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MPEG-FAQ: multimedia compression [9/9]

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Archive-name: mpeg-faq/part9
Last-modified: 1996/06/02
Version: v 4.1 96/06/02
Posting-Frequency: bimonthly

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge

Please fill out this form carefully to order "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom"
Version 1.0. Then send it via letter to:

  PHADE Software
  Inh. Frank Gadegast
  Leibnizstr. 30
  10625 Berlin, GERMANY

  Fon/Fax: ++ 49 30 312 81 03
  E-Mail :
  Web    :

The price of the MPEG-CD-Rom is DM 49.90, plus

  o  DM 10 for shipping inside Germany
  o  DM 15 for shipping inside Europe
  o  DM 28 for shipping outside Europe.

The German price already includes 15 % VAT. All other prices are without VAT.

So the total prices inclusive shipping and handling will be:

Germany:  	59.90 DM
Europe:   	64.90 DM
International:	77.90 DM

Shipping will be done via airmail, so you have the fastest delivery !

So, e.g. if you order one CD-Rom disc from inside Europe and pay
via EC-cheque, fill the EC-cheque with DM 64,90.

(Only for Germans:
Innerhalb Deutschland, setzen Sie bitte den Betrag von DM 59.90 in
Ihren Euro- oder Verrechnungs-Scheck ein.)

Feel free to ask for our special price list for distributors,
contributors or for special prices for bundling with other hard- and software.

If you order several CD-Rom's, you only have to add the
shipping fees once !

Exchange rate today is about : 1 US$ = 1.40 DM,
but please fill out all cheques in German Deutsch Marks (DM) only !!!

By signing the order you agree to the following terms:

The use of "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom Version 1.0" is limited to one
local area network or one single computer.

The re-use of parts of this CD-Rom disc or the whole CD-Rom without
the written permission of PHADE Software and Hartmann Multimedia Service
is strictly prohibited.
Especially BBS systems, Mailboxes, Networks on the Internet, ftp- or HTTP-
server or Online-Services like CompuServe(R) do NOT have the permission
to re-use the contents of this CD-Rom for the benefit of their users.
Please ask PHADE Software for that permission and Hartmann Multimedia Service
for the conditions !

Some single programs, tools, documentation files or streams can be
copied and used for whatever purpose, according to the limitations
from the original authors, because they are Shareware or freeware.

It is strictly prohibited to use the

o installation files (like INSTALL.EXE, INSTALL.HLP, the install-scripts)

o utilities copyrighted by PHADE Software (like DBMP.EXE, BROWSER.EXE,
  WINEXE.EXE), the CD-Rom documentation files

o HTML-pages and their pictures

o sound-, pictures-, text- and other files belonging into the audio-
  archives "IUMA", "NFM" or "BerlinBands"

o all MPEG-streams that are not already available in the Internet, like
  most of the MPEG-1-systemstreams, other streams and the Intro,

for another purpose than in conjuction with using this CD-Rom disc. A copy of
those files for a different purpose is strictly prohibited and protected
by German Law.

The music of the Intro is copyrighted by Stefan Hartmann, Hartmann
Multimedia Service, Berlin and should not be copied either.

PHADE Software claims the compilation copyright. Other projects should
not benefit from copying the structure, methods or utility-combinations
developed, tested and used for this CD-Rom disc.

And now for our German customers:

Die Internet MPEG CD-Rom ist eine einzigartige Kollektion von MPEG- Audio-
und Video-Daten. Sie enthält ca. 600 MB digitale MPEG-Filme, MPEG-Songs
(inclusive Internet Underground Music Archiv) und alle Utilities und Infos,
die gebraucht werden, um das Material rein per Software abzuspielen, zu
schneiden, zu variieren und zu erzeugen.

Die CD ist eine ISO9660 CD-Rom und kann auf DOS/Windows-, allen UNIX-Systemen
und MACs gelesen werden. Sie enthält  MPEG-Tools und Utilities für diese
Platformen. Alle Utilities sind Shareware oder Public Domain.

Die Internet MPEG CD-Rom wurde als interaktives HTML-Hypertext-Dokument
organisiert, so daß Sie sich  mit einem WWW-Viewer durch das Archiv klicken
können, ohne dabei den Überblick zu verlieren.
So können Sie sich interaktiv per Mausklick durch über 150 MPEG-Songs von
40 Bands und durch über 200 MPEG-Filme bewegen !

Unter Windows wird der CELLO-WWW-Viewer installiert, mit dem Sie OFFLINE
durch das Internet "surfen" können.
(alle  WWW-Seiten auch unter Unix und auf MACs abrufbar !)

Lernen Sie, wie das Internet funktioniert, OFFLINE von der CD ! Sie brauchen
keine Modem-Verbindung zum Netz ! Keine langen Download-Wartezeiten mehr !
Alles ist nur einen Klick entfernt !
Erleben Sie die Welt der neusten multimedialen Kompressionstechniken, die
Ihnen Stunde für Stunde Musik und Filme bringt !
Ein Klick und Sie hören via Realtime-Software-MPEG-Audio-Player die Bands in
CD-Qualität ! Noch ein Klick und Sie sehen die MPEG-Filme rein per
Software-Playback ! Keine MPEG-Hardware erforderlich ! Seien Sie schneller als
das Internet, holen Sie sich diese CD-Rom:

The Internet MPEG-CD-Rom !

====================== cut here and mail or email this part only ! ==========

Name         : _____________________________________
First Name   : _____________________________________
Title        : _____________________________________
Company      : _____________________________________

Address      : _____________________________________
Town         : _____________________________________
Post code    : _____________________________________
Country      : _____________________________________

Phone        : _____________________________________
Fax          : _____________________________________
E-mail       : _____________________________________

Enter here the number of CD-Rom's you want to order (defaults
to 1):

    (  ) number of CD-Rom's

I pay "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" by ...

    ( ) VISA-card, include your Card-Nr.: _____________________

                      Name of cardholder: _____________________

                         Expiration date: _____________________

    ( ) EC-Cheque, please fill in DM (German Deutsch Marks, only !)
    ( ) Verrechnungsscheck (nur in Deutschland, only inside Germany)

           =============       ======================================
             (date)                     ^-- sign here

====================== cut here  cut here  cut here =======================

PHADE Software, Leibnizstr. 30, 10625 Berlin, GERMANY
Inh. Frank Gadegast           Fon/Fax: +49 30 3128103


~Subject: The Internet MPEG Audio Archive

        PHADE SOFTWARE        and   Hartmann Multimedia Service
        Inh. Frank Gadegast         Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann


              The Internet MPEG Audio Archive  Version 1.0
                       January  1th  1996

        o MPEG Audio software tools for DOS, Windows and UNIX !
        o Biggest One-Disk-Music-Sampler ever !
        o Internet OFFLINE on CD-ROM
        o Internet OFFLINE Training
        o Over 70 songs from more than 30 bands in CD quality !
        o More than 150 MPEG audio files !
        o More than 1500 files ...

The Internet MPEG Audio Archive (IMAA) features 35 music bands with over
377 MBytes of MPEG Audio material, that is 77 complete music songs
(351 MBytes=3:47 hours) and all in all 157 MPEG Audio files on one CD-Rom !

It uses the MPEG Audio compression format, which makes it possible to store
more than 10 times the amount of music data on one CD-Rom disc than with 
conventional PCM Audio encoding.

The IMAA CD-Rom also features an unique collection of MPEG-Audio tools for
Windows, DOS and Unix platforms to encode, decode, play and rearrange
this MPEG Audio material. All programs and utilities are public domain or 

The CD-Rom itsself is a standard ISO-9660 disc and can be read and used on DOS,
Windows, UNIX and MAC systems. A complete installation program for Windows3.x
and Windows95 is included.

To make the IMAA CD-ROM disc interactive and access all the music songs
via an easy to use point and click interface, the IMAA CD-Rom is compiled as
a big HTML hypertext document, which you can browse via a WEB (World Wide
Web) browser program. For Windows3.x and Windows95 the browser program (Cello)
is already included on the CD-Rom disc.
All the HTML pages explain and display all the infos from the music bands
and the whole contens of the archive. You can browse also through Megabytes
of documentation about MPEG compression and interactively select and play
hours of hours of music.

The Internet MPEG Audio Archive is especially compiled for those people, who
want to follow the digital multimedia revolution or want to develop 
MPEG Audio utilities or create and listen to MPEG audio songs.

                   Try and USE the Internet OFFLINE !!!

To make the "Internet MPEG Audio Archive" interactive, one big hypertext-
document explains and displays the whole contents of the archive,
giving the user a powerful tool, called Cello, to browse through
Megabytes of documentaton and to interactevly select and play hours
and hours of music.

The whole archive itself is organized as one big hypertext-document.
It includes a complete Wide-World-Web (WWW) document, the tools to
use this document on Windows-, Windows-NT-, Linux-, SunOS- and Solaris-
machines are included, most UNIX-hosts can include "The Internet MPEG
Audio Archive" into their hyptertext-services with a single link !!!

Internet MPEG Audio Archive, Version 1.0
ISO 9660 conform CD-Rom disc, 435 MB , 1561 Files
easy point and click HTML-interface via Cello WEB-Browser

"The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" contains at least the following sections:

     170 MB   AUDIO     general Audio Files
      17 MB   BIN       Installation programs for Windows
       1 MB   FAQ       Frequently Asked Question files
     138 MB   IUMA      Internet Underground Music Archive
     108 MB   NFM       Net For Music archive
      11 MB   UTIL      Tools and source code for Amiga, DOS, Unix & Windows
     137 MB   WOLVERIN  Wolverine Records archive
      10 MB   WWW       HTML-dokuments to explains contents

     Total = 425 bytes

Please be sure, to get always the most-up-to-date description
of "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive" before requesting it ! EMail to:

Look at the date of this info file, something older than 6 months
can't be up-to-date !

           Be faster than the Internet and order now !!!

Ordering can be done now immediately via email or via letter.

To obtain "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive" you have the following choices:

o  fill the ORDER.FRM and send it via e-mail or fax it to
   PHADE Software (if paying with VISA-card only !)

o  fill the ORDER.FRM and send it via letter to PHADE Software
   (only VISA-card and EC-cheques (German Marks only) accepted !)

o  order it in your book store via:

       ISBN-number: 3-7723-8252-5
       Title      : The Internet MPEG Audio Archive Version 1.0
       Publisher  : Francis Verlag
       Author     : PHADE Software, Inh. Frank Gadegast

o  try our WWW-server and get the latest info via

o  you can order at your local computer or CD-Rom shop
   (try to convince your local dealer to order directly fom PHADE Software)

    ORDER-FORM for "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive" CD-Rom [Version 1.0]
                        Tuesday  February  20th  1996

Please fill out this form carefully to order "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive"
Version 1.0. Then send it via letter to:

  PHADE Software
  Inh. Frank Gadegast
  Leibnizstr. 30
  10625 Berlin, GERMANY

  Fon/Fax: ++ 49 30 312 81 03
  E-Mail :
  Web    :

The price of the MPEG-CD-Rom is DM 49.-, plus

  o  DM 10 for shipping inside Germany
  o  DM 15 for shipping inside Europe
  o  DM 28 for shipping outside Europe.

The German price already includes 15 % VAT. All other prices are without VAT.

So the total prices inclusive shipping and handling will be:

Germany:  	59.- DM
Europe:   	64.- DM
International:	77.- DM

Shipping will be done via airmail, so you have the fastest delivery !

So, e.g. if you order one CD-Rom disc from inside Europe and pay
via EC-cheque, fill the EC-cheque with DM 64.-.

(Only for Germans:
Innerhalb Deutschland, setzen Sie bitte den Betrag von DM 59.- in
Ihren Euro- oder Verrechnungs-Scheck ein.)

If you order several CD-Rom's, you only have to add the
shipping fees once !

Exchange rate today is about : 1 US$ = 1.40 DM,
but please fill out all cheques in German Deutsch Marks (DM) only !!!

By signing the order you agree to the following terms:

The use of "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive" CD-Rom Version 1.0 is
limited to one local area network or one single computer.

The re-use of parts of this CD-Rom disc or the whole CD-Rom without
the written permission of PHADE Software and Francis Verlag
is strictly prohibited.
Especially BBS systems, Mailboxes, Networks on the Internet, ftp- or HTTP-
server or Online-Services like CompuServe(R) do NOT have the permission
to re-use the contents of this CD-Rom for the benefit of their users.
Please ask PHADE Software or Francis Verlag for permission and conditions !

Some single programs, tools, documentation files or streams can be
copied and used for whatever purpose, according to the limitations
from the original authors, because they are Shareware or freeware.

It is strictly prohibited to use the

o installation files (like INSTALL.EXE, INSTALL.HLP, the install-scripts)

o utilities copyrighted by PHADE Software (like DBMP.EXE, BROWSER.EXE,
  WINEXE.EXE), the CD-Rom documentation files

o HTML-pages and their pictures

o sound-, pictures-, text- and other files belonging into the audio-
  archives "IUMA", "NFM" or "WOLVERIN"

o all MPEG-audio-streams that are not already available in the Internet,
  like most of the songs, other streams and the Intro.

for another purpose than in conjuction with using this CD-Rom disc. A copy of
those files for a different purpose is strictly prohibited and protected
by German Law.

The music of the Intro is copyrighted by Stefan Hartmann, Hartmann
Multimedia Service, Berlin and should not be copied either.

PHADE Software claims the compilation copyright. Other projects should
not benefit from copying the structure, methods or utility-combinations
developed, tested and used for this CD-Rom disc.

====================== cut here and mail or email this part only ! ==========

Name         : _____________________________________
First Name   : _____________________________________
Title        : _____________________________________
Company      : _____________________________________

Address      : _____________________________________
Town         : _____________________________________
Post code    : _____________________________________
Country      : _____________________________________

Phone        : _____________________________________
Fax          : _____________________________________
E-mail       : _____________________________________

Enter here the number of CD-Rom's you want to order (defaults
to 1):

    (  ) number of CD-Rom's

I pay "The Internet MPEG Audio Archive" by ...

    ( ) VISA-card, include your Card-Nr.: _____________________

                      Name of cardholder: _____________________

                         Expiration date: _____________________

    ( ) EC-Cheque, please fill in DM (German Deutsch Marks, only !)
    ( ) Verrechnungsscheck (nur in Deutschland, only inside Germany)

           =============       ======================================
             (date)                     ^-- sign here

====================== cut here  cut here  cut here =======================

 PHADE Software
 Inh. Dipl-Inform. Frank Gadegast  Buy the Internet MPEG CD-Rom !
 Leibnizstr. 30                    Buy the Internet MPEG Audio Archive CD-Rom !
 10625 Berlin, GERMANY             Buy the best MPEG-tools the Internet offers !

 Fon/Fax   ++ 49 30 3128103
 Web site


~Subject: Conversion, WWW and CD-Rom production service

VITEC Video Toolbox CD

... with lots of MPEG-1 programs and tools       DM 189,-

The CD-Rom includes all MPEG-1 software from
VITEC, all running under Windows 3.x including
(demo version), IMAGER and Video for Windows

MPEG MAKER alone cost usally DM 449,-

Order via
or via Fax.

 PHADE Software
 Inh. Dipl-Inform. Frank Gadegast  
 Leibnizstr. 30                    
 10625 Berlin, GERMANY             

 Fon/Fax   ++ 49 30 3128103
 Web site


~Subject: Conversion, WWW and CD-Rom production service

1) PHADE Software is offering a video-conversion-service !

A conversion of 1 MB video (GL,DL,MPEG,AVI,DIB-seq, e.g.)
to one or the other format cost currently 30DM (20$).
Over 10 MB gets then really cheap only 15DM (10$).
Audio conversion is possible too (AVI, WAV, AU) and costs
the half of the video-price (but is included if there is

2) PHADE Software is offering WWW-server design

Beeing expirienced with right now to CD-Rom WWW-productions
and the configuration, design and programming of several
HTTP-server PHADE Software can offer a complete implementation
of HTTP-server.

Check our site under, we can
bring YOUR company onto the Internet ! Complete service,
low and constant prices and brilliant connections.

3) PHADE Software is offering CD-Rom productions

Having two own CD-Roms selling successfully in the market
and having programmed and designed several others, PHADE
Software can offer quick, high-quality interfaces to
CD-Roms. Multimedia extensions included, several platforms

Please send any jobs or commercial mail to


~Subject: How can I order information from C-CUBE ?

Announcing C-Cube product information request via E-Mail

All requests for general C-Cube product literature should be forwarded to:

Requests for specific JPEG or MPEG product information should be forwarded to:

Please include your complete name, address, phone and fax numbers in your
request. Thank you. C-Cube Microsystems



Here you find hints about how to find other documents, or questions
and their answers that are not having their own section so far !


~Subject: What are the MPEG standard documents ?

From: (Bill Davidson)
Date: 21 Apr 94 02:16:32 MET

I just connected to the Document Center WAIS server at
to find out what MPEG documents cost.  This is what I found:

Title							Pages	Price(US$)

ISO/IEC-11172-1 - PART 1: SYSTEMS, INFORMATION		60	158.75




Is this a mistake or are standards documents really rediculously
priced?  Since these would be for my own personal use, I have to pay
for them out of my own personal pocket.  Just one of these eats my book
budget for quite a while.

I realize that they have to make money but this has got to be about a
1000% markup over printing costs; even assuming low volumes.


~Subject: So, the Xing decoder is cheating, right ?

[ About what Xing is messing up again ... ]

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 1994 12:20:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Jared V Boone <>

Unfortunately, my program DOES NOT decode in real time.  But then, Xing's
program cheats.  It does not decode the entire file, but plays the lower
half of the subbands and only one channel of a stereo pair.  My program
will decode the whole thing, but there's a price to be paid.  Decoding
'together.mp2' takes approximately 797 seconds on a Intel 486DX2-66
Windows NT/Visual C++ PC, and 1152 seconds on a Intel 486DX2-66 NetBSD/GCC
V2.4 UNIX system.  So I guess that's about 3-5 times slower than necessary
for real-time playback.  I've got some tricks I want to try, but they'll
involve a lot of code modification.  I also don't think they'll make THAT
much difference.  We may be asking these processors to do more than they can.

I'll keep you posted...

Jared Boone (


~Subject: Will MPEG be included in QuickTime ?

From: mwilliam@envy.Reed.Edu (Son of Sam)
Date: 24 Mar 1994 09:07:39 GMT

I read a press release for Quicktime 2.3 (due to developers this month :)  
and Apple claims that with this new version of their extension one can
get 15 fps at 640 x 480 on an LC 475! and Full motion (30 fps) at the next  
screen size down.... 

	That's decent for a low horsepower machine.  Whether or not this  
proves itself in practice, we'll see...

	But the real point of this post revolves around apple's  
announcement that QT2.3 incorporates MPEG technology... That's right, now,  
instead of needing to convert MPEG to QT, Macs will be MPEG savvy.  It  
also mentions that you'll be able to encode MPEG's (with sound) with your  


~Subject: What about good MPEG Hardware encoders (Optivision) ?

OptImage does sell one (2 actually: Mac&PC)) MPEG-hardware-boards along 
with other tools (multiplexer, disc builder, disc burner...)

please change the contact point to: or

We have a Real-Time full SIF MPEG encoding board from Optivision.
The board can only do I and P frames now, but B frames will be supplied
once new Microcode is available from C-Cube.

How much is the Encoder board ? Probably very expensive.. ?

[ about 20.000 $ !!! ]

The streams from this board have a few artifacts, but over-all look
quite good.

Their telephone number in the US is:

    (415) 855-0200


~Subject: What's about CD-I ?

From: Morten Hjerde <>
Date: 17 Sep 93 13:08:21 EDT
Subject: Re: MPEG-FAQ Audio-part ?

The people I know is working on MPEG is Philips/Compression Labs for their
"digital video" CD-I's. Digigram in France is producing some nice MPEG cards
for the PC. You would want to avoid their older PCX3 cards because their
MPEG implementation were a little odd. Their new PCX5 and PCX3 should be
fine. Cardinal are introducing an MPEG driver for their new PC card. The driver
has not been released. It's developed by Xing. I've played around with
earlier Xing MPEG Audio stuff and it looked and sounded nice. C-Cube also
have written an MPEG codec (for the AD2015 I believe). I don't know if they
are doing anything with it. For broadcast
industry use there are several others, also a couple of German vendors that
makes stand-alone units. I don't have their names here. Here in Norway Tandberg
are making a logger w. MPEG compression.
(I have no connection to any of the above)
Source code? I was hoping you could tell me that <g>.

~Subject: What is the PCMotion Player ?

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 93 16:12:22 PDT

I recently bought the Optibase PCMotion Player.  This is the real 
time MPEG 1 decompressor.  I have only tested it with a couple of 
clips so far but it seems to work very well.  The decoded picture is 
the best I have seen so far.  There are very few artifacts. The two 
clips I have tested to date are tigers.mps ( a system level stream 
they included with the board) and starwars.mpg (an older video level 
clip I had sitting around.) The tigers clip was very good while the 
Star Wars was not nearly as good.  I don't know if this reflects 
advances in encoder technology or that Optibase does some funny 
stuff with their files.  

The board was very easy to install and ran pretty much the first 
time.  The only problems I had with the company are that they are 
very difficult to contact and seem to be understaffed.  I constantly 
hear the excuse that Mr X has not been able to contact me because he 
is very busy since he is on N different projects.  Also they seem to 
be a funny company in that their employees seem to continually shift 
between their Isreal and two US offices.  As you can imagine, it is 
very difficult to contact people who constantly change continents!

The other big problem with the board is that it can only take data 
in through the ISA bus.  It is not clear how to use this sort of 
card in a network unless one is willing to dedicate the entire PC to 
just one application.  The bus on my PC seems quite full when I use 
this card.  I think using either a T1, MVIP, SCSI, etc interface 
might make a more usuable card.  

Overall, for the kind of money they want, it seems to be a 
worthwhile board except the utility is limited to evaluation of MPEG 
and some composing rather than watching actual movies since 
networking is weak.


~Subject: What is the MPEG-2 ISO number ?

From: Tom Pfeifer <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 16:26:01 +0200

Heres the number of the MPEG-2 commission draft:

Workgroup ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC29N 660

Standard ISO-CD 13818 - {1,2,3} (like usual {system, video, audio})


~Subject: Some papers about MPEG-audio

From: scott.k.diamond@email.HUB.TEK.COM
Subject: MPEG Audio
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 18:47:02 -0800

ISO-MPEG-1 Audio: A Generic Standard for Coding of High Quality 
	Digital Audio
Karlheinz Brandenburg and Gerhard Stoll
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
October 1994, Volume 42, Number 10
Pages 780-792

Guide to MPEG-1 Audio Standard
Seymour Shlien
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
December 1994, Volumne 40, Number 4
Pages 206-218

Wideband Speech and Audio Coding
Peter Noll
IEEE Communications Magazine
November 1993, Volume 31, Number 11
Pages 34-44

Signal Compression Based on Models of Human Perception
Nikil Jayant, James Johnston and Robert Safranek
Proceedings of the IEEE
October 1993, Volume 81, Number 10
Pages 1385-1421

Overview of the MPEG/Audio Compression Algorithm
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 2187, 1994
pages 260-273

               Scott Diamond
    \  	 /       Tektronix, Audio Measurement Group
     / \         P.O. Box 500, M.S. 58-639
    < s >        Beaverton, Oregon 97077-0001
     \ /         wk: (503) 627-6304  hm: (503) 643-6779
   /     \


~Subject: Where can I find more documents about what Berkeley is doing ?

From: Larry Rowe <larry@plateau.cs.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 17:39:36 -0800

o papers/ - copies of slides from a highlight talk at
  the UC Berkeley Industrial Liason Program on multimedia computing.  Main
  topics: importance of mosaic/www, video-on-demand architectures and problems,
  and desktop video conferencing.

o papers/ - A paper describing the heuristics we used
  to implement synchronized mpeg video and sparc audio playback in the
  CMPlayer system.

o papers/ - A paper describing the architecture of the
  the Berkeley Distributed VOD System that is designed to store thousands
  of hours of video material on tertiary storage devices that can be staged
  to video file servers.

o papers/ - A paper that describes the metadata database
  in the Berkeley Distributed VOD System.  The database contains a variety
  of indexes to the video material which a user can query to locate material
  of interest.

o papers/VideoCompression-Usenix94.*.ps.Z - Copies of slides from an invited
  talk on Video Compression given at Usenix '94 by L. Rowe.  The BW file has
  a black and white version of the slides with 2 to a page, and the Color file
  a color version with 1 slide to a page.

o papers/dv-at-ucb.txt -- A survey of digital video research in the EECS
  Department at U.C. Berkeley.  This article will appear in the 1994 EECS/ERL
  Research Summary.

o papers/

o papers/ - a revised version of the Berkeley VOD Server
  proposal first released on August 20, 1993.

o papers/ -- a rough draft of a proposal to be submitted
  to NSF to build a video-on-demand system.  Novel feature of the system
  is that it includes a large tertiary storage archive and a metadata
  database with an ad hoc query browser to search for particular videos.
  The archive server talks to several video file servers so that an
  organization can share file servers.

o papers/ is a copy of the slides used for the talk at the ACM
  Multimedia 93 conference for the previous paper. The performance
  numbers comparing the mpeg player on different platforms were updated 
  the week before the conference so they reflect the most recent results.

o papers/{Mpeg94.txt,VODarch94.txt,VODdb94.txt} -- abstracts submitted
  to SPIE '94 that describe recent work on integrating our mpeg video 
  decoder into the CMPlayer and the design of the UCB video-on-demand system.


~Subject: Who are CD-I producers ?

There is a company called:

	ProLearn, Herr Vigneron

[ I would really like to start a list here. Please feedback me ;o) ]


~Subject: Where can I get VideoCD and CD-I coding ?

Get your own VideoCD or CD-I done via the service bureau !

We offer you the full service to produce an MPEG VideoCD or a CD-I disk with
MPEG full-motion video on it for you.

Just provide the video tapes (S-VHS / Hi-8) and get your own VideoCD back,
playable on Sigma Design's Reel Magic MPEG card, Amiga CD-32 and
Phillips CD-I player. (soon coming out: GOLDSTAR- and JVC- and SAMSUNG-VideoCD 
players for around 350 US$ enduser price)

(In this moment we only offer PAL standard VideoCDs and CD-Is, which also could
be played with NTSC players; call for NTSC version)

Please call for current rates:

Hartmann Multimedia Service
Mr. Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann
Berlin, Germany

Tel: ++ 49 30 344 23 66



~Subject: Who offers MPEG encoding via Internet ?

The sponsor of the MPEG Archive, NB Digital Solutions, offer
encoding services for AVI, MPEG, MPEG-2 and more under


~Subject: Where can I do MPEG encoding ?

We are offering MPEG-1 encoding from VHS, S-VHS, Video8 and Hi-8 tape.

You send us your tape, we will encode it to MPEG-1 standard IBP MPEG  
SYSTEM stream, compatible with White book or Reel Magic format.

Standard Format 352x288 PAL or 352x240 NTSC will be supported

Then we can also write it for you on a CD-ROM disk, so that you can play  
it on a Philips CD-I player with Digital Video Cartridge or via an MPEG  
player card like the Sigma Reel Magic card inside a PC via a CD-ROM drive.
Up to 70 minutes of Digital MPEG Video and Audio will fit on a single CD  
disk !

Rates are:

70 DM per Minute (with at least 15 minutes for one order)
60 DM per Minute (if it gets more than 30 minutes)

Writing it on CD-Rom is an additional 150 DM charge per order.

All prices without VAT.
(Current exchange rate is about 1.60 DM / 1 US$)

Please let me know, what you need.

Best regards, Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann, c/o Hartmann Multimedia Service,  
Berlin, Germany

email to:

FAX:   ++ 49 30- 344 92 79
Phone: ++ 49 30- 344 23 66


~Subject: What the problem with all these file extensions for MPEG-files ?

Hm, nobody standarized the file extensions yet, the are just common use.
the first MPEG-users (Xing) just used .mpg for a file extension, but
they had their special (non MPEG-standard) format. Then the "invented"
.mp2 for audio only files (well .mp2 looks more like MPEG-2, does it ?
Some had file-extension they wanted, some ignored MS-DOS file systems ...

The following extensions are there:
.mpg       could be everything ;o) usally only Xing-format (only I-frame)
.mps       MPEG-1 IPB Systemstream (video and audio)
.m1v       MPEG-1 IPB only video or systemstream
.mpv       MPEG-1 IPB only video (sometime even .vmp)
.mp2       MPEG-1 only audio (mostly layer 1 or 2)
.mpa       MPEG-1 only audio (mostly layer 1 or 2) (sometimes even .amp)
.l3        MPEG-1 only audio (layer 3)
.m2v       MPEG-2 IPB only video (is there some MPEG-2 audio out ?)

My own idea for file extension looks like this: 
.m1s       MPEG-1 IPB systemstream (video and audio)
.m1v       MPEG-1 IPB videostream
.m1a       MPEG-1 IPB audiostream

.m2s       MPEG-2 IPB systemstream (video and audio)
.m2v       MPEG-2 IPB videostream
.m2a       MPEG-2 IPB audiostream

There is no real need for a support of I-frame only streams anymore.
There are PD-players with IPB-frame support for every platform now
and the new players can play the old streams too.

Roman Czyborra is working on getting these extension registered for
WWW-use, so let's see ...

Look up the URL= for
how this process is going on.


~Subject: How can I do RTP encapsulation of MPEG1/MPEG2 ?

There is a Internet Draft about that. It is usally called:


Here's the excerpt:

This draft describes a packetization scheme for MPEG video and audio
streams.  The scheme proposed can be used to transport such a video or audio
flow over the transport protocols supported by RTP.  Two profiles are
described. The first is designed to support maximum interoperability with
MPEG2 System environments.  The second is designed to maximize simplicity of
implementation and to leverage other efforts within IETF.

~Subject: Wo kann ich den MPEG-standard bestellen ?

[ Only for Germans... ]

Ihr koennt den MPEG-draft-I beim Beuth Verlag bekommem.




~Subject: What are some good books about MPEG ?

Titel:   Bilddatenkompression mit JPEG und MPEG (german)
Autor:   Heiner Kuester
Verlag:  Franzis
Preis:   78.00 DM incl. 1 CD (Player, mpeg-streams etc.)

Titel:   MPEG compression
Author:  Bill Pennebaker, Joan Mitchell
Date:    July 1994


~Subject: Where are some good artikels about MPEG ?

Titel:  MPEG - ein packendes Format (german)
Paper:  UNIXOpen - 12/95
Author: Frank Gadegast

Title:  MPEG 2 - ein breites Spektrum (german)
Paper:  UNIXOpen - 05/96
Author: Frank Gadegast

Titel:  50 Hot Digital Video Web Sites
Paper:  DV, July Issue 1995


~Subject: What newsgroups discuss MPEG ?

Well, first you can check the related news-groups:,, comp.compression, comp.multimedia,
  comp.sys.amiga.multimedia, comp.mail.multi-media,

The first part of this FAQ about MPEG came from Mark Adler, published
in the FAQ for the newsgroup 'comp.compression'.


~Subject: How can 'archie' help me ?

Then you can ask 'archie' to find all NEW mpeg-releated software
by sending the following mail (with no title):

  set search sub
  prog mpeg mpg

to one of the following archie-mail-servers:

Or look for it with archie on the Internet like this:

set search sub
prog mpeg mpg




These are some questions, ideas or whatever problems, where still no
solutions is found or nobody knows an answer. Please contact me via e-mail
if YOU find a solution for:

1) Are there multimedia-specialized mailboxes out there ? Please send
   a filelisting of your mpeg-archive, a description of how to obtain
   the files, costs, connection times, telefon-numbers etc.

2) Who can send me informations about MPEG-1-Videos stored on CD-I CD's ?
   Who can provide a list and keep it up-to-date ?
   Who can provide information about CD-I and MPEG in general ?

3) Is this FAQ really readable with the FAQ-mode from emacs ?
   Can you read it with a good news-reader question by question ?
   Did not try this out ...

4) How many people would like to have a CD-Rom containing material
   for testing MPEG-encoders ? Source material, example streams
   for several needs, for several formats, comparable encoding
   results and messurements and all needed encoding, decoding
   tools could be supplied. If there are enough, we might do some.
   We already have enough reference material, frames and utils and
   ideal streams to compare results.

Please mail to:

if you have more information, than I have.


The end of ...

        THE MPEG-FAQ
        PHADE Software
        Inh. Dipl-Inform. Frank Gadegast
        Leibnizstr. 30
        10625 Berlin, GERMANY

        Fon/Fax   ++ 49 30 3128103
        Web site


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM