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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- April 27

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Interesting things that happened April 27th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1737 Edward Gibbon (in England), historian, author of "The History of the
          Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
  In 1759 Mary Wollstonecraft Gibson Shelley, author (Frankenstein),
  In 1791 Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor (telegraph, Morse code)
  In 1820 Herbert Spencer, English sociologist, philosopher, evolutionary
  In 1822 Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President (1869-1877)
  In 1875 Maurice, duc de Broglie, physicist
  In 1893 Norman Bel Geddes, industrial designer, popularized streamlining
  In 1896 Rogers Hornsby, baseball player
        + Wallace Hume Carothers, invented nylon
  In 1900 Walter Lantz, Woody Woodpecker's creator
  In 1922 Jack Klugman, actor (The Odd Couple, Quincy)
  In 1927 Coretta Scott King, civil rights activist
  In 1932 Anouk Aimée (in France as Françoise Sorya Dreyfus), actor
  In 1937 Sandy Dennis (in Nebraska)
  In 1939 Judy Carne (in England)
  In 1959 Sheena Easton (in Glasgow, Scotland), singer

Events worth noting:
        + Union Day, celebrated in Tanzania.
  In 1521 Ferdinand Magellan, world traveler, killed by Filipino natives.
  In 1565 First Spanish settlement in Phillipines, Cebu City, founded.
  In 1805 United States Marines attack the shores of Tripoli.
  In 1865 "Sultana" disaster.  North of Memphis, on the Mississippi, about
          1450 of 2000 paroled Union POWs on their way home are killed when the
          river steamer "Sultana" blows up.
  In 1882 Ralph Waldo Emerson dies.
  In 1897 Grant's Tomb (famed of song and legend) is dedicated.
  In 1903 First Highlander (Yankee) shut-out, Philadelpia A's win 6-0.
  In 1935 Yanks pull a first inning Triple play, beating Phila A's 9-8.
  In 1937 U.S. Social Security system makes its first benefit payment.
  In 1940 Heinrich Himmler orders establishment of Auschwitz concentration
  In 1945 Founding of the Second Republic, in Austria.
  In 1946 First radar installation aboard a commercial ship installed.
  In 1947 Babe Ruth day celebrated at Yankee Stadium .
  In 1948 Arab legion attacks Gesher bridge on Jordan River.
  In 1956 Rocky Marciano, world heavyweight champion, retires from boxing
  In 1960 First atomic powered electric-drive submarine launched (Tullibee).
  In 1964 Tanganyika and Zanzibar unite to form Tanzania.
  In 1965 Edward R. Murrow, radio and television journalist, dies.
        + R. C. Duncan patents the "Pampers" brand disposable diaper.
  In 1972 Apollo 16 returns to Earth.
  In 1978 14th Mayor's Trophy Game, Yanks beat Mets 4-3 in 11.
  In 1986 Captain Midnight (John R. MacDougall) interrupts HBO.
  In 1992 Gerard K. O'Neill, physicist, space colonization advocate, dies.

And remember ...
  America's Heartland Development Month
  Cancer Control Month
  Math Education Month
  National Poetry Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM