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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- December 10

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Interesting things that happened December 10th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1787 Thomas H. Gallaudet, pioneer of educating the deaf
  In 1822 Cesar Franck (in Belgium), composer
  In 1824 George Macdonald, Scottish novelist (Lilith)
  In 1830 Emily Dickinson (in Amherst, Mass), poet
  In 1851 Melvil Dewey, created the Dewey Decimal System for libraries
  In 1891 Nelly Sachs, German poet (O the Chimneys) (Nobel 1966)
  In 1903 Una Merkel, actor (The Parent Trap)
  In 1914 Dorothy Lamour (in New Orleans, LA), actor (Road to Bali)
  In 1946 Gloria Loring (in New York City)
  In 1952 Susan Hallock Dey (in Ill), actor (First Love, LA Law)
  In 1961 Nia Peeples

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St Melchiades, pope (311-14) and martyr
        + Geminid meteor shower, radiant in Gemini
        + Human Rights Day, a United Nations observance
  In 1520 Martin Luther publicly burned papal edict demanding that he recant.
  In 1817 Mississippi becomes the 20th state.
  In 1864 Sherman reaches Savannah and a twelve day siege begins.
  In 1869 Women granted right to vote in Wyoming Territory.
  In 1896 Alfred Nobel dies; Swedish Nobel Prize ceremony on this date.
  In 1898 Spanish-American War ends -- U.S. acquires Guam, Puerto Rico, the
          Phillipines, and Cuba from Spain.
  In 1901 First Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frédéric Passy).
        + Nobel Physics Prize is awarded to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.
  In 1906 Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
  In 1920 President Woodrow Wilson receives Nobel Peace Prize.
  In 1927 Grand Ole Opry makes its first radio broadcast, in Nashville, TN.
  In 1931 Jane Addams (first US woman) named co-recipient of Nobel Peace
  In 1948 UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
  In 1949 First Human Rights Day.
  In 1950 Ralph J. Bunche (first afro-american) presented Nobel Peace Prize.
  In 1958 First domestic (NY-Miami) passenger jet flight-National 707 flew
  In 1962 Hunters Point (San Francisco) jitney ends service after 50 years.
  In 1963 Zanzibar gains independence from Britain.
  In 1966 Israeli Shmuel Yosef Agnon wins Nobel Prize for literature.
  In 1967 Singer Otis Redding dies in plane crash at 26.
  In 1975 Andrei Sakharov's wife, Yelena Bonner, accepts his Nobel Peace
  In 1977 Soyuz 26 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station.
  In 1982 Soyuz T-5 returns to Earth, 211 days after take-off.
  In 1984 South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received his Nobel Peace Prize.
        + First "planet" outside our solar system discovered.
  In 1986 Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepts 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
  In 1990 Armand Hammer, wealthy philantropist, died.

And remember ...
  National Indigestion Season

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM