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Comp.os.research: Frequently answered questions [1/3: l/m 13 Aug 1996]

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Single Page )
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
		Answers to frequently asked questions
		  for comp.os.research: part 1 of 3

		       Copyright (C) 1993--1996
			   Bryan O'Sullivan


1.     Introduction
1.1.   How to read this article
1.2.   Reader contributions and comments
1.3.   Acknowledgments and caveats

2.     Recurrent discussions
2.1.   Microkernels, macrokernels, and the in-betweenies
2.2.   Threads
2.2.1. Distinguishing features
2.2.2. Characterising implementations of multithreading
2.2.3. The history of threads

3.     File systems
3.1.   Extent-based versus log-structured file systems

4.     Mobile and disconnected computing
4.1.   Constraints on software
4.2.   Communications protocols
4.3.   Access to files
4.4.   Power management
4.5.   Other issues
4.6.   An introductory mobile computing bibliography

5.     Operating systems teaching
5.1.   What good undergraduate-level texts are available?
5.2.   Graduate-level texts
5.3.   Do any texts cover the implementation of specific operating systems?
5.4.   What instructional operating systems can I use?
5.5.   Where can I find the canonical list of OS papers for grad courses?

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