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Re: FAQ: AMY GRANT V-6.81 X-tended [2/2]

( Part1 - Part2 )
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Archive-name: music/amy-grant-faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: quarterly
Last-modified: 1997-Aug-8
Version: 6.81 extended special

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
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                      Frequently Asked Questions [2/2]
                    for newsgroups:


 Part 2:
   * Discography
      * Amy's Top 20
      * Videography
   * Video Reviews
   * The Collection
      * CD's
      * Vinyls
      * 7" Stuff
      * 12" Stuff
      * Cassette Singles
      * Cassettes
      * Accompaniment Tracks
      * Videotapes
      * Posters
      * Photos
      * Articles
      * Songbooks
      * Songsheets
      * T-shirts
      * Miscellaneous
   * Achievements on Billboard's Charts
      * Top 200 Album Chart
      * Hot 100 Single Chart + Adult Contemporary
      * The Year of 1991
      * Amy Grant -- The Top CCM Artist in Billboard History


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This is a list of all known Amy Grant albums/CDs  [as of June 01/97]

Amy Grant (1977)
     Beautiful Music|3:09
     Mountain Top|3:37
     Psalm 104|3:27
     Old Man's Rubble|2:57
     Brand New Start|2:51
     Grape, Grape Joy|1:10
     Walking in the Light|1:32
     What A Difference You've Made|3:26
     I Know Better Now|2:49
     The Lord Has A Will|2:37
     On And On|3:20
     He Gave Me A New Song|1:21

My Father's Eyes (1979)
     Father's Eyes|4:03
     Faith Walkin' People|3:29
     Always The Winner|2:28
     Never Give You Up|3:21
     Lay Down|2:44
     You Were There|2:30
     O Sacred Head|2:05
     All That I Need Is You|3:33
     There Will Never Be Another|3:38
     Keep It On Going|1:06

Never Alone (1980)
     Look What Has Happened To Me|3:10
     So Glad|4:39
     Walking Away With You|4:22
     Don't Give Up On Me|3:56
     That's The Day|3:41
     If I Have To Die|3:45
     All I Ever Have To Be|2:34
     It's A Miracle|2:44
     Too Late|3:14
-cas First Love|2:49
     Say Once More|2:26

In Concert (1980)
       Beautiful Music
       Old Man's Rubble
       Never Give You Up
     Mimi's House|3:26
     Father's Eyes|5:50
     Faith Walkin' People|3:56
     Walking Away with You|4:38
     Mountain Top|3:40
     All I Ever Have To Be|3:16
     Singing A Love Song|5:52
     Don't Give Up On Me|4:04

In Concert Volume Two (1981)
     I'm Gonna Fly|4:12
     Too Late|4:43
     So Glad|4:25
       You Gave Me Love|3:17
       Fill Me With Your Love|2:44
       What A Difference You've Made In My Life|2:33
     If I Have To Die|3:31
     That's The Day|3:29
     Look What Has Happened To Me|3:12
     Keep it Goin'|1:03
     Nobody Loves Me Like You|3:26

Age to Age (1982) A&M
     In a Little While|4:20
     I Have Decided|3:13
     I Love a Lonely Day|4:03
     Don't Run Away|3:33
     Fat Baby|2:09
     Sing Your Praise to the Lord|3:12
     El Shaddai|4:05
     Raining on the Inside|4:10
     Got to Let It Go|4:00
     Arms of Love|3:10

A Christmas Album (1983) A&M
     Tennessee Christmas|4:33
     Hark! The Herald Angels Sing|2:53
     Preiset Dem Konig~Praise the King|1:39
     Little Town|2:47
     Christmas Hymn|2:32
     Love Has Come|4:02
     Sleigh Ride|3:35
     Christmas Song, The (Chestnuts)|3:45
     Mighty Fortress, A~Angels We Have Heard on High|5:00

Straight Ahead (1984)
     Where Do You Hide Your Heart|3:57
     Straight Ahead|3:47
     Thy Word|3:19
     It's Not A Song|3:27
     Open Arms|3:22
     Doubly Good To You|3:12
     The Now And The Not Yet|3:36

Unguarded (1985) Myrrh
     Love of Another Kind|3:22
     Find A Way|3:28
     Everywhere I Go|4:12
     I Love You|4:25
     Stepping In Your Shoes|4:37
     Wise Up|3:51
     Who to Listen To|4:22
     Prodigal, The|5:10

The Collection (1986) Myrrh
     Stay for Awhile|5:37
     Love Can Do|4:22
     Find a Way|3:27
     Everywhere I Go|4:10
     Thy Word|3:19
-lp  Where Do You Hide Your Heart|3:58
     Sing Your Praise to the Lord|3:17
-lp  In a Little While|4:22
-lp  El Shaddai|4:08
-lp  I Have Decided|3:16
-cas Too Late|4:24
-cas I'm Gonna Fly|4:23
     All I Ever Have To Be|2:38
     My Father's Eyes|4:05
-lp  Ageless Medley|6:10

Lead Me On (1988) A&M
     Lead Me On|5:35
     Saved by Love|4:38
     Faithless Heart|5:10
     What About the Love|5:23
     If These Walls Could Speak|5:42
     All Right|4:23
-cas Wait for the Healing|5:36
     Sure Enough|4:00
-cas If You Have To Go Away|4:01
     Say Once More|4:54

Heart In Motion (1991) A&M
     Good For Me|3:59
     Baby Baby|3:57
     Every Heartbeat|3:32
     That's What Love is For|4:17
     Ask Me|3:51
     You're Not Alone|3:49
     I Will Remember You|5:00
     How Can We See That Far|4:26
     Hope Set High|2:48

Home For Christmas (1992) A&M
     Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas|2:36
     It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year|2:26
     Joy To The World/For Unto Us A Child Is Born|2:33
     Breath Of Heaven (Mary's Song)|5:29
     O' Come All Ye Faithful|3:01
     Grown-up Christmas List|5:00
     Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree|2:07
     Winter Wonderland|2:17
     I'll Be Home For Christmas|3:27
     The Night Before Christmas|3:52
     Emmanuel, God With Us|4:56
     Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring|4:47

Songs From The Loft (1993) Reunion
     What We've Come Here For|2:29 Michael W. Smith
     I Got the Want To|2:42 Donna McElroy
     Seek First|2:26 Susan Ashton
     Joy!|3:02 Wes King
     Where Do I Go|3:21 Ashley Cleveland/Gary Chapman
     Salt and Light|2:14 Amy Delaine
     How Do You Know|1:47 Kim Hill
     We Come to Praise|4:11 Michael James
     We Believe in God|3:42 Amy Grant
     Hope Set High|3:24 Gary Chapman
     Hey Now|4:22 Amy Grant

Music of the Spirit (1/May/1994) AG Productions
     The Bells Ring Out|1:08
     Venite Exultemus Domino|2:41 St. John's Abbey Schola
     Fanfare and All Hail the Power|5:44 Pax Christi Orchestra et al
     Opening Commentary|4:02
     El-Shaddai|4:46 Amy Grant (Gary Chapman on Guitar)
     Ubi Caritas|2:08 St. John's Abbey Schola
     Ich will den Herrn loben alle Zeit|2:40 St. John's Boy's Choir
     Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring|3:25 Amy Grant
     O Praise the Lord with One Consent|4:35 St. Benedict Choir et al
     Commentary|2:16 Philip Brunelle
     O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing|2:37 Congregation and Choirs
     Fairest Lord Jesus|3:28 St. Benedict/St. John Choirs
     We Believe in God|4:12 Amy Grant (Gary Chapman on Guitar)
     Citation and Presentation of Pax Christi Award|6:51 Bro. Reinhart
     Amy Grant's Acceptance|4:10
     Charity and Love|4:48 Amy Grant and Choirs
     Pax Christi Hymn|3:45 Amy Grant (Michael W. Smith on piano)

House of Love (1994) A&M
     The Lucky One|4:11
     Say You'll Be Mine|4:04
     Whatever It Takes|4:10
     House of Love|4:38
     The Power|3:54
     Oh, How The Years Go By|5:12
     Big Yellow Taxi|3:01
     Helping Hand|4:39
     Politics of Kissing         [released on Euro HOL + BYT CD Single]
     Love Has A Hold On Me|3:55  [Euro version produced by Michael Omartian]
     Our Love|5:08
     Children of the World|5:16
     Say You'll Be Mine (single) [released only on Euro/Asia A&M]

Behind the Eyes (1997) Myrrh
     Nobody Home
     I Will Be Your Friend
     Like I Love You
     Takes a Little Time
     Cry a River
     Turn This World Around
     Curious Thing
     Every Road
     Leave it All Behind
     Missing You
     The Feeling I Had
     Somewhere Down the Road

-lp, -cas: denote songs that do not appear on the vinyl version and the
cassette versions respectively. By default, any song not appearing on the
cassette version will also be missing from the vinyl version



Animals' Christmas (with Art Garfunkel, 1986)  Columbia
     Annunciation, The|2:38
     Creatures of the Field, The|2:31
     Just a Simple Little Tune|2:54
     Decree, The|3:25
     Incredible Phat|4:56
     Friendly Beasts, The|3:23
     Song of the Camels, The|2:44
     Words from an Old Spanish Carol|3:43
     Carol of the Birds|1:58
     Frog, The|5:15
     Wild Geese|3:32

Michael W. Smith Project (1982) Reunion
     "Friends"  (duet with Michael W. Smith)

Michael W. Smith 2 (1983) Reunion
     "All I Needed to Say", "One Restless Heart"
                      (duet with Michael W. Smith)

     "Always"  (duet with Gary Chapman)

This Ain't Hollywood
     "Nobody Knows Me Like You Do"  (duet with DeGarmo & Key)

Talk to One Another  - Reunion
     "Create in Me a Clean Heart"  (duet with Brown Bannister)

Rich Mullins
     "Live Right"  (duet with Rich Mullins)

Together We Will Stand
     "Kingdom of Love"  (solo on Continental Singers' album)

Another Time Another Place
     "Unexpected Friends"  (duet with Sandi Patti)

Love Beyond Reason, Randy Stonehill (1985)
     "I Could Never Say Goodbye" (duet with Randy Stonehill)

Big Beats for Happy Feets  - Word Compilation Album
     funky dance re-mix of "Wise Up"

Solitude/Solitaire, Peter Cetera (1986) WB
     "The Next Time I Fall"  (duet with Peter Cetera)

Christmas (1989) Reunion
     "No Eye Had Seen"  (duet with Michael W. Smith)

Our Hymns (1989) Word
     "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus"  (solo)

Our Christmas (1990) Word
     "It Came Upon The Midnight Clear", "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
        (duets with Sandi Patti)

The Gingham Dog and The Calico Cat (1990) Rabbit Ears Productions
 A story about two Christmas presents who just don't get along - until
 Christmas Eve when they fall out of Santa's sleigh and get lost in a great
 forest. There, working together, they find their way through the snow to
 their new home, where their example of love for each other brings harmony
 to the entire household. Read by Amy Grant/Music by Chet Atkins

Chet Atkins' "Sneakin' Around" (1991)
        (Amy and Gary Chapman - background vocals)

Change Your World, Michael W. Smith (1992) Reunion
     "Somewhere Somehow"   (duet with Michael W. Smith)

Sister Kate  - NBC theme song (not available retail)

Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)
     "Love me Tender"  (remake of Elvis Presley's classic)

"Love makes you Real"  (1992) Target Stores Christmas promo
                                (not available retail)

"Let the Season take Wing" (1992) Target Stores Christmas promo
                (cassette single available only at Target with
                 purchase of the album HOME FOR CHRISTMAS)

On this Christmas Night (MCA/Songbird)
       "Santa's Reindeer Ride"

Gary Chapman - EVERYDAYMAN "Love like Blood" duet and background
 vocals with Michael W. Smith & Gary Chapman - A MOMENT IN TIME songs
 performed live and conversations from Lead Me On tour,
 Limited Edition promotional cassette

Gary Chapman - SHELTER "One of Two" duet and background vocals

Love's Alright, Eddie Murphy (1992)
        "Yeah"  (Amy has one line along with a a couple dozen other artists.
                 Sidenote: It is reported that Eddie's producers were
                 blown away with her grace and professionalism
                 after flying to town to record her part.)

The Creation (1993) Rabbit Ears Productions
 First in a series. The story of Creation as recorded in the Bible.
 Features an acappella version of "Creat In Me a Clean Heart"
 Read by Amy Grant/Music by Bela Fleck

Maverick (1994)
         "Amazing Grace"  (Amy sings one line + sings in a chorus)

The Light Inside (1994)
         "Razor's Edge", duet with Gary Chapman

Return to Pooh Corner, Kenny Loggins (1994) title song.
          (Gary Chapman also contributes to background vocals)

Tapestry Revisited (1995),
         "Too Late"  (Amy is one of several artists on this tribute album)

Mr Wrong (1996) Soundtrack
         "The Things We Do For Love" (a cover of the original 10cc version)

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  A M Y   G R A N T ' S   T O P   2 0   S O N G S  O F  A L L  T I M E

                                 chosen by her as of July 6, 1992

         1.  El Shaddai
          2.  Sing Your Praise To The Lord
           3.  Father's Eyes
            4.  That's What Love Is For
             5.  Thy Word
              6.  Angels
               7. 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
                8.  Find A Way
                 9.  Saved By Love
                 10.  Lead Me On
                  11.  Everywhere I Go
                   12.  Jehovah
                    13.  In A Little While
                     14.  1974
                      15.  Old Man's Rubble
                       16.  Faith Walking People
                        17.  Tennessee Christmas
                         18.  Stay For Awhile
                          19.  Beautiful Music
                           20.  Look What Has Happened


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        YP    8 `Y88 `Y88P `Y8P' `Y88 8    `Y88 88P' 8   8   dP
                                 wwdP           8           dP

A listing of laser discs/VHS tapes currently available:

 AGE TO AGE  concert video (1983) 90 minutes
   150 A&M DG Stereo CX (Laser disc and VHS)
   Note: Laserdisc has been discontinued

 FIND A WAY  5-song compilation video (1985) 20 minutes
   "Don't Run Away", "Angels", "It's Not A Song", "Find A Way", "Wise Up"
   150 A&M DG Stereo CX

   NBC TV special released on laser disc and video 1992
   140 A&M Hi-Fi Stereo CX

 HEART IN MOTION Collection (1991) 20 minutes
   includes "Baby, Baby", "Good For Me" (Girlfriend or Hunky version),
   "Every Heartbeat", "Next Time I Fall", and "That's What Love Is For"

 MUSIC OF THE SPIRIT (1/May/1994) 75 minutes
   Features live footage from the Pax Christi Award Ceremony honouring
   Amy Grant.  Also shows behind the scenes look at practise sessions,
   Amy interviews (at home and at St. John's Univesity).
   Available from Target Stores ($9.99) or direct from St. John's Univ.

   Behind the scenes look at the making of House of Love
   Available on laser disc ($24.95) and VHS
Special thanks to David Ragsdale, Sam Stoddard, Hiram W. Lester Jr.,
Lori McAlister, and Jack Liu for providing additional information.


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The  following 3 videos are representative of Amy's style in  the
pre-Unguarded era.  They are included for reasons of brevity  and

It's Not a Song (as reviewed by J.P. Blackwood)
     Amy  sits in her room saddened, trying to write a song.  Her
     paper flies out the window through the streets to a  nursing
     home.  Amy follows it, sings to the residents and they cheer
     up and do a broadway type dance number

Angels (as reviewed by J.P. Blackwood)
     Scenes  switch  between  Amy teaching  Sunday  school,  Paul
     released from jail and some abstract shots of Amy escaping a
     car crash and being haunted by some kind of ghost hands.

Don't Run Away (reviewed by Pradeep)
     The video starts off with Amy on stage wearing a  trenchcoat
     and  hat  as the crew is setting up.   As  the  setup  nears
     completion,  she removes her coat and hat (shaking her  hair
     free  from  it's  confines).   Michael W. Smith  is  playing
     keyboard. The band seems to be having a great time  overall,
     singing to the crowd of people in the auditorium. This video
     provides a very sharp contrast between the Amy and Michael of
     yesteryear with the same Amy and Michael of only a few years
     later.  (both  had an appearance/outfit that would  no  doubt
     make them cringe today, but in fact this simplicity was  very
     prevalent in the videos of many artists at that time.)

The  following are descriptions/reviews of Amy's videos from  the
Unguarded  (1985) album and later.  Amy undergoes an *incredible*
change  in image, style, and confidence from the videos mentioned
above to those below. ;-)

Wise Up (reviewed by Pradeep)
     This is a live video shot in Pittsburg. Amy is wearing her
     trademark spotted leopard skin jacket (as appears  on  the
     cover  of  the  Unguarded album).  Amy is noticeably  very
     energetic and it is exciting to see her move in synch with
     the music.  This is my favourite live video of her.

Find a Way (reviewed by Pradeep)
     Amy's  outfits  alternate between her leopard  skin  jacket
     with flashy dress shirt and cummerbund, to a crimson dress.
     The  video  shifts  several times  from  indoors  where  an
     argument  between  a  man & a woman  is  taking  place,  to
     outside  where  Amy  is  standing atop  a  brick  building.
     Several  outdoor  scenes take place near a  water  setting.
     Eventually the couple reconcile their differences  and  Amy
     twirls  her jacket in the air producing a rainbow  pattern.
     The  video ends with Amy in casual white top and  rolled-up
     pants; an incredible wave rises above and behind her, and a
     beautiful rainbow appears.

Next Time I Fall (reviewed by Pradeep)
     This  video  was  done  in  conjunction  with  another  A&M
     superstar,  Peter Cetera.  It takes place in  a  room  with
     very high windows.  A dance troupe is performing among  the
     singers.  Although Amy has a rather small singing  role  in
     this duet, her performance more than makes up for it.   She
     is  wearing  a  jean  jacket,  a  white  shirt,  blue jeans
     and cowboy boots.  All in all she looks really good. :)   I
     am  told  by J.P. Blackwood that Peter and Amy were  photo-
     graphed  at  different locations (and/or  times)  for  this
     video, and this explains why you don't see them in the same
     scene.  This video was responsible for introducing much  of
     the pre-HIM public to Amy.

Stay for Awhile (reviewed/detailed by Marjorie Soifer)
     This video opens with a man horseback-riding into the camera.
     Amy's face appears through this--superimposed on the screen through the
     background, as the lyrics begin. The scenes cuts to Amy laughing,
     maybe with friends, maybe with the guy, maybe in the present, maybe
     in the past (left for personal interpretation). Meanwhile the screen
     splits vertically and shows the man riding the horse again. Then Amy
     is seen sitting in a chair, her head on her hands as though she is
     reminiscing/thinking. The video cuts to Amy with the man and the horse
     walking out the the center of a field. Only after a moment, the video
     returns to Amy alone in the chair. The scene continues to periodically
     shift from Amy alone in a house, to Amy with the man in the field. In
     the field, Amy is seen working out the horse while the man watches,
     Amy watching while the man works out the horse (both are holding the
     horse by some kind of reign while the horse moves in a circle), both
     Amy and the man riding the horse, and Amy running in a zig-zag fashion
     though the field while the man follows her pattern on the horse.
     In the house Amy is seen sitting on the chair or on the windowsill.
     Basically, Amy moves throughout this one room, reminiscing.
     It is as though she is saying goodbye to the memories as she packs up
     and moves out.  These single scenes of Amy alone are interspersed
     with the scenes from the field.
        In the video, Amy wears a black leather jacket, white t-shirt,
     jeans, and boots. In the house she wears a denim shirt, black leggings,
     and sneakers. Her hair is wavy (pre-children, hence, pre-perm). The
     scenes in the field have an earthy color tone, the scenes in the house
     have a blue overtone, and the "other" scenes (Amy innocently flirting
     with the man) have a little color but are primarily black and white.
        The video ends with Amy leaving the house with a packed suitcase
     and a scene of Amy and the man riding on the horse across the screen.
        The video is really simple. Amy conveys the sense of "time gone by"
     really well.
        It took me 4 years to get my hands on a copy of this video.
     There is nothing spectacular about it but it was still definitely
     worth the wait!

Lead Me On (reviewed by Pradeep)
     This  is  arguably  the most moving  and  scenic  of  Amy's
     videos.   It  takes  place near a  very  beautiful  set  of
     waterfalls,  amidst rugged 'bitter cold' terrain.   Amy  is
     wearing  a  pair of loose fitting jeans, a dark  sleeveless
     tank-top,  and  a pair of earrings.  The earrings,  however,
     are  purposefully different from each other, indicative  of
     the new 'hip' Amy.  Amy radiates her inner and outer beauty
     throughout most of the video. Note: This video was released
     commercially on a tape  with several other artists, "VH-7".

Baby Baby (reviewed by Pradeep)
     This  video teams Amy with her hunky friend, Jme Stein.   Amy
     originally wanted to do this video with babies dancing around
     in  diapers,  but one of her nephews thought  this  would  be
     lame.  Baby Baby is the first of a series of videos that  she
     did  for  the HIM album. Almost all share a common thread  of
     rapidly switching from scene to scene, forcing you to  either
     see  parts  in slow-motion or watch the video many  times  to
     catch all the subtle details. Most of the video shows Amy and
     her  male-friend  having fun at an amusement  park.   As  the
     video  progresses,  they are trying to  out-do  each  other's
     silliness.  During much of the video, Amy is wearing a  black
     outfit  complete  with  a  black  bowler's  hat.  She   looks
     particularly  striking in the beginning when she  is  wearing
     her  Mexican outfit (complete with white shirt, hat,  bolero,
     black skirt, and black boots).

Good For Me (reviewed by Pradeep)
     (hunky version)
     The  guy  from Baby Baby is back for another fun-filled  video
     with  Amy.  The setting takes place near a waterpark.  Indeed,
     Amy can be seen wearing full scuba gear and beach attire.   If
     you  liked  Baby  Baby,  this  video  is  not  to  be  missed.
     According to Rodney, this version is the one Amy prefers.  She
     made  it after realizing the other version about two childhood
     friends did not come out as she originally intended.

     (girlfriend version)
     This,  IMHO,  is  the  better of the  two  versions.  In  the
     beginning, Amy and her girlfriend are shown running to a barn
     carrying  a  chest of clothes between them.  The  adventurous
     girlfriend  is  seen holding different items of  lingerie  in
     front  of both herself and Amy (much to poor Amy's shock)  to
     test  how it looks.  Amy is wearing about 5 different outfits
     in all.  In the classroom setting, she is wearing a black top
     and  black  short-shorts (I mistook it initially for  a black
     mini-dress).  Several times during the video, the camera does
     a  close-up  of  her  face while she is  wearing  this  black
     outfit.  I  can't  describe it, but I  have  never  seen  her
     looking  more stunning and beautiful than in those close-ups.
     Her  facial  features in these close-ups  are  well  set  off
     against  the  bright  backlighting.   Occasionally,  we   are
     presented with scenes of the "younger" Amy and her girlfriend
     in class and in a restaurant meeting boys. At the end, Amy is
     wearing  a grey mini-sundress.  She sits atop the hood  of  a
     fire  engine, next to her girlfriend.  They are flirting with
     (and  being serenaded by) a group of dancing firefighters who
     eventually soak them with a fire hose.  Warning: This version
     shows  scenes of a controversial nature, and thus may not  be
     suitable  for  all Amy fans.  Viewer discretion  is  advised.
     (Gee, I'm making this sound like an R-rated Madonna flick.) :)

Every Heartbeat (reviewed by Pradeep)
     The  settings are a laundromat and an auto-repair  shop.   Amy
     starts  off  by  blowing gum bubbles.   She  is  seen  wearing
     several outfits.  The most notable is a white baby-doll  style
     polka-dot  mini-dress in a polka-dot room (and  she  sometimes
     holds a cute puppy which needless to say is also covered  with
     polka-dots).  One other side-scene worth mentioning shows  Amy
     striking poses in a sophisticated pair of sunglasses,  gloves,
     and a hat. In the main setting of the laundromat, a guy and  a
     girl are doing laundry (what else?), but soon are attracted to
     each   other.   Their  shyness  prevents  them  from   meeting
     initially.   In  fact,  they are both seen  reading  the  same
     shyness  self-help book (which each thankfully  remembered  to
     bring along).  Finally, he takes off his outer shirt, and  she
     teases  him  by  unbuttoning hers (I don't see  the  point  of
     this), and they have a laundry war by tossing clothes at  each
     other  from all the dryers (which conveniently were  not  even
     running).  Then they become affectionate (of course).  In  the
     auto-shop,  a  guy comes to check on his car, when  all  of  a
     sudden  a girl pops out from under.  They seem to hit  it  off
     without a hitch (no grease wars!).

That's What Love is For (as reviewed by Ho)
     Very  poetic setting, on a rocky but flat field.  Amy wears  a
     red, LONG cloak as she sings to a couple.  The male is wearing
     big  white pants, no shirt and the female is seen in  a  white
     sweater.   There  are scenes with them apart but  slowly  they
     drift back together as they listen to Amy and a guy dressed in
     black,  playing the guitar he picked from the  ground.   There
     are some beautiful shots of Amy under a huge rock.  Also shown
     are  beige monochromatic shots of Amy in a white dress in some
     kind  of  volcano opening...very beautiful and  poetic.   Then
     there  are  bad  shots of Amy with VERY curly hair  in  white,
     kinda like a sailor's outfit. She begins to cry in these shots
     but  her hair is...blah!  At the end she is standing in  front
     of a mountain that has the words LOVE on it, like Hollywood in
     California  and  the couple is behind her,  clinging  to  each
     other  (a  decent shot). Overall, I love the imagery but  some
     shots  could have been better...there is one strange  shot  of
     Amy  as her dress flows in the wind and she does some strange,
     strange dance!!!
     Note:  You  might  want  to hold off showing  this  video  to
     friends  that you want to introduce to Amy.  Wait  'til  they
     develop a greater appreciation of her earlier music first. -Ed

I Will Remember You    [A MUST SEE VIDEO! IT'LL BLOW YOU AWAY!!!]
     [There  is not a single Amy video that I can even  begin  to
     compare this work of art with.  In fact, I don't know of any
     secular videos I can compare with either (the only one  that
     comes  to mind for artistic appeal is a-ha's 'Take on  Me').
     In terms of artistic appeal, special effects, etc, it's in a
     class  above  the  rest (with only the  aforementioned  a-ha
     video, IMHO). This is one video where the excitement and awe
     of  seeing  it  in reality actually exceeds the  expectation
     built   up  for  it.  Since  this  video  was  not  released
     commercially, I would not know where one would go to  obtain
     this  video.  (Try  and beg or borrow it from  a  friend  or
     request your local music video station to play it. It'll  be
     worth the effort! -Pradeep)]
     Because of the sheer scope of this video (most expensive to
     film at US$250,000), I present a very detailed description:
     (kudos to Marjorie Soifer for this; some editing by me)
        The video begins with the ticking of a metronome and a
     film reel with Amy in the background, sitting. Several scenes
     are shown within moving photographs: a soldier getting ready
     to go off to war...his family walks out to the front yard to
     embrace him and say goodbye; a couple holding hands, walking;
     Amy by the beach; a swimmer swimming.
        All of the scenes shown are interspersed together throughout
     the video. The key is that each photograph tells a story.
     The video moves from right to left like a film reel, with Amy
     shown periodically.
        The metronome, signifying passing of time, is shown ticking
     between photos; as the scenes continue, Amy is shown in a
     heart-shaped still.
        The photo goes back to the teen couple--the girl holds flowers
     behind her back admires the man working. Amy is seen interspersed
     between frames. The girl comes to a car and stares through the
     window into the camera but really through the other side of the
     car to the man. The flowers have been left on the wheel of the
     car. The swimmer is seen being presented with an award. Amy sits
     and watches this presentation on the film reel shown at the
     beginning of the video.
        The whole sense of the video changes at this point. The song,
     I think, changes key, too. There are no more photograph-action
     images. Instead, the clips look like they are taken from a movie.
     The young couple are seen driving to a pasture, hugging and
     kissing -- this is very tactful. Amy is seen in another clip
     staring out through a fire (perhaps on a beach).
     Soldiers are seen dodging gunfight. Then the soldier gets hit
     and falls to the ground while a fellow soldier comes to his rescue.
        Soon the video changes back to the book format and to picture
     frames. The video again moves from right to left. The older couple,
     mentioned before, are now rowing a boat in a river. Another couple
     is seen walking toward a train.  The man says goodbye to the woman
     as she boards the train.  Amy's face is seen periodically in a
     picture in the book. The mother of the soldier receives a letter
     in her mailbox regarding her son. The soldier's friend is seen
     walking next to an American flag. Flowers are seen in the middle
     of a book. The mother is shown embracing her husband, crying.
     The young couple are seen kissing...the man who said goodbye to
     the woman boarding the train is waving his hat as the train departs.
     The swimmer is seen sitting at the edge of the pool. Amy comes
     in from the background of the picture.
        This gives a more-or-less complete account of what is shown.
     Unfortunately, much of the symbolism is left out during the
     description. In essence, the theme is the passage of time.
     The couples shown seem to represent young love versus romantic love.
     Also shown is happiness versus sadness; hard times versus carefree
        Amy is not shown for any length of time.  She is wearing an overly
     large white blouse, jeans and of course, boots. Many times she is in
     the shadows. She was 3 months pregnant with Sarah Canon when this
     video was shot and she was beginning to show. The video was shot in
        It is hard to recreate the special effects. The colors used are
     very powerful. The war scenes are shown in black and white. The scenes
     of the young couple in the countryside use a lot of earth tones: beige,
     yellow, etc.  The swimmer is always seen around a lot of blue: the
     pool when swimming and the sky when receiving the award.
        All in all, A MUST SEE.  The video cannot be bought so try to get
     your cable music operator to play it.

Grown-Up Christmas List (as reviewed by Rodney and Pradeep)
     Amy is shown in a very pretty, nicely decorated living room,
     lighting  candles  on  the  tree.   She  looks  in  on   her
     "daughter"  who  is asleep in bed holding a  stuffed  Santa.
     The  camera  pans over cute kids (of all varieties)  holding
     candles.  Matt, Amy's oldest, is in the video. Amy had asked
     him if he would play her child in the video, but he insisted
     on being in a scene with fire in it;  thus he got to hold  a
     candle along with the other kids.
     [Amy looks especially radiant, glowing, stunning, etc. -Ed]

The Lucky One (as reviewed by J.P. Blackwood)
     It  is  set in a Latin-American villiage by a beach, and has  a
     definite world-music atmosphere, the video more than the  song.
     Amy in a sleeveless vest cavorts with children near a Hotel  de
     Bueno Dulce (Hotel of good sweetness??) and in the streets of a
     village and a beach. Sweetness is definitely the theme. We  see
     ice  cream of all flavors and watermelons etc... The  video  is
     filmed  in  letterbox  format. Village  musicians  occasionally
     provide some music. The video gives a great feel for the  Latin
     village's culture.

Say You'll Be Mine (as previewed by Lori McAlister)
     Very  colorful  and  clever. Has Amy as "an  ant  at  a  picnic"
     (actually, we see her as several ants before it's done!)  Amy is
     wearing  baggy blue jeans, a wide black belt and a  long-sleeved
     oxford  shirt. She is standing amid blades of grass, dwarfed  by
     bright-hue, computer-generated butterflies, singing away  as  we
     see  a  young couple getting out of a late 60's convertible  and
     unloading a picnic basket and blanket. It's really a lot of  fun
     and almost funny in parts, with Amy almost getting stepped on by
     the  lovebirds at one point! They managed to capture  Amy  in  a
     scene  with  a real lady bug climbing a nearby blade  of  grass.
     It's  almost like she's singing into the couple's ears what each
     one  would want the other to think, but are too shy to  say  so.
     My  personal tastes run ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE on things like  this.
     (Amy  and  I had some serious conversations when the HIM  videos
     began  to  come out...) There are only two very brief cuts  that
     make  me  somewhat uncomfortable: First, I want to  recommend  a
     sports  bra  for  the young lady if she's going  to  be  running
     across meadows... and at one point, the couple fall into a  heap
     upon  the  ground  and  begin some rather  serious  kissing  and
     carressing.  (But conspicuous lack of full body contact,  whew!)
     Fortunately, this is cut short and quickly returns  to  more  of
     what I would call more appropriate public displays of affection.
     Let  me  reiterate  -  this  is  my  own  humble,  personal  and
     conservative impression.  In the end, I really like it  and  the
     angle they've taken on representing the song visually.

House of Love
     (Original) (as previewed by Lori McAlister)
     Filmed entirely in black and white.  Rather artsy looking,  but
     also rather morose as neither Amy nor Vince Gill even smile. In
     fact,  they tend to look more like they are miserable  (perhaps
     empathizing with the poor abandoned partner, but I thought this
     was  to  be an encouragement...)  Begins in an open field  with
     shots of an old iron bed made up with flowers (I believe). Then
     you see a Victorian "doll house" in the field with the bed. Amy
     and  Vince  are both dressed very conservatively,  almost  "old
     fashioned"  or "Amish" as Amy described it. By the chorus,  you
     see  both Amy and Vince singing in, around and on a full  blown
     Victorian house.  (The doll house is an exact replica which Amy
     tried  to  buy after the shoot, but they wouldn't  sell  it  to
     her...) While you do see Amy and Vince in many scenes together,
     they  never  make eye-contact or even acknowledge  the  other's
     presence.   As  it went on, I kept hoping for maybe  some  more
     hope  or  happiness expressed, either in expression or  symbol,
     but  it  never came. So it left me with a rather odd feeling...
     But the video itself is very well done and certainly nothing to
     get   worried   about   from   the  "appropriate/inappropriate"

     (Speechless version) (reviewed by Pradeep)
     A second version was made for the romantic comedy, 'Speechless',
     starring  Geena Davis and Michael Keeton.  The video  is  more
     upbeat than the original and shows Amy and Vince Gill singing at
     a studio, and interspersed with scenes from the movie.  Some of the
     movie scenes were questionable, however, and Amy mentioned she wasn't
     aware of them. All in all, the singing parts were well shot. 

     (third version!) (reviewed by Pradeep)
     This is the same video used for the Speechless version, the exception
     being there are no Speechless scenes in it.
     So, 100% pure Amy and Vince! :)  Again, well photographed!

Big Yellow Taxi (as previewed by Lori McAlister)
     I love it!
     Amy said it is her favorite of the videos she's made to date.
       I first watched it with two other co-workers. Neither of them
     liked it - so, to each his own! When I brought it home, my 2 1/2
     year old said, "Again!" five times before I could put anything
     else on!
       Amy was having a bad hair day (she had just gotten a perm and it
     was a little out-of-control). She said she didn't care what her
     hair looked like - the video is still interesting. (That's our Amy!)
     As she said, it all looks "organic", but it's all computer generated.
       The Director is Michael Geoghegan "Why Not Films"
       The opening shot looks like the stage of an old theatre, red
     curtains drawn, single spotlight in the center. Open curtains to
     see Amy standing in a storeroom...wood plank floor and brick walls.
     Amy is strumming a simple acoustic guitar with a pick.  She is
     wearing black suede boots, black leggings, a short black jacket,
     striped vest and white tee.  She recorded her part walking on a
     conveyor belt, thus there is a sense of pretty much constant
     motion once she begins to move...
       The walls collapse and pull away to find Amy walking, strumming,
     and singing across a desert landscape. We even see tight shots
     of her feet leaving footprints in the virtual sand! Suddenly the
     desert is paved with blacktop and Amy continues down the center
     line. Desert is replaced with lots of flashing neon signs as she
     releases the guitar to fly straight up and flips the pick over her
     shoulder. Three girls ("mall babes") cross the road in front of her
     on their way to the "boutique". At one point, Amy ducks to avoid
     being struck by a flying neon sign.
       Pavement turns into a trail of fall leaves. Signs give way to bare
     ground and odd, half-dead looking trees that move in from each side
     as she goes. She passes between two security guards, one of whom we
     see a little later chasing after paper money that is being blown
     about by the wind.
       Leaves give way to rocks and barren earth, very "post nuclear blast"
     looking with an angry red/orange/gunmetal sky and even sicker looking
     trees being sprayed with an iridescent green mist by people in
     radiation suits. The trees are in constant rotation.  One of them
     bears a single apple of cantaloupe proportions which Amy takes in
     her hand only to watch it vaporize.
       Rocks give way to what looks like a pavement of currency and a city
     scape in metallic, growing up around her against a bright blue sky.
     The guitar drops back into her hands and again she walks and strums
     through the city. Walking through a "doorway" in the city scene,
     she is now in an old, dark apartment hallway. The floor is wood,
     but there seems to be a trail of foil down the middle.  She stops
     in the hall to sing of hearing the screen door slam. She turns
     suddenly to see the door behind her swing shut. She then turns
     back toward the camera and runs to the other end of the hall where
     the taxi is taking off in a very "elastic" fashion.
       She continues running and is now on a pathway of gears on a dark,
     shiny sea where a variety of automobiles are half-submerged,
     end up in the "ocean".
       Gears give way to sheaves of wheat making a path down the middle of
     an expansive wheat field. The very blue sky with cotton candy
     clouds returns and Amy is walking again instead of running.
       Wheat gives way to sand and we are back in the desert then the walls
     and floor of the storeroom suddenly slip back into place.
     The guitar drops one last time and we are back where we began. Amy
     strums the final chord and turns around as the curtains close and
     we see the opening scene again.
       Her expression is bright and positive throughout, looking
     appropriately bewildered when singing about the $25 admission
     charge to the tree museum. It reminds me a bit of Peter Gabriel's
     "Sledge Hammer" video, but not as elaborate or outrageous.

The Things We Do For Love (open to review)
     Yes, believe it or not, this _is_ Amy, sporting a new hairdo!
     Once again, I haven't seen this, so please send me your reviews. :)

The reviews are sketchy at best, and all opinions are in no means accurate.
Overall, I feel the intended purpose of these video reviews is to let
people know of the existence and contents of videos they may not have seen
or even knew existed.

The following are reviews/descriptions of feature length videos:

Age to Age Concert Video (reviewed by Carrie M. Pirmann); 83 minutes
     The concert opened with Amy's three back-up singers (Donna McElroy,
     Kim Fleming and Mark Baldwin) singing the chorus of "I Have Decided" a
     capella.  Amy came on stage and joined them for the rest on the song
     to begin the show.  She was wearing red pants and a red shirt with a
     black blazer and noticeably more makeup than she does now.  Although
     the back-up singers were a little overpowering at times, both the
     sound and cinematography were excellent throughout the show.
        Amy continued her set with "Old Man's Rubble," and "In a Little
     While," which she sounded great on.  Despite the fact that she was
     not dancing up on stage like she does in her current shows, she still
     sounded great. The lack of movement on stage might have been due to
     the fact that she was playing on a rather small and cramped stage.
        Amy then took out her guitar (the only time she played the entire
     night) and strummed along with an excellent live version of
     "My Father's Eyes." She then got into a rousing version of "Faith
     Walkin' People" before performing a masterful version of "El Shaddai."
     Accompanied only by Michael W. Smith on piano, Amy translated the
     Hebrew lyrics of "El Shaddai" during the song and received her
     biggest applause of the night at the conclusion of this piece.
        She finished the first half of the show with an extended chorus of
     "How Majestic is Your Name" and "Fat Baby," during which she and the
     back-ups did a cute little dance number.  She then introduced Gary
     Chapman as the intermission act while she and the band took a break.
        Gary come on and entertained the crowd with some of his humor
     before breaking into his set. The first song he sang was "Treasure,"
     which received so much applause that he had to quiet the audience
     down before starting the next song.
        The band returned and Gary started up what he called a "rowdy"
     song, "I'm Yours Lord." He followed this song with "In His Hand."
     Gary then put his guitar down and joined MWS on keyboards for an
     emotional version of "Finally." For each of his songs, Gary
     thrilled the crowd and received more applause than Amy ever did
     during the show.
        Amy then returned to the stage (wearing the hideous red leather
     pants / black and white striped shirt outfit from the "Don't Run Away"
     video) to sing a duet with Gary, "No Matter Where Time Takes Us."
     This was the first time I heard Amy and Gary sing together and they
     sounded incredible.
        After finishing the duet, Amy talked to the crowd for about ten
     minutes. The gist of her speech was basically "knowledge without love
     means nothing" and she also stated that "if Jesus doesn't make a
     difference in the little mundane things (in life), I pray that he's
     made a difference at all." She then launched in to a great version
     of "Arms of Love," followed by a new song, "Where Do You Hide Your
        Amy finished by singing "Don't Run Away" before concluding with a
     high energy version of "Too Late." Amy then abruptly ran off stage.
     The crowd gave her a hearty round of applause before the band broke
     into a 3 minute instrumental intro to "Sing Your Praise to the Lord."
        Amy returned for her encore, "Sing Your Praise to the Lord," with
     some lyrics from "I Have Decided" interspersed throughout.  The show
     concluded with "Friends," and the entire band (MWS, Gary, Keith
     Edwards, Reed Alvin, Duncan Mullins and James Holihan) holding hands
     across the stage.
        Overall, the show was quite good, with the highlight for me being
     Gary's set.  For die-hard Amy fans, the video of this show is
     definitely a must-see and a bonus to add to your Amy collection.

Heart in Motion Concert Special (reviewd by Carrie M. Pirmann); 1 hour
                         (from "Videosyncrasy" on Family Channel, 1991)
     This show was hosted by Jimmy Hodson and featured some Amy videos
     as well as a few numbers from her HIM concert in Minneapolis. After a
     brief introduction by Hodson, Amy's video for "Every Heartbeat" was
        At the conclusion of the video, the show moves to Amy and Jimmy in
     a backstage locker room talking.  Pieces of their interview were
     nicely pieced in throughout the remainder of the show, with Amy often
     providing a well-suited intro to a particular song or video.  Some of
     the topics which Jimmy and Amy discussed included the experience of
     being on the road; the kids; the relationship Amy and her family have;
     her "cross-over" from Christian music to pop music ("I think it was
     time for me to do something besides strictly Christian music, but
     that was not a faith issue."); and suicide.
        The program then moves to the opening number for Amy's show that
     night. Dressed in red stretch pants and a multi-colored striped jacket,
     Amy looked great as she took the stage singing "Fight" from her
     "unguarded" album. The audience was very receptive of her throughout
     the concert. She sang the second verse of "Fight" while lying on the
     stage and was continually dancing on the stage throughout the show.
     Both the sound and cinematography were incredible.
        The video for "Baby Baby" was then shown, with Amy providing some
     insight into the making of the video. Amy then gave the following
     monologue (during the interview) which served as a perfect intro to
     a live performance of "That's What Love is For."

        My parents, my mother especially, was a bridge builder when it
        came to conversation. And I think she learned her lesson through
        three older sisters. I think a lot of times parents get upset
        because their children don't talk to them, usually about subjects
        that are really difficult to talk about. And I think it's weird
        to presume that a child would be the one to make the first move.
        I remember, oh, a lot of stories. I remember being in like
        seventh grade, my mother talking to me about different friends of
        mine that were starting to smoke pot. In a very unaggressive way
        she was talking to me about it. And it led to a great discussion.
        And she didn't come down hard on me, and as the situation turned
        out I chose not to go with that group.
        When I was in college, one time I was really sick. I was getting
        ready to go on an overseas trip. And my mother very gently asked
        me if I were pregnant. And, of course, my first response was
        'You know, you don't trust me, and I can't believe you'd even
        bring this up.' But I wasn't pregnant, and it would have been a
        miracle had I been. But I thought about it later, after my mother
        was gone and after I'd blown up at her. I thought, you know, she
        risked offending me, but what if I had been? What if I was like
        lying awake at night, terrified because of the kind of family
        I was reared in, the moral fiber of what I was raised to believe
        was right, you know, and she just kind of reached through all
        that and said 'Hey, are you okay?'

        The scene then shifted to Amy on a mostly darkened stage, dressed
     in a long white gown, singing "That's What Love is For." She sounded
     especially great on this piece and she and her back-up singers were in
     perfect synch.
        Amy provided another notable anecdote as an intro to the video for
     "Lead Me On":

        We'll start a song, maybe that has kind of a deeper message like
        "Lead Me On" or "All Right," and to look out and see thousands of
        people with conviction all over their face singing these songs
        because of what it means to them--you just get this feeling of wow.
        You know, in one sense it has nothing to do with me. It has to do
        with how these songs reflect the lives of these people.
        I'm just singing it.

        The show concluded with two more live performances by Amy.  The
     first was a peppy version of "Good For Me." The second was Amy's final
     piece in the concert, a haunting, emotional and beautiful version of
     "I Will Remember You."
        This program is by far the best for-TV special of Amy's that I have
     seen.  Her maturity as a singer is shown throughout as she performs
     live and talks with the host about a variety of topics.
        A definite must-see for any Amy fan, if you can get your hands
     on a copy!

Building the House of Love (reviewed by Carrie M. Pirmann); 84 minutes
     This is, in my opinion, the best Amy video ever made.  It opens
     perfectly with shots of Riverstone farm and the music to "Oh How
     the Years Go By" playing in the background.  What unfolds next is
     a morning at the Chapman house, with Amy bringing little Sarah
     (who was at the time about a year old) down the stairs and making
        From there, the video moves to the Bennett House (recording studio)
     where Amy is recording the song "House of Love" with Keith Thomas.
     Distributed nicely throughout are scenes of Amy talking about the
     process of recording an album.  More shots of the farm accompanied
     again by the music from "Oh How the Years Go By" provide a nice
     segue to shots of Amy celebrating her birthday and Amy and Gary
     talking about how they fell in love and their relationship.
        After this, the show returns to the recording studio where work is
     being done on "Oh How the Years Go By", and during this time Amy
     explains the chip thing.  Christmas time rolls around, and Amy,
     Sarah, Millie (and Matt was supposed to be there but he wasn't) are
     shown filming a live feed for Good Morning America.
        Vince Gill and Amy then team up to complete the process of recording
     "House of Love."  A brief piece of Amy and Matt in New York City
     taped for Entertainment Tonight is also shown.  A concert at the
     Grande Ole Opry in which Amy performed with Vince Gill and Michael W.
     Smith is also showcased.
        The strings which were used in "House of Love" were recorded in
     Amy's house, and this follow as the next scene.  More shots of the
     farm, along with the kids playing in a field while "Love Has a Hold
     on Me" plays give the film an intimate quality.
        Amy then talks about the song "Children of the World" and how much
     it moves her emotionally. She talks about her kids, and then we see
     the recording of the adult and children's choruses used in the song.
        Amy hosted a group of country music stars to record "Amazing Grace"
     for the movie Maverick, and the recording of the song, as well as the
     video, are shown. The whole production took place at the farm. As the
     show winds down, we see the kids playing in the studio while Amy and
     Michael Omartian work on the recording of "Helping Hand".
        The film concludes with Amy discussing how the album came to be
     named House of Love, and with shots from the filming of the video
     for the song "House of Love."  Three videos, "Lucky One", "House of
     Love" and "Say You'll Be Mine" are shown in their entirety at the
     conclusion of the film.
        The "Building the House of Love" video offers a unique look at
     Amy's life inside and outside of recording.  My guess is that this
     is as close a look at her life as we will likely get for a long time.
     A must see!


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        8   8P Y8 8.dP'    8b    8' .8 8 8 8.dP' 8     8   8 8' .8 8P Y8
        8   8   8 `Y88P    `Y88P `Y8P' 8 8 `Y88P `Y8P  Y8P 8 `Y8P' 8   8

                         of David Yoshihara (11/24/92)
         updated by Jack Liu, Sophia Hedberg, Pradeep Bhatia (12/30/94)
                     updated by Marjorie Soifer (5/01/96)
                     updated by Julie McCarrier (6/01/97)

  This  is a major section of the FAQ. My original intent for including it
  was to give everyone a taste of what is available in the way of CD's,
  vinyl, cassette, singles, videos, bootlegs, articles, interviews, posters,
  etc.  I have been fortunate to receive help in updating this for the

Amy Grant
My Father's Eye's
Never Alone
In Concert Vol I
In Concert Vol II
Age To Age
Christmas Album
Straight Ahead
Unguarded (R cover) (ss)
Unguarded (D cover)
The Collection
Lead Me On
Heart In Motion
Heart In Motion (Japanese) (ss)
Home For Christmas (3) (2-ss)
Animals Christmas (With Art Garfunkel)
Music of the Spirit (PAX Christi Award Ceremony honouring Amy Grant)       !!
House of Love                                                              !!
Baby, Baby CD single (US)
 1) 7" HIM Mix  2) 12" HIM Mix  3) LMO
Baby, Baby CD single (UK) (#1 in USA label)
 1) 7" NGOY Mix  2) 12" HIM Mix  3) LMO
Baby, Baby CD single (Germany)
 1) 7" NGOY Mix  2) 12" HIM Mix  3) LMO
Every Heartbeat CD single (promo)
 1) 7" Heart & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix  3) 7" Piano Mix
 4) LP Version  5) 12" Body & Soul Mix
Every Heartbeat CD single (UK) (White label promo)
 1) 7" Heart & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix  3) 7" Piano Mix
 4) 12" Body & Soul Mix
Every Heartbeat CD single (Germany)
 1) 7" Heart & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix  3) 7" Piano Mix
 4) 12" Body & Soul Mix
That's What Love is For CD single (promo) (2)
 1) Single Mix  2) LP Edit  3) Extended Single  4) LP version
That's What Love is For CD single (UK)
 1) Album Edit  2) Single Mix  3) Extended Single Mix  4) Album Version
That's What Love is For CD single (UK Picture CD) (2)
 1) Album Edit  2) Baby, Baby - 7" NGOY Mix
 3) Extended Single Mix  4) Album Version
Good For Me CD single (promo) (2)
 1) 7" Good For You Mix  2) 7" You Like To Dance Mix
 3) LP Version  4) 12" You Like To Dance Mix
Good For Me CD single (UK)
 1) 7" Good For You Mix  2) 12" So Good Mix  3) Dub So Good Mix
 4) 7" You Like To Dance Mix
Good For Me CD single (UK version 2)
 1) 7" Good For you Mix  2) 12" You Like To Dance Mix
 3) You Like To Dub Mix  4) Album Version
I Will Remember You (promo) (3)
 1) Rhythm Mix  2) Album Remix  3) Album Version
Greatest Hits (promo)
 1) IWRY - Rhythm Remix  2) Baby, Baby 7"  - NGOY Mix
 3) Baby, Baby - 7" HIM Mix  4) EHB - 7" Body & Soul Mix
 5) TWLIF - LP Version  6) TWLIF - Single Mix  7) GFM - GFY Mix
Unistar Interview Disk #1
Unistar Interview Disk #2
Dick Clark Interview of AG
Home for Christmas Radio Special (hosted by Jon Rivers)
House of Love (import) (includes bonus track: Politics of Kissing)         
House of Love Radio Special (hosted by Jon Rivers)                         
Lucky One                                                                  
 1) Remix                2) Lucky Street Mix
 3) A/C Rhythm Mix       4) Kupper Radio
 5) 7" Good For You Mix
Say You'll Be Mine                                                         
 1) Album                2) Life's Gonna Change
 3) Radio Remix          4) Heart in Motion Remix Medley
House of Love                                                              
 1) Classic Philly Soul  2) South Street Remix
 3) Album version        4) Lucky One: Kupper 12" Mix
Big Yellow Taxi                                                            
 1) Paradise Mix         2) Alternative Paradise Mix
 3) Politics of Kissing  4) Heart in Motion Medley Mix

Amy Grant (ss)
My Father's Eye's (ss)
Never Alone (ss)
In Concert Vol I (ss)
In Concert Vol II (ss) (2)
Age To Age (ss)
Christmas Album (ss)
Straight Ahead (ss)
Unguarded (facing left) (ss)
Unguarded (facing left) (promo)
Unguarded (facing straight) (promo)
Unguarded (facing forward)
Unguarded (coded W) (ss)
Unguarded (coded O) (ss)
Unguarded (coded R) (ss)
Unguarded (coded D) (ss)
The Collection (ss)
Lead Me On
Lead Me On (gold stamped promo) (2)
Heart In Motion (ss) (2)
On This Christmas Night

7" stuff:
The Next Time I Fall (US): The Next Time I Fall/Glory of Love
The Next Time I Fall (US): The Next Time I Fall/Holy Moly
Wise Up (US): Wise Up/Straight Ahead
Find A Way (US): Find A Way/Angels
Find A Way (Japenese): Find A Way/Angels
1974 (US promo): 1974/1974
Lead Me On (US promo): Lead Me On/Lead Me On
Lead Me On (US): Lead Me On/Sure Enough
Lead Me On (UK): Lead Me On/Fine A Way
Baby, Baby (US): Baby, Baby/Baby, Baby
Baby, Baby (UK): 7" No Getting Over You Mix/Lead Me On
Baby, Baby (UK w/press sheet): 7" No Getting Over You Mix/Lead Me On
Baby, Baby (Germany): 7" No Getting Over You Mix/Lead Me On
Every Heartbeat (US): Every Heartbeat/Every Heartbeat
Every Heartbeat (UK): 7" Heart & Soul Mix/7" Body & Soul Mix
Every Heartbeat (UK w/press sheet): 7" Heart & Soul Mix/7" Body & Soul Mix
That's What Love Is For (US): TWLIF/TWLIF
That's What Love Is For (UK): Album Edit/Single Mix
Good For Me (UK): 7" Good For You Mix/7" You Like To Dance Mix

12" stuff:
Baby, Baby (promo)
 A. 1) 12" No Getting Over You Mix
 B. 1) 12" Heart In Motion Mix  2) 7" Heart In Motion Mix
Baby, Baby (UK)
 A. 1) 12" Heart In Motion Mix
 B. 1) 7" No Getting Over You Mix  2) Lead Me On
Every Heartbeat (Promo) (3)
 A. 1) 12" Body & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix
 B. 1) Baby Baby - 12" Heart In Motion Mix  2) 7" Piano Mix
Every Heartbeat (Domestic) (1) (1-ss)
 A. 1) 12" Body & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix
 B. 1) Baby Baby - 12" Heart In Motion Mix  2) 7" Piano Mix
Every Heartbeat (UK) (2)
 A. 1) 12" Body & Soul Mix  2) 7" Body & Soul Mix
 B. 1) 12" HIM Mix  2) 7" Piano Mix
That's What Love Is For (UK)
 A. 1) Album Edit  2) Single Mix
 B. 3) Extended Single Mix  4) Album Version
Good For Me (promo) (2)
 A. 1) 12" So Good Mix  2) Dub So Good Mix
 B. 1) 12" You Like To Dance Mix  2) You Like To Dub Mix
    3) 7" Good For You Mix
Good For Me (Domestic) (3) (1-ss)
 A. 1) 12" So Good Mix  2) Dub So Good Mix
 B. 1) 12" You Like To Dance Mix  2) You Like To Dub Mix
    3) 7" Good For You Mix
Good For Me (UK) (3)
 A. 1) 12" So Good Mix
 B. 1) Dub So Good Mix  3) 12" You Like To Dance Mix

Cassette Singles:
Baby, Baby: LP version/7" Heart In Motion Mix
Every Heartbeat: 7" Heart & Soul Mix/7" Body & Soul Mix
That's What Love Is For: Single Mix/LP version
Good For Me: 7" Good For You Mix/7" You Like To Dance Mix
I Will Remember You: Album Version/Rhythm Remix
Let The Season Take Wing: From Home For Christmas (ss)
Lucky One: Album Version/Single Mix                                      
House of Love: Album Version/Philly Street Mix                           

A Moment in Time (with GC and MWS)
Christmas Album (2) (ss)
Unguarded (W cover) (ss)
Unguarded (O cover) (ss)
Unguarded (D cover) (ss)
Lead Me On (promo) (special pre-release)
Lead Me On (12 tracks...rare) (ss) (2)
90 min concert recorded at Reebok Riverstage NY on 7/19/89 (stereo)
120 min concert recorded at Paramount Theater on 10/10/91 (stereo)
interview clip from Release Audio Magazine
60 min narration of Bible Stories (with personal experiences)
  from Heart To Heart

Accompaniment Tracks:
Angels: A) demo B) pt
Ask Me: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Arms Of Love: A) demo B) pt
Baby, Baby: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Every Heartbeat: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Galileo: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Good For Me: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Hats: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Heirlooms: A) demo B) pt
Hope Set High: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
How Can We See That Far: A) demo B) pt
I Will Remember You: A) demo B) pt
Lead Me On: A) demo B) pt
That's What Love Is For: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
What About The Love: A) demo
You're Not Alone: A) demo B) pt w/vocals; pt w/o vocals
Saved By Love: A) demo
Say Once More: A) demo B) pt
All Right
Create In Me A Clean Heart (*)

Title                     Source                                Date  Network
Age To Age                Original                             -1984-
Find A Way                Original                             -1985-
Stay For Awhile           Take five 2 Original                 -1986-
Heart In Motion           Original                             -1991-
HIM interviews (promo)    still in PAL form                    -1991-
Old Fashioned Christmas   Original Laserdisc                   -1992-
Gingham Dog/Calico Cat    Original (*)
Lead Me On Tour           Bootleg from 7/89 in Nashville (*)
Look What Has Happened
 To Me/Here We Are
 (w/Russ Taff)/Walking
 Away With You/ My
 Father's Eyes            More Than Music                      -1981-
Circle Of Love            Lots of early live footage           -1982-
Interview by Tom Green    Lightmusic                          9/18/85   CTV
You Are My Friend
 (w/Patti Labelle)/
 Everywhere I Go          The Patti Labelle special          11/28/85   WNBC
Love Of Another Kind      Martin Luther King Tribute special   -1985-   WNBC
Fat Baby/Stay For Awhile
 For Awhile/interview
 by Johnny Carson         The Tonight Show                     -1986-   WNBC
Love Of Another Kind/
   interview by
   David Letterman        Late Night w/David Letterman         4/3/86   WNBC
Sleigh Ride/
 Tennesse Christmas/
 interview by
 Johnny Carson            The Tonight Show                   12/19/86   WNBC
Sleigh Ride/Emmanuel/
 Little Town/Joy To The
 World/A Christmas Song   Christmas In Washington             Dec 86    WNBC
Find A Way/Emmanuel/
 Little Town/Sleigh Ride/
 Tennesse Christmas/
 Carol of the Birds/
 Hark the Herald Angels
 Sing                     Headin' Home For The Holidays      12/21/86   WNBC
interview about
 Christmas Special        AM Cleveland                        Dec 86
interview                 Backstage                           -1986-
interview by
 Robert Schuller          Hour of Power                       -1986-
The Next Time I Fall                                          -1986-    VH-1
The Next Time I Fall      Solid Gold                          -1986-    WPIX
interview by
 Lorianne Crook           Crook & Chase                       -1986-    TNN
He's Got The Whole
 World In His Hands       18th Annual Dove Awards             -1986-    CBN
Friends/Find A Way        Michael W. Smith                    -1986-
interview by Leeza Gibbons Entertainment Tonight              -1986-    WABC
presenting award          13th Annual American Music Awards   -1986-    WABC
duet w/Ricky Scaggs       Country Music Awards                -1986-
guest co-host and
 interview by
 Gary Collins             Hour Magazine                                 WABC
Find A Way/
 Everwhere I Go           Jerry Lewis Telethon               Sept 87    WWOR
Find A Way                ABC presents A Royal Gala           -1988-    WABC
interview by
 Kathryn Kinley           Entertainment Watch                 -1988-    VH-1
Lead me On                                                    -1988-    VH-1
Lead me On                Lightmusic                          -1988-    CTV
El Shaddai/interview/ If
 These Walls Could Speak  Compassion International Special    -1988-    CBN
interview by
 Lorianne Crook           Crook & Chase                       -1988-    TNN
Comment on Beach Boy's    The Beach Boy's Endless Summer      -1988-    TNN
Stay For Awhile/Saved by
 Love/Friends/Find A Way/
 If These Walls Could
 Speak/El Shaddai/Thy
 Word/How Majestic Is
 Yor Name/Great Are You
 Lord/interview for each
 song on LMO              Lead Me On Promotional Tape         -1988-
interview by Scott Ross   The 700 Club                        1/11/89   CBN
Save By Love/interview
 by Pat Sajak             The Pat Sajak Show                   3/1/89   WCBS
interview/If These
 Walls Could Speak        Good Morning America                7/19/89   WABC
Wise Up/Find A Way/ Stay
 For Awhile/Lead Me On    Real Videos                         -1989-
Target commericals for
 Christmas Season                                             -1989-
Friends                   21st Annual Dove Awards              4/6/90   TNN
Saved By Love             Lightmusic                          -1990-    CTV
Love Of Another Kind/
 interview by Arsenio     The Arsenio Hall Show               Mar 90
The Christmas Song        Disney's Christmas Parade          12/25/90   WABC
interview at home         Inside Edition                      -1990-    KATU
Baby, Baby (HIM mix)                                          -1991-    VH-1
Baby, Baby                What's New on VH-1                   3/3/91   VH-1
interview by Sheila
 Walsh and answering
 audience questions       The 700 Club                        3/14/91   FAM
interview by Leeza
 Gibbons about HIM        Entertainment Tonight               3/16/91   WCBS
interview by Sheila Walsh Heart To Heart w/Sheila Walsh        4/4/91   FAM
Baby, Baby and interview  The Arsenio Hall Show               4/17/91   WWOR
interview                 Good Morning America                4/19/91   WABC
guest host and introducing
 videos (excluding vids)  VH-1 Top 21 Countdown               4/25/91   VH-1
guest host and introducing
 videos (excluding vids)  VH-1 Greatest Hits Countdown         5/5/91   VH-1
Every Heartbeat           Videosyncrasy                       6/15/91   FAM
Comment about Christian
 Music Crossover          Inside Music                        6/27/91   VH-1
Every Heartbeat           Amy Grant: June Artist of the Month 6/27/91   VH-1
interview w/ host/
 Baby, Baby               Videosyncrasy                       June 91   FAM
interview clip            Showbiz                             June 91   CNN
interview clips           Smash Hits                          June 91   CNN
interview with Jane Pauly The Today Show                      -1991-
HIM CONCERT               BOOTLEG from New Orleans University 8/11/91
Baby, Baby/TWLIF (live)/
 Lead Me On/GFM (live)/
 IWRY (live)              Videosyncrasy: HIM Tour             8/31/91   FAM
Target Commercial                                             8/31/91   FAM
introducing videos
 (excluding videos)       VH-1 Artist's Choics                 9/8/91   VH-1
interview                 Regis & Kathy Lee                   10/8/91   WABC
Baby, Baby                Walt Disney World's 20 Ann Special 10/26/91   WCBS
That's What Love Is For   Street Party                        11/3/91   VH-1
Sister Kate theme song    Sister Kate                         -1992-    LIF
Baby, Baby/TWLIF/interv.  The Oprah Winfrey Show              2/14/92
Good For Me               Winter Games Jam                    2/15/92   VH-1
introducing videos
 (excluding videos)       VH-1 Top 21 Countdown to Grammy's   2/23/92   VH-1
Baby, Baby                34th Annual Grammy Awards           2/25/92   WCBS
comment on Gulf War       TNN News                            -1992-    TNN
interview/GFM             MTV Most Wanted                     Feb 92    MTV
interview about Grammys   Entertainment Tonight               Feb 92    WCBS
feature about 34th
 Annual Grammys           Showbiz Today                       Feb 92    CNN
interview clip from
 charity benefit          Entertainment Tonight               Apr 92    WCBS
 World Premiere           Hanging With MTV                    May 92    MTV
clip from original
 version of TWLIF         MTV Video Countdown                 -1992-    MTV
intro comment on Christian
 upbringing & youth rally Youth Rally 2000
I Will Remember You       What's New On VH-1                   5/6/92   VH-1
Tenessee Christmas/Walking
 In A Winter Wonderland/
 interview                Nashville Now                      11/23/92   TNN
interview, Grown-Up
 X-mas List clip          Entertainment tonight               Dec 92    CBS 
interview, Have Yourself
 A Merry Christmas/
 Winter Wonderland        CBS This Morning                    Dec 92    CBS 
Winter Wonderland         Tonight Show                        Dec 92    NBC 
Grown-Up Xmas List        Regis & Kathy Lee                   Dec 92    ABC 
DEEP interview (30 min)   Later with Bob Costas               Jan 93    NBC 
"We Shall be Free" video  Garth Brooks (with Amy's face)      -1993-
Award, St. John's Abbey
 & University             PAX CHRISTI (Peace of Christ)       May 94        
Host, sang Children of
 the World                25th Annual Dove Awards             Jun 94    FAM 
 after 25th Dove Awards   The 700 Club                        Jun 94    FAM 
Host (long)               Nashville Today                     Jun 94    E!  
interview                 Regis & Kathy Lee                   Jul 94    ABC 
 w/Joan Lunden            Good Morning America                Aug 94    ABC 
Big Yellow Taxi           Late Show with David Letterman      Sep 94    CBS 
interview (short)         CNN Entertaiment News               Sep 94    CNN 
Award, Female Artist
 of the Year              American Christian Music Awards     Sep 94        
interview, House of
 Love (w/ Vince Gill)     Tonight Show                        Nov 94    NBC 
On location               Fairway to Heaven                 11/20/94    VH1
Making of                 Maverick Special                    Dec 94    HBO 
interview                 Naked Cafe "Backyard"               Feb 95    VH1 
HOL/Lucky One/
 Sweet Glow of Mercy(G.C.)/
 short live clips of HOL
 tour/interview           CCM-TV                              Feb 95    FAM 
Live                      HoL Special                        2/25/95    CCM
interview from HOL tour   Entertainment Tonight               Mar 95        
Many videos (almost all)
 plus some live videos    Lightmusic Special (3 parts)        Jun 95        
Interview                 Today Show                          Jun 95    CBS
Various Artists           Sam's Place                         Jul 95    TNN 
On Location               Naked Cafe "All's Fair"             Aug 95    FAM
Various Artists           Sam's Place Christmas               Dec 95    TNN
Special                   Christmas at Home with the Stars  12/25/95
Baby Baby                 "Ninety Something"                  -1995-    VH1
Live                      American Christian Music Awards     -1995-
Amy and Vince             presenting American Music Award     -1995-
Special "Too Late"        Tapestry Revisited                  -1995-
Special                   Maverick Movie video                          E!
A-Z Videos                most of HIM & HOL videos            -1995-    VH1
Interview + 2 songs       Oprah (plus Aaron Neville, Mariah)  -1995-
Video special             "This I Believe"                   7/16/96   DISNEY
Clip                      Fairway to Heaven III               -1996-    VH1
Christmas Special         Kathy Lee                         12/18/96
Interview                 Prime Time Country                12/23/96    TNN
Appearance                Dove Awards                        4/24/97

HOL - cover of HOL 24x36 (2)                                                
HIM - cover of HIM 36x60 (UK promo large) (2)
HIM - cover of Sat. Evening Post 24x36 (UK promo) (2)
HIM greatest hits poster 24x36 (US promo) (2)
HIM tour poster 24x36 (3)
HIM poster 24x36 (US promo)
Every Heartbeat - in black dress 24x36 (US promo)
Every Heartbeat - in black dress 36x60 (UK promo large) (2)
Lead Me On - cover shot 24x36 (2)
Lead Me On - sitting on crate 24x36 (3)
Unguarded - 5 shots 60x24 (3)

Signed (& inscribed) 8x10 B&W photo from House of Love (courtesy FOA)       
Signed 8x10 color photo - holding puppy in Every Heartbeat
Signed 8x10 B&W photo - photo from press kit
Signed 5x7 B&W photo
8x10 B&W photo - leaning against wall (around time of Straight Ahead) (6)
Signed 8x10 color photo - leaning against wall (around time of Straight Ahead)
Heart In Motion flat (signed)
HIM - shot from concert
Lead Me On Press Kit with 8x10 b&w photo and biography
Lead Me On promo shots - about half a dozen different shots
HIM Press Kit
HIM - shot from concert of her signing autograph
Billboard Magazine 11x14 ad--color (signed)- from HIM
Billboard Magazine 11x14 ad--b&w (signed) - from Unguarded
Honeymoon in Vegas Press Kit
Home For Christmas Press Kit
Color promo photo from HFC (she is leaning against a tree)

"Amy & Gary: Life on Riverstone Farm": CCM Magazine, May 1994              
"Amy Grant: An Autobiography": by Bob Millard (*)
"Amy Grant": The Heart of Rock & Roll (p) (8 pgs)
"Amy Grant": The Best of CCM (o,p) (18 pgs)
"Amy Grant": Live Ink, 9/29/91 by Kim Steward (o)
"Amy Grant: A Heart In Motion": Bookstore Journal, Feb 1991 by Todd Hafer
   (o,p,cs) (4 pgs)
"Amy Grant and Gary Chapman: Harmony At Home": Charisma & Christian Life,
   June 1988 by Steven Lawson (o,p,cs) (6 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Charting A New Course": Saturday Evening Post, Dec 1991 by
   Patrick M. Connolly (o,p,cs) (4 pgs) (3)
"Amy Grant: Heart In Motion": The Tampa Tribune, 3/29/91 by Rick Brunson (o)
"Amy Grant: Heart In Motion": CD Review (o,p) (2 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Heart In Motion": Christian Music Review, March 1991 by
   David J Stanford (p)
"Amy Grant: Heaven And Nature Sing": Release, Fall 1992 by Kathy Bubel
   (o,p,cs) (4 pgs)
"Amy Grant: I'm Not A Prude": Ladies Home Journal, 1985 by Cliff Jahr (p)
   (4 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Jesus Loves Me": Sept 1991 (p)
"Amy Grant Lands Dove's Top Honor": Billboard, 4/25/92 (o) (2pgs)
"Amy Grant: Letting the Music Lead Her On": Gig, July 1989 by Stephanie
   Bennett (o,p) (3 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Music From The Heart": Saturday Evening Post, May/June 1986 by
   Todd Gold (o,p,cs) (4 pgs)
"Amy Grant On Youth Ministry, Music, & Immortality": Group, Oct 1991 by
   Stephen Parolini (o,p,cs) (5 pgs)
"Amy Grant: The Interview": Release, Spring 1992 by Roberta Goteau
   (o,p,cs) (5 pgs) (5)
"Amy Grant: Platinum Brunette): Listen, May 1991 by Audrey T. Hingley
   (o,p,cs) (4 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Relatively Speaking": CCM, March 1991 by Thom Granger
   (original) (cs) (p) (4 pgs) (15)
"Amy Grant: She'll be Home for Christmas": CCM Magazine, Dec. 1992          
"Amy Grant: Singer/Songwriter": Contemporary Musicians Vol 7 (2 pgs)
"Amy Grant: Spotlight": The Orlando Sentinel, 10/27/92 (o,p)
"Amy Grant Wants To Put God On The Charts": Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985 by
   Michael Goldberg (p) (4 pgs)
"Amy's Heart In Motion": Today's Christian Woman, Nov/Dec 1992 by Julie A
   Talerico (o,p,cs) (9 pgs) (2)
"Amy Grant's Inspirational Message": NY Times, 10/17/91 by Jon Pareles (p)
"Another New Beginning": Campus Life,  July/Aug 94                          
Billboard Album Review: 3/18/91 Heart In Motion (o)
Billboard Chart: 5/4/91 Baby, Baby at #1 (o)
Billboard Single Review: 6/8/91 Every Heartbeat (o)
"Baby, Baby": (p)
"Baby, Baby Is No 1, No 1": Billboard, 5/4/91 (o,p)
"Baby Love": (p)
"Baby 'Talk': Grant Her Play Or Not?": Billboard, 4/27/91 by Sean Ross (2 pg)
"Best Bet": The Tampa Tribune, 8/30/91 (o,p)
"Best Christian Act: Amy Grant": Nashville Scene, 5/23/91 (o,p)
"Christian Musicians inthe Mainstream": Campus Life, Jan 1992 by Jim Long
"Christian Music's Best Seller Is The Sweet-sounding Gospel According To
   Amy Grant": by Dolly Carlisle (p) (2 pgs)
"Christian Singer Appeals To Fans Of Secular Pop Music": Christianity Today
   by Steve Rabey (p)
"Crossovers Boost Christian Stores": Billboard, 1/11/92 by Glenn Darby (o)
"Crossover Dreams": Billboard, 4/11/92 (o,p) (2 pgs)
"The Dating Game: Playing For Keeps": Today's Prim Time Vol 3 by Amy Grant
   (o,p,cs) (3 pgs)
"Down On The Farm With Amy Grant": Today's Christian Woman, Sept/Oct 1990
   by Dale Hanson Bourke (o,p,cs) (9 pgs)
"The Devil In Amy Grant": Esquire, November 1985 by Mark Jacobson (p)
"Don't Take Amy For Granted": Menz, Spring 1992 by Sandy Stert Benjamin
   (o,p,cs) (3 pgs)
"Family Channel Takes Close Look At Musical Lives Of Amy Grant": The Orlando
   Sentinel (o,p)
"Faithful Is Her Fashion": LA Times, 4/16/92 by Chris Willman (2 pgs)
"Grant Her The Gold": Billboard, 8/17/91 (o,p)
"Grant In Motion": Billboard, 5/23/91 (o,p)
"Grant: In Motion": (p) (3 pgs)
"Grant 'In Motion' Toward Top Of Charts": National College Newspaper (o,p)
"A 'Heart' Of Platinum": Billboard, 9/21/91 (o,p)
"Idyll Time": In Style (People), Oct. '94 (6 pgs, 8 photos)                 
"Life on Riverstone Farm
"Meet Amy Grant Chapman"
"The Music Business From Amy's Perspective"
"Once In Love With Amy": by Ken Sidey
"Personality Parade": Parade, 11/24/91 (o,p)
"P'Grams Singapore Shingid": Billboard, 6/15/91 (o,p)
"Phylicia Rashad & Amy Grant on What Makes a Good Mother", Ladies' Home
   Journal, May 1994                                                        
"Pop-chart Success Has Shaken Amy Grant's Faith": by SteveKnopper (p)
"Rich & Famous": US Express, 5/23/91 (o,p)
"Rocks Spiritual Girl": Mademoiselle, April 1986 by D.M. (p)
"Saint Amy Gets Sexy": by Cynthis Sanx and Vicki Sheff (p) (2 pgs)
"Sin and Salvation: The Gospel According to Amy Grant": Details, Sept. '94  
"She Likes God And Aprons": by Sylvia Patterson (p)
"Up Close With Amy": The Orlando Sentinel 8/25-31 1991 (o,p)
"Who's Hot!": Biography by Evan Keith (43 pgs), July '92                    
"Work On Grant Album Puts Crossover Success In Motion": Billboard, 2/29/92 by
   Gordon Ely (o)

HIM (Word publishers) (2)
HIM (Hal Leanard publishers)
HIM (elec. keyboard)
Lead Me On
Lead Me On (elec keyboard)
The Collection (2)
Age To Age
Straight Ahead
Christmas Album
My Father's Eyes (used)
Amy Grant - contains songs from first two albums
Amy Grant Songbook - wearing Leather jacket on cover
Greatest Hits Songbook - LMO shot on cover
Greatest Hits Songbook - LMO shot on cover (elec keyboard)
Amy's Songs - white flower on cover (2)

That's The Day
Tennessee Christmas
The Next Time I Fall
The Next Time I Fall (easy piano)
Baby, Baby (3)
Baby, Baby (easy piano)
Every Hearbeat (3)
That's What Love Is For (2)
Good For Me (2)
I Will Remember You (2)

Helping Hand - 2 sided with multicoloured hands on front (from FOA)       
Tour shirt - black with HIM logo
Tour shirt - shot from Baby Baby
Tour shirt - various shots from Every Heartbeat
Lead Me On World Tour shirt (2)
Silhouette Unguarded sweatshirt
Shirt with picture from LMO
Unguarded Tour T-shirt

Lead Me On RIAA Gold Record Award
24 Newsletters                                                             
Unguarded Button
Lead me On button
HIM promo pop up display
Dr. Strange #15 with controversial cover (2)
Unguarded Tourbook
HIM Tourbook (2)
Word/Commordore Computers promo mag (AG & Sandi Patti on Cover)
Press Release for Amy Grant biography by Bob Millard
Age To Age (laserdisc)

(#) - denotes number of copies
(ss) - still sealed
(o) - original
(p) - photos
(cs) - cover story
pt - performance track


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    ***  Amy Grant's Achievements on Billboard's Top 200 Album Chart  ***

 Album Title            Peak Position       Date of Entry      Weeks on Chart
 "Straight Ahead"            133               Apr 20/85              20
 "Unguarded"                  35               Jun 15/85              38
 "The Collection"             66               Aug 20/86              33
 "Lead Me On"                 71               Jul 23/88              13
 "Heart in Motion"            10               Mar 23/91             105
 "Home for Christmas"          2               Oct 24/92              14
 "House of Love"              13               Sep 10/94              54+

Thanks go to Xiaoqin Xu for researching this! :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    A Preface to Amy's achievements on Billboard Top Singles chart:

   Amy Grant is undoubtedly the most important and popular contemporary
Christian music artist of 1980s, winning 5 Grammys and 19 Dove awards from
1982 to 1989.

   Through the years, Amy Grant had shown her talent with popular music
through hit single releases, many of them though are without an incident.
A&M started to promote Amy Grant's album "Unguarded" to the secular world
in 1985. When "Find A Way" made its way to top 30 on the pop chart, There
was some controversy over this even though the song contains Christian
content. A year later, the huge success of her duet "The Next Time I Fall"
with Peter Cetera sparked even more fury among some people. And when the
first single "Baby Baby" from "Heart in Motion" came out with a bang in
1991, it raised a few eyebrows as well. Many Christian radio stations
chose not to play it. KLTY in Dallas (under Jon Rivers) was one of the few
stations that played "Baby Baby" despite some angry phone calls and
letters of complaint from its listeners. But through it all, Amy Grant has
been successful in keeping most of her Christian fans while broadening her
audience in the secular world. All 5 singles off the "Heart in Motion"
album are still played on the radio today. And now with "House of Love",
Amy, at the age of 34, is trying to repeat some of the single success of
"Heart in Motion" (although she doesn't feel under any pressure if they
don't. -Ed)

Following contains the information of Amy's single releases since 1985
from Billboard Magazine. Both the Hot 100 Singles chart and the Hot Adult
Contemporary chart are used here. "--" indicates that a song didn't make
it on the chart.

    ***  Amy Grant's Achievements on Billboard's Top Singles Chart  ***

                                       (as of the week of October 1, '95)

 POP= Billboard's Hot 100 Singles chart
 AC = Billboard's Hot Adult Contemporary chart

 Song Title              peak (# wks)        entry date         weeks on
                         POP  /  AC        POP  /    AC        POP / AC
"Find A Way"              29      7      May 18   Jun 01,'85    16   16
"Wise Up"                 66     34      Aug 17   Sep 07,'85     9    3
"Everywhere I Go"         --     28       --      Nov 09,'85     -    6
"The Next Time I Fall"     1 (1)  1 (2)  Sep 20   Sep 27,'86    21   22
"Lead Me On"              96     --      Aug 06       --         2    -
"1974 (We Were Young)"    --     31       --      Oct 01,'88     -    7
"Saved by Love"           --     32       --      Jan 07,'89     -    7
"Baby Baby"                1 (2)  1 (4)  Feb 23   Mar 09,'91    21   32
"Every Heartbeat"          2 (1)  2 (6)  Jun 15   Jun 15,'91    19   33
"That's What Love is For"  7      1 (3)  Sep 28   Sep 28,'91    20   32
"Good For Me"              8      4      Jan 18   Jan 18,'92    20   29
"I Will Remember You"     20      2 (2)  Apr 25   Apr 18,'92    20   33
"Lucky One"               18      2 (1)  Aug 13   Aug 13,'94    20   27
"House of Love"           37      5      Nov 26   Nov 26,'94    21   40
"Big Yellow Taxi"         67     18      Jun 17   May 27,'95    13+  16+
"Things We Do For Love"   data unknown


 1991 was a big year for Amy: she's a top 5 single artist.
 "Baby Baby" makes it to #1 on the Billboard Pop and AC charts.

                The year of 1991

   Category                          Amy Grant

 Top pop artist                         #9
 Top pop single artist                  #4
 Top pop single artist-female           #3
 Top Album artist                       #19
 Top Album artist-female                #5
 Top Album                              #15 (HIM)
 Top pop single                         #10 (Baby Baby)
                                        #28 (Every Heartbeat)
 Top AC artist                          #2
 Top AC single                          #2 (Baby Baby)
                                        #12 (Every Heartbeat)
 CCM album                              #3 (HIM)
                                        #13 (The Collection)
 CCM artist                             #2

                                                - Xiaoqin Xu



Nashville, Tenn.--Myrrh Recording artist Amy Grant was recently
recognized by Billboard Magazines in their 100th Anniversary Issue as
having six of the Top 10 Contemporary Christian albums of all time.
Age to Age (#1), Straight Ahead (#3), The Collection (#4), Unguarded
(#8), Heart in Motion (#9)and Lead Me On (#10) all appeared on the Top
10 list, and My Father's Eyes (#25) and Never Alone (#29) appeared in
the Top 30.

Grant, who has been in the recording industry since she was signed to
Myrrh records in 1977, has recorded 14 albums. Her debut album, Amy
Grant, has been certified Gold. She has seven Platinum albums (Age to
Age, A Christmas Album, Straight Ahead, Unguarded, The Collection,
Lead Me On  and Home for Christmas), and one Quadruple Platinum album
(Heart in Motion).
Extracted from TLeM 2.1.4

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