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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- January 20

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Interesting things that happened January 20th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1891 Mischa Elman, violinist
  In 1894 Harold L. Gray, creator of "Little Orphan Annie"
  In 1896 Nathan Birnbaum (better known as George Burns), comedian
  In 1920 DeForest Kelley, actor
  In 1926 Patricia Neal (in Packard, Kentucky), actor
  In 1930 Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr, astronaut
  In 1937 Dorothy Provine (in Deadwood, SD)
        + Joan Rivers, comedian, talk show hostess

Events worth noting:
        + Reindeer Day
  In 1265 First English Parliament called into session by the Earl of
  In 1783 End of the Revolutionary War; England signs a preliminary peace
          treaty with France and Spain.
  In 1862 Gen Felix Zollicoffer killed after mistakenly riding into union
  In 1872 California Stock Exchange Board organized.
  In 1892 First basketball game played.
  In 1929 First feature talking motion picture taken outdoors "In Old
  In 1937 Inauguration Day (every 4th year) moved to this date (was in March).
  In 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is inaugurated for his fourth term.
  In 1953 First live coast-to-coast inauguration address (Eisenhower).
        + First telecast transmitted to Canada - from Buffalo NY
  In 1961 John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic elected a U.S. President, is
          inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States.
  In 1964 "Meet The Beatles" album released in US
  In 1981 The Iran hostages are freed after 444 days, only minutes after
          Ronald Wilson Reagan is sworn in as the U.S.'s 40th President.
  In 1989 George Bush becomes 41st U.S. President 200 years after George
          Washington took the office for the first time. He is also the first
          sitting vice president to be elected President in a century.

And remember ...
  National Bald Eagle Watch Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM