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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- April 19

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Interesting things that happened April 19th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1877 Ole Evinrude, invented the outboard marine engine
  In 1930 Hugh O'Brian
  In 1932 Jayne Mansfield (in Pennsylvania), actor
  In 1935 Dudley Moore, comedian, actor, pianist
  In 1949 Paloma Picasso, daughter of Pablo

Events worth noting:
        + Patriot's Day
  In 1775 Revolution begins at Lexington Common with the firing of "the shot
          heard 'round the world".
        + "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean
          to have a war, let it begin here!" -- John Parker, leader of the
          American Revolutionary militia known as the "Minutemen"
  In 1782 The Netherlands recognizes the new United States.
  In 1852 California Historical Society founded.
  In 1861 Baltimore Riots - 4 soldiers, 9 civilians killed.
        + Ports of the Confederacy are ordered blockaded.
  In 1874 Barracks on Alcatraz Island destroyed in fire.
  In 1892 Charles Duryea takes the first American-made auto out for a spin.
  In 1897 First American marathon ran  John J McDermott wins in 2:55:10.
  In 1906 The first Pentecostalists, lead by William Joseph Seymour,
          experience the Spirit in Los Angeles.
  In 1933 U.S. leaves the gold standard.
  In 1934 Shirley Temple appears in her first movie, "Stand Up And Cheer".
  In 1939 Connecticut finally approves the Bill of Rights (only 148 years
  In 1943 Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at the Warsaw Ghetto.
  In 1945 Rogers and Hammerstein musical "Carousel" opens on Broadway.
  In 1949 Yankees dedicate a plaque to Babe Ruth.
  In 1956 Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco (in church).
  In 1971 Salyut 1 launched.
  In 1975 India launches first satellite with help of the USSR.
  In 1978 Yitzhak Navron elected 5th president of Israel.
  In 1982 Rosie Ruiz, marathon race cheater, arrested for forgery.
        + Sally Ride announced as first female U.S. astronaut.
  In 1985 Sixteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 4 returns to Earth.
  In 1989 16" gun turret explodes during exercises aboard battleship USS Iowa
          off the coast of Puerto Rico, killing 47 seamen.
  In 1993 At Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, the FBI launch a tear-gas assault on
          the Branch Davidian compound.  David Koresh and 76 followers die in a
          fire following the attack.
  In 1995 Just after 9 a.m. CDT, a truck bomb exploded outside the Alfred P.
          Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  The explosion
          killed 168 people.

And remember ...
  America's Heartland Development Month
  Cancer Control Month
  Math Education Month
  National Poetry Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM