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[] Welcome to a.b.p.j-g (Mini-FAQ)

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Archive-name: pictures-faq/joanne-guest/welcome
Posting-Frequency: monthly to news.answers / weekly to a.b.p.j-g
Last-modified: 2007/03/14
Version: 3.3

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
 1. Introduction
 2. Newsgroup charter
 3. Posting guidelines
 4. Hey! I can't find the newsgroup! (or it's empty)
 5. I'm not seeing any pictures, just a jumble of letters and numbers!
    (or: How to decode the multi-part postings)
 6. Why are the multi-part postings ALWAYS missing parts?
 7. How can I view these ".r00", ".r01", ".rar" files?
 8. And what about these yEnc files?
 9. So where are all the hardcore pics, then?
10. Why are some of the pictures blurred/pixellated?
11. File-naming conventions
12. Where to go for further information


1. Introduction

The newsgroup "" contains postings
relating to the UK model Joanne Guest.

This mini-FAQ is intended to serve as an introduction to the newsgroup.
If you want to find out more about Jo herself, you can view the full
FAQ at:

If the above-named site is offline, an archived copy of the FAQ can
also be found at:
(this is a temporary addition while the main website moves servers)


2. Newsgroup charter

(Editor's note: Bear in mind that the charter was written in 1997)

RATIONALE is a group for the posting of
binary images related to the UK model Joanne Guest.

Joanne Guest is the hottest individual of that type of English model
known as the "glamour girl" - a group generally best known for their
topless work in Britain's tabloid newspapers, appearances at pubs,
various singing aspirations, and being caught out on the town
canoodling with married footballers, politicians, ambassadors, and
each other.

Jo has a more professional approach than your typical "glamour girl"
and has recently diversified her career into TV - making appearances
on Celebrity quiz shows and pop music videos. She has also crossed over
into the mainstream print media with appearances in Loaded and FHM
magazines in the UK.

The group will be unmoderated and any binary posting related to Joanne
Guest is considered on-topic.
Any other binaries or discussions are considered to be off-topic.


3. Posting guidelines

In addition to the basic rules of "netiquette", the guidelines given
below should be followed:

What can you post?

 * Pictures, sound samples, video clips etc. of Joanne Guest.
 * Transcripts of interviews, sightings, gossip etc. about Jo.
 * Any questions you may have about Jo (but please read the FAQ first).

If posting binaries:

 * No Flooding - a suggested posting limit is 250 pictures per day.
   If posting video clips, limit yourself to 50MB per day.
 * Try to use meaningful filenames for the pictures - see below for
   details. Indicate the picture's source (magazine issue etc.) if at
   all possible.
 * Please, please, mention the filename in the message title!
 * If you think a picture may be a fake, PLEASE SAY SO when posting.
 * Consider splitting large files into smaller parts. A suggested part
   size is 250kB (for example, a 10MB video clip might be split into
   40 equally-sized parts).

What other restrictions are there?

 * DON'T post any pictures (etc.) of other models/celebrities.
   If Jo isn't in the picture, it's of no interest to us.
 * DON'T ask for pictures (etc.) of other models/celebrities.
 * DON'T crosspost messages. If it's a picture of Jo, it belongs here
   (and nowhere else).
 * DON'T post any commercial advertising whatsoever.
 * Last but not least: NO SPAMMING!


Remember that ALL photographs of Jo are copyright. The copyright holder
(usually the photographer, or the publisher of the magazine) still
"owns" the picture, even when you have paid money for a copy of it.

If you want to distribute copies of a picture (e.g. by posting it to
Usenet) you should seek the approval of the copyright holder in
advance. Copyright holders can - and in many cases do - bring legal
action against people who post their pictures to Usenet without
permission. Do you want to take that risk?


4. Hey! I can't find the newsgroup! (or it's empty)

It's a sad fact of life that not all news-servers carry the newsgroup,
and others may carry it but no longer get a reliable newsfeed.

Don't rush to conclusions if you see very little traffic on your first
visit. The number of messages in the newsgroup does vary substantially
from day to day: the average is around 50 on-topic messages per day,
but on a quiet day there can be as few as 1 or 2 messages.

However, if you've gone more than a week with no messages (or very few
messages) it may be time to look elsewhere for a newsfeed.

Likewise, if you're only seeing very few of the multi-part postings
(e.g. if only 5 parts of a 25-part file ever arrive) you might also
want to consider a change of news-servers.


5. I'm not seeing any pictures, just a jumble of letters and numbers!

Some newsreaders don't automatically decode file attachments
(especially if the picture was posted in several parts); others
occasionally fail to notice that an attachment is present.

What happens is that you get a load of stuff looking like this:


Note that all of the lines are the same length, and are relatively
short (61 characters in this case). If the lines are a lot longer than
this (e.g. 128 characters), it may be a yEnc file, which requires
special processing (see section 8 below).

The first thing to try is to see if your newsreader can "combine and
decode" the various parts of the message. For example, with Microsoft
Outlook Express, you would download all the parts of the message,
select part 1 of the message, SHIFT-select (or CTRL-select) the
remaining parts, then right-mouse-click over the selection. The
pop-up-menu will have "Combine and Decode" on it.

Bear in mind that you do need all of the parts of the file. If only a
few parts are missing, ask for a repost. If more than half the parts
are missing, you may need to consider switching to another news-server
(see section 4 above).

If you're using a newsreader that can't "combine and decode", you will
have to decode the posting using a UUdecoder program. See Appendix 3
of the full FAQ for instructions.


6. Why are the multi-part postings ALWAYS missing parts?

The amount of traffic on Usenet these days is phenomenal, and some
news-servers simply can't handle the load. This can mean that parts
of a multi-part posting are lost.

Remember there can be a delay of several hours before all the various
parts of a message arrive at a news-server (and, like everything else,
news-servers do have bad days). But if the problem persists for
several weeks it's probably there to stay.

Another problem is to do with article retention. Some news-servers
only keep "binary" newsgroup postings for a few hours (compared to the
days or weeks that are the norm for other newsgroups). This one is
fairly easy to spot: if you only log-on once a week and all you ever
see in a.b.p.j-g are today's postings, your news-server has a very
short retention period.

If you're just missing a few parts, ask for a repost of those parts.
If you're missing a lot of parts, you may need to switch to another


7. How can I view these ".r00", ".r01", ".rar" files?

Those files are actually multi-volume RAR archives. Each part of
the archive has a separate extension, with ".rar" being the first.
So, for example, a 5-part archive called "clip" would consist of:
clip.rar, clip.r00, clip.r01, clip.r02 and clip.r03

RAR is an archiving program similar in concept to PKZIP, so the
archives could (in theory) contain pretty much anything. On a.b.p.j-g,
they're almost certain to contain an AVI (or MPEG) video clip.

Now to the nitty-gritty.

Mac users should get "Macunrar" - a beta version is available from - and follow the instructions that
come with the program.

PC users should get the "WinRAR" program from

Next, make sure you've got all the parts of the archive, saved as
separate files in the SAME folder. For a 5-part archive you should
have ".rar", ".r00", ".r01", ".r02" and ".r03". If any are missing,
ask for a repost.

To unpack the archive, feed the ".rar" file to WinRAR. This will
automatically process the other parts, resulting in a decoded AVI
(or MPEG) file.

One final piece of information you may need when unpacking some
RAR archives, is that Jo's vital statistics are: 34B-24-34


8. And what about these yEnc files?

Another day, another file format...

"yEnc" is a format that is becoming increasingly common on Usenet. It
is a bit of a pain, because some of the most widely-used newsreaders
don't handle it yet, and some news-servers have an annoying habit of
mangling the posts.

At first sight, a yEnc message can look rather like a UUencoded
message. There are two clues that it's a yEnc message:

 * The subject line should contain the magic word yEnc

 * The first line of the message itself will look something like this:

   =ybegin line=128 size=52961 name=00022010.jpg

   Note that the line starts with "=ybegin" rather than "begin".

So, how do you decode it? Essentially, you have three choices:

   (a) Use a "proxy" decoder, such as YProxy (for Windows);

or (b) Use another newsreader such as Forte Agent, Gravity or Xnews;

or (c) Save the message as a (text) file, then use an external decoder
       to unpack the file. For example:

       * Windows users can download a program from 
         or from

       * Linux users should check out

       * Mac users might try

Remember, possesion of a decoder does NOT guarantee that you'll be
able to unpack a given file. Some news-servers can damage the encoded
files: if you find you get errors when unpacking yEnc-encoded files,
you may have to change to a different news-server.

Advice for people planning to post to a.b.p.j-g using yEnc



9. So where are all the hardcore pics, then?

Depends on your definition of "hardcore"...

In the latter part of 2005 Jo did a few solo webcasts featuring a
marital aid. Some screenshots are apparently doing the rounds.

But if you're after m/f stuff, you may be disappointed. In the
early part of her career (mostly 1993/1994) she did appear in some
"racy" photoshoots, but to quote Jo herself: "that was all posed... if
I was going to do it for real I'd [do it differently and] make a lot
more money."

There are a few fake pictures in circulation: some are laughably
bad, but with others it can be difficult to detect the fakery.
For further details, see the full FAQ.


10. Why are some of the pictures blurred/pixellated?

Those pictures are taken from Japanese CDs. The censorship laws in
Japan are (or were) stricter than those in the UK/USA, hence the
modifications to the offending portions of the pictures.


11. File naming conventions

In total there are well over 16000 images of Ms. Guest currently
floating around the Internet: picking unique filenames for this vast
number of images can be a bit of a problem.

Here are some suggestions:

 * If you're scanning a new picture of Jo, put the following pieces of
   information into the filename:
   - Magazine name
   - Year of publication (or volume number)
   - Month (or issue number)
   - Number of picture in series
   For example: "Redline_2001_Feb_01.jpg"

 * If you got the picture from the Internet, resist the temptation to
   rename it unless you *know* what the filename should be (e.g. if the
   scanner included the filename as a caption on the image itself).

 * DON'T rename a file simply because "the filename doesn't make sense."
   You might not understand a filename such as "dt974j1.jpg" but there
   is method in the madness (see below).

Armin's file naming scheme

Most of Jo's pictures date from before 1998, when long filenames were
less common. The majority of these scans use a file naming convention
proposed by Armin Forker.

For magazines, the filename is constructed like this:


       AA = source magazine code
       yy = Year (or volume number)
       i  = Issue number (1-9, a-d where a=10, b=11 etc.)
       #  = Number of picture in series (0=front cover pic)
       ss = Scanner's ID (e.g. sq=SuzyQ)

e.g. Babe Hound magazine, June 1997, picture 7 of set,
     scanned by IM would be "bh9767im.jpg"

For daily publications, this becomes:


       AA = source magazine code
       yy = Year
       m  = Month (1-9, a-c where a=October etc.)
       d  = Day   (1-9, a-v where a=10, b=11 etc.)
       #  = Number of picture in series
       s  = Scanner's ID

For calendars, put the letter "C" after the source magazine code
(e.g. Motor Cycle News Calendar 1996: mcc96*.jpg)

For "best of" compilations, put the letter "B" after the source
magazine code (e.g. Best of Mayfair 14: mfb14*.jpg)

The source magazine codes are listed in Appendix 2 of the full FAQ.
And yes, she HAS appeared in all those magazines.....


12. Where to go for further information

The full Joanne Guest FAQ is available online at:

If the above-named site is offline, an archived copy of the FAQ can
also be found at:
(this is a temporary addition while the main website moves servers)

If the full FAQ doesn't answer your question, by all means ask away in
the newsgroup But make sure it's
on-topic, hmmm?


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S L Painting <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM