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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- February 23

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Interesting things that happened February 23rd:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1685 George Frideric Handel, Baroque composer in Germany
  In 1818 Maj. Gen. Jeremy F. Gilmer, Chief Engineer Confederate War Dept.
  In 1899 Erich Kästner (in Dresden, Germany), poet, novelist, children's
          author (Emil and the Detectives, Baron Munchhausen)
  In 1904 William Shirer, historian
  In 1929 Elston Howard, baseball catcher
  In 1936 Majel Barrett Roddenberry (in Columbus, OH), actor, producer
  In 1940 Peter Fonda, actor, son of Henry
  In 1955 Howard Jones, musician

Events worth noting:
  In 1584 Gutenberg Day
  In 1836 Alamo is besieged by Santa Anna, entire garrison eventually killed.
  In 1887 Congress grants Seal Rocks to San Francisco.
  In 1900 Steamer "Rio de Janiero" sinks in San Francisco Bay.
  In 1905 Rotary Club is founded by four men in Chicago.
  In 1919 Mussolini breaks with Italian Socialists and forms the Fascist
  In 1934 Augusto Sandino Day
  In 1936 First rocket air mail flight, Greenwood Lake, NY.
  In 1942 A Japanese submarine shells a refinery in California, the first raid
          against the continental U.S. during World War II.
  In 1945 US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo and statue.
  In 1958 Last Municipal arc light, over intersection of Mission and 25th
          Street, San Francisco, CA, removed (it had been installed in 1913).
  In 1967 Amendment 25, concerning presidental succession, passed.

And remember ...
  Human Relations Month
  National Cat Health Month
  National Meat Month
  Creative Romance Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM