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Objectivism Resource Guide (ORG)

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Archive-Name: objectivism/obj-resource-guide
Posting-Frequency: fortnightly
Last-Modified: 1994/03/24

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Version 6.1
Updated on 4/07/95

Copyright (C) 1995, Jay Andrew Allen, all rights reserved. See Section (2.2) for
distribution agreement.

The ORG is officially sponsored by:

***RIC TRADING COMPANY***, manufacturer and distributor of t-shirts and other
products of an Objectivist nature. Check out their FOUNTAINHEAD POSTER, a
quality reproduction of the original 1943 dustjacket. See section 5.3 for more


The World Wide Web edition of the ORG is now available. Check it out at
its temporary home: <>. 

I have moved Foreningen for Studium Ab Objektivismen from Publications to
Community Clubs (9.9), where it belongs.




(1.1) What This List Is, Why It Was Created


(2.1) Disclaimers 
(2.2) Copyright And Availability 
(2.3) List Sources



(4.1) The Atlantean Press Review 
(4.2) Atlantis 
(4.3) The Intellectual Activist 
(4.4) Lyceum
(4.5) Objektivistisk Skriftserie
(4.6) The Objectivist Forum 
(4.7) The Objectivist Newsletter; The Objectivist; The Ayn Rand Letter


(5.1) Capitalism, Inc. 
(5.2) Peikoff Lectures (Out of Business) 
(5.3) RIC Trading Company 
(5.4) Second Renaissance Books -- Ideas For the Rational Mind
(5.5) Values Mind Products


(6.1) Americans for Free Choice in Medicine FTP Site 
(6.2) Ayn Rand Internet Club (ARIC)
(6.3) Objectivism FTP Directory 
(6.4) Objectivism Study Group
(6.5) Objectivist Web Sites


(7.1) The Jefferson School 
(7.2) Second Renaissance Conferences 
(7.3) Texas Objectivist Conference 
(7.4) Ford Hall Forum 
(7.5) 21st Century Conferences


(8.1) American Renaissance for the 21st Century (ART) 
(8.2) Americans For Free Choice in Medicine (AFCM) 
(8.3) The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism (ARI) 
(8.4) The Association For Objective Law (TAFOL)
(8.5) The Association of Objectivist Businessmen (AOB) 
(8.6) Objectivist Health Care Professionals Network (OHCPN) 
(8.7) The Society for Objective Science (SOS)


(9.1) Alabama Objectivists 
(9.2) Austin Objectivist Society 
(9.3) Ayn Rand Admirers of Rhode Island 
(9.4) Carolina Objectivist Group 
(9.5) Chicago Objectivism Society 
(9.6) Chicago Students of Objectivism 
(9.7) Detroit Area Objectivist Group 
(9.8) Foreningen For Objektivismen (FFO)
(9.9) Foreningen For Studium av Objektivismen (FSO)
(9.10) Gotham Objectivist Club 
(9.11) Houston Objectivist Society 
(9.12) Individualistik Forum 
(9.13) Marblehead Objectivist Bunch
(9.14) Metroplex Objectivist Society
(9.15) Mid Valley Objectivists 
(9.16) New Mexico Objectivist Club 
(9.17) Objectivist Students by the Bay 
(9.18) Pacific Northwest Objectivists 
(9.19) Sacramento Objectivist Society 
(9.20) SARPO 
(9.21) Southern California Objectivist Association 
(9.22) South Florida Objectivists 
(9.23) Students of Objectivism in Georgia 
(9.24) Tampa Bay Objectivists 
(9.25) Toronto Objectivist Association
(9.26) Washington (D.C.) Objectivist Club
(9.27) United Kingdom Objectivist Association 
(9.28) Winnipeg Objectivist Group



-1- General Information


This list is a compendium of books, organizations, clubs, and businesses which
promote and champion Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. It conscientiously
distinguishes between actual Objectivist organizations and those which merely
claim to promote Rand's philosophy, but actually break from it in fundamental
principles. Its purpose is to expose those interested in Objectivism to a rich
source of Objectivist ideas and products that will further their intellectual
growth and enjoyment. Good premises, All!

-- Jay Andrew Allen, New York, NY 2/20/94



This list is in no way connected to or endorsed by The Ayn Rand Institute or the
Estate of Ayn Rand, although its author supports the former organization.

That an organization appears on this list is no guarantee that it approves of
its inclusion or of the description given to it. If the leaders/owners of any
organization disagree with either, please contact Jay Allen at
<>. If it is a problem with description, a new description
can be worked up; if it is a problem with inclusion, the organization has a
right to request that it be removed.

This is not a list of advertisements. I do not get paid by any of the enclosed
organizations for providing specific descriptions of their products and services
(though money wouldn't be refused -- hint, hint :-).


This list is available for free distribution across the world-wide Internet --
but ONLY if it is reproduced IN FULL, and WITHOUT ANY ALTERATION. Campus and
community clubs may make complete paper copies of this list for distribution to
members who lack Internet access. This list is copyright by me, and is my
property; copies containing additions, subtractions, etc. are violations of
copyright law and will not be tolerated. If you ever find altered versions of
this list, please contact Jay Allen at <> so that the
appropriate action can be taken.

This list is sent to all Usenet newsgroups related to philosophy, as well as to
the groups sci.answers and alt.answers, every two weeks. It is also available
via FTP from the *.answers FAQ site:


and from the FTP directory for Objectivism-related materials at


A special World Wide Web version is also available at:


The list's contents are updated periodically.


The list is a compilation of organizations, etc. gathered by myself over a
two-year period. Descriptions are mine, unless otherwise indicated.

I would like to thank all the people who have helped in the continued
maintenance of the ORG. The various updates and typographical corrections these
people have provided me are key to keeping the ORG a readable, up-to-date
inventory of Objectivist organizations, and I look forward to receiving more
good information and advice from them in the future.


Chris Walker's Objectivism FAQ contains a short summary of Objectivism. A fuller
summary, written by me, is available as a separate document. Full lists of
Rand's works, of works by other Objectivist intellectuals, and of excellent
works written by non-Objectivists, are listed in the FAQ and in Todd Goldberg's
Ayn Rand Chronology.

Chris Walker's Objectivism FAQ:

Todd Goldberg's Ayn Rand Chronology:

Jay Allen's Summary of Objectivism:

I must emphasize that a full, systematic statement of Ayn Rand's philosophy is
to be found in Leonard Peikoff's book _Objectivism:_The_Philosophy_Of_
_Ayn_Rand_ (colloquially called OPAR), Dutton Books, 1991. Dr. Peikoff is Rand's
material and intellectual heir; his taped lecture series on the Philosophy of
Objectivism (on which the book is based) was the only such presentation to which
Rand gave an unqualified endorsement. However, as Dr. Peikoff himself points out
in the book's introduction, the definitive source for information about
Objectivism is still the works of Ayn Rand, its sole originator and spokesman.


(4.1) The Atlantean Press Review

The Atlantean Press Review is a magazine devoted to printing the latest in
Romantic Realism the school of art which depicts men "as they might be and ought
to be." As one of its own fliers reports, the Review's discriminating selection
of art works from various fields "brings readers a rare experience in today's
culture: the vision  of man as a hero, and life as a breathtaking adventure."

Formerly an annual compendium, the Review is now a quarterly magazine.
Subscription is $17 for one year and $30 for two years. Back issues are also
available. For more information, contact:

The Atlantean Press
2435 South Springwood Court
Lafayette, CO  80026
Phone: (303) 604-0788

(If you are placing an order, make sure you address it to the "Order

The Atlantean Press also publishes rare, hard-to-find works in the field of
Romantic literature. Recent endeavors include _The_Man_Who_Laughs_ and
_The_Toilers_of_The_Sea_, two novels by Victor Hugo formerly out of print.
Future projects include a play by Edmond Rostand, author of
_Cyrano_de_Bergerac_. Write The Atlantean Press for more information.

(4.2) Atlantis: An Objectivist Symposium

Described as "a medium of exchange of rational ideas." For more information,

Axiomatic Productions, Attn: Editors
P.O. Box 94332 
Seattle, Washington 98124-6632

(4.3) The Intellectual Activist

The Intellectual Activist began at the tail end of the 70's as a magazine
dealing with contemporary political, economic, and social issues from an
Objectivist standpoint. In the past few years, it has included essays on
philosophy and philosophy-related topics, such as Leonard Peikoff's "Why Should
One Act on Principle," Dr. Gary Hull's speech on the state of contemporary
philosophy, and an article By Tore Boeckmann on motivation in Romantic and
Naturalist literature.

Subscriptions are $24 for one year ($30 for Canadian and Mexican residents, $39 
for overseas residents). Full-time students  need pay only $17 if they include a
copy of a valid student ID. Write to:

TIA Publications, Inc. 
PO Box 262 
Lincroft, NJ 07738-0262

(4.4) Lyceum

Lyceum is the newsletter of Foreningen for Objektivismen (9.8). Publishing
articles in both English and Swedish, it provides people with interest in Ayn
Rand's ideas with an active forum of ideas and a wealth of information about
what happens in the "Objectivist World". There are occasional articles
by prominent Objectivists like Edwin Locke, Richard Salsman, Robert Garmong,
Betsy Speicher, etc. -- but also articles written by local "Objectivists" in
Scandinavia. Editor is Jerry Nilson, other staff members are Martin
Lindeskog, Ola Qvarnstrom, Henrik Anderson. For more information, contact:

Box 147,
433 23 Partille,
Fax: +46-31-265682.
E-mail: <>

(Write-up by Jerry Nilson and Jay Allen)

(4.5) Objektivistisk Skriftserie

Objektivistisk Skriftserie is an Objectivist series of occasional papers in

Objektivistisk Skriftserie
c/o Per-Olof Samuelsson
Tingstugatan 46 B
645 34 Strangnas

(4.6) The Objectivist Forum (1980-1987)

The Objectivist Forum was a magazine edited by Dr. Harry Binswanger, with Ayn
Rand as philosophic consultant. It discussed modern culture from an Objectivist
standpoint and ran many philosophical articles and essays, such as excerpts from
Leonard Peikoff's then-unreleased _Ominous_ _Parallels_. It contains articles by
and interviews with Rand and Peikoff that are unavailable elsewhere.

The magazine ceased publication in 1987, but is now available in a bound volume
for $48 (American rate) from: 

TOF Publications 
PO Box 1895, Murray Hill Station 
New York NY 10156

(4.7) The Objectivist Newsletter; The Objectivist; The Ayn Rand Letter 

These were the magazines owned and edited by Ayn Rand. They are all available in
bound format from Second Renaissance Books (see below, section 5.4)

-- THE OBJECTIVIST NEWSLETTER (1962-1965): Many of the articles have been
reprinted in Ayn Rand's books, particularly in _Capitalism:_The_Unknown_Ideal_
and _The_Virtue_Of_Selfishness_. It does contain, however, many book reviews and
interesting answers to reader's questions that have never been published

-- THE OBJECTIVIST (1966-1971): This 1,120-page book is perhaps the richest of
the three in content. Included: Ayn Rand's essays on epistemology, reprinted as
_Introduction_To_Objectivist_Epistemology_; "Metaphysics in Marble" by Mary Ann
Sures, an essay applying Objectivist esthetics to the art of sculpture; "To Whom
It May Concern," Ayn Rand's explanation of why she broke all intellectual ties
with Nathaniel Branden. The bound volume comes with a six page essay, "The
Rational Faculty," which is Ayn Rand's thinking out loud" about the
philosophical link between individualism and reason.

--THE AYN RAND LETTER (1971-76): This volume is best known for applying
philosophical principles to international issues of the day.


(5.1) Capitalism, Inc.

Capitalism Inc. sells many unique products advertising Objectivist positions on
various issues. From a Christmas card entitled "Ebeneezer Scrooge Was A Virtuous
Man" to bumper stickers with such daring slogans as "The Socialist Redistributes
What The Capitalist Creates", Capitalism Inc.'s products offer convincing
affirmations of Objectivist values.

Capitalism Inc. 
4231 Legend Lane 
Golden Valley, MN 55422 
Phone: (612) 529-7046

(5.2) Peikoff Lectures (Out of Business)

Peikoff Lectures rented Dr. Peikoff's taped lecture courses. Lectures included
"Introduction To Logic," "Ancient Philosophy: Thales To Hume," "Modern
Philosophy: Kant to the Present," and the perennial "Understanding Objectivism,"
a great course for those trying to overcome bad methods of thinking that stand
in the way of understanding Objectivist ideas. It also rented Ayn Rand's
Lectures on Fiction Writing, given by her in her apartment in the early 60's.

Though Peikoff Lectures no longer sells these tapes, they are steadily 
being made available for sale through Second Renaissance Books (see below);
contact them for more information.

(5.3) RIC Trading Company

"RIC Trading Company offers products that support and encourage rational
conversation about the principles of Objectivism.  The RIC Symbol (the company's
trademarked logo) is a unique, visual reminder of an objective view of mankind
and his relationship to the universe, including his relationship to himself and

(Written by Kevin Watson, President, and Mark A. Hurt, CEO, RIC Trading Co.)

RIC (which stands for: Reason, Individual Rights, Capitalism) sells shirts,
pins, and other products bearing a unique logo: two human figures, side by side,
holding a dollar sign in mutual comradery.

Recently, RIC has initiated a new line of t-shirts. These new tees sport
stylistic designs which powerfully complement the messages they seek to
communicate. Especially noteworthy are the "Lasseiz-Faire" shirts, which depict
a link of chains breaking from the force of the "Lasseiz-Faire" logo.

For information on these and other available products, contact:

RIC Trading Company 
P.O. Box 270743 
Nashville, TN  37227-0743 
Phone: 615-781-0080 
Fax:   615-781-0083 

(NOTE from Kevin Watson and Mark Hurt: The RIC logo is not the official logo of
the philosophy of Objectivism.)

(5.4) Second Renaissance Books -- Ideas For the Rational Mind

Second Renaissance, an Objectivist book service, sports the largest selection of
Ayn Rand's writings and taped lectures available anywhere, and carries an
extensive selection of books which, in the words of editor- publisher Peter
Schwartz, "present...the efficacy and value of reason -- the benefits of free
scientific inquiry and technological progress -- the virtues of individual
achievement and its guarantor: individual rights -- the practicality of freedom
and capitalism."**

For the latest copy of their quarterly catalog, contact SRB at their NEW

Second Renaissance Books 
143 West Street P.O. Box 1988 
New Milford, CT 06776
Customer information and ordering phone: (800) 729-6149 
Outside the Continental US: (203) 355-7164
Ordering by fax: (203) 355-7160

(*Taken from "Our Editorial Standards," printed in every edition of the SRB

(5.5) Values Mind Products

Founded in Israel by Ohad Kamin, Values is "an international organization
dedicated to the spreading of esthetic values and applications of Objectivism to
various fields." **

In addition to proselytizing activities, Values sells prints of works of
Romantic art. For a catalog and more information on Values, contact:

Yaron Brook 
Values U.S. Representative 
5829 Recife Way 
San Jose, CA 95120 
Phone: (408) 268-6854

(**From a description in *Atlantean Press Review 1992*)


(6.1) Americans for Free Choice in Medicine FTP Site

Douglas Meier maintains an FTP site for the ad hoc group Americans for Free
Choice in Medicine (AFCM; see (3.9)A below). The site includes several documents
dealing AFCM's position on the health care issue, written by physicians who are
leading the fight against socialized medicine in the United States.

The URL is:

(6.2) IRC Channel #Aynrand

For over a year now, channel #AynRand on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) has
offered a rational forum for the real-time discussion of Objectivism.
Objectivists and students of Rand's philosophy meet from around the world on a
nightly basis to discuss crucial Objectivist ideas. Every Friday night, at 11PM
ET, there is a scheduled discussion around a specific topic; past topics include
the nature of sex, the importance of hierarchy, and the so-called " Republican
Revolution," among any others. Occasionally, the channel hosts fee-based events
as well, such as Robert Garmong's January 21st lecture on "Capitalism as the
System of Justice."

Currently, #AynRand is stationed on the Undernet, a network of IRC servers
distinct from the main body of servers known as the EFNet. To reach #AynRand
from a Unix machine, type "irc" at the prompt, and then type the following from
within IRC:

/JOIN #AynRand

For information on how to reach IRC from a non-Unix (e.g., VAX) machine, ask
your system administrator for details. For some background on the channel,
including the principles by which it operates, check out the #AynRand channel
FAQ at:

For general information on IRC, read the IRC Primer at:

(6.3) Objectivism FTP Directory

The administrators of IRC channel #AynRand run an FTP directory for documents
and essays relating to Ayn Rand's philosophy. Currently, it houses my ORG, Chris
Walker's Objectivism FAQ, and transcripts from the Friday night discussion on
the IRC channel #AynRand.

The URL for the site is:

If you have a document relating to Objectivism that you would like to place at
the site, send e-mail to <> containing a short summary of the
document. Everything from informational files to original essays will be

(6.4)  Objectivism Study Group

The purpose of this e-mail discussion group is to provide a forum for
individuals to discuss Objectivism with others who are also seriously interested
in ideas. The owner of this service, Bob Stubblefield, expects list members to
adhere strictly to its charter. Although members need not be Objectivists,
pseudo-Objectivists are excluded.  The charter should be read, accepted, and
*understood* before subscribing.

To get a copy of the charter, send a message to You will also
receive a membership form; if you qualify and want to join, fill out the form
and e-mail it back to the appropriate address. Membership will begin soon
afterwards. The first month is free; afterwards, the cost is $48 for one year
($24 for full-time students).

(Write-up by Jay Allen, with editing by Bob Stubblefield)

(6.5) Objectivist Web Sites

1) Jay Allen's Objectivism Resource Guide
   This is the Web version of this guide. It contains an expanded introduction to the
   philosophy of Objectivism, a biography of Ayn Rand, and assorted multimedia.
2) University of Minnesota Objectivist Club (UMOC)
   Resources at this site include past issues of the club's newsletter, upcoming
   club events, and articles written by Dr. Michael Berliner (executive director of
   the Ayn Rand Institute) and Dr. Leonard Peikoff. A good site with lots of

(7.1) The Jefferson School

1995's Jefferson School has been cancelled due to a personal rift between the 
conference co-ordinators, George Reisman and Edith Packer, and most major living
Objectivist philosophers. Currently, it seems that the TJS conferences are
no more.

Drs. Reisman and Packer have announced the beginning of a new book-selling
business, The Rational Alternative, for which I have no further information at
this point. I will include this information in the ORG as it becomes available.

(7.2) Second Renaissance Conferences

A corporate entity distinct from Second Renaissance Books, SRC was created as a
substitute for the now-defunct Conceptual Conferences. 1994's lecturers included
Leonard Peikoff on Reading and Writing, Harry Binswanger on understanding Ayn
Rand's ideas, and an introductory course in Objectivism for new students, given
by Bob Stubblefield.

For information on future events, write:

SR Conferences 
130 Federal Rd., Suite 56 
Danbury, CT 06811

(7.3) Texas Objectivist Conference (formerly Texas Objectivist Societies

The Hill Country Objectivist Association has just issued a call for papers,
workshops, and entertainment for the October 1994 Texas Objectivist Conference.

The Texas Objectivist Conference has a reputation for providing an inexpensive,
high-quality alternative to the larger national conferences. Its speakers
consist of students of Objectivism who seek to apply the philosophy to a wide
variety of fields, and who can present their material at a level of interest to
all Objectivists.

For more information, write:

Hill County Objectivist Association 
4815 West Braker Ln., Suite 502-112 
Austin, Texas 78759
E-mail: <>

(7.4) Ford Hall Forum

Every year, Ayn Rand would give a speech at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston. Since
her death, Dr. Leonard Peikoff has carried on the tradition. (All of his
speeches up until 1991 are reprinted in _The_Voice_of_ _Reason_:
Essays_In_Objectivist_Thought_, which also contains many of Ayn Rand's old Ford
Hall speeches.) Dr. Peikoff's latest speech,  held on November 7 1993, was
"Modernism and Madness," which discussed the close link between modern art and

For more information, call the Ford Hall Forum at (617)-437-5800.

NOTE: Ford Hall is not an "Objectivist organization," but an independent
organization dedicated to protecting free speech.

(7.5) 21st Century Conferences/Lyceum International 

21st Century Conferences is a new organization sponsoring low-priced Objectivist
conferences throughout the world. Whereas other Objectivist conferences 
occur only once a year in fixed locations, 21-C conferences occur every other
month in locations as varied as Austin, Baltimore, and London. The actual cost
of attending the conference hovers around $170 for three days of lectures by
top Objectivist philosophers.

Lyceum Conferences, the parent company of 21-C, has recently announced that it
will host a 1995 summer conference in San Francisco from August 12-19 to
substitute for the cancelled TJS conference. Speakers will include Drs. Leonard
Peikoff, Harry Binswanger, Andrew Bernstein, John Ridpath, Gary Hull, Mr.
Richard Salsman, and Mr. Peter Schwartz.

For more information, contact:

Lyceum International 
Post Office Box 4315
South Colby, WA 98384-031
Phone: (206) 876-5868
Fax: (206) 876-2902


(8.1) American Renaissance for the Twenty-First Century (ART)

ART, founded by art critic and exhibit curator Alexandra York, describes its
purpose as follows: "To promote and _advance_ established western art forms;
realism in painting and sculpture; melody and harmony in music; grace in dance;
structure, coherence, and meaning in theatre, poetry, and literature -- and the
expression of Beauty in all." It is a staunch advocate of Romantic Realism in
the arts.

One of its best products to date is a catalog highlighting pieces from an
exhibition called "ROMANTIC REALISM: Visions of Values," given to anyone who
makes a $10 contribution to ART. In addition, ART recently began publishing a 
newsletter, "ART Ideas", available to regular contributors.

To find out more about ART, contact:

F.D.R. Station 
P.O. Box 8379 
New York, NY 10150-1919

(8.2) Americans for Free Choice in Medicine

(NOTE: This is not an Objectivist organization; however, its goals and methods
are so much in tune with the Objectivist ethics and politics that I thought it
more than fitting to place here. Hopefully, in the near future, more such groups
will spring up, meriting a section of their own in the ORG.)

"Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (AFCM) is an organization dedicated to
the defense of individual rights in the realm of medical care. We uphold the
values of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and non-coercive free
markets. AFCM is a vehicle through which any individual can help introduce
free-market principles into the medical market place. AFCM's main mission is to
educate the public about free-market solutions to the problems in our health
care system and about the dangers of socialized medicine."

(Taken from the AFCM Mission Statement, available at

AFCM can be reached by writing or calling:

Americans for Free Choice in Medicine 
1525 Superior Ave., Suite 100 
Newport Beach, CA 92663 
Phone: (714) 645-2622

(8.3) The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism

A non-profit organization, ARI is the premier organization devoted to spreading
Ayn Rand's ideas throughout the culture. Its many activities include:

--The operation of a Campus Club Bureau, which keeps all Objectivist college
clubs stocked with Objectivist literature and lends taped lectures for public

--The operation of a Campus Speakers Bureau: past speakers have included Harry
Binswanger on "Why 'Buy American' is _Un_-American," George Reisman on
"Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism," and Peter Schwartz, Richard
Salsman, and Richard Sanford on "The Case Against Environmentalism: Moral,
Economic, and Scientific."

--The sponsoring of auctions and banquets, such as The Fountainhead 50th
Anniversary Banquet being held in Boston this November;

--Two contests: A _Fountainhead_ Essay contest open to 11th and 12th graders,
and an _Anthem_ essay contest for 9th and 10th graders.

ARI's financial support comes solely from private donations. Donors receive
ARI's quarterly newsletter, containing updates on events in the Objectivist
community. For more information, contact:

The Ayn Rand Institute 
4640 Admiralty Way Suite 715 
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Phone: (310) 306-9232

(8.4) The Association For Objective Law (TAFOL)

An organization of Objectivist lawyers. Past events and projects include a class
on the link between press freedom and defamation law, and donation of services
to help fight mandatory _pro_bono_ in Texas and mandatory "community service" in

For more information, write:

P.O. Box 1225 
Purcellville, VA 22132-1225

(8.5) The Association of Objectivist Businessmen (AOB)

AOB was founded in 1988 by businessman and lecturer Richard M. Salsman to 
support Objectivism in the business community. It has defended Wall Street, real 
estate development, and other legitimate forms of business on the basis of Ayn 
Rand's morality of selfishness.

For more information on AOB and their newsletter, contact:

Association of Objectivist Businessmen 
P.O. Box 579 
Morreston, NJ 08057-0579
Phone: (609) 234-0330
Fax: (609) 727-9504

(8.6) Objectivist Health Care Professionals Network (OHCPN)

OHCPN seeks to inform health-care professionals about the dangers of government
force in the medical industry, and give them the philosophical weapons needed to
fight it.  It distributes pamphlets, fliers, and essays, including a "Health
Care Professional's Self-Defense Kit," and has an email mailing list open to
professionals and anyone else interested in fighting the growth of
government-controlled medicine.

For more information on OHCPN, contact:

OHCPN Newsletter 
P.O. Box 4315 
South Colby, WA 98384-0315 
Phone: (206) 876-5868

To get the Health care Professional Survival kit, send $7 to:

500 Metropolitan Avenue, Suite 453 
Brooklyn, NY 11211 
(make checks payable to Salvatore J. Durante)

(8.6) The Society for Objective Science (SOS)

President: Rick Sanford Newsletter: SOS Alert Membership dues: $35/yr. For
information, contact:

Society for Objective Science 
P.O. Box 579 
Morreston, NJ  08057-0579 
(609) 234-0330


This is a list of private clubs that discuss and/or promote Objectivism in their

DISCLAIMER: While I try my best to verify the authenticity of each entry in this
section, I cannot make any guarantees. If I do discover after the fact that a
club I have included is of dubious nature (i.e., is sponsoring some sort of
Kelleyite or "alternative Objectivism" activities), their listing WILL be

If you have further information on any of the clubs listed here, please send it
to me so I can include it in the next update.  Also, if any of these clubs have
gone belly-up, drop me a line so that they can be removed.


(9.1) Alabama Objectivists

Meets biweekly. Newsletter: Alabama Objectivist 
No contact information currently available.

(9.2) Austin Objectivist Society (TAOS)

"The Austin Objectivist Society (TAOS) holds monthly meetings on the third
Sunday night of each month.  'The purpose of The Austin Objectivist Society is
to promote the understanding and increased awareness of the Objectivist
philosophy through educational activities in the Austin metropolitan area.'

"It publishes the 'GoodPremises' newsletter, not to be confused with a
newsletter of a similar name out of Chicago, on a monthly basis.

"For membership information, please write to:

"The Austin Objectivist Society 
12300 Painted Bunting 
Austin, TX 78726" 

(Taken from Chris Walker's Objectivism FAQ)

(9.3) Ayn Rand Admirers of Rhode Island

Meets monthly. 
Call Harris Kenner at (401) 647-5387

(9.4) Carolina Objectivist Group

Meets monthly. 
Call David Baucom at (704) 365-9884

(9.5) Chicago Objectivist Society

"COS was organized in September, 1992, for the purpose of bringing Objectivists
together for study, friendship, and promotion of the philosophy of Ayn Rand.

"We hold monthly meetings (usually on Saturday evenings), featuring live
presentations by members of the group with discussion following, or discussion
of essays or lectures by Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, or other Objectivists.

"Membership is open to anyone who desires to understand and apply the ideas of
Ayn Rand. Prospective members are given a full statement of purpose and
principles, and are asked to complete a membership form, which gives us
information about the backgrounds of the members. (We use the information to
plan programs that will interest people, not as a membership "test.") Annual
dues of $10 are required to remain on our mailing list after a three-month
(free) trial period....

"Our newsletter, _Good_Premises_, is mailed monthly to all members. It features
news of COS activities, appearances by Objectivist speakers at area colleges,
and original articles by our members."

Contact  Thomas Shoebotham or Cathy Cretsinger 708-665-6073. (leave message), or
send e-mail to: <>

(Write-up by Cathy Cretsinger, with minor deletions by Jay Allen)

(9.6) Chicago Students of Objectivism

Began as an organization devoted to listening to lecture courses from Peikoff
Lectures, until the latter went out of business. According to Director William
Breihan, "We are currently having classes, with Dr. Peikoff's permission, on
UNDERSTANDING OBJECTIVISM [Peikoff's course on how to properly and fully
understand Objectivist ideas].  We are dedicated to learning Objectivism as a
non-contradictory, integrated system.  We welcome participation from anyone
interested in Miss Rand's ideas, but will not permit any any activities that
compromise the integrity of Objectivism."

William R. Breihan, Director 
1550 Northwest Highway, Suite 108G 
Park Ridge, IL 60068 
Phone: (708) 297-1616

(9.7) Detroit Area Objectivist Group

Meets every 3rd Wednesday. 
Call Paul Gruchala at (313) 563-9104

(9.8) Foreningen For Objektivismen (FFO)

FFO arranges seminars on Objectivism, participate in a big international
Book Fair each year in Gothenburg, shows videos, and publishes a
newsletter/magazine called 'Lyceum', among other activies. For more information,

Jerry Nilson
Pl. 987
438 35 Landvetter, Sweden
Fax: +46-31-265682
E-mail: <>

(Write-up by Jerry Nilson, with editing by Jay Allen)

(9.9) Foreningen For Studium av Objektivismen (FSO)

Foreningen for Studium av Objektivismen (FSO), is a Norwegian association for
the study of Objectivism. Newsletter "A er A" edited by Vegard Martinsen. 

PO Box 26 
Blindern, N-0313 Oslo, Norway 
Tel: (47) 2244 3683 

(9.10) Gotham Objectivist Club.

A biweekly club in New York City. GOC hosts several lecturers throughout the
year. Recent speakers include Andrew Bernstein on abortion and Richard Salsman
on the Austrian school of economics. Call Al Jakira at (718) 624-3388 for
more information.

(9.11) Houston Objectivist Society

Meets bimonthly. 
Newsletter: HOS Newsletter 
Contact: Warren Ross  
Phone: (713) 879-0444

(9.12) Individualistisk Forum

INDFO - Individualistisk Forum, is an objectivist organisation arranging, among
other things, essay competitions. 

Klaus Nordby
Trondhjemsv 137 
N-0570 Oslo, Norway

(9.13) Marblehead Objectivist Bunch (MOB)

"Purposes: 1. better understanding of Objectivism 2. Support of Boston area
student groups 3. Social interaction with Objectivists.

"Hosts:  Marilyn George and Ted Gray 
Meeting dates: every 3rd Sunday.  (Changes due to holidays are announced in 
advance but usually occur in Nov and Dec.)
Time: 1-5pm.  (Meetings usually are split between 2hrs social and 2hrs of some
Objectivist activity.  Occasionally we vary this routine with a party or
Location:  34 Chestnut St., Marblehead, Mass. (our home) 
Refreshments: pot luck (students excepted). 
Transportation: Pick available at 12:40pm at the Swampscott train station but 
call first.  (There is a return train at 6pm.) 
More info call: 617-631-0692 or 617-594-2038."

(Write-up by Ted Gray)

(9.14) Metroplex Objectivist Association

"MOS, the Metroplex Objectivist Society, is a privately run organization for the
purpose of supporting and promoting the ideas found in Ayn Rand's philosophy,
Objectivism. Dues are $15/year. Though we endorse the Ayn Rand Institute, we are
not affiliated with ARI.

"This organization is based in the Dallas/Forth Worth metropolitan area and
encourages participation with anyone willing to arrive from further distances as

"We do not currently have a regular news letter, but we do have a voice mail
center with information of MOS events and general news. Contact MOS VoiceUpdate
at (214) 949-0036. Our president is Michael Duus who runs VoiceUpdate and
listens to messages left there on a regular basis. If you would like to send
e-mail to MOS, contact Thomas M. Miovas, Jr. at: <>."

(From an OSG post by Thomas Miovas)

(9.15) Mid Valley Objectivists

Meets bimonthly. 
Call Rinda Montgomery at (503) 623-4000

(9.16) New Mexico Objectivist Club

Meets monthly.

(9.17) Objectivist Students by the Bay (OSB)

Meets monthly in the San Francisco Bay area. Contact:

Objectivist Students by the Bay (OSB)
Patrice Larson
2120 Southwest Expwy #15
San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 294-6422

(9.18) Pacific Northwest Objectivists

A blanket name for the following groups:

OPAR STUDY GROUP Meets every 4th Sunday. Call Pamela Benson at (206) 876-6012

Meets every 2nd Saturday 
Call Shrikant Ragnikar at (206) 649-9101

Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday. 
Call Arrow Pride at (206) 742-5023

Meets monthly. 
Call Amy Skaar at (206) 842-7806

All four groups are covered by the newsletter Passion for Reason.

(9.19) Sacramento Objectivist Society

Meets Monthly 
Newsletter: The Egoist 

Sacramento Objectivist Society 
949 University Avenue, #210 
Sacramento, California  95825

(9.20) SARPO

Swiss Society for the Study of Ayn Rand's Philosophy: Objectivism (French,
German and Italian translation available upon request :-)

"We meet fortnightly, on Saturday, rotating among various cities: Basel, Biel,
Neuchatel.  Current activities: studying OPAR, individual presentations,
listening to taped lectures, watching good movies, eating good food.


"Magnus Kempe CH--1416 Pailly Switzerland phone: +41 21 887 8442"

(Write-up by Magnus Kempe)

(9.21) Southern California Objectivist Association (SCOA)

"SCOA has a quarterly newsletter, a PhoneNet which announces fast- breaking
(usually local) news, many ongoing activist projects, activities at The
Jefferson School, annual Picnics, Christmas Parties, and Beach Parties, and
chances to meet Objectivist intellectuals and discuss important ideas at our

"We are beginning our seventh year and we have almost 300 members and a mailing
list of over 600.

"To get a copy of our newsletter and membership information, write:

P.O. Box 9941 
Canoga Park, CA  91309"

(Write-up by SCOA President Betsy Speicher)

(9.22) South Florida Objectivists

Meets bimonthly. 
Call Howard Jeck at (407) 482-6912

(9.23) Students of Objectivist In Georgia

Meets every 3rd Sunday. 
Call Karyn Voss at (404) 432-9468

(9.24) Tampa Bay Objectivists

Meets monthly. 
Newsletter: Tampa Bay Objectivists 
Call Stuart Daw at (813)

(9.25) Toronto Objectivist Association

"The Toronto Objectivist Association (TOA) is dedicated to the study and
promotion of Objectivism - the Philosophy of Ayn Rand - whose essential tenets
are objective reality, reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire

"TOA was organized to function as a permanent resource for Objectivists in the
Toronto area. TOA will provide information about events and organizations of
interest to Objectivists and, more importantly, will arrange educational
activities and social events where Objectivists can meet in a rational
environment. It is also TOA's aim to promote Objectivism more widely in the hope
of bringing about genuine social change in our own time.

"Currently scheduled activities include a quarterly newsletter, a monthly
educational event and a monthly social event.

"For more information please write to:

Toronto Objectivist Association 
Suite 0116-195 65 Front Street West 
Toronto, Ontario M5J 1E6

"Or contact:

Victor Greenberg          <> 
Steve Gedeon              <>"

(Taken from a general announcement received privately from Hugh Brown and posted
publicly to OSG.)

(9.26) Washington (D.C.) Objectivist Club

Newsletter: WAOC Newsletter 
Call Jack Crawford at (301) 946-3984

(9.27) United Kingdom Objectivist Association

Holds a weekly study group. Contact:

Dwyane Hicks
Phone: 011 44171 232 2565

(9.28) Winnipeg Objectivist Group

Meets every second Wednesday at 7pm, with an annual meeting at Ellen Moore's
ranch. Contact:

Ellen Moore
464 Hargrave St.
Phone: (204) 943-5449
       (204) 947-0313

-10- Campus Clubs

[Updated 2/23/94 -- I'm working on getting a more recent list]

Below is the latest list of campus clubs acknowledged by the Ayn Rand Institute.
Each entry is taken verbatim from a list supplied to me by former ARI campus
club coordinator Ginger Clark.

If you need information on how to contact a specific club, call ARI at (310)
306-9232 and ask for David Bombardier.


Amsterdam Business School Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Atlantic Community College Mays Kanding, NJ
University of Western Australia Perth, AUSTRALIA
Boston University Boston, MA
University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC
California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA
California State University  Fullerton Fullerton, CA
University of California-Berkeley Berkeley, CA
University of California-Davis Davis, CA
University of California-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
University of California-San Diego San Diego, CA
University of California- San Francisco San Francisco, CA
University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA
Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
University of Chicago Chicago, IL
University of Chicago Law School Chicago, IL
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO
University of Connecticut Storrs, CT
Copenhagen University Copenhagen, DENMARK
Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Delft University of Technology Delft, THE NETHERLANDS
Deuel Vocational Institution Tracy, CA
Drake University Des Moines, IA
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Emerson College Boston, MA
Florida State University Tallahassee, FL
University of Florida Gainesville, FL
University of South Florida, New College Sarasota, FL
George Mason University Springfield, VA
George Washington University Washington, DC
University of Gothenburg Gothenburg, SWEDEN
University of Illinois Champaign, IL
Indiana University Bloomington, IN
Jimma Institute of Health Sciences Jimma, ETHIOPIA
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA
University of Louisville Louisville, KY
University of Melbourne M elbourne, AUSTRALIA
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
University of New Hampshire Fremont, NH
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
Northwestern University Evanston, IL
University of Western Ontario London, ON
Oregon State University Corvallis, OR
University of Oregon Eugene, OR
Osgoode Hall Law School Downsview, ON
University of Oslo Oslo, NORWAY
Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY
University of Richmond Richmond, VA
Santa Clara University
Siena College Loudonville, NY
Stanford University Stanford, CA
University of Stockholm Stockholm, SWEDEN
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Ecublens, SWITZERLAND
Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX
University of Texas-Austin Austin, TX
University of Toronto, New College Toronto, ON
University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT
University of Washington    Seattle, WA
University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON
Wells College Aurora, NY
Wayne State University Farmington Hills, MI
Williams College Williamstown, MA
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
York University Downsview, ON

--- END OF ORG ---

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