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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- August 23

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Interesting things that happened August 23rd:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1754 Louis XVI, king of France (1774-92); guillotined
  In 1785 Oliver Hazard Perry, American commander at Battle of Lake Erie
  In 1869 Edgar Lee Masters, american poet (Spoon River Anthology)
        + James (Sunny Jim) Rolph, SF mayor (1912-31), MUNI backer
  In 1901 John Sherman Cooper, senator
  In 1912 Gene Kelly, dancer, actor, singer in the rain
  In 1930 Vera Miles, actor
  In 1932 Mark Russell, raconteur
  In 1934 Barbara Eden (in Arizona), actor (I dream of Jeannie)
        + Sonny Jurgensen, NFL quarterback (Eagles, Redskins)
  In 1942 Patricia McBride, ballerina
  In 1944 Antonia Novello
  In 1948 Ron Blomberg, future designated hitter
  In 1949 Shelley Long (in Fort Wayne, IN), actor
  In 1970 River Phoenix

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Philip Benizi, confessor
        + Zeta Draconid meteor shower, radiant in Draco
  In 1617 The first one-way streets are established -- in London.
  In 1833 Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed.
  In 1864 Fall of Ft. Morgan at Mobile.
  In 1869 First carload of freight (boots and shoes) arrives in San Francisco,
          from Boston, after a 16-day rail trip.
  In 1872 First Japanese commercial ship visits San Francisco with a cargo of
  In 1889 First ship-to-shore wireless message received in US: US lightship to
          Cliff House in San Francisco
  In 1919 "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune.  It was
          the first cartoon in which the characters aged.
  In 1927 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti executed in Mass.
  In 1939 Von Ribbentrop and Molotov sign Nazi-Soviet Non-agression Pact.
          Hitler got peace in the east; Stalin got a piece of Europe.
  In 1944 Rumania liberated from Nazi occupation (National Day).
  In 1957 Digital Equipment Corp. founded.
  In 1963 Beatles release "She Loves You".
  In 1966 Lunar Orbiter 1 takes first photograph of earth from the moon.
  In 1968 Yanks and Tigers play 3-3 tie in 19 due to 1 AM curfew.
  In 1973 Intelsat communications satellite launched
  In 1977 First man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor).
        + Yanks leap frog over Red Soxs 1/2 game in first place to stay.

And remember ...
  National Inventors Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM