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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- August 10

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Interesting things that happened August 10th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1874 Herbert Hoover, 31st President (1929-1933)
  In 1900 Norma Shearer
  In 1910 Angus Campbell, psychologist, sociologist
  In 1916 Noah Beery, Jr., actor (The Rockford Files)
  In 1923 Rhonda Fleming (in Hollywood, CA)
  In 1924 Martha Hyer
  In 1925 Mike Douglas, singer, TV host
  In 1928 Eddie Fisher, singer, actor
  In 1933 Jerry Falwell, Evangelist
  In 1942 Betsy Johnson
  In 1943 Ronnie Spector (in New York City), singer

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of St. Laurence, martyr
        + Independence Day, celebrated in Ecuador
        + Kappa Cygnid meteor shower, radiant in Cygnus
        + Perseid meteor shower, radiant in Cassiopeia
  In 1809 Ecuador declares independence from Spain (National Day).
  In 1821 Missouri becomes the 24th state.
  In 1846 Smithsonian Institute established.
  In 1861 Battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri.
  In 1866 The first permanent transatlantic cable is completed.
  In 1945 Japan surrenders, one day after a second atom bomb is dropped by the
        + Robert Goddard, father of American rocketry, dies.
  In 1948 ABC enters network TV at 7 PM - WJZ, New York.
  In 1960 Discoverer 13 launched into orbit; returned first object from space.
  In 1965 Joe Engle in X-15 reaches 82 km.
  In 1966 Lunar Orbiter 1 launched.
  In 1969 The Manson "family" murders Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, one night
          after brutally slaying actor Sharon Tate and others.
  In 1973 First BART train travels thru transbay tube to Montgomery St
  In 1981 Pete Rose tops Stan Musial's NL record of 3630 hits.
  In 1986 Billy Martin day at Yankee Stadium, uniform #1 retired.
  In 1990 US's Magellan spacecraft lands on Venus.
  In 1999 White supremacist wounds five children and elderly volunteers in a
          Jewish community center in Los Angeles, then murders an Asian-
          American postal worker.

And remember ...
  National Inventors Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM