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[rec.nude] REC.NUDE FAQS Part 1 of 5

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Archive-name: nude-faq/part1
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: 1-Jan-08
Copyright: (c) 1998-2008 Dennis Kirkpatrick
Maintainer: D. Kirkpatrick <>

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  REC.NUDE FAQ Part 1 of 5: The Newsgroup Itself - REV:  1-Jan-08
  Maintainer - Dennis Kirkpatrick - 

  ** Rec.Nude is NOT Google Groups.  Google Groups is an interface
  that can access Usenet Newsgroups (of which rec.nude is a part)
  as well as Google's own private groups.  If you are reading this
  file from Google Groups, please take a moment to educate yourself.
  See this FAQ Part 1, Section 1.

  This part of the rec.nude FAQ talks about the newsgroup itself and how
  it works.

  Table of Contents:

  1.      What is rec.nude?

  1.1.    Rec.Nude is a Usenet Newsgroup

  1.2.    Rec.Nude is not Google Groups

  2.      rec.nude rules and etiquette

  2.1.    Cross-posting

  2.2.    Binary posts

  2.3.    Posting format

  2.4.    Replying to messages

  2.5.    Harassment, threats, etc.

  2.6.    Stay on topic

  2.7.    This is not a pick-up joint

  3.      What is RNEO?  (Section Deleted 1-Jul-02)

  4.      What to do about spam?

  5.      Is it possible to participate anonymously in rec.nude?

  5.1.    Use alternate Internet access

  5.2.    Use a rec.nude "courier"  (Section Deleted 1-Jul-02)

  5.3.    Abuse of Anonymous Services

  6.      Endmatter

  6.1     Revision History

  1.  What is rec.nude?

  rec.nude is the Usenet newsgroup dealing with naturism. From the
  rec.nude charter: "rec.nude serves as a medium for exchange of views,
  news, philosophies, and ideologies relating to the nudist and naturist
  lifestyles. Here you will find discussions of locations to enjoy
  nature naturally, notifications of legal proceedings affecting
  nudists/naturists, notices of gatherings and trips, and spirited
  discourse on issues relating (most times) to nudism."

  1.1.    Rec.Nude is a Usenet Newsgroup

  Usenet is one of the oldest segments of the Internet, having been 
  developed as a way to offer mass communications via text through 
  interconnected computer systems throughout the world.  It first served 
  to share technical information between commercial entities and 
  educational institutions.  Its redundancy was developed with the idea 
  in mind that if one computer or a region's computers were disabled or 
  disconnected, the respository of information would be available and 
  propagate from elsewhere.  Over time Usenet expanded to include various 
  topics of interest to anyone and the number of topics now extends to 
  well over 150 thousand.  Usenet has been superceded in most cases by 
  the world wide web, commercial and private e-mail list servers, and 
  private message boards.  By design it is redundant and anarchistic with 
  few of its topical posting areas being moderated, thus assuring freedom 
  of speech.  However, as with any such system, freedom comes at a price 
  and Usenet can and is populated with everything from truth-sayers to 
  irresponsible fruitcakes.  The discerning reader will quickly determine 
  the reasonable from the crank (or kook).  As with any non-moderated 
  system, there will always be those with an agenda that is contrary to 
  the topic, as Usenet's topics are greatly a gentlemen's agreement.

  1.2.    Rec.Nude is not Google Groups

  Google (tm) is a commercial internet service that provides a number 
  of free and paid services with respect to on-line content.  After 
  purchase of a long-term database of historical Usenet posts from the 
  DejaNews service, Google created a web browser interface for purposes 
  of searching through, and reading these postings.  Soon after, Google 
  expanded that interface to allow posting to Usenet for those not 
  equipped with access to an NNTP (news) server system.  Further 
  expansion by Google saw the creation of "Google Groups" as a 
  competition to Yahoo Groups (tm) which used the same web browser 
  interface used to access Usenet groups.  Individuals may create private 
  moderated discussion groups using this interface.  While the Google 
  Groups never propagate outside of the Google systems (except by design 
  by e-mail using its mail list feature), posting via this interface to 
  Usenet groups is propagated around the world through the Usenet system.  
  Sadly, Google makes only passing mention within its interface to explain 
  when a person is accessing a Usenet group thus perpetuating confusion on 
  the part of its customer base, and outright annoyance to the Usenet 
  community.  If you access rec.nude through Google, you are NOT accessing 
  a Google Group.  You are accessing Usenet via their web browser interface. 
  2.  rec.nude rules and etiquette

  Observing the following guidelines will make rec.nude a worthwhile
  pursuit for all involved.

  2.1.  Cross-posting

  Cross-posting of messages between rec.nude and non-naturist newsgroups
  is almost always a bad idea. (See Part 5 for a list of other naturist
  newsgroups.)  Cross-posting between rec.nude and the various*
  newsgroups is unacceptable. Threads get confused and the discussion 
  quickly gets "off track" as well as draing in posts and posters that 
  are far off topic. You should only cross-post between
  rec.nude and another newsgroup if the discussion at hand is really,
  truly relevant to both groups. This is rarely the case!

  Note:  Cross-posting to a moderated newsgroup will place the post 
  under the control of the moderated group's moderation team.  If the 
  post is rejected by the moderated group, it will not display to 
  rec.nude.  As such, when posting, create separate messages for 
  moderated groups.

  2.2.  Binary posts

  Posting of binary files ("binary" = not text, e.g. pictures) is not
  allowed. This is more of a general Usenet rule, rather than a rec.nude
  rule; binary posts are only allowed on Usenet in groups specifically
  intended for that purpose (which have the word "binaries" in their
  names.) Binary posts made to non-binary groups (such as rec.nude) are
  often canceled by spam cancelers without notice.

  2.3.  Posting format

  Some recently-released news programs allow you to post messages in
  formats other than plain text, such as HTML. Don't do this - not
  everyone is "blessed" (some would say "cursed") with these programs,
  and your messages will appear unintelligible or worse to these people.
  rec.nude posts should be made in plain text to be of benefit to the
  most readers. (Some programs allow you to post in both plain text and
  HTML in the same message - this is a waste of bandwidth and should be
  avoided as well.)

  2.4.  Replying to messages

  When following up or replying to posts on rec.nude, it is usually a
  good idea to quote a few lines from the original message, in order to
  establish the context. For example, when asking a rec.nude poster for
  directions to some place the poster has mentioned, you should quote a
  few lines from the post so that the original poster knows which place
  you're talking about. But - do not quote the entire original message!
  Only quote as much as is necessary to let everyone involved know
  what's being discussed. And don't quote things like signatures,
  headers etc.

  2.5.  Harassment, threats, etc.

  Do not make harassing, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate posts
  to rec.nude, or follow-up/reply in that manner. Don't say anything in a
  news post or a mail message that you wouldn't say to that person's
  face. Let's try to keep a civil and friendly atmosphere on rec.nude.
  Many people who are completely new to naturism read rec.nude, and we'd
  hate for them to get the impression that naturists just bicker and
  fight and call each other names. (Many would-be naturists have already
  left rec.nude in disgust over this very problem, most of them never to
  consider naturism again - and that's really too bad.)

  Note:  Some states now carry laws against threats against bodily harm
  via the on-line medium.  As such posters should moderate themselves in
  this area or you may be subject to due process by the authorities.

  2.6.  Stay on topic

  Discussion which is not germane to the topic of naturism should be
  avoided. It is not my duty as FAQ author to dictate which topics are
  acceptable and which are not. I suggest that you read rec.nude
  carefully for several days before posting, to get a feel for what the
  group considers to be proper discussion.  Posting off topic materials 
  or engaging in off topic discussions detracts from the topic of the 
  group and is simply both ignorant and rude.

  2.7.  This is not a pick-up joint

  rec.nude is not a place to pick up someone. Personal ads and the like
  are not appropriate for this group; please investigate the
  alt.personals.* groups if such is your desire.

  3.  What is RNEO?  (Section deleted 1-Jul-02)

  (Adding the tag "RNEO" (rec.nude eyes only) within the subject line was
  an attempt to offer readers a method of identifying postings that were
  on topic as well as non-spam.  However after an initial period of usage
  it was found this did not work in this newsgroup for many reasons.  
  Among these were varied types of news programs that did not sort such
  messages into one location or the lack of news reader filters to locate
  these messages or ignore others.  Since this has not been used to any
  extent in over a year this section has been deleted by the FAQ author.)

  4.  What to do about spam?

  First, never respond to spam by posting hate mail to rec.nude. Ever.
  In 99.9999% of cases, the spammer will never see your post, and you
  will only serve to increase the amount of off-topic posts. (Especially
  if you respond to a spam with more spam.)  Invariably, people
  responding to spam by posting to newsgroups waste more time, money
  and/or resources than the original spam did. If you feel the need to
  respond to spam, do it in private e-mail. And don't waste your time
  responding ineffectively; before you respond to spam, please consult
  The Spam Boycott Page <> for good, useful advice
  on how to do so. A rational, well-directed e-mail response to spam
  (e.g. by mailing abuse contacts at the offending ISP) has been shown
  to be much more effective than ranting and raving on rec.nude about
  it. It is my opinion that nothing will stop spam completely, so if you
  are going to respond to it, you might as well do it in a way that
  maximizes the positive results.

  A moderated newsgroup (alt.nudism.moderated) exists where messages are
  reviewed by a team of moderators before they are posted to the newsgroup.
  Readers may want to check into that newsgroup for messages as well.  

  5.  Is it possible to participate anonymously in rec.nude?

  There is nothing wrong with nude recreation, and one should not be
  afraid to post to rec.nude. That said, there is the fact that some
  people are closed-minded and some people may be hassled for posting
  here; some may lose jobs. These people have some options for posting
  to rec.nude without revealing their identity:

  5.1.  Use alternate Internet access

  For instance, open an account with an Internet service provider (ISP)
  that will allow you to use a pseudonym as your account name. This will
  allow you to post not as "" but as, for
  instance, "". A few ISPs exist that will even allow
  you to be completely anonymous, even to the ISP, if you so desire.

  5.2.  Use a rec.nude "courier"  (Section deleted 1-Jul-02)

  (The concept of using a volunteer poster to carry anonymous postings to
  rec.nude was a viable system in Usenet's early days, especially when
  newsgroups were not widely accessible.  Couriers volunteered to handle
  such postings to the net for said posters.  The availability of
  alternative methods for anonymous posting is now widespread and the
  volunteers have, for the most part, departed rec.nude.  As such this
  section was deleted.)

  5.3.  Abuse of Anonymous Remailers

  Anonymous remailers which allow one to post to newsgroups or send E-mail
  anonymously were created with the intention of protecting those who had 
  serious personal issues that required that they remained unknown.  The 
  corporate whistle-blower fearing for public safety, victims of abuse 
  seeking outreach and information, or those fearing serious retaliations
  for their outspoken manner are but a few examples.  Sadly, in some cases 
  individuals can and do abuse the anonymous remailer services by using 
  them to post slanderous, libelous and untrue information steeped in 
  personal agenda for profit, hate and prejudice, obsessive behaviors, or 
  even mental illness.  The discerning reader of any newsgroup should be 
  able to determine whether a person posting through such a service has a 
  genuine need and agenda or whether the poster is simply taking advantage
  of both the remailing service and the readership for selfish or illegal 

  6.  Endmatter

  Copyright 1998-2008 - Dennis Kirkpatrick
  All rights reserved.  <>
  Contributions to this FAQ have been added by numerous persons since the 
  rec.nude newsgroup was founded.  This includes the various FAQ maintainers 
  and newsgroups users as well.  This body stands as a compilation of these
  efforts over time and serves as both newsgroup charter and FAQ.

  While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
  document, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
  omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information
  contained herein.

  This document may be reproduced and distributed in any medium,
  physical or electronic, so long as the entire document, including this
  copyright notice and the modification date below, remains intact and
  unchanged on all copies. Commercial redistribution is permitted, but
  you may not redistribute it, in whole or in part, under terms more
  restrictive than those under which you received it. If you have
  questions regarding reproduction and/or distribution of this document,
  please contact Dennis Kirkpatrick at:

  The latest version of the FAQ is always available at the following

  rec.nude     - posted on or near the first of each month or
                 within the first 7 days (+/-) of the month.
  rec.answers  - same as above.
  news.answers - same as above.

  Your news reader program can be back-dated if you miss these postings.


  Using an FTP or "Anarchie" type program you can access the FAQ from
  this public archive.


  *( is no longer a reliable reporitory for Newsgroup
   FAQ files.  The site appears to be abandoned and has not updated
   in several years.)

  6.1.  Revision History

  This document will carry a revision history by date.  Any time a change is 
  made to any of the five sections of this FAQ the revision date will change 
  on each section to reflect the revision date of the FAQ as a whole.  The
  revision dates will be carried in last to first order with the most recent 
  change at the top of the document.  This will allow readers to know when
  the FAQ was last updated.

  Revision  1-Jan-08 -Updated various segments to current standards.
  Revision 31-Mar-07 -Updated various sections to current requirements.
                      Removed as safe repository for FAQ.
  Revision 10-Oct-05 -Updated various sections to current requirements.
  Revision 16-Aug-03 -Updated link to Prodigy Message Board & other updates
  Revision  1-Jul-02 -Issued various corrections & updates as noted within.
  Revision  1-Nov-01 -Various updates to links and addresses.
  Revision  5-Mar-00 -Updated various web links to current requirements.
  Revision  1-Sep-99 -Updated listings for AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, and
                      other reference material as necessary and submitted
                      by newsgroup users. Parts 1, 4 and 5 effected.
  Revision  1-Aug-98 -Updated Posting Locations of FAQ and various URL
  Revision  1-Jul-98 -Added FTP locations for FAQ.
  Revision 31-May 98 -Added HTML locations for FAQ and other link updates.
  Revision 15-May-98 -Changed information for the Nude Travel section on
                      the AOL system in Part 5 of the FAQ.
  Revision 21-Mar-98 -Corrected URL for Fed de Quebecoise de Naturisme
  Revision  1-Mar-98 -Adjusted 4 part FAQ into 5 to conform with limits of
                      web browser sizing.
  Revision 1-Feb-98 - Carried over from previous FAQ maintainer and updated
                      FAQ maintainer contact info and some access info
                      regarding the AOL Naturist/Nudist posting areas.

  Revisions Prior to January 1998 not documented.

  Please do not e-mail the FAQ maintainer with questions that may otherwise
  be answered in the newsgroup FAQ or the associated Beaches FAQ.

D. M. Kirkpatrick
FAQ & Charter Maintainer - Newsgroup: REC.NUDE

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM