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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- December 3

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Interesting things that happened December 3rd:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1368 Charles VI (the Well-Beloved), king of France (1380-1422)
  In 1729 Antonio Soler, famed late 18th century Spanish composer
  In 1755 Gilbert Stuart, American portrait painter, painted Washington
  In 1795 Sir Rowland Hill, introduced first adhesive postage stamp
  In 1857 Joseph Conrad (in Poland), novelist (Lord Jim, Heart of Darkness)
  In 1883 Anton von Webern, Austrian 12-tone composer
  In 1895 Anna Freud, Sigmund's daughter
  In 1900 Richard Kuhn, Austrian biochemist, worked with vitamins (Nobel '38)
  In 1911 Nino Rota, composer
  In 1923 Tom Fears, NFL end (LA Rams)
  In 1924 John Backus, inventor of FORTRAN computer language
  In 1927 Ferlin Husky Country singer
  In 1930 Andy Williams, singer (Moon River)
        + Jean-Luc Godard, film maker
        + Phyllis Curtin (in West Virginia)
  In 1931 Jaye P. Morgan (in Mancos, CA), actor
  In 1934 Viktor V. Gorbatko, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 8, 24, 37)
  In 1943 Jim Morrison, rock musician (Doors)
  In 1948 Ozzy Osbourne, rock musician, eater of cheroptera

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Francis Xavier, apostle of India and Japan
  In 1586 Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England, from Colombia.
  In 1678 Edmund Halley receives his MA from Queen's College, Oxford.
  In 1818 Illinois becomes the 21st state.
  In 1828 Andrew Jackson elected President of the United States.
  In 1833 Oberlin College in Ohio, first truly coeducational college, opens.
  In 1866 Paid fire dept. takes over from volunteer companies in San
  In 1933 Joe Lilliard QBed Chic Cardinals; last NFL black until 1946.
  In 1947 Tennessee Williams play 'A Streetcar Named Desire,' opens.
  In 1948 `Pumpkin Papers' came to light.
  In 1950 Cleve Browns last NFL team with no pass game (beat Phila 13-7).
  In 1952 First television broadcast in Hawaii.
  In 1954 Joseph McCarthy goes too far in his attacks and is condemned by the
          U.S. Senate.
  In 1964 Police arrests 800 at University of California at Berkeley.
  In 1967 '20th Century Ltd,' famed NY-Chicago art deco luxury train final
        + First human heart transplant performed, in Capetown, South Africa.
  In 1973 Pioneer 10 passes Jupiter (first fly-by of an outer planet).(?)
  In 1974 Pioneer 11, Jupiter Flyby.
  In 1979 11 die at Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinati, OH, at a Who concert.
  In 1980 NY Federal jury finds Reps Thompson D-NJ and Murphy, D-NY, guilty.
  In 1984 Chemical leak at Union Carbide subsidiary kills 2000 in Bhopal,
  In 1985 23rd Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 returns to Earth.

And remember ...
  National Indigestion Season

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM