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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 18

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Interesting things that happened July 18th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1720 Gilbert White, "the father of British naturalists."
  In 1811 William Makepeace Thackeray, Victorian novelist (Vanity Fair)
  In 1848 William Gilbert Grace, Victorian England's greatest cricketer
  In 1853 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch physicist (Nobel 1902)
  In 1906 Clifford Odets, dramatist
        + Dr. S.I. Hayakawa, educator, US senator from California
  In 1911 Hume Cronyn, actor (Cocoon)
  In 1913 Red Skelton, comedian
  In 1916 Harriet Hilliard Nelson, singer, actor
  In 1918 Nelson Mandela, human rights activist, former political prisoner
        + Pamela Brown
  In 1921 John Glenn, Jr., first American in orbit, Ohio Senator (D)
  In 1929 Dick Button, skating champion, commentator
  In 1933 Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet (Bratsk Station)
  In 1938 Ian Stewart, pianist (Rolling Stones)
  In 1939 Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist
  In 1941 Marcia Jones Smoke, canoer
        + Martha Reeves (in Detroit, Michigan), singer
  In 1961 Elizabeth McGovern (in Evanston, Illinois), actor
  In 19?? James Brolin, actor (Marcus Welby, Hotel)

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days.
        + Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis, confessor
        + National Day, celebrated in Spain
  In   64 The Great Fire of Rome begins (Nero didn't fiddle).
  In 1536 Pope's authority declared void in England.
  In 1872 Britain introduced the concept of voting by secret ballot.
  In 1927 Ty Cobb got the 4000th hit of his career.
  In 1931 First air-conditioned ship launched - "Mariposa".
  In 1932 US and Canada signed a treaty to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway.
  In 1936 Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco Franco led uprising.
        + First Oscar Meyer Weinermobile is built.
  In 1938 Douglas `Wrong Way' Corrigan arrives in Ireland-left NY for Calif.
  In 1940 First successful helicopter flight, Stratford, Ct.
  In 1947 Tigers shut out Yankees 2-0 ending a 19 game win streak.
        + US receives UN trusteeship over Pacific Islands.
  In 1954 Joe Adcock records 18 total bases (4 homers and a double).
  In 1955 First electric power generated from atomic energy sold commercially.
  In 1966 Carl Sagan turns one billion seconds old.
        + Gemini X is launched.
  In 1968 Intel Corporation is incorporated.
  In 1969 Mary Jo Kopechne and Teddy Kennedy plunge off Chappaquiddick bridge.
  In 1978 Billy Martin suspends Reggie Jackson for not bunting.
  In 1980 Rohini 1, first Indian satellite, is launched.
  In 1984 Gunman opens fire at McDonald's in San Ysidro, CA, killing 21.
        + Svetlana Savitskaya accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside
          Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space.
        + Walter F. Mondale wins Democratic presidential nomination in SF
  In 1986 Videotapes released showing sunken remains of the Titanic.
  In 1987 Yanks Don Mattingly ties Major League record of HRs in 8 cons games.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM