sekku (Boy's Festival) -- Japan
        + National Teacher's Day
  In 1821 Napoleon dies at St. Helena.
  In 1862 Peninsular Campaign - Battle of Williamsburg, VA.
  In 1864 Atlanta Campaign - five days fighting begins at Rocky Face Ridge.
        + Battle of the Wilderness begins.
  In 1867 Mexican Army defeats French invaders at Battle of Puebla (basis of
          Cinco de Mayo holiday).
  In 1891 Carnegie Hall opens in New York City.  The performance featured
          Walter Damrosh conducting Beethoven followed by Tchaikovsky
          conducting Tchaikovsky.
  In 1893 U.S. Stock market crashes, producing an economic depression.
  In 1904 Cy Young pitches first perfect game in professional baseball.
  In 1908 The Great White Fleet arrives in San Francisco.
  In 1921 Miniature newspaper published (Brighton Gazette 10 x 13 cm).
  In 1922 Construction on Yankee Stadium begins.
  In 1925 Ty Cobb goes 6 for 6.
        + John Scopes arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee.
  In 1948 First air squadron of jets aboard a carrier.
  In 1949 Council of Europe established.
  In 1955 West Germany gains sovereignty.
  In 1956 Jim Bailey - first 4 minute mile run in USA, Los Angeles, Ca.
  In 1961 Alan Shepard becomes first American in space (onboard Freedom 7).
  In 1981 The 16th and final Mayor's Trophy Game.  Mets beat Yanks 4-1 and
          hold 8-7 edge.

And remember ...
  Better Sleep Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM