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[FAQ] The alt.vampyres VAMPIRE LITERATURE faq

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Archive-name: paranormal/vampyres/vampire-lit-faq
Posting-Frequency: semimonthly
Last altered: 10 August 2005
Copyright: (c) 2001 BJ Kuehl

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[NOTE:The alt.vampyres VAMPIRE LITERATURE faq may be downloaded for
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vampyres VAMPIRE LITERATURE Faq. Retrieved (date) from Usenet newsgroup:

             FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on alt.vampyres
                        about Vampire Literature

This is the alt.vampyres VAMPIRE LITERATURE FAQ. Comments, corrections,
additions to this FAQ should be directed to the newsgroup. For other
versions of alt.vampyres faqs, consult the faq archives on the HoMePaGe
of the newsgroup at

Last altered: 10 August 2005: Checked all websites for broken links

  [1.01] What is this newsgroup about?
  [1.02] Is there some form of netiquette I should follow if I post?
  [1.03] Is there a homepage for the alt.vampyres newsgroup?

  [2.01] Can you recommend some good vampire books?
  [2.01.1] Vampire Series
  [2.01.2] Vampire Novels
  [2.02] Did Bram Stoker ever write a sequel to _Dracula_?
  [2.03] Are there any stories that treat the vampire in a comedic vein?
  [2.04] Was _Dracula_ the first vampire fiction story to be written?
  [2.05] Has anyone from alt.vampyres written a book about vampires?
  [2.06] Where can I get a copy of the classic _Varney the Vampire_?

  [3.01] Special thanks to these contributors who provided ideas,
          answers, and corrections.


  [1.01] What is this newsgroup about?

  Alt.vampyres is for the discussion of vampire lore in any culture,
  ancient or modern. This group is also for the discussion of vampires in
  fiction, such as novels, stories, poetry, comics, movies and television,
  as well as for sharing original vampire fiction. Finally, alt.vampyres
  is a place for the discussion of theories about biology, psychology,
  and sociology with respect to the legendary vampire.

  [1.02] Is there some form of netiquette I should follow if I post?

  It is not the purpose of the a.v VAMPIRE LITERATURE faq to be a primer
  for Usenet or newsgroup etiquette. If you are interested in that, search
  out one of the newuser newsgroups, e.g. news.newusers.questions. For a
  quick look at how to post to alt.vampyres, see the Posting Guideline
  which is posted to the newsgroup at the beginning of each week. In
  truth, if you join in with the same friendliness and respect you would
  give to any group of people engaged in conversation, you'll be fine.

  [1.03] Is there a homepage for the alt.vampyres newsgroup?

  There certainly is. The alt.vampyres homepage
  was created by DrLucadra when she was the faqkeeper between 1996 and
  1998. After a two year medical absence during which she literally died
  three times, DrLuc returned to a.v. and redesigned the site, reviving
  the newsgroup's homepage. Here you will find copies of other a.v.
  faqs, hard-to-find pre-20th century vampire stories, vampire puzzles
  and poetry, a Dracula quiz, MSTings of bad vampire movies, and a huge
  number of links to other vampire websites.


  [2.01] Can you recommend some good vampire novels?

  Following are the results of a poll I took a few years ago. I asked
  readers from various vampire groups to name their favorite vampire
  books. These are the ones they mentioned most frequently. Any of them
  would probably provide you with good reading.

  [2.01.1] Favorite Vampire Series

  The most votes went to Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. The majority
  of the respondents recommended _Interview with the Vampire_ and
  _The Vampire Lestat_, but their interest fell off with _Queen of the
  Damned_, _Tale of the Body Thief_, and _Memnoch the Devil_. Since
  then, Rice has added _The Vampire Arrmand_ to the Chronicle series and
  begun the New Tales of the Vampires with _Pandora_ and _Vittorio the

  The second most favored series was the Anita Blake vampire hunter books
  by Laurell K. Hamilton. The series currently has ten books: _Guilty
  Pleasures_, _The Laughing Corpse_, _Circus of the Damned_, _The Lunatic
  Cafe_, _Bloody Bones_, _The Killing Dance_, _Burnt Offerings_, _Blue
  Moon_, _Obsidian Butterfly_, and Incubus Dreams_.

  In third place was Brian Lumley's Necroscope series, with the first
  book, _Necroscope_ being mentioned most often. There are three groups
  to the Necroscope series. Series 1 (The Necroscope series) includes
  _Necroscope_, _Vamphyri!_, _The Source_, _Deadspeak_, and _Deadspawn_.
  Series 2 (The Vampire World) includes _Blood Brothers_, _The Last
  Aerie_, and _Bloodwars_. Series 3 (The Lost Wars) includes _The Lost
  Years_ and _Resurgence_.

  Other series mentioned as favorites include the following:

  The Bunnicula series by James Howe (includes _Bunnicula_, _The Celery
    Stalks at Midnight_, _Howliday Inn_, _Return to Howliday Inn_,
    _Nighty-Nightmare_, and _Bunnicula Escapes_.)
  The Cold Fire trilogy by C.S. Friedman (includes _Black Sun Rising_,
    _When True Night Falls_, and _Crown of Shadows_).
  The Saint-Germaine series by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (includes _Hotel
    Transylvania_, _The Palace_, _Blood Games_, _Path of the Eclipses_,.
    _Tempting Fate_, _Out of the House of Life_, _Darker Jewels_, _Better
    in the Dark_, "Manions of Darkness_, _Writ in Blood_, _Blood Roses_,
    _Communion Blood_, _Come Twilight_, _A Feast in Exile_, and _Night
    Blooming_. _Midnight Harvest_ will be out in Fall 2003).
  The Blood series by Tanya Huff (includes _Blood Price_, _Blood Trail_,
    _Blood Lines_, _Blood Pact_, and _Blood Debt_).
  The Family Dracul series by Jeanne Kalogridis (includes _Covenant with
    the Vampire_, _Children of the Vampire_, and _Lord of the Vampires_).
  The Vampire Files by P.N. Elrod (includes _Bloodlist_, _Lifeblood_,
    _Bloodcircle_, _Art in the Blood_, _Fire in the Blood_, _Blood on
    the Water_, _A Chill in the Blood_, _The Dark Sleep_, and _Lady
  The Austra Family series by Elaine Bergstrom (includes _Shattered
    Glass_, _Blood Alone_, _Blood Rites_, and _Daughter of the Night_),
  The Vampire Diaries by Lisa Jane Smith.
  Christopher Golden's series: _Of Saints and Shadows_, _Angel Souls and
    Devil Hearts_, and _Of Masques and Martyrs_.
  The Sonya Blue series by Nancy Collins (includes _Sunglasses After
    Dark_, _In the Blood_, _Paint it Black_, and _A Dozen Black Roses_.).
  The Don Sebastian Series by Les Daniels (includes _The Black Castle_,
    _The Silver Skull_, _Citizen Vampire_, _Yellow Fog_, and _No Blood

  [2.01.2] Favorite Vampire Novels

  _Dracula_ by Bram Stoker just narrowly edged out _Salem's Lot_ by
  Stephen King. Third place was a tie between _Lost Souls_ by Poppy Z.
  Brite, _I, Strahd: Memoirs of a Vampire_ by P.N.Elrod, and _I Am
  Legend_ by Richard Matheson.

  Other novels mentioned included:

   _Blood Hunt_ and _Bloodlinks_, both by Lee Killough
   _Bloodsucking Fiends_ by Christopher Moore
   _Carrion Comfort_ by Dan Simmons
   _Children of the Night_ by Mercedes Lackey
   _Children of the Night_ by Dan Simmons
   _The Children's Hour_ by Douglas Clegg
   _Companions of the Night_ by Vivian Vande Velde
   _A Deeper Hunger_ by Sabine Kells
   _The Delicate Dependency_ by Michael Talbot
   _The Dragon Waiting_ by John M. Ford
   _The Dracula Tapes_ by Fred Saberhagen
   _Fevre Dream_ by George R.R. Martin
   _The Gilda Stories: A Novel_ by Jewelle Gomez
   _The Hunger_ by Whitley Strieber
   _The Keep_ by F. Paul Wilson
   _Live Girls_ and _Lot Lizards_, both by Ray Garton
   _The Night Inside_ aka _Kiss of the Vampire_ by Nancy Baker
   _The Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula_ by Roderick Anscombe
   _The Silver Kiss_ by Annette Curtis Klause
   _The Stake_ by Richard Laymon
   _A Taste of Blood Wine_ by Freda Warrington
   _They Thirst_ by Robert McCammon
   _Those Who Hunt the Night_ by Barbra Hambly
   _The World on Blood_ by Jonathan Nasaw

  [2.02] Did Bram Stoker ever write a sequel to _Dracula_?

  No, although he did publish a short story called "Dracula's Guest"
  which some say was originally written to be the first chapter in
  _Dracula_ (this is being disputed). A copy of "Dracula's Guest" can
  be downloaded from the alt.vampyres homepage (q.v. 1.03). You'll be
  happy to know, however, that other authors have added to the novel
  with a number of prequels, sequels, retellings and alternative
  timelines. These include:

  Prequels to _Dracula_:
    The Family Dracul series by Jeanne Kalogridis (includes _Covenant
         with the Vampire_, _Children of the Vampire_, and _Lord of the
    _The Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula_ by Roderick Anscombe
    _Dracula Began_ by Gail Kimberly (@Roger Elwood)
    _Crimson Kisses_ by Asa Drake
    _I am Dracula_ by C. Dean Anderson (rewrite of Drake)

  Sequels, retellings, anthologies, etc. to _Dracula_:
    _Mina_, by Marie Kiraly
    _Blood to Blood_ by Elaine Bergstrom
    _Anno Dracula_ by Kim Newman
    _Dracula the Undead_ by Freda Warrington
    _The Holmes-Dracula File_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _The Dracula Tape_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _An Old Friend of the Family_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _A Matter of Taste_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _A Question of Time_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _Seance for a Vampire_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _A Sharpness in the Neck_ by Fred Saberhagen
    _Dracula in Love_, John Shirley
    _Dark Destiny III: Children of Dracula_, ed. Edward E. Kramer
    _Rivals of Dracula_, eds. Weinberg, Dziemianowocz, & Greenberg
    _Dracula: A Symphony in Moonlight and Nightmares_, ed. Jon J. Muth
    _The Dracula Collection_, no author given
    _Dracula Unborn_ by Peter Tremayne
    _The Revenge of Dracula_ by Peter Tremayne
    _Dracula My Love_ by Peter Tremayne
     (NOTE: The Tremayne stories were also published together under
            the title of _Dracula Lives_)
    _The Darker Passions: Dracula_ by Amarantha Knight
    _The Adult Version of Dracula_
    _Dracula: Prince of Darkness_, ed. Martin H. Greenberg.
    _The Mammoth Book of Dracula_, ed. Stephen Jones
    _Drakulya_ by Earl Lee
    _Drakulya_ by P.C. Doherty (omnibus of two previously published
          books, _The Prince Drakulya_ and _The Lord Count Drakulya_)
    _Vlad the Undead_ by Hanna Lutzen
    _Quincey Morris, Vampire_ by P.N. Elrod

  [2.03] Are there any stories that treat the vampire in a comedic vein?

  I recommend _The World on Blood_ by Jonathan Nasaw. he deals with
  Vampires Anonymous, the 12-step program for vampires. It's quite funny!
  Also Chetwynd-Hayes wrote _The Monster Club_ which has that very funny
  story about the werewolf and the vampire. There's a short story in
  _The Ultimate Dracula_ entitled "A Little Night Music" that had me
  rolling over in laughter (it's about a rock band called Vlad and the
  Impalers). And you can include Saberhagen's _The Dracula Tape_ in the
  "humor" category. He did start to write it as a joke [Elizabeth Miller].

  Vampires appear in several Terry Pratchett books, i.e., _Carpe Jugulum_
  and _The Fifth Elephant_. _Reaper Man_ has Count Notfaroutou, who
  inherited the title suddenly, and whose wife insists that he wears
  opera dress the whole time (to keep up appearances). _Witches Abroad_
  has an unnamed vampire who gets hit by a thrown garlic sausage and then
  eaten by a particularly brutal cat. Then there's Otto Chriek in _The
  Truth_, a vampire Black Ribboner - one who's signed The Pledge and who
  now has to make do with black pudding, a cup of cocoa and a rousing
  sing-song.  And Dragon King of Arms in _Feet of Clay_; he's not
  terribly funny, but he's an interesting interpretation of how a vampire
  might find a niche in human society. There's another unnamed vamp who
  insists that he has the right, without discrimination, to work in such
  places as a holy water factory, a pencil factory, testing sunglasses.
  [Mike Kew].

  I recommend the comic parody _Blood and Roses_ by Sharon Bainbridge,
  although not all readers might recognize it as such. P.D. Cacek's
  _Night Prayers_ and _Tabitha fffoulkes_ by John Linssen are humorous,
  or at least intended to be. Mark Ivanhoe's novel _Virgintooth_ is meant
  to be a satire, but I'm not sure how humorous it's intended to be. Are
  you interested in books for children? Books for children *meant* to be
  funny include _The Vampire Who Came for Christmas_ by Dian Curtis Regan
  and _Monster of the Year_ by Bruce Coville [Cathy Krusberg].

  You might also want to consider the "Bunnicula" series of children's
  books by James Howe, about a vampire rabbit who drains vegetables of
  color.  There are (IIRC) 6 of them, all still in print and readily
  available.  [Richard Morrison]

  In Germany we have the _Little Vampire_ Series by Angela Sommer-
  Bodenburg that is very popular. It has even been translated (or rather
  adapted) for the American market, not something to happen frequently
  to German books. [Birte Lilienthal]

  You mustn't forget _Vampire Blood Bank_ by Harry Zelenko which is about
  a Jewish hemophiliac bitten by a rabbi vampire in Central Park. One of
  the side effects of Zelenko's vampires happens to be a perpetual
  erection. It isn't great literature but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
  "Count Dracula" is a short story by Woody Allen in the anthology
  _Vampires, Wine & Roses_ where the poor Count mistakes an eclipse for
  nightfall and leaves his sanctuary. In _Vampire Junkies_ by Norman
  Spinrad, the Count visits New York and becomes addicted to heroin
  after feasting on a junkie hooker shortly after he arrives [Kitsune].

  _Vampire Detectives_ (ed: Martin Greenerg) includes William Saunder's
  "The Count's Mailbox." It's an epistolary story about Dracula's efforts
  to publish a book about his life. [Bill Thompson]

  _Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story_ by Christopher Moore is a humorous
  vampire story of note. [Lord Ruthven]

  [2.04] Was _Dracula_ the first fictional vampire story to be written?

  Vampires were popular in fictional literature even before _Dracula_.
  Here's a smattering of some of the books and short stories written
  about vampires pre-Dracula:

  @17AD ^Book VI June 1: Kalends^ in _Fasti_ by Ovid
  @120  "The Vampire" [chapter 5] from _The Golden Asse_ aka
        _Metamorphosis_ by Lucius Apuleius aka Lucii Apulei
  @140  _On Marvels_ by Phlegon of Tralles [see "Fragmenta Historicorum
        Graecorum" by Carolus Muller, late 1800s]
  @240  "Life of Apollonius of Tyana" by Philostratus
   1748 "Der Vampir" Heinrich August Ossenfelder (verse)
   1773 "Lenore" by Gottfried August Burger (verse)
   1797 "The Bride of Corinth" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (verse)
   1797 "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" Samuel Taylor Coleridge (verse)
   1797 "Thalaba the Destroyer" by Robert Southey (verse)
   1798 "The Old Woman of Berkeley" by Robert Southey (verse)
  @1800 "Wake Not the Dead" aka ^The Bride of the Grave^ attributed to 
        Ludwig Tieck (may be by Ernst Raupach) [translated to English in 
   1810 "The Vampyre" by John Stagg (poem originally published in
        _Minstrel of the North_ by John Stagg)
   1813 "The Giaour" by Lord George Gordon Byron (verse)
   1816 "Christabel" Samuel Taylor Coleridge (verse)
   1816 "A Fragment" aka "The Burial" by George Gordon, Lord Byron
   1819 "The Vampyre" by John Polidori
   1819 "La Belle Dame sans Merci" by John Keats (verse)
   1819 _Lord Ruthven ou les Vampires_ by Cyprien Berard (said to be the 
        vampire novel)
   1820 ^Aurelia^ in _Die Elixire des Teufels_ [The Devil^s Elixirs] by
        E(rnst) T(heodor)A(madeus) Wilhelm Hoffman
   1820 "Lamia" by John Keats (verse)
   1820 ^The Vampire or, The Bride of the Isles by James Planche (play)
   1828 "The Skeleton Count, or the Vampire Mistress" by Elizabeth Grey
   1828 ^Der Vampyr^ by Heinrich Marschner and Wilhelm Wohlbruck (play)
   1830 "The Dead Lover" [aka La Morte Amoureuse, Clarimonde, or The
        Beautiful Vampire] by Theophile Gautier
   1835 "Viy" by Nikolai Gogol
   1845 _Varney the Vampyre, or, the Feast of Blood_ by James Malcolm
   1848 "The Pale Lady" by Alexandre Dumas & Paul Bocage
   1849 ^The Vampire of the Carpathian Mountains^ from _Les Mille et
        un Fantomes_ by Alexandre Dumas
   1859 "What Was It?" by Fitz-James O'Brien (Qu^etait-ce?) 1828-62
        first appeared in Harper^s Magazine NY March 1859
   1860 "The Mysterious Stranger", anonymous
   1860 "The Cold Embrace" by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
   1860 ^Metamorphosis of a Vampire^ by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
   1865 ^Le Vampire^ by Alexandre Dumas (play)
   1866 _Spirite_ by Theophile Gautier
   1867 "The Last Lords of Gardonal" by William Gilbert
   1868 _The Moonstone_ by Wilkie Collins
   1870 _Vikram the Vampire_ ed/Sir Richard F. Burton
   1872 "Carmilla" by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
   1880 "The Fate of Madame Cabanel" by Eliza Lynn Linton
   1881 "The Man-Eating Tree" by Phil Robinson
   1884 "The Family of the Vourdalak" by Alexis Tolstoy
   1886 ^The Vampyre (Strigoiul)^ by Vasile Alecsandri
   1887 "Ken's Mystery" aka "The Grave of Ethelind Fionguala" by
        Julian Hawthorne
   1887 "The Horla" by Guy de Maupassant
   1887 "A Mystery of the Campagna" by Anne Crawford
   1890 "The Tomb of Sarah" by Frederick George Loring
   1890 "Let Loose" by Mary Cholmondeley
   1892 _Carpathian Castle_ aka _The Castle of the Carpathians_ by Jules
   1894 "The Parasite" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
   1894 ^A Kiss of Judas^ by X.L.
   1894 "A True Story of a Vampire" aka "The Sad Story of a Vampire"
        by Stanislaus Eric aka Count Eric Stenbock
   1896 "Good Lady Ducayne" by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
   1897 ^The Vampire^ by Rudyard Kipling
   1897 _Dracula_ by Bram Stoker
   1897 ^The Flowering of the Strange Orchid^ by H.G. Wells BOOK?

  [2.05] Has anyone from alt.vampyres ever written a book about vampires?

  Sure. In her position as professor of English at Memorial University
  of Newfoundland, Dr. Elizabeth Miller
  has written several articles and papers and has authored four non-
  fiction books about Dracula. These include _Reflections on Dracula_,
  _Shade and Shadow_, _Dracula: Sense and Nonsense_, and _Dracula_.

  In the fiction department, visitors to alt.vampyres have included
  Lois Tilton who has written three books on vampires, including
  _Darkness on the Ice_, _Vampire Winter_, and _DarkSpawn_. Thomas J.
  Hardman, Jr. is the author of _In Darkness^ District_. Don Harstad
  came out with _Code Sixty-One_ in January 2002. William Meikle just
  sold the first two books (_Watchers of the Wall_ and _Berserker_) in
  a Scottish vampire trilogy. Karen Koehler
  is the author of the _Slayer_ series.

  Other visitors to alt.vampyres who have authored vampire books include
  Poppy Z. Brite, author of _Lost Souls_ and
  editor of _Love in Vein_ and _Love in Vein II_, Konstantinos (_Vampires:
  The Occult Truth_), and Michael Romkey,
  author of  Vampire_, _The Vampire Papers_, _The Vampire Princess_, _The
  Vampire Virus_, and _The London Vampire Panic_. David Dvorkin has given
  us _Insatiable_ and _Unquenchable_, and Nancy Collins her Sonya Blue
  series. Karen Taylor, author of the Vampire Legacy series, recently
  breezed in and out, along with Cary Rainey, author of _Stacy's Heart_,
  and Wm. Mark Simmons, who published _One Foot in the Grave_ and who
  is coming out soon with the sequel _Dead on My Feet_.

  [2.06] Where can I get a copy of the classic _Varney the Vampire_?

  E-copies can be downloaded from:

  Dover published a 2 volume paperback version in 1972, which is currently
  out of print. Copies may occasionally pop up at auction on eBay. Serious
  collectors say that this is the version of choice as it was essentially
  photographed from the original book, so it has all the artwork.

  Ayer Co. Publishers has put out two hardcover versions, one published
  in 1970 with a forward by Devendra Varma and Margaret L. Carter, and a
  second edition [publishing date unknown]. Both of these consist of three
  volumes. Contact Ayer Co. Publishers for more information at:

      1 Lower Mill Road N.
      Stratford NH 03590

  [information provided in part by Cathy Krusberg]

  In order to give thanks where thanks are due, the names of faq
  contributors appear in brackets following the passages they have
  written. If your contribution appears uncredited in the a.v. VAMPIRE
  LITERATURE faq, please contact the faqkeeper with the details.

  [3.01] Special thanks to these contributors who provided ideas, answers,
         and corrections.

  Cathy Krusberg
  Elizabeth Miller
  Bill Thompson
  Birte Lilienthal
  Lord Ruthven


A copy of the most recent version of this faq may be obtained at


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM