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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- April 29

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Interesting things that happened April 29th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1830 Adolph Sutro, SF mayor, built Cliff House, railways, tunnels...
  In 1863 William Randolph Hearst, newspaper publisher (SF Examiner)
  In 1897 Sir Thomas Beecham, conductor
  In 1899 Duke Ellington, musician, composer
  In 1901 Hirohito, former Japanese Emperor
  In 1907 Fred Zinnemann, movie director
  In 1909 Tom Ewell
  In 1919 Celeste Holm, actor
  In 1922 George Allen, football coach
  In 1933 Rod McKuen, poet and owner of over a thousand Compact Discs
  In 1936 Zubin Mehta, conductor
  In 1947 Tommy James, singer (cri-im-son and clo-o-ver o-o-ver and o-o-ver)
        + Johnny Miller, golfer
        + Jim Ryun, runner
  In 1952 Nora Dunn (to Chicago, Illinois), actor (SNL)
  In 1955 Kate Mulgrew (in Dubuque, Iowa), actor (Star Trek: Voyager)

Events worth noting:
  In 1429 Joan of Arc enters Orleans, France, bringing supplies, raising
          morale, breaking the English seige.
  In 1553 A Flemish woman introduces the practice of starching linen into
  In 1857 Headquarters for the US Army, Division of the Pacific, permanently
          established at the Presidio.
  In 1861 MD's House of Delegates voted against seceding from the Union.
  In 1862 A 100,000 man federal army prepares to march into Corinth, Miss.
        + New Orleans fell to Union forces during the Civil War.
  In 1868 Japanese National Day.
  In 1894 "Coxey's Army", of the unemployed, invade Washington, D.C.
  In 1900 John Luther "Casey" Jones rides to his death on the Cannonball
  In 1913 Gideon Sundback of Hoboken NJ invents the zipper.
  In 1932 The "real Alice", Mrs Alice Hargreaves (née Liddell), arrived aboard
          the luxury steamer Berengaria for her first and only visit to the
          United States of America.
  In 1945 America liberates Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany.
  In 1946 28 former Japanese leaders were indicted in Tokyo as war criminals.
  In 1957 First military nuclear power plant dedicated, Fort Belvoir, Va.
  In 1971 Boeing receives contract for Mariner 10, Mercury exploration.
  In 1975 Last Americans evacuated from Saigon.
  In 1985 17th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 7 is launched.

And remember ...
  America's Heartland Development Month
  Cancer Control Month
  Math Education Month
  National Poetry Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM