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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 22

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Interesting things that happened July 22nd:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1478 Philip I (the Handsome), first Habsburg king of Spain (1506)
  In 1822 Gregor Mendel, geneticist who discovered laws of heredity
  In 1844 Rev. William Archibald Spooner, invented 'spoonerisms'
  In 1849 Emma Lazarus, whose poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty
  In 1887 Gustav Hertz, German quantum physicist (Nobel 1925)
  In 1890 Rose Kennedy, Mother of a President, an Attorney General, and a
  In 1898 Alexander Calder, sculptor (mobiles, stabiles)
        + Steven Vincent Benét, writer (The Devil and Daniel Webster)
  In 1913 Lucia Albanese, opera singer
  In 1923 Robert Dole, Kansas Senator (R)
  In 1924 Margaret Whiting, singer
  In 1928 Orson Bean, actor
  In 1930 Yuri P. Artyukhin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 14)
  In 1932 Oscar de la Renta, designer
  In 1939 Terrance Stamp
  In 1940 Alex Trebek, game show host
  In 1945 Don Henley, musician
  In 1947 Albert Brooks (born Albert Einstein, in Beverly Hills, California),
  In 1955 Willem Dafoe, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of St. Mary Magdalen, penitent
  In 1298 English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk.
  In 1826 Giuseppe Piazzi, discoverer of first asteroid, dies.
  In 1864 Atlanta campaign -- Hood attacks Sherman and suffers terrible
  In 1925 Yankees purchase infielder Leo Durocher.
  In 1933 Wiley Post completes first round-the-world solo flight.
  In 1934 John Dillinger shot and killed in Chicago movie theatre.
  In 1946 Irgun terrorist group, headed by future Israeli P.M. Menachem Begin,
          blows up King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 persons.
  In 1952 Polish constitution adopted (National Day).
  In 1955 First US Vice-President is called on to preside over a cabinet
          meeting - Richard Nixon.
  In 1972 Venera 8 makes soft landing on Venus.
        + First Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) is launched.
  In 1981 Islamists depose Iranian President Bani Sadr, cementing the victory
          of religious revolutionaries over secular revolutionaries.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM