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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 30

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Interesting things that happened July 30th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1511 Giorgio Vasari, painter, architect, art historian (Vasari's Lives)
  In 1818 Emily Brontė, English novelist (Wuthering Heights)
  In 1857 Thorstein Veblen, economist (Theory of the Leisure Class)
  In 1863 Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer
  In 1889 Vladimir Zworykin, electronics engineer, inventor, father of TV
  In 1890 Casey Stengel, NY Yankee and Met manager
  In 1898 Henry Moore, English sculptor
  In 1909 C. Northcote Parkinson, historian
  In 1929 Chris McGuirre
  In 1933 Ed Burns, actor (77 Sunset Strip)
  In 1934 Ben Piazza, actor
  In 1939 Eleanor Smeal, head of National Organization for Women
        + Peter Bogdanovich, director, producer, actor
  In 1940 Patricia Schroeder, Colorado Representative (D)
  In 1941 Paul Anka, singer (Put your head on my Shoulder), composer (Johnny's

Events worth noting:
        + Delta Aquarid meteor shower, radiant in Aquarius
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of SS. Abdon and Sennen, martyrs
  In 1619 The House of Burgesses in Virginia is formed.  First elective
          governing body in a British colony.
  In 1733 Society of Freemasons opens its first American lodge in Boston.
  In 1836 First English newspaper published in Hawaii.
  In 1864 Petersburg Campaign -- Battle of the Crater.
  In 1935 Penguin publishes the first modern paperback book (a biography of
          Shelley by Andre Maurois).
  In 1946 First rocket to attain 100-mile altitude, White Sands, NM.
  In 1956 "In God We Trust" authorized as the national motto of the U.S.A.
  In 1971 US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium.
  In 1980 Vanuatu (then New Hebrides) gains independence from Britain, France.
  In 1983 STS-8 third flight of Challenger. First night launch and land.
        + Weightlifter Sergei Didyk of USSR jerks a record 261 kg.
        + New speed record for a piston-driven aircraft set, 832 kph, CA.
  In 1984 STS-14 first flight of Discovery.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM