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FAQ: AMY GRANT V-6.81 X-tended [1/2]

( Part1 - Part2 )
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Archive-name: music/amy-grant-faq/part1
Posting-Frequency: quarterly
Last-modified: 1997-Aug-8
Version: 6.81 extended special

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                      Frequently Asked Questions [1/2]
                    for newsgroups:


 Part 1
   * Getting the FAQ
   * Biography
   * Trivia
   * Questions & Answers
      * General
      * What's in a name?
      * Who Are We?
   * Friends of AMY
   * Obtaining pictures, newsletters, lyrics
   * ART Server subscriptions
        (info on subscribing/posting for those without Usenet access)

 Part 2
   * Discography
      * Amy's Top 20
      * Videography
   * Video Reviews
   * The Collection
   * Amy's Achievements on Billboard Magazine


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   from the following ftp site:

  both versions: /pub/usenet/news.answers/music/amy-grant-faq/

   via WWW:

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           At  the  tender  age  of 16, when  Amy  went  into  the
     recording studio to make her first recording, she was  scared
     stiff  and  couldn't  do it. Finally, this  was  resolved  by
     turning  off  all  the  lights in the studio.  This  let  her
     concentrate  on  her  feelings for  God  (since  this  was  a
     religious tune), and just sing her heart out about it. (a)

     Here are a few highlights from the biography written on Amy.
     by: Bob Millard (1986)

     [aside:  This  is  an  unauthorized  biography. I am told Bob
     was able to meet Amy on a couple of interviews while he was a 
     reporter for the Nashville Banner. (b) Shortly after the book
     was published, Amy commented "He was pretty kind to me,  for 
     the most part"] (c)

           Amy  entered her career rather naively.  There was some
     confusion in her mind when she was told that she could do her
     first  concert for $300.  Not realizing that her hosts  would
     pay  HER for the privilege, rather than the other way around,
     Amy  protested.  "I only have $500 in my savings and  I  need
     it," she said. (71)

          "When I first started doing concerts I didn't have to go
     on  the road because there wasn't any big demand for me," Amy
     recalls. "People would just call about once a month  and  ask
     if  I  could  come to their place and sing.  I'd pack  up  my
     guitar and just fly out there. It has really only been [since
     1980  or  1981] that I've done any real touring at all.   But
     one   of  the first concerts I can remember doing I  had  one
     thousand  kids show up at the Will Rogers Memorial Auditorium
     in Fort Worth, Texas.
           "I had no idea how the promoter did that.  I knew maybe
     three  people in Fort Worth and couldn't understand  how  the
     promoter  got one thousand people there.  I hardly  knew  any
     songs.  I just knew the songs I'd written plus maybe five  or
     six  more.  I remember playing everything I knew and I'd only
     played  for  like fifty-five minutes and I finally  said,  'I
     don't  know  any more songs.'  But the kids yelled  from  the
     balcony, 'Why don't you just sing your songs over again?'  It
     was  so  informal.  I just said okay and started singing  'em
     over again."  (79-80)

           "I  had a dream," she says.  "I dreamed I was in heaven
     and  God put His arm around me and said, 'Amy, what have  you
     done for me?'  I had my album behind my back and said, 'Look,
     Lord, I've been singing for you.  Here's my album.'  He was a
     little  disappointed.  That's when I woke up and  realized  I
     was  a little too proud of myself and that my whole  life  at
     that time was just a piece of plastic, a round record." (83)

           "Let  me  tell you what Amy did when she first  started
     writing  songs  and  getting a few royalties,"  Amy's  mother
     says.   "One  year  at Christmas she gave  each  one  of  her
     sisters  one  of her songs.  They each get a royalty  off  it
     twice a year." The sisters' names do not appear as writers on
     any  of the album jacket credits and no one in the family  or
     management team has revealed which songs they are.  Given the
     continued,  steady  sales  of  her  albums,  Amy's  gift   of
     songwriter  credits has undoubtedly been  worth  hundreds  of
     dollars  to  her  sisters  and  will  continue  to  ring   up
     royalties,  as  long  as her records stay  in  print.   Amy's
     generosity  to her sisters is a quiet, personal  thing  among
     the tightly knit family. (94)

           Amy and Gary spent long hours together both on and  off
     the  road that summer.  Chapman's warmth and wit were winning
     one heart in the wings along with all the hearts and souls he
     was  winning over in the audience.  Amy learned a  lot  about
     performing by watching Chapman's timing and humor.  And  Gary
     couldn't  help  but  notice  the  forthright  honesty   which
     magnified  Amy's  charismatic rapport with her  audience.  In
     front of the largest crowd, a thirty-thousand-strong festival
     of  young people held in Kissimmee, Florida, Amy blurted  out
     something  to  the crowd of high school and college  students
     that immediately tore down all the barriers of pretense which
     an  elevated stage and musical message can create.  She  told
     them  that she was horny.      "We're sitting there, I do  my
     sound  check.   All  these girls are in  halter  tops,  great
     figures, everybody's wearing nothing, we're in Floriday," Amy
     says.   "I'm  eighteen and I know what they're  thinking.   I
     said, 'I really want to know Jesus and I really want to  love
     him  hormones are on ten and  I  see  you all...
     sitting  out there getting chummy and praying  together--and
     we're  horny.  My feeling is why fake it?  I'm not trying  to
     be  gross,  I'm  saying let's be honest about  what's  coming
     down.   Do  you  want to get to know Jesus?  Fine.  Let's  be
     honest about who we are.' " (103)

           "I get tired of Christians trying to tell me what being
     a  Christian is," Amy said when she was twenty years old.  "I
     get tired of that kind of Christianity.  I don't mean that in
     a disrespectful way, but it's especially true in the college-
     age  group.   People asking, 'Have you had  your  quiet  time
     today?'   We have such a regimented idea of what Christianity
     is.  In college, everybody wears the same thing and they want
     their  walk  with the Lord to be the same way.   Sometimes  I
     just  want  to scream, 'I had a loud time with the Lord  this
     morning!'   Sometimes I just feel like Christians are  boxing
     themselves in." (107)

           "I  felt that initially I was really accepted and well-
     received by the audiences, but among the music people  I  was
     really  looked  down  upon," she  recalls.   "They  were  all
     thinking...all  the  young  kids  buy  [her records]  because
     she  sings  so simply.  They all thought that the three-year-
     old  kid next door could write my songs.  But that's just it;
     the three-year-old next door was not writing them." (114)

           "Sometimes I think it's a little unrealistic  to  think
     the  only thoughts a person has are Christian thoughts,"  Amy
     recalls.   "I  remember going to a fraternity party  and  you
     just   sense the electricity starting to happen.  Some  guy's
     paying you some attention and then somebody goes, 'Hey,  this
     is  the gospel singer' and phhht, there it goes.  I felt like
     saying, 'Hey, look, I can flirt, I can date, I will kiss good
     night,  we can embrace.'  But once the stereotype is  there--
     wham!" (118)

          Many Vanderbilt boys were intimidated by her status as a
     "professional  Christian."  They avoided Amy  in  any  normal
     social  situation.  "They think you're a female Billy  Graham
     with a guitar," she complained (119).

                   "I'll never be a star.
                    I  just  prefer to  wish upon them,
                    Greet them at dusk,
                    And watch them fall."

           That's  how the postcard poem read.  The message  comes
     from  her  heart, a young woman's rejection of the  Hollywood
     star-making machinery and its counterpart in the gospel music
     industry.  Recognitions of her in the world  of  professional
     entertainment   was  growing  each  month,  as   the   Grammy
     nomination  and  the GMA Dove Award nominations  of  the  two
     previous  years  attested.   The legion  of  Amy  Grant  fans
     continued to grow.  (122-123)

           "Our  big  thrill was when we sang in  a  place  called
     Brugg.   This  is not Bruge, Belgium it's Brugg, Switzerland.
     We  sang  at  some kind of a ruin, it was like  a  circle  of
     stones  and  obviously  had pillars.  There  were  about  six
     thousand  people there and we were invited to be  part  of  a
     music  festival there. They were cheering when we walked  out
     and  at  first they told us to do six or seven songs, but  by
     the  time  we  got  up it was only two songs.   We  were  the
     nobodies  so they cut us way down.  We walked off  and  said,
     'This  will  be  incredible, the record company  will  be  so
     excited.  We've spread our names and spread our music.'
           "We  walked off and someone came up to shake our  hands
     and they said, 'Now what is your name?'  We said Gary Chapman
     and  Amy Grant. They said,  'They didn't introduce you,  they
     just said here's the two Americans.' " (137)

           "Historically,  any time a gospel artist has  tried  to
     cross  over, it has been just death for them in the Christian
     music  realm," Amy reflects.  "I don't understand it. I don't
     understand the mentality that says you can't express  several
     sides  of  your  life.  B.J. Thomas does it but  he's  highly
     criticized,  and unfairly so.  A person is a person  and  you
     have feelings. You know, I love my husband, I struggle in  my
     relationship  with my family, this is what I feel  like  when
     I'm  driving home from work, this is  how I brush  my  teeth.
     Not  everything  has some heavy spiritual  emphasis.   But  I
     feel  like there have been so few gospel artists that there's
     a real protective feeling in the gospel music industry."(141)

           "I  felt  like  meat on a hook," Amy told  Contemporary
     Christian  Music  magazine.  "We'd go to places  like  Johnny
     Carson.   The  talent director would take me into  the  inner
     sanctum while Gary and my manager sat outside taking bets  on
     how I'd do." (151)

           "Parents encourage their kids to go see Amy because her
     lyrics  are  clean, they're acceptable, and  her  venues  are
     wholesome," explains GMA executive director Don Butler.  "She
     doesn't want the conservative fundamentalists coming  to  her
     concerts.  She wants young people who will get up and move to
     the  beat, people who want to be pinned against the back wall
     by  the  volume for two hours.  That's what she  gives  them.
     Besides, Amy never had the traditional gospel music fans,  so
     how  could she turn them off?  She has never been the darling
     of the fundamentalists." (153-154)

          "There are a lot of songs that I just write and the only
     differentiation  between them and secular pop  music  that  I
     would  say  is that they are an observation of everyday  life
     from  a Christian perspective," Amy explains.  "Like, I wrote
     a great song about my great grandmother one time and somebody
     who was really serious about what the lyrics should say might
     say,  'You know, you say you're a Christian singer, but  I've
     played  this song about your great grandmother for my  friend
     and  they  were  not saved.  You're a failure.'  A  hard-line
     gospel songwriter might say that.  But my point of view would
     be  that instead of just writing about this one little  piece
     of  the  spectrum,  I'm  just, as a  songwriter,  approaching
     life." (155)

           "There  is  a point at which we all have to  say  we're
     satisfied,"  she says.  "I can't let the number of  albums  I
     sell dictate what I think of myself.  If you start equating a
     song with dollar signs, you'll lose your value of what a song
     is all about." (159)

           "Gary's really great," she said.  "Sensitive--maybe too
     much  so--but  that's balanced by a terrific sense  of  humor.
     Like  most  couples  we fight about everything.   'You're  so
     pushy,' he'll say.  'Stop manipulating me,' I'll say.  It's a
     great marriage." (161)

           In  Detroit,  Amy  was confronted  by  young  fans  who
     presented her with a bouquet  of flowers attached to  a  note
     that read: "Turn back. You can still be saved if you renounce
     what you've done."
          "I cried in the shower, then went into the room and Gary
     was  in bed, and I said, 'Would you hold me for a while?' and
     I  just cried," Amy confesses.  "Gary prayed for us, then the
     words of my pastor echoed in my head: "You are called to love
     them."  (162)

           "I  feel like in the past we have felt, we as Christian
     artists  have  felt  like  every song,  every  album  had  to
     encompass  everything that means to be Christian," she  says.
     "I  feel  like a lot of us now feel like 'let's approach  all
     aspects of life from a Christian perspective.' Now it doesn't
     mean  that  suddenly every song doesn't have to be 'Blood  on
     the  Cross.' That's never not included.  But it's just saying
     there's  so  many  areas  of life to be  discussed  and  it's
     important  to  have  somebody discuss  it  from  a  Christian
     perspective.  How great to have a song that says,  you  know,
     it's  really  bad between me and my husband but I  know  that
     love perseveres." (167)

            Amy's  enuncitation  is  often  poor  from  behind   a
     microphone,  occasionally obscuring her lyrics, which,  after
     all,  are the heart of a gospel song. Many of her young  fans
     know  her  lyrics by heart anyway, so they found a  palatable
     invitation  to  faith  in  her Christian  witnessing  in  her
     performance.  There was the added communication of  her  mid-
     concert monolog, delivered partly while Amy lay flat  on  her
     back,  legs crossed and kicking into the air like the B-grade
     movie stereotype of a teenage on the telephone.  She came  as
     close  as  she ever has to delivering a full-scale  Christian
     witness during this part of the concert.
           "For maybe five of ten minutes [during concerts],  I'll
     say who I am and what Jesus means in my life," Amy says.   "I
     don't want to browbeat a crowd for two hours." (168)

           "I  do what comes the easiest to me and people fall  in
     the  aisles," she says.  "That's the difference  with  music.
     It's  a  talent that people will know who you are,  but  that
     doesn't mean it's a greater talent than any other.  There are
     times when I've felt, 'What a farce,' that my sisters work so
     hard  with their kids and get no attention.  I do what  comes
     naturally  and get enought attention for all of us and  forty
     times more.  It's a humbling thing." (173)

           "When  people  express shock at the idea  of  crossover
     they're  assuming  that  you're leaving  something  essential
     behind,"  Amy said to her critics in the Christian community.
     "I  want to keep singing what I've always sung, but I see  an
     opportunity to do both--to sing for a larger audience and  to
     keep singing truth.  And then I just go woooooo!  Do it!   Go
     for it!" (176-177)

           "What I want to do is to, in the way that I communicate
     and  express myself, is to say what it means to be a  vibrant
     Christian  woman  in the eighties," Amy explained.   "And  it
     doesn't  mean, hey, my breasts are going to hang out over  my
     shirt.   I  mean,  that's gross to me.  But it  means  to  be
     wholesome  and alive.  I think a lot of times to me something
     that's  very sexy, if you want to call it that, appealing  to
     me is something that's very alive." (177)

           She  stopped  saying  "maybe"  to  the  possibility  of
     crossover  into  the  country or pop  industry  and  in  1985
     announced, "I want to play hardball in this business."
           "I  want  to  be the U.S.A.'s top pop singer  with  the
     wholesome  image," she says.  "It's fun to fantasize  with  a
     Madonna.   All  through history there have been singers  that
     projected  a  popular  image: Carole King,  Karen  Carpenter.
     There's  no balance to what kind of image is being  presented
     to kids today.  I want to be there." (177)

           "I  see  myself as sort of a combination performer  and
     evangelist," Amy explains.  "I hope people enjoy my  singing,
     but  at the same time their lives are affected by the words."

     ==> From Friends In Motion.
     (a) Thanks to Traci Miklos for this information.
     (b) Info c/o Julie Smart
     (c) From Lori McAlister -- thanks for the update! :)


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Name:                 Amy Lee Grant :^)

Born:                 Nov. 25, 1960 at St. Joseph Hospital in Augusta, GA
Eyes:                 brown
Hair:                 brown, naturally curly
Weight:               128.4 lbs.
Height:               5'7"
Sisters:              Mimi, Kathy, Carol
Brother-in-law:       Dan Harrell (married to Kathy)
Married:              Saturday June 19, 1982 - wedding at Vine Street
                      Christian Church in Nashville, TN
Husband:              Gary Chapman (born August 19, 1957 in Waurika, OK)
Children:             Matthew Garrison (b.1988), Gloria Mills (b.1991),
                      Sarah Cannon (b.1993)
Father:               Dr. Burton Paine Grant
Mother:               Gloria Grant
Grandfather:          Dr. Otis Grant
Great Grandfather:    Andrew Mizell Burton
                      (multimillionare and philanthropist)
Great Grand mother:   Lillie May Armstrong Burton (Mimi)
Cousins:              Wilson Burton (founder of City magazine)
                      Barry Burton (Vanderbilt Univ. football star)
Nieces/Nephews:       19 and counting
Pets:                 2 cats, 1 German Shepherd, some horses, a mule, chickens
Hobbies:              writing, long walks, manual labor, sitting in barns

Baptized:             Church of Christ congregation in grade 7
Switched to:          Belmont Church (of charismatic Christians), early teens

Grammar school:       Ensworth private
High School:          Harpeth Hall (got top honor -- 'Lady of the Hall')
                      # A's = 5;  # F's = 1 in English Lit
Colleges:             Furman University in Greenville, SC and Vanderbilt
                      Univ. in Nashville, TN (20 hours short of graduating)
 - Major:             English Lit (of course!)

Favorite food:        spaghetti (can't think of any least fave foods)
 - ethnic foods:      crunchy shrimp rolls & bagels w/ smoked salmon & capers
 - ice cream:         Baskin Robbins Chocolate Chip, Haagen Dazs Chocolate
 - desert:            Something that involves chocolate and peanut butter.
                      It can be a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup or just a blob
                      peanut butter butter with Nestle chocolate chips.
 - restaurant:        California Pizza Kitchen (Los Angeles, casual)
 - past-time:         gardening and cleaning
 - thing not to do:   scrub the toilet
 - TV show:           Seinfeld
 - comic:             The Far Side
 - movie:             Forrest Gump (Terminator, Rambo, etc, NOT my type)
 - source of trivia:  Harper's Index
 - sport to join in:  snow skiing and GOLFING
 - pro sport:         football

First piano lesson:   10 years old
 - took up guitar:    7th grade
 - romantic Kiss:     Spring of 7th grade (last romantic kiss: 2 hours ago)
 - car owned:         maroon, '73 MG GT (learned to drive on '63 VW Bug)
 - serious concert:   [according to her] in July 1978 at Lakeside
                      Amusement Park in Denver, CO.  Given $300 for it.
 - album:             'Amy Grant' recorded at age 16, released in 1977
                      50,000 copies sold in first year--now 250,000+ sold!
 - big tour:          1981 with Ed DeGarmo and Dana Key
 - Dove award:        presented at age 17
 - Platinum album:    Age to Age (1982). Also, first time ANY Christian artist
                      had ever gone Platinum. Album won 6 Doves & 1 Grammy

Started singing:      At school for my friends
Wrote first song:     15 years old (Mountain Man - never released)

6th, 7th, 8th grade music obsession: Cher, Carole King, Bette Midler

Longest tour:         Unguarded (June 1984 - September 1, 1986)
Longest camping trip: 21 days, summer after 9th grade (3 bath)
Longest flight:       to Niarobi, Kenya to visit a friend

Traffic tickets:      Speeding = 1;  Parking = 14+...I stopped counting
Pet peeves:           Too many interviews

Scariest thing that happened:  radial karetotemy eye surgery
Best thing that happened:      radial karetotemy eye surgery

Thanks to David Ragsdale for compiling this section from the
'Friends of Amy' newsletter, and a BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE goes to
Lori McAlister for researching it in the first place. ;^)


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  Where was the "Lead Me On" video shot?

     That song video was shot on three different locations. The waterfall
     scenes were filmed about 90 miles from my house in Tennessee. It is
     a privately-owned old mill, river and waterfall. Not a bad place for
     a backyard party, huh?  Zion National Park in Utah was the grand, arid,
     mountainous part of the video. And finally, we did some set work in
     a sound studio in Los Angeles. Four days of filming in all, five
     days of travel and two weeks of editing...and voila! a 4 minute video!
                                                (Aug '89 FOA newsletter)

  Why are there two videos to "Good for Me"?

     The first video featured Amy singing and dancing with another female.
     Amy was trying to convey a message of two childhood friends, but in
     the making of the video and all the overprocessing that went on, she
     somehow felt the message she wanted got lost.  Thus, she asked her
     male friend, Jme Stein, to shoot another video with her--the 2nd video.
     Refer to the section "Video Reviews" for a more detailed description.

  Where can I find "Politics of Kissing"?

     PoK is a very catchy song that Amy recorded for the House of Love
     project. It was released only on the Euro/Asian versions of the HoL CD.

  What circumstances inspired Lead Me On?

     Well, before recording Lead Me On, Amy had just come off of a lengthy
     (eighteen months) tour for Unguarded which had kept her on the road
     for over a year.  This was pretty shortly after her marriage to Gary
     and the tour really put a strain on their relationship.  Seems that
     travelling in buses everywhere with other musicians & concert production
     people, and staying in hotels and motels with thin walls made it hard for
     them to have time alone together; they came off the tour feeling kind of
     like strangers. On top of that, their first child, Matt, was born when
     Amy started Lead Me On, which put an additional strain on them adjusting
     to be new parents. Gary and Amy entered marriage counseling to get their
     relationship back on track. They were able to work it all out; two
     children and two albums later, things seem great between them.

     However, Lead Me On is definitely a product of those low times. The
     album has an overall melancholic feel to it, more thoughtful and
     reflective than her earlier gospel albums or her later pop albums.
     Especially songs like "Faithless Heart" which describes her temptation to
     be unfaithful in pretty clear terms. In the album dedication (to Matt)
     she wrote that she wanted him to know "how his mom felt about things" so
     she was clearly trying to make an album that reflected the times she was
     going through and the eventual strength she found. Because of these
     things, Lead Me On is the best and deepest album she has done, in my
     opinion. It really speaks to me of hard times overcome. This is the
     album that I put on when I am depressed and I have found it to be
     excellent personal therapy.  Lead Me On is not only my favorite Amy
     Grant album, but my favorite album out of everything I own, period.
     However, although I would love for her to record another "Lead Me On",
     more than that I don't want Amy to ever have to go through that again.
     It's kind of a tough situation. The "tortured artist" has produced so
     much amazing art, literature, and music. How much do we want them to get
     their heads and lives straightened out, when it means that their work may
     be less interesting. Of course, I would never want Amy to go through pain
     for the purpose of writing better music (and of course, it is debatable
     that it is better in the first place) as she writes great music anyway.
     But I have that tug in me that wishes she would write something in that
     vein even though I know it was largely due to circumstances I would never
     wish upon her again.
                                                      (David Ragsdale)

What's In a Name?

  Who is Laura in "Saved by Love"?

    "Laura is a combination of everyone in my life, she is more than
     one person."  It is a feeling, Amy goes on to say, that every woman
     has from time to time; wondering if there is more to life.
                     (Today Show, interview by Jane Pauly, Nov. 24, 1988)

    "Laura" is not any one certain person. I've always liked the name. In
     fact, when I was a little girl, I wanted my name to be Laura. This
     character is actually based on one of my sisters. ("Laura loves her
     little family"...I liked all those L's)
                                                (Aug '89 FOA newsletter)

  Who is Sharayah?

    "Sharayah" is a name, that is all. It has no meaning that I know of,
     and it is not Hebrew. Actually, the man that I co-wrote the song with
     came up with the name Sharayah. It seems that he first saw the name
     in a newspaper article in his hometown of England. However, the owner
     of the name was a racehorce. (I guess you never can tell where a
     little inspiration might come from.)
                                                (Mar '86 FOA newsletter)

  What does El Shaddai mean?

     Here's a translation of the song lyrics:

        El Shaddai, El Shaddai
        (God Almighty, God Almighty)

        El Elyon Na Adonai
        (God in the highest, Lord)

        Er Kam Ka Na Adonai
        (I will have compassion on you Lord)
                                                (July '87 FOA newsletter)

Friends of Amy:

  "How can I meet Amy?"

     Occasionally, when Amy is touring, a local concert  promoter  or
     sponsor will arrange for an autograph party in that city. We  do
     not  attempt  to  make  arrangements for individuals  either  in
     their  cities or here in Nashville.  It would be a security  and
     logistical  nightmare to accommodate such requests. (Amy  wanted
     me  to  add  that  if  you ever pass her on  the  street,  don't
     hesitate to stop and introduce yourself!)

  "regarding packages and gifts..."

     As  of April 1990, we adopted a policy of not receiving packages
     or  gifts  of  any  kind.  Packages with  return  addresses  are
     returned. Those without are simply left at the post office.

  "regarding music, lyrics and demo tapes..."

     Amy   simply  does  not  have  the  time  nor  does   she   feel
     particularly  qualified to critique music  and  lyrics  sent  to
     her.  As  for  "pitching" your song to her,  she  only  receives
     material presented through a reputable publisher and by her  own
     request.   In the past, we have attempted to return  any  lyrics
     submitted  witha  note of explanation. As of  January  1992,  we
     will  only be returning those lyrics that are sent with a  self-
     addressed stamped envelope. For legal purposes, all others  will
     be destroyed.

  "regarding working for Amy or trying out for a band..."

     Honestly,  you've got to know somebody on the "inside track"  to
     even  be considered for a position either in her personal  staff
     or   touring  entourage.  Prospective  musicians/vocalists   are
     welcome  to  submit  resumes, demo tapes and inquiries  to  Mike
     Blanton at:

          Blanton/Harrell, Inc.
          2019 Poston Ave
          Nashville,   TN  37203  (this is Amy's management office)

Who Are We?  (in reverse alphabetical order)

  Lori McAlister: (refer to Friends of Amy section for more details)
     - Amy's personal correspondent since 1985
     - handles Amy's "fan" mail
     - writes the Friends of Amy newsletters
     - joined Internet and a.m.a-g with a 'splash' in late June of '94
     - an extremely valuable us the 'inside' on Amy
     - lives in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
     - she can be reached at:  or

  Andreas Haug: (refer to ART Server and Obtaining... for more details)
     - sent the new group create control sequence in mid-January '94,
       bringing to life
     - administers the Amy Response Team (ART) Server and Gateway
     - administers Amy Grant - the Archive (AGtA) World-Wide-Web Server
     - lives near Stuttgart, Germany
     - he can be reached at:  or

  Steve Hill:
     - assisted in proposals to set in motion
     - Amy's semi-official "dyed-in-the-wool" concert photographer
         - check out
     - he can be reached at:

  Gary Chapman:
     - Amy Grant's husband, lives in Franklin, Tennessee
     - he joined the group in early November, 1995
     - Gary can be reached at:

  Pradeep Bhatia:
     - nurtured a seed (idea) during Christmas of '93 to set (initially in motion
     - founder/administrator of, at the time the
       2nd real newsgroup devoted to a female artist (
       was doomed from the start because of naming problems)
     - pushed forth proposals to establish
     - maintains the Amy Grant FAQ (what you are hopefully enjoying now)
     - currently lives in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
     - he can be reached at:

Thanks to JediHolo for his contribution of the Today Show interview.
A big round of applause goes to David Ragsdale for his contribution!!!

What do all those funny characters mean?

                C O M M O N   N E T   A C R O N Y M S

     AOL        America On-Line
     BTW        By The Way
     BWG        Big Wide Grin
     EOD        End of Discussion
     FAQ        Frequently Asked Questions
     FWIW       For What its Worth
     FYI        For Your Information
     HTML       HyperText Mark-up Language
     IAE        In Any Event
     IMHO       In My Humble Opinion [In My Honest Opinion]
     IOW        In Other Words
     IRL        In Real Life
     IRC        Internet Relay Chat
     LOL        Laughing out Loud (major) / Lots of Love (minor)
     LTNS       Long Time No See
     MYOB       Mind Your Own Business
     OTOH       On the Other Hand
     ROTFL      Rolling on the Floor Laughing
     TTYL       Talk To You Later
     URL        Uniform Resource Locator [Address suitable for a web browser]
     WRT        With Respect To [With Regard To]
     WWW        World Wide Web

                   A M Y   G R A N T   A C R O N Y M S

     AG         Amy Grant
     AGC        Amy Grant Chapman
     a.m.a-g newsgroup
     ART        Amy Response Team (newsgroup <--> e-mail listserver)
     BTE        Behind the Eyes
     BYT        Big Yellow Taxi
     CCM        Christian Contemporary Music
     FOA        Friends of Amy
     FOG        Friends of Gary
     GC         Gary Chapman
     HIM        Heart in Motion
     HOL        House of Love
     LMO        Lead Me On
     r.m.a.a-g newsgroup
     TLI        The Light Inside
     TWLIF      That's What Love is For

Thanks to Brian Schafer for researching these. Great job, IMHO! :)


 8888      w                8               d8b      db
 8www 8d8b w .d88b 8d8b. .d88 d88b   .d8b.  8'      dPYb   8d8b.d8b. Yb  dP
 8    8P   8 8.dP' 8P Y8 8  8 `Yb.   8' .8 w8ww    dPwwYb  8P Y8P Y8  YbdP
 8    8    8 `Y88P 8   8 `Y88 Y88P   `Y8P'  8     dP    Yb 8   8   8   dP

(...or everything you've wanted to know about FRIENDS OF AMY, but were
afraid to ask:)   (info provided by Lori McAlister)

"Where can I write to Amy Grant?"

 Send any and all correspondence to:
  Amy Grant
  Friends of Amy
  9 Music Square S., Suite 214
  Nashville, TN 37203-3203   e-mail:

Anything  sent to Amy's attention at any other address (including
her home) is forwarded to FOA. For time and security reasons, Amy
doesn't  open mail from anyone she does not personally know.  She
does  receive  a random sampling of her mail which she  reads  as
time  permits. She also has a question/answer section in her tri-
annual  FOA  Newsletter. Every word of every letter Amy  is  sent
gets  read  and  dealt  with  in a confidential  and  responsible
manner.  "Brevity"  is  the  key to  getting  your  requests  and
questions answered most quickly.


** FOA Newsletter (February, June, and October issues)
  includes   post  card  notices  of  tour  itineraries, snapshots,
  recipies,  question/answer, sneak peek lyric previews, behind the
  scenes and whatever else Amy feels like writing about.
   $10/year US   $12/year CANADA  $15/year other foreign

** A personalized, autographed, 5x7 B&W photo of Amy
   $2 U.S.  $3 all  foreign  (be  sure  to  include  name  for

** "Meet Amy Grant Chapman" info package:
  autobiographical info, trivia, personal spiritual journey,
  discography, her career start and most current project news.
    $7 US  $8 all foreign

** "The  Music Business From Amy's Perspective"  info package:
   How  Amy  got started, her thoughts and  advice  for
   aspiring writes/performers, addresses to write for more
    $2 US $3 all foreign


All  the above prices include shipping and handling. Make cheques
payable  to  FRIENDS OF AMY.  Include  your  COMPLETE  &  LEGIBLE
name and address with the order. Thanks!

"AMY GRANT merchandise availability..."

  At  this  time,  official Amy stuff is available  only  at  the
  concerts. We HOPE to be able to offer some items from the HOUSE
  OF  LOVE  tour, but have no confirmation of this as yet.  Music
  and  video product are available wherever WORD or A&M  products
  are  sold. If what you're looking for is not in stock, ask  the
  store  to special order it for you.  If that fails, in  the  US
  you can write to:

          Family Music Club
          P O Box 10659
          Des Moines, IA 50336-0659

  Another excellent place to find Amy collectibles is:

          Goods For You
          P.O. Box 25082
          Nashville, TN 37202


            .d88b. 8     w        w       w
            8P  Y8 88b. w8ww .d88 w 8d8b. w 8d8b. .d88
            8b  d8 8  8  8   8  8 8 8P Y8 8 8P Y8 8  8
            `Y88P' 88P'  Y8P `Y88 8 8   8 8 8   8 `Y88

       P I C T U R E S,  N E W S L E T T E R S,  L Y R I C S

via the  W O R L D   W I D E   W E B

Marc Drumm's  "Amy Grant Throughout this Web Wide World"

  Marc has set up links to just about any site on the web that contains
  Amy related pages.  This would be a good site for surfers to
  springboard from. ;^)


       db    888b. 88888    .d88b.
      dPYb   8  .8   8      YPwww. .d88b 8d8b Yb  dP .d88b 8d8b
     dPwwYb  8wwK'   8          d8 8.dP' 8P    YbdP  8.dP' 8P
    dP    Yb 8  Yb   8      `Y88P' `Y88P 8      YP   `Y88P 8
                                  S U B S C R I P T I O N S

Since there are several people out there without access to the
newsgroup, we've set up an automated remailer which forwards
all postings from the newsgroup via eMail. To subcribe, send a
message containing the word 'subscribe' to the address:
  (for regular list)  (for daily digest)

 Important: Include the word 'subscribe' in the body of the message.

 Note: both lists are identical, except the digest contains all the
       regular posts and is sent out every 24 hours rather than as the
       posts are received as is the case with the regular list.

Later, if you wish to get off the list, send the word 'unsubscribe' to
the same address.

 Note: ART is a two-way gateway.  All posts to the
       newsgroup are mirrored by the ART server to all ART subscribers.
       All messages sent to the ART server (address below)
       are mirrored to the newsgroup. Therefore, to post to the newsgroup,
       write your posting as usual, and send it via eMail to


If you have any questions regarding this service feel free to ask the
maintainer (Andreas Haug)

This FAQ maintained by Pradeep Bhatia. Thanks to all the contributors!
If you would like to add to this, send submissions to:

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           END  O F   T  H  E    A   M   Y    G  R  A  N T   FAQ 1
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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Pradeep Bhatia)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM