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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 7

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Interesting things that happened July 7th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1752 Joseph-Marie Jacquard, invented the programmable loom and punch
  In 1843 Camillo Golgi, Italian physician, cytologist (Nobel 1906)
  In 1860 Gustav Mahler, Bohemian composer
  In 1887 Marc Chagall (in Vitebsk, Russia), artist
  In 1906 Satchel Paige, baseball great
  In 1907 Robert A. Heinlein, author who helped develop Science Fiction as a
          sophisticated mode of literary expression
  In 1911 Gian Carlo Menotti, composer (Amahl and the Night Visitors)
  In 1917 Lawrence F. O'Brien, former NBA Commissioner
  In 1919 William Kunstler, attorney
  In 1921 Ezzard Charles, world heavyweight boxing champion (1950-51)
  In 1922 Pierre Cardin, fashion designer
  In 1923 Jean Kerr, novelist (Please Don't Eat the Daisies)
  In 1927 Alan Dixon (D), Illinois Senator
        + Carl "Doc" Severinsen, band leader, trumpet player, sharp-dressed
  In 1940 Ringo Starr, musician with hole in pocket, ex-Beatle
  In 1946 Joe Spano, actor (Hill St Blues)
  In 1947 Joe LeClerc
  In 1948 Fred Brown, Seattle SuperSonic
  In 1949 Shelley Duvall, actor

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days.
        + Feast of Cyril and Methodius, converted Slavs, devised Cyrillic
  In 1668 Isaac Newton receives his M.A. from Trinity College, Cambridge.
  In 1754 Kings College in NYC opens. School later renamed Columbia College.
  In 1838 Central American federation is dissolved.
  In 1846 US annexation of California was proclaimed, flag raised at Monterey.
  In 1865 Four people, including Mary Surratt, hanged in Washington D.C.
          convicted of conspiring with John Wilkes Booth in the Lincoln
  In 1891 A patent was granted for the travelers cheque.
  In 1898 Hawaii annexed to the US as a territory.
  In 1908 The Great White Fleet leaves San Francisco Bay.
  In 1930 Construction began on Boulder Dam (later renamed Hoover Dam).
  In 1941 US forces land in Iceland to forestall any Nazi invasion.
  In 1946 Mother Frances X. Cabrini canonized as first American saint.
  In 1949 "Dragnet" premiers on NBC radio.  (Became a TV series in 1951 and in
  In 1958 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Alaska statehood bill.
  In 1967 Vivian Leigh (Gone with the Wind) dies at 53.
  In 1973 Veronica Lake dies at age 58.
  In 1978 Solomon Islands gain independence from Britain (National Day).
  In 1980 AZ Judge Sandra Day O'Connor 1 female nominated on Supreme Court.
        + First solar-powered aircraft crosses English Channel.
  In 1986 Supreme Court struck down Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law saying
          it violated the Constitution's separation of powers.
  In 1987 Kiwanis Clubs end men-only tradition -- vote to admit women.
        + Yanks trailing by 7 score 7 in 7th on 7/7.  Five more runs in the
          8th inning lead to a 12-7 win over the Twins.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM