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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- June 26

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Interesting things that happened June 26th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1819 Abner Doubleday, credited with inventing American Baseball
  In 1892 Pearl S. Buck, author (The Good Earth)
  In 1913 Maurice Wilkes, invented the microprogramming concept for computers
          and the stored program concept for computers
  In 1922 Eleanor Parker, actor
  In 1939 Charles Robb
  In 1940 Billy Davis, singer
  In 1951 Pamela Bellwood
  In 1955 Mick Jones, rocker

Events worth noting:
  In 1797 Charles Newbold patents an the first iron plow.  He can't sell it to
          farmers, though, because they fear the effects of iron on the soil!
  In 1862 Day 2 of the Seven Days - Battle of Mechanicsville.
  In 1870 First section of the boardwalk in Atlantic City NJ is opened.
  In 1900 Dr. Walter Reed begins research that beats yellow fever.
  In 1911 Nieuport sets an aircraft speed record of 83 mph (133 kph).
  In 1917 First American Expeditionary Force arrived in France during WW I.
  In 1919 First issue of the New York Daily News published.
  In 1934 FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act, establishing Credit Unions.
  In 1945 United Nations charter signed by 50 countries in San Francisco.
  In 1948 US responses to the Soviet blockade of Berlin.
  In 1959 Pres. Eisenhower joins Queen Elizabeth opening St. Lawrence Seaway.
  In 1963 President Kennedy visits West Berlin, declares `Ich bin ein Berliner
          (I am a Berliner.)'
  In 1964 Beatles release "A Hard Day's Night" album.
  In 1975 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency.
  In 1977 Fire set by inmate kills 42 at Maury County Jail in Columbia Tenn.
  In 1982 US vetos UN Security Council resolution for a limited withdrawal
          from Beirut of Israeli and Palestine Liberation Organization forces.
  In 1984 First flight of Shuttle Discovery scrubbed at four seconds to go.
  In 1987 Losing 9-0 to Red Sox Yanks score 11 in third and win 12-11 in 10
  In 1989 Hawaii Volcanoes Park visitors' center destroyed by lava.  Locals
          say it was on sacred ground.  Nearby 700 year old temple spared.

And remember ...
  National Adopt-a-Cat Month
  Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM