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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- June 7

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Interesting things that happened June 7th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1583 Gregory XIII, pope
  In 1778 Beau Brummel, English Dandy, man of fashion
  In 1848 Paul Gauguin, French post-impressionist painter
  In 1897 George Szell, conductor
  In 1909 Peter Rodino, Democratic Representative from New Jersey
        + Jessica Tandy (in London, England), actor (Driving Miss Daisy,
  In 1922 Rocky Graziano, pugilist
  In 1930 Dolores Gray
  In 1940 Tom Jones, singer
  In 1947 Thurman Munson, baseball player, former Yankee's Captain
  In 1958 Prince, musician

Events worth noting:
        + Independence Day (Norway)
  In 1654 Louis XIV crowned King of France.
  In 1776 Richard Lee, Virginia, calls for Declaration of Independence.
  In 1839 The Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed.
  In 1860 Workmen start laying track for Market Street Railroad.
        + First American 'dime novel' is advertised: "Malaseka, The Indian
          Wife of the White Hunter," by Mrs. Ann Stevens, published by Irwin P.
          Beadle & Co., New York.
  In 1864 Abe Lincoln renominated for President by Republican Party.
  In 1893 Mohandas Gandhi refuses to comply with racial segregation rules on a
          South African train and is forcibly ejected at Pietermaritzburg.
  In 1905 Union between Norway and Sweden is disolved.
  In 1929 Vatican City becomes a soverign state.
  In 1936 Yanks beat Indians 5-4 in 16 set record of no strike outs.
  In 1938 Boeing 314 Clipper flying boat first flown by Eddie Allen.
  In 1939 George VI becomes the 1st British monarch in history to visit the
  In 1942 The Battle of Midway ends.
  In 1948 Communists take over Czechoslovakia.
  In 1953 First color network telecast in compatible color Boston, MA.
  In 1955 First President to appear on television in color - D. D. Eisenhower.
  In 1965 Gemini IV returns to Earth.
        + Judy Holiday dies at age 42.
  In 1967 Israel captures Wailing Wall.
  In 1968 Sirhan Sirhan indicted for Robert Kennedy assassination.
  In 1972 German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel.
  In 1977 Anita Bryant leads successful crusade against Miami gay law.
  In 1980 Temperance Hill wins the Belmont Stakes (50:1 long shot).
        + Tommy John wins his 200th 3-0 on a 2 hitter.
  In 1981 Israel destroys alleged Iraqi plutonium production facility.
  In 1982 Pres Reagan meets with Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth.
  In 1989 For one second this morning, the time is 01:23:45, 6-7-89.

And remember ...
  National Adopt-a-Cat Month
  Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM