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Motif FAQ (Part 9 of 9)
Section - 332) Which other widget features do gadgets lack?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 9 of 9)
Previous Document: 331) Can I use a gadget as the parent of a dialog shell?
Next Document: 333) Where can I get the xmon or xscope programs to trace my X
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[Last modified: Dec 97]

Answer: Here's a list from Asente & Swick (p. 397).  Note that many of these
restrictions are primarily of interest to widget (and gadget) writers, not to
application writers.

1.  gadgets have no background or border colors or pixmaps
2.  gadgets cannot have event handlers
3.  gadgets have no translations, accelerators, or actions
4.  gadgets cannot have pop-up children
5.  gadgets cannot do grabs
6.  gadgets cannot redirect the Intrincis keyboard focus or take the X focus
7.  gadgets cannot own or request selections
8.  gadgets do not need to be and cannot be realized
9.  gadgets cannot have their window, display, or screen queried (but
there are separate functions for computing these)
10. gadgets have no stacking order

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 9 of 9)
Previous Document: 331) Can I use a gadget as the parent of a dialog shell?
Next Document: 333) Where can I get the xmon or xscope programs to trace my X

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM